Ije ti. cof VOL. V. NO. C6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1894. PRICE-THREE CENTS. OUR PHYSICAL TRAINERS. Mlass., and he was a prominent sprin- The Men Who Will Take Charge of ter and juniper in tie' east in the the New Waterman Gymnasium. early 'S's. Since' 1886, he lois heeo The Two Fitzes; trainsing athletes, handlinig profes- The L'. of '\. unow has, for thirs iasa first .I 1)litrne timle, a regularly organized physical T'ale's track team, which lost the cultulre dlepartoient. When the re- caposi ybttoadoehl gents decided last sprinighui liiut points. Unider him were Willhiaos. a puhysical director to takerchaige of rcr ude;Serl.tefrau spiner Rider, the pile-vauliter, slid I I FIRST FACULTY CONCERT. A Very Enjoyable Affair in which the New Members of the Fac- ulty Distinguish Them- selves. It oAN 1S 11delighted andienice Ithat W H Y slo we carry the finest line of MANDOLINS, GUITARS and BANJOS. They are the cheapest nrCn A1i10'C That iswhat o Fitzgersild, then (if Worcester. llass.. win0 s'iey sti'oiigly ('ecomiiiiendedl to thieim.lie «wasinilts'dltos sioms'to Am Artior,11nd, after an iiite'rvts'w hadl bcen lisit 'Withi iiii liihe osas sde'lare's this chiie's'of tlihe sssrsd fssr physisll sdirectsor. is numbeir('i of othisi'willknlowni att- les's. 'Tiie nlner (if '91hitle traltied th isNOichiigan A. A., (liii in Itis' fsll hail charge of Tale's fsostbssll teii i wrhichi was is'vi'r scossisil o. roili thl ithens' illIst .1uni' hei'was the yeiar larounditwith teILis 5.A. A..,lust I)r . Iitzgs'rsils is a nat iss' o sit Mas- sit that clsib. Thelist t ((hile tpicked' clissstts. At Itis' igs'of 123liseI uesisoct (sit hers' was.Jackman, the' haslf-riii'r. a rsesisetsitof RBostuon. -hiireiheliec's-- sit his ieduca'Itin. HIs'is a grasutlintsecnon of 1110 Ilostsesu 'stll 'O' of 1'lirsic-tssIpion toss in ',)I.inthesntiysalsiIsi aniid'Surgio.or,'lieli isswoithino a ti-o yeairs lbsc'oiiis':Lipart of 'l'iiftstits11's'. Ile is salsso iiii'iiit riof thes' Ilssas- elliletto lMlsilS ochisesty ansIif thle Btosn Meics-s Asssoctitiosn. 'll sr tsvelve yeasrs sigoDr.i'. ilz- gersd joineds the Bosstoi Y. M. '. A. giyliilisi11 drtiiiilsiOhs' list rlls-ioss of R. J. lolis'rts, thelIi''srass gy11tiil lonos. After -osrkiolg hire two sysirs. lii concluidedstotis kesills)515the -orck of a gyosoasitol inistrucstor'himnsilf Inst M~r. Robierts sent hi ii to sirtfosrdl, Conin. Sins's'thlinslii'hsshasist-hiargc of Y. I. I'. A. gymnasiumss in St. toshnslnsg anut Brsattleboroi'i, Vt., ansI Fall Rivter, lMasss. Its' -as slso for this's' yiars sissociatse sdiretir with Rioherts iii the Bostosis Y. M. I'. A. L~ast year lie tecidedshtos quit'C. Al. C. A. gymnasisumiwoirk, mand-silt to take chiarge' ofthe ph itysicll is'shrl- moent at WCorcester Aaesmisy, frssii wohich pla1cc lie cassie hers'. Dr. tFitzge'raldt is rocoinssensddhy comipetenlt judsge's as alea1n11thisrsough- ly oersed in thelIn'lie his chsensias a pirofession. He evincs a 1 seep in- terest in the C. ot l.at.nidloill Idosill iln his poower to huildt 5111our depsart- mient of physical inistru~ctionl. Wheni it hecaesi eknowo-lithat an assistant islesic-al directior owoulid he aippointed, all interiest in athletics pushsled the namie ot Beene Filz. Pat- rick for the piosition. lHe wsll then trainer of the Michiigsan A. A., oit De- troit, and hsaitfor tloerears given all the time ie could spare to the C. of M~. track teami, becoming very po01- ular lier'. Dr. Fitlerlshconlcluded that air. Fitz IPitriek--asslii'hs'bst 10110fior assistant ansd ri'ciilili'isd him to the re'gents, wosappoiitedsthiiii at tihsir last meetilig. Mr. Fitz I'atrick's horne is alt Natick, moon units's- hisi, K1e's-Is os-il hhur101- ls's sithels'centirsil chaionlilshipls sassd secssiidin this'aiossall; 'Tuooilsss'st-%vas sconid in the is' iists'1' st this'nsatioa Mit"I1151ais'hiisr ossis thiris in this leli-vaullt. Thlis yearll, sitthis'miissi oshi haistbeen'lunis hsrIis oars', Kesep 0-sil tisth hisrdles in this' cenltrl c hsamioni- shipus 111d1Sisittli 00011this'hislftaninil iii." air. 1illtzPaticik, hissids beusiungas- sistanlt in thie gyiilsitiiii -ill atos tsik ireIli'ofsoiitsoor atleltiss. Hes'is it piresenit triinil this'otbaihsll tieiam, aniid willhlso b is s's'the trsick seen at wosrk in a few daisys. Ilei is very en- thusistsic' 00(1rIlhs'latter hisossi-I, and0 iheclare's thalt lie oilliavc iii liss thaii 2050 mell training for the tmrakt: team niewt sprinig. lHe is iliteily l iter- e'stesd ill thi' success of all bsranes of athletics Isire', said.oitI hthe popi51- lsirity lie alreasty' enjoiys tslnd is surie tos osiwill ion:gthe ettidsntslie s'sannout fail to ito much towasrsd )ssliiilg us to the front. Sections in Elackstono. The' juniiorisaws'clsiss lts s eildo- videds into se'ction, as fisliss: Sec. 1i, nas e oginning oIih A , 1', I;h; Soc. litstenedi to thi' first concert g un1i51- DL1JR y soant ainl dec thle auspice's of the fssciity of the WE WANT YOUR TRADE. school of miuss'icslst i'o-eiiii.'T'hei' ente'rtaliiimenltowass oseli attended. and, this fsact thast this'n1000c(0111 of aitists 51 S. Main st. sssieredsio' hseaisoni malde theirfis t --3- iiheiiai'iisi nthhe' sity, ht it dihionasih interest his the hrog aland shsuredsit-isNE- isirir asts'siulii's' hi s 1to 11,11sil on similr ocasios. ,FOOTWEAR ! Thle tirst-,semostisi-, is solss aill(, I' 'A mnor, hb- B'ethiov'en, ovwmssendereid'bhis . altos Jsiffs' a11d5All%-.Zuita. 'Ihie stter ishsysu iin his ossl leasoismg styli', owhile'this'foirmershrohswedihers-hf hsi his a msts'r osdfitcult ilterpetathison.BEAL'iS SHOE S'TOR~E Mri. Lsliohsonl's iittsii'.pearace-i' 00,10 Ohs. tourt Hoiuse, Mi t.si i lectisuns oowe' re shellrece'sived by ho SA-\ .fli aiuiii'cetandihe gailledltheinr'allir'-Ihy busyinsg your cisiono by his richo-icesi -'and ulpribs'i i O D A-INIID COA.Tj olumiis'of tile'. Mr.Altberho hJonaso a1100 demossnehstated hihs ailuitty tbysape'r- G. RI. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street. Ihoe'iure sasdlt(ke thl iss ieswithiyes. feto'ct X'Otisuii of Liszt's "I h1paOil Iii woithi subttles'in ite~rpuretatiosi ii is abvereroch 1ll furhnolur Boarding House, by air. esitz wassgreetedt withi ill- lause'. air. tLsaisuon followedwhiothi11 Maynard St. (newt to School Schliisiiiiis'e1"'lse'lose Grienaslire," of muic). wohiichirei's'idihsiich Itscorialusreepq- $2-50 O ; . 'IAT"F +'K Lieu thuat hOs' O b ligedh hi'repeat theo' Fill'Lasies 111101Gontlemon. sslecttin. r.tJonscs edshIie e'nter- ZE3IT T -_JjUN'QpHES suiinent hi)-ll111 udeiby i'hi''loshoossi.FS LINE of 'The schoofesimiulsic lies beeil ex- LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES s's'oiniig-hy tortstislie in s'cuinilg fill'this' ii55i5 RECIsED A yoar this'sersvics ofuthies Jafeo'mlsh+iTUTTLE'S, Messrs. Lamuseon land Jonasss. 'l'iii'y'arsis 48 5. STATE ST. all artits in thseir respuechius'fortes, a 4FU qN C E P. ,iind soil addil 115105toiithi'elolarity of this'institustioun wiuhs wohichte r .6 1h . G5entee excluaivey) Sudymori s1o'lcI Thrdyevn c' ioli'o'hi'sl ing ' lo ckts . Ladsieos eci isis-i'y), Saturasssy Cood Vouces Needed. mssh 'Oi-ris~oiso evteis 8 'lckladuens- _______ lcs, bSissuroussy asttcrasseus 2 o'chsih o.E stairs to smsont. sufie e ssdlDhusluich alo ntthos(i 'liii'exsilination of aplliicaiits for aresis usi. loor,6sMynasts.s, sue Olocd isct of the "Cam-ily thee ('lohbovhilItskeceat sus sasinocedt ii ys'stsl-'i'o y Da)iy nsext Wes'io'usy fnight, O(I. lb,'ut T::b 'NMIBS BOOKSTORE! 'C, Sec. 4, -al, It, '1', Si-c. 5, S AV, I'. All iii roohmi28, OUiversity tHsll. 'Coics recuittsuhis ill 1Blacsone-is' 0011 iniitime ar' needtedhfur aslha srts, espcisally forcinooin as followss: Sec. atm.9:30usfirst tenosr, ansi rehmeasrsals osill bssgis ,andi Weod. 10:30hi; Se'o. 2, aMis. li):3 an soilson. A good clb is expectedthlids years. 9:30hitter.t3sliulast,9:s0a coma 'tlssis. :8; S-c.hh,'is'shi:ooisu leitehy licos iuruogrslli hils hceispris- Thusrs. 1(0:30; Sec'. 4, 'i'rs 10:30landiiiit idhlandolnews Methioctsuse to he elms- 1-ri. 9:'10; Se. J. Mcii. li-b0uant Iri. uploet isi traininglihe clumh andss-voice's. tsc-;;b. Frsisik Briscoes, thse leader for tis __________________yeasr, imsas sipent cosidetorsahle tiimse stoi- A. 11. Do-mirico, '94 eectuch