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January 09, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-09

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MJH AN At the Grand Opera House. . O( Ii. CAL END Xi
Tme Table (Reised) Nov. 18184 t ' ( l~l iiit111scn S- S1 .1. i1-1 8 l .SL BASHfrt]Emrsoinoks
EAST. RWEST. ihatl11liillw at till Metropolinla st1 118 i"I A. ouse. lL If
Mail and E -x 3 lib Atalltierillttl eWiS 5511T4is3a. 1. Ldclphil l ii 1111
N. Y. Special. 5 1 N. Y.tapeeoi _7 30 ihellost brilliant an1(1 faslionille eer nr ca('H T P IG , Re:,
itA ,r F . 18 2,iN. 8. Limited. 3 nr ilie SP IG,5R .
A. M. Ilacfi F Es - IA15 Ia sslllbliellwithin liiv als aof 11l ' lFr.. Ja1.111. 11 AiiM-i-I. Ion a jO 81111
Atlantic FExeIS-.Mss( 117elll47Iaa lhI-tlii 111TEXAS11 8 11 10
1,1. AF -
O. AV 111c~r,111 I 51 a. 81111 in1thlinerllSpoatioans of the dIrllI - St, J.1111.-12. Ic11 an1111 1111 clb, LI.OS .ANELE S
G, p & T. Agt 1211(8 o n t,A n A rAbor lIlll11(11 h all full11118101e'for lile IlefiS to111 .ldieo- .Assoc11iaion1. 1.AN- ._-13
T. A. A. & N X. RY.It liladed Iltoethler118.l1118deutl olySANlSFRANC11C11
11111111S1un1171tl-- 11 1-111II 1 ill 5. .111.1:. Pot1)7 1 AN ,E'En54.,NofS
Tainlofetct ~und 13 5 Ag ,114 sI iss G(ray 18118it. 511-1-s,Sll :iS 111 No al -itnI. ills naiI Ne Csr 11and (alifornia 'Ite ae
irinlieave A A rbor Au Ceta l ludtiiiill (I i :cdae e cn e'ty leepi .g
11111me118(0 ililo h s 111818kLowssi tefol-,.h1111, 18:5. (1ar- Lie.
NOToXr t tie Giran1d1 Opera llsI'Ja.1111. 1 Thlunis..1J11. 1. 111111118 aocort--________
11125p tn. - 11 :0a n. ftscene1 Iof Nigara 13111Fa lls. i llb F ier.- 111111. 8i8)Ill.TH WA SH ND IO M U TINR S
4:n5 . ll. 113 )lept n.tdIn. ii (111111- I"Thel iast lal. 1' rts. ~t fclt'p ____ FITHEWABST ANIi.8 R IIS Ices1
1. 8 OIEENwIV I, Agetl-l - a ( pesntd upon1)11ktl,- -
S.t. ii 1L7NETT G. PA. Toledo 0. st 1glof lly theat-i. Tetiluilal 8111 BSNS OAS CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS,
ANN ARBOR 8e YPSILANTI ST. RY. aIll illi('11l18 t a t l'riiii-l il1110111ar- the ia Duc eit i l pdl CliIm s inc iiiiite 8a51t-111 i 11II U'~E i ~l
__________ 8',i118111 etra 11lan es riaSlhclIby apling il etite.Asiniand i: da1 l tnio I as ea ca:.
Time Table, October 7, 1894. ifori l 1 l ls 3~l.111 11ll llT lic:11 Ion Springs havioen1ly omel hangilf ea,-.
11:30 p. .ni i .Arbor -T I., (qut 11 s trug eii e Iiping 1car'timt] Irin-ea
laeA ii rle inl:illi 720o1ve1111 811 1 s81 een 1111 l1fu ltlll e n prd i, 111 01 11e111 lI 1:' in s181 110 18,1 11 11811 111I~sniii. Ssidiy i oi
1 ::llla. i.:I t 15 :45 5 :30, 1, 7 l311111111a :00 p 1i. Anil ri-os 111811811 dll naturai l tll' ol life. If H111y of S, ;i t 1 b111 1 se - L'lllUin't Sleee:le 1triil:C iago ofsBaate.
SU7NDAY fIAIE. 'll At II: 1t1h 1 811111 11118: c-ured li 18s 81111' nss-11n & 1 i 1.1111 ti t18111.thoulgi 1o 811n1 8'lwlluleini81 an.
1 c-.axe11Xgri Inti fromen ligivas s..l .1: - 8l~~s i
30011:308u)111:00 p. . flli. 11. i swill ilr nge fIo 15 ays Itrip iii leii : - - - ('al
Leave Ann Arbor Jleilelioll.2:01,1 00:80. .in1 , i. Slaliis h a 1 e1o1111e .i" $2,0 ilp y el~r - -- - -
0018 aiid 8:30 1.. . ilare11111ofill- in-I,-aic1k11' .and2.11lssii tollS -11111-
Cliii elncty tull. ae ) sileltripl51the 181sf 58811 seal s lprinill od1118i 11151 (f j311111'ila-nibding- he l alslerts :tpy
,-i-iits: roiind trip ticetsa..5 cents. apyt
isf. F. tAinEt, Opi 111and lcomediNi thil Je881111 nttltll ani,18 l8 s1111 aislilleli atil. iWhy I1101 gil
171laliget big ''8 11111e3 ieans" ci ai1. :31 iis t e ,1els.i 8:51i i s3-01[' 1,H. GREEN J HALERMAN
th~liis es on,1111111h a e eof thu s t 1181nil- 1:1: - S, icn P1111 A. t. lrs a vill i Pass.88Ag
W R ' D FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING (tttact illio1n15sitheasroad. It w8 iTEAS MEIC AN_ CLIFRNA.illei-a-18
iiaeaof 'tate and Sillim, in I Ii aa (I81lirollc t 11o pa,111TX1 MXIOAN C1 11A1 1CETOFIC.21( tark t s., x8IChAG8
willi inSt etrance. nae I aacvill and1111flr:' l-nill'll. 1l1' B~IS11I(.D F H. Tritram, P. E. Dombagh
FLOWERS, OW RSbe toFLOWERS Iemndfor list 1851ncone1io 518 te t 8111een1as. gl. Pas 1Tikhast,
IorFsveiythig ted Fterybodyil l t1111fa ilillll bo i lllil 81111 iir& t en I lay(.n. 7th. iraa a'disn. i. - ,1188Madion s ti
1 i&ia d l a 181158n , aala 118has -i11la- 1-11been11i1 i- rilell 1118l3 Ili188.lniSa --- :17Salinns.
V a ai o n si81r tc s ,ul lelt l nll'husIdine g l~niier SleteinPac-fir and ti t iel i - ironsapothe onoyalCosote r t o f
1oftliialig favsorits lof til Liodlonl 55lea g (Ciago 1111ifyat10:50(8 1.,II. t Tio ach I ing.
TickeJ(ts. lilnd1It11111811-lialls 581111 were ('11 il t S.Lois to litlI' 1 011,.]Il-callI .- nii3AiaiaiSiI
1gaged 118Sia. ,dalS'I8 pr11op'nlr (1 ot Sisings) Anstill111 010:1,an ~ lT RF
a lts Ihey sail l-laiprisl- nltl-'s, Lredo i(wlere 11 direct c Ollet~iis 1 9 * IILh~ tomla,
~Please kaep in milld thae Toledlosigers, :acrobats15 11111,p11cialt 1188of11mad1e8111with l-hroughsleeping ('1u1'for ( DIETAS & SCHANZ,
St. Louis & Kansas City it. I., 'every' ilsripiol. ,th i tiy (f lexco). 7 1: 1 8s, 1,18
lilacClover Leaf 2R05111, "Fast 3Hr.Adai i ne of 11117h111-Ias 10188811Angeles88 1111d51111ntFraniso.ITfils 'sQU OF M. T'I' O ILQE
Line"01for St.Luist l , o andtlthe oaie 11I 11till- profession.Ii u'1118b1eli tiel lla3 c111'frnomlClicgol 8111ii ,1 hl'1 el1 8canr 11 ig. n
Wet ii and Southtwest leaves To- ni lll: f 11111113' 31118s 111111n1111 aehiS rfer11'fill c~ellnl 5(15117. a':al tr mCtlC c eiens nt c aslt ldniliaril8
Ledo Union Depot at 3 p. 1. lmemb1e8(r o117hehll ngis of1}dullis. 5511(1 Ito 111y't11(1et1 aget: f C'd381- eang anel doeau8t 3
daily, arrives \Ness' l'liollStation IIlr wsslhib11'ndserIthe udircionllb181h811connec~sti;lin1e115flur 11111-al 48. sate t,,Secnnnilolar,An A,bo-
(the largest 11n tile world), St. 1111d IlhilllgewIlt o57.3. (Davs1.-iThQ malutte l~slo hub'.irelrout.1:11.8 e-
Loiserliext lmorning. Nesss tand CrtcLac~oli. N.It-.. 55111 nofeas tc, f22 Years 10 the Busines
11(81138 8)11. 10. 1594. 5'. s. . C1. .
>tl. O lel . iis'lte.i 18 5. 1 1 1111 2111 AUN RY
hidt liuiaaealhlrIA. ~i lil, Ase.(<hitA
Toletlo. ~~~~NOTICES.1...1u111.Ls.CP8
201d. 5O. . fClrk St. Ch('11171), X. ll.SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.
Buffet Reclining Char Cara Seats Free 1118111fle81'In1al-111I MR AT TA OR G
41al5(1 e lenngPe8 I~nan estiblts edi Sleepers w8t-111 118Ilii'llbl' 'aauigl-ugand re'in
lilt Ihange h edei n ia tltIl \ilAUG. 'aCtOSENE ALD In E. Vaai, g)tn
Ci. C. JEiNKIN~lS itoyhati11(11 bdly t I o"looll 1silliroom EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY !
(eneailPassenger AVgt, Toledo, O)J28.inliibuhilig-0 EAiT11121103STRET
1 A.SXN181717. 111011WorkstGuaratnti cli oousdaIlled fur
--.anuud deliered.cAl . f. C OERT. PIop.
18" ) - ri'l'01cclfll'(I lrs. Ise atllelI i 177Wiush- ANN ARBOR
C ~ 1111188 118'e'llhursdayi, tlh.10111,11. I IS'.AIED " OIJS
A R E T H E Il q i. all e sl o ntI lso m ei 1111' 7 l I al l hIb e l i li M i S oH a ty eLg
-CIGARETTE SMOKERS 8s1111ir1e(wi1l- 111I s itoa lhl l'11hl ofI'1'8 i f acu 01ltly 111111i* Ei:cnlt
Ing in pay asirlile moliCletanl lie priceI tIheirl'vives, 'GuitarM nd ln n ,'Balj'.
cha teafr tieordinartade lllfilueiS, ..aau.af-an .E n~
isilld TISSBRAND 11111C1311tolali~liIth 8. 31 . 1'l'13712 511'e . 6 i-Shulee are., Ann Abor Sch.
The Richmond Straight Cut No 1 -- " K S ' D E .G ai sg
C(I C4ARKE5.iC'I IES l T' Rrato
euunli Ieil ele11)81Ihiinede /a g Students Rcraio read-
iuaor,slid lhighes cIII GOLD LEAF fqares
grow iVraRc nus iuineesehs al.N. 1 N. Alain Street.
thatthemmleor he nanuactrer a - ® .. -PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS,.
belowas oil Cevey package. ii Watches, .Jewly, Diamonds 7k d ichattl
4V !1tGlgrz~ykkiAU OBACO 01 lrtgagea as ecolateral Dlaenilaouegh
and old vatcei Mndss. i1,n ,
A BNCH TLr:~.CliiIONncCGI . paired. OfficelursaAytolay.m. eidence. 1oa7t ,1 iber y
libsribie for the Tlail. 1EI£L.jI J. C. WATT.'

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