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January 09, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-09

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Ije i i.of

1U4 Wnaila

vol'. V. No. 68.



He Comes Highly Recommended.
What the Y. SM. C. A.'s Have to
Say of Him.---A Short Sketch
of His Life.j
TII(e fotuili eit :ttliuineal in il(,-ti.
1.. A. (riiliif, will he liven ticcigill iin
I nive-irttyIhiliby fir. Fred Eitet'-
4til iBrooki s, lihe-poet-hutmoiirist of Caii-

S Nineteenth Annual Bail. More Books for the Library.
byi t -wboilt o .etii- -ilii l teit ii v 1)(l ilii vaiagl ksii a -a Gxtn--f
('11e1)2iibei illlug, the ciiH ine -rt i ' s tiittiil'Ns "iteive t ii lii- iteersil
t11id it will lii-iitefsitlt be kniiw, I ~ h.ws t i t f 7vi ati i

Trys toilear111withiiit hooks.
Sonic people though try to use
1 iii l ift ltii tsw t ltl
W/e say Buy ' hose W/hich Have Tone,

bigc istilatedi. Niitiony Etas a
Mangeli beelit--mit deiiti tiielii amittoif' the' Iii

tti(III ti III (ttI iitert-tI .111(t1tu'oNtii.-i
till liii phattse-s ofi (x01.111t111lit'(t- tii it
volis tilayslitoi 1itS-iit,)2i. .t

it- 3cdt l ity li- itt--e it flit-i'coli- aisitmi-eitsliha-ve-bieen'u taken. 1)ii-thosttiti- ca~tl ftmaetf ,RlieI ml
menididif b-ithe- liiess o1. the itiilotis io lii- f utents.fI'l , i tu-c t-i- bartsof l tlitti iTeel t contyiadiy I1'.lt.C6A'sofI[NI f h sni atre asOARti es DIbonNpridiasHan (o-S[GI
il iii the ttptinc lt' ii- Iiitieof he Ll il libothis, i-ceit-ilthalttheyfa- c tititlli'r i', all utill lc piorttolii Still li catrefully St-itt-isits tbi i f -i're itomi-ct liii
libtrtiy hing litit it tiltits ssci.il- tIit ast; of STITIIENT CuLIE. Its dietary
Stautesit-iittri-whit-lilehasitt-i tutu in - e un t fixtditlilt soiii t 1 it 'litis ttiwa1 ,s -ipardur i ti-thsuprv-is
fIlit- Brtookly-itY. Si. C.--A. pou nciiiiteiiblll itill lit-hi-Ie ii t tlistn theiĀ«"ate thillitit andlisaltwtiys FiRSII, AWiiOLF505 antd
Iiil te bs ntie the i-it-i- ailnFeru r I-. sftisulatisg fuilt asnd irr-itting rndi-
- il- tie l- Scienttific- icit iit i ti c-i-ii- n- itts. A tliutrouglil-till ifliii-variotu.
hatlal. Ileeit er-inlit's - own ipoemst HEAL.THi FOODStittltitsti-re aicddit
The Reform League- cideiliilit-he tnumfber..its si-messwittlfirst-c itit i-tsforii
tiu entirely tturo ii tf ir. 1lis __bra_ inhutwot-kere.
IiTwoi mtoi' -tists iof ltitols it-ttliig iBotht Ladiiestund Gintlemen artic itt-
titanic rililytv ti-sic ittittiel tt o tihose! liii- iteftiri i ctLegue hasiti ce ititi sdialiy recivietd.
itl dl t. lt- is t i tolti poitsis iuts s t tat titil absincli eii iifutsini ngitt-li' le I -lnda d il ie n oT uTTLE'S
strikig bei ng.itit iiiict i it iini-te pust-littl malt itgriii li- l Iit if-fiilii Iiilislf it ii- Lit WNiYS CHRAND L ATES
-lii-ti fiit-ttf tle. h s v uIn heis tiresliis ttthic tue-citit
I1 Brloofksil f'i i l i-Ittfliot itrt . il' b o rk a t the Cymdntsasdtum it-- iie-ti u-th y teJtUS tiiituti '' T GREC EIV A
thelt h e y gradtt u a~tttd fomi Mdi son tpteoilsi l ahh uti i -towleilui t n s+ll ~ ~ oi. ltii i itu
1 -nifesi _ n 73. Sie.' he Ie i t s f uestidf'oii. Alt'u'tti ii- u-utu I ieI i r ttu tudhuut ft lii uu+ustutu
liluln llfreid~ eteft f' ill hetluodaIbusinstillnlIii N11il eybun't luu l tul ithi hiiilu. li uiuswl uuitll't D . C D B X
cts.f.stis. At ror.
eunut i -cfould isouted f lt isriuu sssii 11hthe da ... h p fdesfh enitg Ic gitlily iN li-1 y ii4)citoiiis utl fel iisfi
-auitih' liii- eatifeluititltire hetiti. ilt-i-i' UN '- thuttt-xhitc'lttmt
laf ibht 1 Itis flit-e, I ihasititul thu bArclAfter theReporters.eMAMOTH rirt AL
ChessriaiToutrnament.c -u~'.
IV N-ine tsh at. w ite f oi t ry. - L ike l l l.t e h _______ ofe_ ta;te 1 rs is p o ou cd a it keb h
titularly'flit' inihi-tdeiction ofuilhut Workfattth Iymnasium.)INEEW G &LLER S
1tiu f' er as tt tll o linfchit 11111 111111 'rilet-class-e ls t fleu :tu. liss t) VItt I-it c m d c l a ut-aks f r tn a
lllerllesIfor olvf hi lit bet tutu'Shilly list ilnt tre ntutusin- uasitsince- ccte .RGESTtiPtRfail to etIN tST tT .
tiltliki- hills 1 tl y tutuf Cal f i-sic. y tacti l idiis liliic h ti-rciui t or s ailt'. a, ohospdi('lldnntex.i-s uhfAllshissss
Adeel-ficDebate.tauti b i h ilt ti ttl ituh tiiuotnn w lvli~r1lbrit N . 1 AS IG ON B O K
lii-- t tiuuu by uiti -s ia y ti hut s ti or an ad iton tofh od ttylll
frl l im-tinaryc eaegv of tyheA l It fur hatel ind it isit i2i-po ble-iiAni-in'uArboriv'tit-M-ich.luui
and-iti-e ct i--hgltlt~ et iteflit auu <"'5,000. uhif-in", tc h ibs i Au
pli tr arye ci et y- . be eld -i llu- -a tealh 20 uo i n F ih l l c -T eli-tld l i i h e iheg en will situututli D . A C D B X
theirlrio s iniiniersityiulihtoner-e!ttitstslwihutuitithitineii th
li-tis: fr au25.00 apropratioUfol
1,iullevenigda ile t e ion-rseleeiin a uhf's t t thtciiithe hull u'Var ittbsealiL tet ifr ve Irb r ho
lu ce ctrcliht lasin t -uhf uat twill i
"Reslvtedih faf Ifetsuiti hutatetrs o- d _n__ar __indail _prati__i_____ e cuit - suenhiseecityheE.iWthihttitl It.t sstudoir
iiib clo-ie tti tisocheuliuc, sict'stAnnextit-Theasu otfgMain Phy.i-lAni ArboSti
nry org ldu ontrouu he u ca raguty )lii Ru-il ttChegtaind iieutul'a ttr t-il turhuut-itieg- it-ils--t o-i-' Cahrts nves yPhsss
A h co c~it o tstdantsidateItinhih e ly-ase fr lcane rpc. n nt !ottu hrsa oslv hi-uehii agesCssI-Prnrhp
thieoroat ThSies Ithac arhistus-hy ilxfgin(atoI - AreiAtereie Reputers.
classstiToutrnamenrda..Anrew Te'sPeaig
-i.h1".Neto.de Iis exhigofed hor is ilisSu ercdsaiehliif-- N v' atrooy
ceaklehsl ivelod -had i e(Iil. Irel ricd ic schools iii svi-f dsi-Yiainlii-lilHt er'snd C ol ogy.ls tAl ous

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