TILE U. OF NI. D)AML. 1a88'.hl'i8 Dail y (u8t~ays 8 eiI .1dm-il1- (l 'lestgcya, y 1HE 0 Of W INEPND[NT ASSOOITOII V rct'1' (18(188a111188 N.81lain 1., 188.111' ((Illy college pu11b11 (ic io11of,1the1leasIi lnoll 18i8ae111 ll een o(81 lio1a18 g~ootl. The 11racle comes ou . 1(1' ito the class1}chile the Wrili(((1' as'8 far 111(81(81181 111 ihil l (1118 1, o1 1811(11 18 atter ei tors 1(.l''I 111(lo not1( li188looking i8181 8 (to1(iris18h, 1;11 (I ;titer (1111 t 11e holida1ys.18(118 8111'( l* 1111(11 1(11(18.siI 1fatrnt is deserving of g(r11111818credit1 fi1v1rho111(1 lasting 11111' 1(1188 1(1fill-181111111(l' ('1 (1l. 111(111 i1':t18 111118l. ('help88nt(ilc1ic1111(1(1 illy i e{ fou111 ( :i(11111181 1. 111818 to1 goo. (T8e111' 11111(1(18 111 111 ('1(1o1 (1111e 111rominently1.he idoor.1811 11188 111(lei-(the utd1or (c111111'8(1 111111(1,_11- (h.(l1 l w 18un'1t11(l 1t1(u our j('1l'i~l- 1111' 11(11(1 (811(1(1(1 1(1 11(118 1' 1( 11r11(11hat11.e.8 11(8 8'h1s'org1l1111 8b(11 (1(1111(1188 18 181(Epsilon so11(ly will11 be111111(8 hI (1111ied(and((1h111 1. 1118hall 1(oon81.t('1rizes(118 8'all1111811111118 111t( 1111 1111a8111118'es 11(l1ssos 11nu 18v(r1ous (1(1(8(1or'(((((1 1o'11 W ho wil(l111 h((,11 81 1888(u e1pr1m1(1. 11111(11.81(of 1in-' 111(881188 18 1(1 (' 1(111188 1(111, 111 11' 8(1(18 (88118 (it11a111(18111118(118u811(11 cd. a.: the (1('i' 1(1111(1lit 1818 11(1 1118 =II (Organ Concerts. = 2J 11111(111(oil11t1111r11(81 -1](l organl (1811 11118' 1111 8(ung11(8 1111111 1118 It i 1(1p(1p(sed11o raisl thi1118s1111 118y1 o coil 18 18 11to 11(11 8s nw tittle 11 i.111111 ('8118a 8 i'lio11(Hill(1' 8-1111 1118. 'I'.11(1. t:1i1111o'llt wil 8b,- 1it (11oil ' di t-I 01111(101('1111is ((k1(der ied '11p1 11so11til(1f (1111(111 IIt i ll 11o111118 (II 811 .8 lilt ex er ss f fl :n'I.cc t. 'h d f Pero. nnh 8' 11colie,8of111e 1r111 11 (11 h (1 1flo.11e1(1 i81the (('111 r~unl& \,.teyt'o.F the 0 81 1.oit of beu la e 1 lhill 111 1 11811"1118appli-1 '(('11 (( il('1 1 1(1 11 (181 I'll Ir A 1Min- (iII 1 11 1(1 1 c pis ll llli d ' 11 (,'1 ('(' I1' 88 se 111iiIs 1i i ll ill lm C ollege1.bu i wil eSoe:01gto .8wolf 'I I11e. 11 ' '(('II 8888[111 1 1 Heavy1 P t:lI er, 081(881Cl poh,Gilt prlir 1 H1eel;1 1111(.t0 11e 11i o ter S11cooerie of ,1894-95~si. ''1 os ET-iThe01Soul'sCy for God. h e((1 i i wey' 11 o1 . (11 111 8 1( 1111 ) 118il l ly'o11SP E (1 11A L 811 118 . HiIlol i rill tldi. 1-stll5 ca 1111' ,llll18 '111 (.(1 r AURA IH, EE BR2 T ~rhe '95. V~e.'7 itIrs __k 1881, 81 8 1 I 'EASINGl SCHOOL OFlBUSINESS 10(008 .1 woded ttr, Slver1. 81811r01w5h(8 .t.13'( 8(1(1((1(.1d50105 doly re 8- --"(((---- leJacob~sll 81and,18 voil'wan''"; 111 (1(181 ti1 . vi: a:811Illhe vc1 v:,"L; ' i1188 11 ;J1your OVERIIIiAN WHEEL CO. Derit Y e nvCer . FOI MEN AND WOMEN, i1 1 11181r(111pr(epared 8 11( furniiCaps fertl'b11t111h' U1nit1d11States,18at 8181111' 11lfo8118, 8(111taining88all nee-8 rd and room 62 to $2.5y( er w8181in .'.l(.e (8.8118. Thrates re8duced to855(by s88. ba-lirf o r 8 Catalo0gue addres P R. CLFARY.Pres 'I~~ ~ ~~ MlUR\h) 1k\IOSE. THURSDAY, DEC. 20. T e1i~ti n I slI l i er 8 1 ea 5 Effie Elisler DOR IS. Wi ti l (1 pi ~ly fIr(11s lII I I y I Ihe81 PRICES, -35c, 50c, 75c aod $1 Big Four Route, INDIANAPOLIS, j LOUISVILLE, and, OINCINNATL, 1I:LI18 ANTr RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS' inrougn weeping tars- diffr i dths811((,1110at lmolderate( Petoskey, Louisville and prices. Strawbridge & Clothierk Cincinnati. PHILADELPHIA. .ASK18F0R T1I('I8ETS VI.. lihmse1'.inI America. BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. I O81 81 8 I K .8181r1 1B. 11 1 C hristma Ies Ureeting -----1894 diall1y 1118111d8to m118 o ur081 t81011their h Ieadquacrters,811n1 inspect our ele- I 1S' I gant lone of College (OftsSsweat- ers, 1 oat Stall G'oods, 'Skates, Impo810 ed H1o81'.Cams G('olf (C111118etc. A. G. SPALDING & BROS: 147-149 '(Vabash ave.,8 1118dgl1 Ill. Students Recreation Head- , j quarters. ANN +IARBOR ' STEAM DYE WORKS. 1,tI 518 1and (1G11n's' fle~og innleanedl or IDyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. loyltly'11111Jill ir'1'eily' 81(1811. 18(01(181 OCT-Jesus as Humanaity's Ideal. 111111 il'l1' alilti'1 Ma81118118(11111111(8 NOV.-Secterianism: Its Evils, Causes A 11111118 '1'8recit (8111ibei, 81(111 50C, A YEAR. 5C. A NUMBER, I rirre 180i1'aI111111l (oeilZ 1 8(1 For(1 .a1leIIat811el11's1"at) 111St of 5(1. 111181111iota ill bo1'froo. Subscr ibetomr1the Dally.