THE U. 01' MDAILY 31+ p t ai(o bAyvil 1given for Tit_____11_____________j foloUwing g heruticotios:KbAlb I.l nolotesol a t 1 iil(. i meandikt I-s. suht is' It lt h Cn,tYaby1hiodf atly(ud se\etty urn ire." of Otth Ko ColelP1. or S"tood t nttig aeynue ' tsa'T UOf M NEP[NOEKJ EOSUIAIIOO 1nilit sshusoull ntibe less Thaim8B ( it t Tires tol l in-, N M1n to pp i s fil e (t _ i) 01 111010tht ll '1 ii w)I o ls] i yoG IA S ot oflfi £ lb l tolloot lug ideas art' ofert1: "K e 1)njt, ihrt I in adance S irle oplieO:l cell ts. sntoeip- emn sLtone 1s( il(0' 111to e s out''i i'lool d e r h to , I(r ttns may le left t Ith eeo f th n~, lti ot sli'lu'e(t iit itk e t ~t otttll',tt. state' stan, nitl any 1(1'.'Anlyprson aii ouhnoti s nti", y t irn nef of tin editors or- authorized1solilitors. lints 1s ht illty tchoose. Eahllmat''r I l(n I' e [p. uni iftn hnyareachit hepjoffrtice h11,ear Cnn. o'lc o mniteyo511a reoapea the tiet lie ) ulis t'eintlosI (1in ani evelopeasI u (ay Addr~'oss nal ateintended for pull]!- siitisalt~tll it ois 111a otte. ~ T n~oSnC h G.. _J aion t the Mlanaging Editor. All 1business'O :tit[addres:s of ttsender andlIs 1)e___ -ad-- - s' ness Mnager Aktor. Mli. Wle r lieetioluile has THE U. OF MDILY tuu 'los.'ntittdrftt sillIb' sut to( a 0014 old. W athe Ann__ Arbor,'ticlte ttii ofrttlt the st tin(tt'. Atwo-OR1 LotieLit.'5,MngnEdt. (ittlltltrttriep. Cole 11 S i 1ntan, it.'0, Assistaif ICole e x Songs BArct P P.Snot.'it i it. '9,Assistan t. A lyfi refs15rtgtid(ingl1li l I le rdAiti A F tlonnwLii7 ltt. i no t.Eitor atniItttf 1 1tit. li o I t ltttot il te t(.1ea tir nl igl t ..S. t. [tnr '0w , Boiness iautgul. ICliffr1t tootiio'.. oittic tirl i'. l'Iio-The New Harvard Song Boo. i Rubbers if. . len', . to51 Asioluitl titot I. ('b'Ltring tie 12 t'iti5 I All tie uebo Harivardlsonssof lie last tttr iaITARY. 1.00. ployedtlin taxi'faolury o itt ('trtiin;, (yelrsowit sme'oli fasonites 412pp. (l(RP~-iA..I~~j S. B. Shley,9;:t I 1. Ii. ltiil,l (. .,, ., .Heavy Paper, J$1.00. LL A.I N II .A. Onnter't9. IiE. Enan, '1. Sttl. ioi 1osttti on t'everial slierinl- Carin V. mth, Itt. I . Ii.arrisn t. 15 iitmlt. .nioig t' stomt helttltts of "C LfLEG~E c ifSiOFS I AI. ItlhiS Minnie Thompon,'9i 1i UULLLUIUN6Dr MWahni;ntn Blocnk. Ann Arir. E.S.. Bartlett, t9. Ienial. the I'lliteil iui (itn C . :at ' ti unpuatl h eo ittte 1tt, I'.hI.Farel, Lt '. .Gt niiti, 15. sokholdrs oPtthlie' Ant(Artbuse lrltiiicollege sog iItttiltt.tte:soi ~yp ( Z\IA PE A I O S nts AL. H MOPTHICan._ Iii 1C srielt 'itiit)aiy tilt stlect' o o stld_____ _________for ho sl o IueI lfftrt ititt 'hi eavy yPape, 500centtst Clth, Git, $1.00OENIHiOL All copy mut b t c the oicts.'eftrttiti 3501. p10110is itf arisib' detsiin. is ]tadet'of teidayotftpnhlicationi. t' ti isest traitl, andl is tdestined " 'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" FRIDAY, J.AN. 11th, 'teei -is -tiol- ol- il'litlesiil tin o mal thn t platei'fori'ilst'l1 nol til li'' iTe oly ltt,i:oT het lt' intl pau t i i 11 1011 i fitdtl.n I piioso hghgrdeprlos Io eatiultoeHeavy Paper $1.001iemotinliatrss sitortieti p in~roi te Dstti01ttso.'omYoilroooommnt(.on ei'Aaora et n olur itil t it, ' iiltlilt(- tt'lltlpetap Seed Oeof Ihese olumeoos Naar t'lirtltttitsltititt t1il 1Itti ANN AR101lt IOt(GAN CO. OLIVERh lit sartd 111) miux Satiutriday.'lTis Anln t Ar te,'utu I DITSON CO., NEW EAST LYNNE. all shotutl itt' iell i''stituli it io r {tie453-43 ' W nuginn St~ IBoston.______ theire shoiult'ld mfon0to31lt,ithe Book Reviews. t, IIlitaono., li NY.uPRICE, 350, N0, '75 and $. irt'el l} thasts. Aseti's f ruts sill ll~ IOrisolli Stsetl M u't'i . is te le bei insitultedlather''o(1. for Mtiin luit of itvery iulee'tliuagpootl se 1have i .'C1'C ODIINI *Place!.~'' trtll be1st' (evct.Cn h ri aeofT 11ef~ea S O l n gi.uatnt l l taututt ultos 11tis tatsslit lic olunt'ilt', authlor' niers shoulditornhuh t.forthemililit. itell It'lsit'! hau si'tt'ii it s ti.I Pool hI l ma11ke ~t'scth uabitt fiti'yoti~lparon(roe nithaitslt'e inhsini theipatets t'uu ittuitoh fIOnspui'alluacPou u 1lhraetiiiintto iMERCHANT TAILORS triaL i it(,hi' lstui tustan titiut midstvey all NNhi10 tir' Stugglinug ior'Slt'- titori sill hl it' thtll'Iis tearti re- . a iou lttgondie Ptihs oh' I twI,(tig-oM S I CLOTHING PARLORS tiu PDuy"Iill rl n r cr seth ils t'tud'itti . 1hi ttho itx,)tpc Ij fiored his si'i-uill ted taits. ii Hillts- t trainilfotr Ott'htis t'e rns ]tet tra 'ttit 1f suh qtlfasIts usn tIroni 37 E. 'Washington Street, Corner of Fifth.. spruig shutldi turni otr il 'giitil oIFIIWIih.Eneigy, PlI'imntiiss, tCheerfulh I li'si utuLO eliists. hi u'5 illlit ii'ss l':uuathutisitim. ers oiiistente, ist'. We hlno lthingbutitTailor-Matte (Garmentsperfect i exens' showt l lsItitdsill ltbe iiteli'yNri. ''s;lrt'' sji-respect and far suiperiortwin style, blake, lit ant fitish to the odinaiy t:piutm:tiluta"tuber of itmherus. hi'hll sourc rfplaurimuthnfi o d tel liii'ear ti utuiu'u'uos'inc iiidentus thop made (roods stldby the ready-"ladte eale. Cole ndilseeS uhs. y1'11 'titicitt' tuylihfthelitiiiill tt to iill-vcs f cl iny tudS We sill shaow y ohlgarments fiolalstmet of the finest taiors ii he itilov hI) tm l ticstltOrt' ino 5 ltit eii li'lniii's neiuiltiututiui mut n slit. ry and for' fat les soneythan yott (otld llt iythe' soue untlil~tit revealing the cec_____ oii etmliutg Shut' of'the'lreadyitaadodealer, lt'.mlus culmtru'm' fo L OK ATOtust' L ST rfor liifiles' 111th hiluv Athmltsetiast shuntsll mrare utt ultot'.tilemtr, tinl SUITS AN'D OVERCOATS. ciatilliwuill,.ae s s ur ie.'.e os 'uught Its1and judticiousy- se'letedt tor their 1p11' A $2t.00Cstoon Made Suit mi Ovecot for- _ - _ - -515)._ - 511 gie Ihito t'tattl e tt. T'li.o 'ly itftpose. I t utli lit':ill iuluurohriilu'A $25.00 Cuistom Made Stit on Ov tcoat fot. -- --_-- 1250 th Corneul l coy U hh' Iand lmpusifuli gift otlly youg hor- A x30000 Custom Made ,Suit or Osercoat for'------- 15.001 son.mubl.misedmbyIloutughto.Aliii A x+35.00 Custom Made Stit or Overcoat for 17.00 "ooremsusnth I i ci on " (sit u l i& to., out Postont asi.,u andtuutAs-ill bit'A $40.00 CustomalMade Suit or Ovecoat fo. -. ' -- 2000 lim- miof usuriyllstol.iit tine!tteStltoS 0aily atutdrisspostpaidhupon uA'45.005 Custom Made Sit oh- Ovecoat ftt.--------- ---2.51 hi't lreust' t1 limit dol'it t sh tm it ofuttupruieu. )$1.50. 'Xii'stilt' P N T . hut.PA TS cauuse.'ASmitomuhis tt li( l' susst' tl bookseler'rsamiulby (itum. ahum, P NT.P N S.P N S '1 be'I' 'il'liitter itl t ilts t tltha i vlit'.51111 .tbost ltto'a. iu A$. ~400 CustoiiiMae Pair of Pants fo1'-------------------$211 thureuatdnt' stiateli hs tust ('ihii' lit (tiltA $ .00 Custom Made Pair of Pants for-------------------3ff (till hi tiosti itslutie u. toOu can b asured.tableir ontu tieirss of Donhsiiueii. li- A $ 6.00 Custonm Matde Pail' (f Pants for - -------- 4,3011 .5uui rlor(S guh 1t. o .iiu ithm'r~'& 'u.,I'il'ott. l'ul eithii.A X$1000 Custom Made Pair' of Pants foi'. -_ - -_ - -_ _ --_ _ 5001 Arbor. luglithhsotiuf roismfoi of Inmibllclift', A1200 CustomusMade lPai of Pants for--------- - - - 6,011 .[rou' Mihi. ssm' arlts r Sut'I ' i uuuS.~, seiimols antl-eustonis oieits- fords pimano ariei.willintg t hily dies hly imidtel. Indmianu hisior'y is11t14d vi rnd pa (mm ,gaIt for the'th i. 'iheymy i( 15thbefore t iitti i' IS ii tll if it $25 iintsitt'ti'mifs 1'iiu(, tud iul eetloti s ii.MERCHANT TAILORS MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS matelh hit' for the (fltordipian.tihii Iiii r o'sle' by hloolltrs, Pr'i'am ' St.3fE. Wasigo tCre fFfhAe petitionl in011e11for 'verybody taimahil© tConro FfhAe ideas are olieited. Iff tere e a sot'- .1)k it)thle doto your i'x~tnn Iii ,- IOpen evtery revening until 9 p. i., Saturdays until 11 p. ni, end notchluline of sfit 1efif. mtit, bm'oii lut hijlein in manin bual.