~Ij t. U.of At 1Al VfoL.. V. ,No.(. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY S. 1895. PlICEtl-TnloEE CENTS. A SUICIDE. r Glee and Banjo Clubs. HE'S ALL RIGHT. N ODS DN A Former Law Student Kills Him- Tirktois are no«- oil ;sal for thc- CIll' Pres. Harper. of Chicago. in Favor self in a Fit of Despondency. 11(1 B1111j0 (-hibs' benefiit. coactri. li of Athletics. Tr'ys tii larn twithoult Xioo1. E'-i -v 1J. loviss, a formlec lass sill- liI riieils~iliili '-sidi Il.trig( r, of ('ti.; I .p SSII (1Pl'tlllglt'yt s dclii. cnlliililli silicidle ci 1 4 S. In- hailsi - licdet tali(a v ii i il t:lie felloetiiiloi i-i-lock. O, oto it 11e ticec-. it is thiou.-lit, ill a lit: ofi- 'o so rn 11"d n(troftlrt h rsv.4adsuel We Say Bul 1 h se Which Hane lone, ili-sili'ide-y. Iie lift. a. noth -ililccss A IlliliiH associaion. Thlisy}-c'vs (lei "A li ll ado is Ili- !Hall atl i1l1l-l~l We Sou tht h Main s 'oasi ofl NTIIIE I IleiE sttatrlir Ihal: he '.IS "tir~d of lip 111 ." lie th()s( Nvef alar thIu inAIl. 'lilAit Ntl I11( '1111 oll ass'11 eiilei_'(I .levi In lo1ii ac y(i u11 - isi s ss 11c,'1;11 gill0o I 111 d of 'Ftli i i is 1 viut li :Il t aillo cry1 id1 51~iY F E S outh MaIO I O i n as . l).l''ETvltl Justll Il-ccn from ovor-aitlt -i l he 1111 blil t ci iiiiii ~Cicago's Western~ Trip. hasili ife ralisd lugainst1siul" l' aoll- hE L - 1.00 sii- - - le i- - hi--- s1c1 moiiiioil alliv tiltoi-is u cliiill s1111 I-ugliihiilu anti No.jyzW( 1 ManrtNx oSho 'i c P . I lcoul . ill l bil l . liii. (111 cn11 t~ n111111ol ill 111111. ' l at Iliiiiii 1la Ile iI .! 011ii ~ f ic i g n l u ko o l t i ." (-al eec-ifls 1x11 .>;1~li ililli -'tY I,11 want ofs ST D N LIE Its- ds-eiiev1.1 EIYiI I1~Th' E ietary i~t el stdvili. ' a \v a t hs 11111 ii ilifii care 11111 lisudufu-iis \vr li}iis sawu 1e~re de h sprii -il; Sagnaw Tan.i--ii ,)' 1111.11 iiii'iilii' 1he l1 of.1 is Sl ECIAiii lie i i111100 E COO an liout i1- 1 ill r( h oc o lii i.s Nvol vi On- ii1115111 livi:Vo-lIl' clilif ilii isl-ilu n ovia-hi X 0 oll. (ltd LO\ alwEy'RSH WHOLEOLAES 111111 iliit 111111iel las TUTT E' ZNwhl LE'S, oer '-1 liii' 1111 lst ll -liW Ilo 'Was1 l'-i notllilil bei ililayli 51111 iiir'tllr stmuatn fools and iiia Bn i lull.d hullin i ii 1o uuu-lldou-iiag 'sW str rp sial olfiii lii( b111 s ilil 111 (11 t-1,11 HA LT r i 'O I whcl are in( , h di 111 itsi mieiiusi wilel pille their meriis for Iv licll brit Ivas1 disllk e V h is hl 1t(' not10 liiiolI1 i- cciifie livc isi vo-es "I'lle~1 sill_'' NEWv,'st fotall Bt ahsad(ctE~mirY.ur lllllilrill and al~ Aiiiiv111 dsikuoli O ti forl«vl Ja r i (.lb Ma 011110-1101 1111-i 11111 Ihat iiiih n ,' Irk br c:I <:11 of Mi c. h'TL l l i-i tsui hiioi-(,after th- ilfair il I-- Changes in Main Hall. liviid11-i-oe aaioI Ihe icihaigis ii - -1iii illthl ain 11ha11lois-eiTwon ni-ally 1lillll. Ic Inte-norlh siudi-of lth 11111 111-el-esiill be -a ti-ket effi-ce,bloll i-ilh the frontlvi-i-siv alllsiaicc ii iv- W tl into r1oo1m1111of Ilis-ersily 11,1111. i111i1sowill be* ThurIsday evcniig at 7:310 .4it the homie of Mrs. Israel Hall, -4 Waslilcoass-as-I. Dr.J're'seoft sill give-,an address 011l501111'cheieial laboratories sliiliie sisitiid ill (ic- liotil3l. All those lIin hegl'lttlOt '-chool anld all iimbers ef the facltly 110(1 their swives ace invited ho lattnd. I'. B. Brimlabeconi, '14's "inissing" ilasso president, is at his lioe in l Ill- 11511 recevering frcxii a severe illness. l1 ill0r11rn ltocollege 11ext seines1- -1--1.. RU. 13 iYIRiU lUllDLlN lihuihis liavi'eIlargedaxifiohud li0- Ann .Arbor, Mitch. aliii'sla - tet r ti~ tt b e (J-lailoa f liliig is ariicai llsyb beifull nl 11 01 i uuu i ii liic i itlssl- i- ED. A.CADIEUX, stoieis if tliichaose. and i ailofwg I- rli ii o- iLatest Improved Barber Shop 111111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I huthllli'1elil Ih1cil1 luius- . Wah 'tin~gton isO, 1st doori ablt e a liii e "I lIc: 'I 'is I'l Ies w1huch tliii}0 llll'. h-lstof Alain11St., tiiiiAi-bor. ill Ilossia.''by 1usd W'iis ss "'wl andlhiulbeisettin hi ,ilu-n. lui-ul1'sloiifl._-A -- lihef foc uke'y,"' by- ld. I' 11". 110e: also uluouc-lii-. 4o die stieasiu to05 lohsf i Lw ..Y& (C'S -"A Slilginlg Picicin NorthI li lia''iith i i 0 illhIluhli's. In lihe'I--2 01T rr s ~i'li o01e Hut ardsoulFliunirhies at All Hoors. lix Xli lit' owliu C r('ilt l Ip1 vsislo of (Chi-agou atltic i- uuvk is _____________________________ lliana-lanu l s-ntl,''byl )1'. li-.1-iun'ei uilc lly iand xullshely iiiieri-thliii o-u 1I. Aaroii. 'Imho numilber is 5i cong tcil liii'thI Iiivsil 0' l-iiiiis. IsJust Received thou-h __,an pofseyil- sraed)-lll- o II'i' llill ile Mliv se1si-i llasil S. L. A. Tomorrow Night. tilili oil 'iiu'uulriigieh' Olll.Wi- b-ie( 'h'iiorrco ve'1-ilng w0ill ois-iv lie ituat itiis is ail i~noilliila11t1f c foucli entertalinmenot ill Eliii'811111chsiuleu ioland illivesi ol0'lifie. We shiall Ltiutelaiscitionliiliourse. I-cu ii1.1ii-MSee'to it, liiuiiisi'c.thatlIto 1111111 uiln erson111 Brooks, Olut' lpoet-litillcisl of I Ial'I'~esity tlilllshiull 'sir llla~ taions f'uoi his 1001 v ilo:.Il~e Illshiniiistelf oiii'elUiivIrsrity. (Apililtsi'.) been sublsituted iin placeoif lIbEliri J..At boin' oulnsoithi thi teanils of iilheru Burlldette, wos ldale swas canlcelled, inisttuthiionxsot'shall i'llilclis tic ull!- Mr. Brooks conu;s highly reconn~lpiend- oati a sfiiitlhat hsial lbeinlltheuellst sisal - 'hie Tesenier laoss. ir6qi~ hzzedonIhoi Advhoertise illOhie Daily. I laos of forpeoraloiillxthis seek. A Inige stock of Gymoasium lothing WAHR'S UNIVERSITY + BOOKSTORE, NO. 20 S. STATE ST,