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December 20, 1894 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1894-12-20

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T'IE U. 01F iX.:;)AILY.

Sellma i,-


PhotogphrDLD[ LAJIYM!
72 a h r lIBE LNHMNi

SchalI's Bookstore
lFormuetly with George Wahr, .
E. Washinzton at. Headquarters for
everything7 a, Stdent needs in the
line of Text-Books, Stationery and
Miscellaneous Stock in general.

Souithls aini Si.. AntiArbor-.

Is -ellitie 'Cilupot book", (Mood1
for {$+))for ".it'd ).

1ill tic -i l Iih \tt 1 s-.ls t M t-t.It) 1<. Aashington st., one lilock
I )i"' t111 itt )DROP IN AND LOOK AT ___________
__t_______s noeluti de -..tcomletegyldott in, $10,000
be 0l n0 t trirr h rn ty tth m s r-!u dn ce I I eii II l aIii t Iiillo I. so 55
an gsdoet prices and see work. it i roh; of~ bldr ytesells 50 tallui th t 'pel citiesof thi00i
Gallery .allass First Floor. rned firli wois year,-. iC or"v aoi ,i decci ain Sft-epst.oe o et
-Pe. o.sle by R. L. BL.OUNT., 14 OrN. {s l~~ir ~c. r
~ 1 PINS $1.50. ; Jlu - ±,6e E
Yelwawnod Bloc But-STEaM LAUNDRY Co. THE
tonss0c. I ..4 sat 1 o d \1,1, KIND, A
With U. of X or the___
year 75e. B. S. SERVISS, Manager, be coooesli-e wdonmee tIiIcingDRUGnSTORE.
---:,rcoc-i tted ; Ie r i iec-cicc A mt nNEW D U T R
WM . ARNOLD' S Jeweler. - ii~ttl~~t VNtt. ( aI ci (
To keep posted, read the hen our10 I I I I
Daily. The Daily $2.50ayear. H LLRSj EWLR
LIST'A .3ZZ EJ . Are yoiiaininoyed bliiyour lamp wicksc liiroil? IS5yyonr .initicIiI
(111111 ii 0IIi t.aiuonsiee ci 'ie e o.8 the hliiie with sa sickensing stuok~e 5ald civilly a Iighittaflu-cotlior lio!4,S.MANtTR ET
Yciii: liC.0R. i:, l'ter oN. 51. ision nti wlco ciitisrong-ti a sioketd gass'? If -iii.uie iiir lteu Stair(Oii, ad.iiicAItS RE T
titus troiihles csill vanish. It given a. white ligiht, lie not iii ii thei ;i
etiits is odor, aioi csill al'iiriir out of tfluti. l>.Iii dStar Oil i5ci itart> MVOORE & SVETMIIORE
MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'SWii lliStedigli Ol irgl,7 oil-s( a 1ntliin ct.,sod Mestab c i
School of Dancing and Delsarte. :D EA &,__ & C01OT_ _N Y_ Vi f illiamo st., haie i
etiturdayiv 10.ni-i .lie nl: btoi nerii l-eciic. 44 Sooth Main Street.co pee tck f
bheiiiy ~0 p.ii.,Acloi-ei l ~UNIVERSITY ~NOTES. l-t iiilcii 1c i bb
'ne-vate lessolic by 01111iiiiiiieii. - - - - o I~ive.iy Il 1BOOKSr- a a J le t'tt iCli
SCHOOL, 46 S. STATE ST. iiniiiilIiduh i ici.llL New and Second Rand.
liTit juiorss i m-s cwill lii-- ltit; i i-i odiid in iii cu t - i i ii i- i-it, l'ii lis 'sole o okielsoild shier Studentis' Suppliei-
liioiseii 11itt siiiiii otl' d . i e o lx I .iu i c it o c ine stainery, Sporting os , et c , lti iil-
S eha Ih,. t1.LIIh&eyJ Oifrfielrti ciiatio--tiuheiisiLecwestt i ______ricec-
. linil Il-ii uiuis r c o.- c sse ii 1 iiiiicub i ~l82, l11int lsoni- ii N i (Cl Call and see us before pus-chasing.
iiei c-tir.- tti - e n iiiiof, ctucyilt~lis Ic huh i-iilii-i- i l i lt'i- -1101
I ). 13. rac . Csse. c l 101r oceit o h i cvf orkt, rtiliil"c ft-..ion l-- FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS
1771 .f. .... 1 ..- 11 . & . 1.y .u is atiflitii t Ail-n d i h ielpiat 01l tolliiuti I-hin TRY THE
BOO XS. P-1iccTruiblood i-c ;e tui>t hs lst ;'itol: p1;l ic icitic ELITE DINING PARLOR
ci-s- ie-iu o oeilisili1111 ilsinii 1, i 111 1o ly at. 111of 1 s 'n rcut lccin Illl l t i S'lMate andElberty etc.
Miisy::. iii lii & Co.lltakellli ,105 tolal o'loc. thWAillI) sit of , i es I fe i
li nc he011110 y 115 oo - P A lnt- . 1.Ilnk i, f Ya tle s ii n on l cl bi lil 1ci 1-si l, 0 0 tatc i huei isiicoiu-u'c sLEAVISoTrop
ti httheylitove' ioiwreceiveci- i r 111stole Il Boa-rdleirircis01101S tll________________anted _______________
t iin.e t the e o oks c fe citthe seasoClioll-__________elevn_______tite_____ol(Ifinds
fre 1111 ti hi-pulisht hus eo f n ii-liuigtle- ir 5 i l er. ''liei- t ril e ofiib i sice Ii ilttcijSc- rj 1 [{ .2
ctumeec fii tilleelli a ll t1eilesift t e 11 Athlotic ilan tl sill i .l 0 o igh lis Cl el 1. '.14 lit, ito I)1i. (I al S Lin;;
bo. sell nwill tihl-sotate. oIlae 10505n-
icc hIeabls s oself all it iooiicat. -- .01 liith ielislg ofii eIic ~~ly 111r115 i27.lit liiin111ouics 111oil l t S i 5 cf fl
ale i'l ei-.tlereb inde1r111lc--lii_" il e ii-elit- ilte eli1 tl It. Wf. L1. (1 I l li\. Is C(hvtll I l'lr.is 111st fi1(1 c s i t Ib IIIfv s
-ii el eil eil eI C. iletetii t he lii positionllof lssielitf i-gi' - shoilcie t- s isui--5 ci ill cc it g e i a H o s
til l" l o Ileiii Oiiiiiy 15111il1 s. SilOilOS till iila Cl. h tio ii l 15' n ticctii-'. Sli. 's oioIu
boot Olticns forlXS5l'9e5t. 'The freshmai~n lasosi-ill htiiia ii:- iIsi terry and S l eIi l delsrI(.flois SiccicI'FIR tCLASS TAIBLE.
Itilallis-lt xc.ci5il Hi11 odcaS~y at 4o'c-locioill Citc iil fortis Ilars-l'riltact year. Ilicy csiiltbe a-
A Neio A lieill I Sil11cl t aoltieiiIlilrles e 1 putrposeoi if clloiiili a , 1llsO c-c-l Isi l l-I--f -i-Ie . ;lti. ia t ))t) wili-l
at111511 ha fth oIllile p-ic-es. lnI tSsolec°tiusgctaisilcloi'. tic c'.,I Ili-c5._Paesat lnnes-erE iios' F o il o1x)1Y l: itsh d L- B N U T i I
A coricilil inai on isl 1- el Il obl i c -e- total if 22 lilliillte .01-Aslilrll.Chrisftmas Wrinkls.

MWii0icOin il111c1Oe Wetix o u
Or'ganized i1863c
1145.$100000. Srptus acid Pftsl $0,0000.
Trasacssia gesnealbasnking busiss.
Foel.. eC555115stioug'hlt asd.1F'urn~ish'
i'' SACSHPres. S. cI CAROSON, Cashier.
Miss Hattie Long,
Guitar, Mandolin -and. Banjo,
169 SMiler 11ve., Ass Arbor, Miclh.
cyWatcess, Jewelry, tDiamondasad chattel
mosrtgages as coliateral. tiamsonds boughlt
ssdsdolld. Watchseanld Jewelry nicely re-
paired. Office at my residence, 33lE. Liber-ty
at. city. Hous: 8 to it . m.,lto3 and Itos9
<. M.-

footbll c ttem: l - I-icio. 21:; Ilar-
Johnt h). IS.Sockflell s-till lcc-csliy
liuilt 151 ici- siialillg-rink1 at Vassar,
hals mlilxle the gift if Ia lsiilink-111
So ite 7younlgccomn ot Oherliss.
1110 Chiorl UniosobcilSannliounlced
fccr tJln. 11 has fit-c-iposetponedcl to
tall. 1Still accountiSof lt-econflict
ccithl5111-secondcSconce-rt. cf thc-si-rica.
Prof. ~bol Dai vnccpllort. forerlrly
pirofessorlof lagricltulre at'Mihsigans
Agricltural tcollege-, 1111stbceli115-
tpoitedl to thle chisir of agriculure a0
0110 University of Illinis.
Silica the heghansing of inte~r-colleg-
Sato, track sitiletic contstsaisa 1S763,
Hlarcard has wcc-eli( chlamplionship~
oleven tisses, Yale four timies, Colums-
hiaItiree anid SPrinlceton oSe.

'l' I'l liishnuts 'sWr'ikleci hticli is l 23.
ness' eta salce, is.111iec et-i-tc ii uililhi
and1 c-ill bear comparison \1'i5clIifhi1. ,SyE L~
siia~r hiolicday pub1illicati. The-froiit
coee-'s-5ii~l'is printedinilllolrs studis PrtoI'litToB.
desigoc-iS ty S itual. Tilesdoutble
lpalti eliltcoll is t'litlll'limo l i otf ' ] Q~71J~
lt-e Cornll g-o. lt.Tlt- joktesac tleal-i
a11d thec illuaibocns tare oeod lrut 015-
out. Cle-ier trticiles iin5v1-se11appear
frm hepetsofGac Cllns JckT E L A IN AILOB
nsinucl. 7J>, (iolgI'eRusll lBalrkuer, LAON I
Karl I-. Sltirtinuulla111d 1..tK. tIc-in- Has the newest Fall and Winter
rihl. Woolena and largeat stock in the
T1huc Iniversity of Califoriua. wil e' city. onYour can get any aeoing c-r
rrsenltedbyto' ai lliy paper ifter toayuaahoigfr
the,- holids. Flit- BerkecylilAcoilS 90COME AND SEE US.
appleiar as a dauily inste-adSof asi- t-ckS
issuactcseretofor-. 2 E. Washington st., near Xain st.

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