THE U. OF M.,EDAI.1. Sellmaii ~F. C. STEBBINS, ~aIs Bosoe Phoga h r IAII W[W UVMAN Forinerly with George XValtr, 193 - everything a Student needs in the t-tait Main St.. Ann A rbor0I1% I ngcopcthoksgod ie f ex-BokStationery and f cl~e o Ft)orn$.lok.o THEln fTxtBos Miscellaneous Stock in general. 09 STIFATON GURATEDAZsBIS MARTIN SCHALLER, ___ FO _N_01__ 9HSSTIFCIO URATE AMRO THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, I19.E. Washington at., one block a l ' f'wcii "el t a ll (ropWork1. .2t-E. NWt l It AM S'IREE . east of Main at. _- - DROP IN AND LOOK AT____________ An Ef t ,-3hr Wet ,11'ork ilale THE WHITELY EXERCISER3,THEroANN rARBOR SAVINGS BANK A. E. MUMMERY'S, ATIt{11.___ d1_____ I1_._1____ tl tck ,000. -It ha-s o eta t s iderofat, completeg-yni- tttlu-,515000. (Cl nd get prices and see work. . It is nal-e s tas.self-ad jetinacre- aft ills StaO te. ci its depiosits, buysa ndt I tuc ffrm'toa65l be.Indoraed by the sells te hiaet ee the ntial citiestfthe 0o l 111 leading. athlete, af tie- day. All parts eat-Utle t lte-s. Drts ctlted upon ptaler HIIL11) 1W Gallery all on First Floor, ratted car twovyer..tall corr ntfcain.Sfeydeoitbxe o et For___ _ anlelby R. L.BLOUNr, 14N.OFCES 9 1t~t akPe.:W ) letaillrt.. Ain Arbor. F ia1, c-ry: hs .liscok, ( A c FLAG PINS $1,50. P[RII.JM[ 1I 1.Pig AsstCsher o- Yellow and Blue But- STEAM LAUNDRY.CO. Watxod~ IISk tons O0c. x With U. of itt. or the ; ih iistcli .~i trFnb year 75c. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Td oeDRUGacethaSTORE. tinrh 2.3 S0lJ1t I-(tURTIH AXi NI 5. L cI ptn cnb poue i te sc NEW DRGSOE WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. stores__orGran_____s Acidm ivspt (- -To keep posted, read the wiap eaou 1-0. I Daily. The Daily $2.50 a year. HLEBS E [R 4IiIIIlIE1 IlRCOAL OFl- ,A NOVELTY INST EE -_ STAEEBL . 0vi1u.s I il i tot'hese N QN'46 S. MAIN STREET. I The fanious Star& Crescecntflath Robes a- MOORE & WETMORE MRSANEWR OTRSarc now made in all the { I Schoat of Dancing and Detearte ) LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES L * eiS BMain sI., acid State at., cr- ad tO , I, t tait ie~ate-.rI Qatty sper Mae utde ou' lst ciirof William at., have li iturl . ., L adyt I nt er s a s s Pile' patent. Price,in fine cotton terryrtpeesoko as iseant Ite it (i Iidii$7; in fine wool terry, $co.IDelivered~.#W Irncu TVT fll~( .i" NVR I ITNrua i. i-inr Cas(Lde free. Returnable if on sacor.If ~4 U Y IOI 11 un and G ice i tN not found at your dealers', send toneus GHcOOL, 46 S. STrATrE TR&CRETMLS CO.egen liice P. 2.., . New and Second Hand. ~~ Nate Booselaand ether Students'5uppite-. Jev It e o o} ite Staitionery, Sporting ooeds, etc i c $lieelan & COJs A'ITTENTION 1I PL..EA 7S. teyoffer itithe LowestPrices HOL.IDAY ]BOOKS. ~rm r . Seehtait & Ca. tle pleasure beoitt- i-ssene e te literary and book-lovlig pub- iotheat bhry hieenote received at teir stare i-sm State t. all te iew boiaseoatthe sensen 1'cesanl the ptablishelra, thus ettabling their essomerit to purchase all their eite at otte "cace ad at wicalesale pricet. Fcmemtaer that wte are teettly thealee baoksiierctnow in tte state. Oar large pee- ,-hases enables usets sell all beats at whle- -alei prices, thereby tundiersellinig all excla- tiwit;y rttil dealers. Tim sty Bsin sDainty Binetitiga. Artt "clesdars eer t895. standSard Boteseitt Sets. Bilces-Oxfourd iBible. A New Anierltis EdibtinetfOxiord Btiblee ad. halthie crtmer priees. Prayers iced Hysmnals-New Editins. A cordil 'invitation Is extended be every- 4-yn to caine itsned see usswhether yea hay -anythtig ar tot. FST NATIONAL BANK. OcF ANN ARBOE. Orgasized 513. e-aptal. $t00,000. Surpussad Profite, $40,000. Transats a general hashing business. U; oweig echanges baughit andeaold. Furnish teroficredit. 91. BACH, Pree. S. W. IILA RKSON, Cashier. .Liss Hattie Long, G~itar, Mandolin and. Banjo, 569 MIller as-s., Ann Arbor, Mich. PSONAL PROPERTY LOANS, is ateices, Jewelry, iamonds and chattel uortgages-=ns colateral. Diamonds bought ~aWsaid. tWatehes anid Jewelry nicely re- paired. Office at my residence, It P. Liberty -d.. city. 'Hourst Ste 11 am., 1itoa3and 7tou9 I . .WATTS. Are you antnoyed h your tamp wicks citared? By your lamcps fillitig lice house with a sickening smoke antd giving a light te color of the moon when seen througit a smoked glass? If so, uisa otirBed Star Oil, and titus troubles wiii vanishi. It gives a white light, does clot citar the wick, emits no odor, and will all horn out of the lamap. R~ed Star Oil 8c iter gal., Water White Head Light Oil, 6ce per gal., 74°erciokeless (gasolinie 8e iaer gal. D7ERtN & COMPANY-T 1 44 South Main Street. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. P~rof. tTomlpsolecltures toithla bws ttay andi tomtorrows. TheitPoitlical Etquallity -it) will int it ?ttcMiliait halt, 1ridlay, Dec. 21, 3i p. i. All iterestedl cie ini- vitedl. '1hrir tsenior socitli -iill he held at Granger's hail, Thutrshdayeeninig, Jtan. 17. It isill he limitieto-l iseiors andi their friendis. lties lStildtt Bohntic ravelinig cais- sionary for (lie Chtictigo Hlome, still lectuire Isoscomen at Mle'Millan hlli tocmorrowv at131p. ini. Tics receipts to late (rein the det11. catoir- exercises of the gieat organ amount to socmething hetweet $1500 and $5,000. The total amoutibwcill probably reach tice tatter sunot. Oscar IRaherts, '14 lit.,swho eves sent out by tice S. C. A. as nuitsionary, landed abot lice iddie of Noveimher at Zingi, 70 muiles north of tics equator. One of his letters concerning his wvork and general status of things ciii be publiahed in lice next number of the Bulletin. iccg in liie city ditriiag t-ehlidaluty',' Thutrsdaty eveinig, Deci. 27. Dr. (oilier seill gist-iblle i scudsat Newbet-irry hall caftert-hliii idabbys, tit- D~r. Collierws-iformtiirly profitessrof piilosophty alithlieUniversity ofrOtioi. Thei Wedniteday e-vencicg tpre mieeticig csill bliecil at'Newbue-reyihatl dturingvatitaioct as tusul th le depart- clent tprayer coeetings swill. itessec-c, he discontictued till after tue holidays. A generai S. C,. A. serial wciii is gis-eni Fritday i-lining, Decemcbe-r 2, for those stu- dents csho tie iot go Iois-. A fine pirogricam is crranged unuder thefirec- tien of tics regular sosciai comittee. Ev-erybtody is incited. Vice Januallry- numbeihr of, the Socig Journal, Detroit, ccill he devoted to music at tii University. Illustrated biographies of Profs. Stanley andj Lainstotncwill be givenc, and thereccill be amn extended account of the dedica- tion of the Friez7e Memorial organ. A cut of tics organ still appear on the front cover. Call and see us before purchasing. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY TIHE ELITE DINING PARLOR Cur. State and Liberty ate. EDWVARD LEWS-, 5cuop- Bouarders Wasted. Ariicao HoVse FIRST CLASS TABLE. BANQUETS + A + SPECIALTY1 ':'HRONESFS123~ X. STAbZ3LEP., PROPRERTO. G. EU. WELD) THE L[ADING TAILOB* Has the newest -Fall and Winter Woolena and largest stock to the city. You can get any selec- t ion you are looking for. AW CORE AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington at., near Main st.