THE U. 01F M. DAILY. j UNIVERSITY NOTES. p01)u1ar attress i o 500Wtie; 101 Cool- (Hlot Springs), Austin, , ,in _Antoti._ AVCHIGA GEN.. eption of tooe vh ei1g jintelligent Laredo (where a tlireet eonectio iv- Time VTable (Rievised) Nov. 18, 1894. lit"c t t .ilChtt2st. of ris'S. C. .,* ttadthorooghly ltiitoao, anditi otle imado with thtough oslipiig cat-.o EAST. WEST. tril speitt his vacation in ('aoa'tt. scenes she is said to fairly Snrptrise tho > .A City of Mexico), El last. _l stall aond Ex --- ;325)0 tMailt - 8_____ _$ t 1'tte foliog cc4oests rt'E llil Ither- ttditors 1by1 it texhibitionitt of ower Angeles aitdi 'San Franitisco. 'Thii" N. Y. Special----. 51 5N. Y. special--..-7,30 felt' w udsupc'nin fsosi Eastern Es---10 25 N. S. Lhmitetd.___ 9 25 obttttitolSst-i-t' grtttttet tt I e to tt tt.ctitheot Iso51stt te only linte froimiC-'ittago whit-I 'si A. M. Pacific Es .-1---121tttll gitlistt .t tiglire'. alter tis excelletnt service. (Fill ci AtanticlEx_-_7 47 i-M ltt'tetiilttof t'e fatculty: 1:. 11. 11115-_____________ tt. N. Express.... e048 Western Ex _ 2NO IE .wie o.11' ikt gli3o , G. It. Express __11 03 (7115. Nt. Es . 10 I 26 in. ltIt l. iSotct. Itotise 2I1. 1Iti-1i..N TC S i ie itIiytci' ieto l. a.1.&'.Ac. iiao AHA i r or. ttltla. totet tItil t o 'iov t ft-ct ott i t Ittard 'iill bett'0dI t t I7:15 tttiitt. tcttiptit of etIt's,ete., or T. , A. A . W N . M . R Y . -I 'ctoet. tt 'iiticiitimet' t ;I1.x,-ltsi 1c11 Ittit'bilts fttr stilet' disct-' t I 8'.S. ('RA. 11. P,.t&i.1.. 'atking effect Sundtiy, Attg. 1, 189t4. thte-t5 tlos 'sit ~ ttt tt tt liv ote' t ot. M- a: _dttslassi ctloAittsi tillt tt ~t ot .o° be 'Daieyoffts ttt ilie ttitce.. 0 A 1 EI sI. ois. . t1raimseav1 Ititto onCetra S nst a t1ia' t. time. de Iltt st tt 'ielt stilt t'loctt tttitantttodtclt' ttt Ishin-tt. F. .200 S,. t'ltt'k t. (lse. Il.. NORTHp~. ottOit-1. t2tttttClark i'it., tlE1IN 'set AIA. All I sitt t~ny e c~t StitdP - h s idtttt I nt- geilltt- ittlr tn tslttr ~othsrstn 'sthgfl tsin tt is Inli 7:8 . GRESOtAei 1:2 p.i. Tledo0. It ctm.itti ts tittcttv F ot e ts1:. w121 s pltt beoet'lt t t Iitdi --_._ - -- _ ANNARBR &YPSLANI .00 Y. INT ro ER-CoLLEIa.AE01'1.5 P1)3e"O SRNGAR. Time ableOctobrW7, 594.I tAut i tteT.AS jTrs-tt un btwetefro fnn Ars sI., led hstet, tttttte t'tdi- o olytt psm.[I.House.211. CALASHNDAII. lts sinifRotS. tGRE 1 ) t, tt nt tttP'tetnsst7 itet os-itttttet t t ti. o Th tN stV At. A o11.tttttiIS.-itii t21l 'il' 'litg Gftt.tttlY.. A.. 1. X i-Tolietdso ss tii (alfrn. l-- itO -n t iyhi. trtsttet i ntrntl'Itii-til tat 'i'it-tltv tic I t , e btt . 1('31 h rs 'iday1 Psn HOTttt'2111 itSPRtINGlei'tScittt t iitr511'tttl HEWBAHANKRO.OUTINR , FI ARST LASS ANCUSTOM Y NTROLEITAIOIGIiEtttstf(ttttot.. I'tOII . r'.DABl 1111 WilimIt.enrahsairman-tt t s ott-tt-tCo)inttal.I CA O TOE LAEOS E A FLOeRSbeOto, FLO 94ERS Theiio\ -ltitaryttfM[ioit-iiloisIttlt BSIESLOAS. Vt LtletaI.Sttv.tTs11ciPi Indite,1:00sta.tadmt;i Attoni,.2a15,5)t :00rE-ery5, g9tie Eseryottdytt-ctotll tt. teilttd ttt t I tit ical nseted ittliettiants i tI t'et L OtclttS'lyUttne1t-iioiice of ear Lev HAn AbrJnti on, 7'M, 930-an ssil sit' I t t-ittitt its p-t irit til i i itnprlt.-At'ND~t- IcItct () ~t-m tS t.t ettiy.arsi ~lll3a~.l 1:5,'':& a3071,r30tn ll00 .mIttiisis SUNDAY_________up__tothe__pres__ inttmaitiItsta-t lutes StNttFRli-tiCOtyhtpp.y.ttg it.lttttStrings i. It t tts. m. S st-ittYptlantitfrt stitgress'ittc3 )3:30iteelinS;7 metst i n Al ethapel .11 D- l'. tttttstttItn. i iitg vl Se ti ii acatt.)oil1 51 p.e'50,'' '...v --. . it 0 avtttAttttatArborlse or -to tiiy ie oP Excursion Tickets.' AW'Please keep in mnind the 'roledo, St. -Loots & Kansas City It. 1R., The Clover Leaf Ronte, 'Fast lin for St Loots, Mo., and the WVest and Southwest leaves Tob-I ledo Union Depot at 5 p. mo. dlaily, arrives Ne'i Union Station the laigest in thte world),St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR atid Mieltigan Ceittral lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cams Seats Free and Vestihuled Sleepers 'itil- ttut cliange. C. C..JENIKINS., (leneral Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. GYMSUITS. .1 list received a samnple lint of (jvmnasillnl Suits. ilheseI goods are manufactulred by flie Ovefifian Wheel Co., linakers (of- Victor Cycles, which is sufficient gutarantee as to their quality. We sell theni for less than what YOU have to pay for inferior goods. See them before yo~l uty. -A'S- M, SIAEBLElls CYCLEEMPORIUM, 11 W. Washington stL WIibei or the Daily, I I-or the I.i 1.Clrstti \ta eeIC tIctt gtI.itt 'rtii«-tct t llttlinth la t" itle-gy-ar.i-ic 1 sillt thirdtftire ftttrountrlill-i'sill b,t tmade- I_____ Irt-i neittunttiversitit'. o.Itrnll. jotts Associatioti territory toostitdentis tatd t lllytto Hopints, tttand iitttIitsr ins tttructors upiont presentaitiont of Iprolf- JH.GREEN, J.HALOERMAN, er certifietates. 'ricktes soltd Dee. 20, 'licliiat l'i-s t,t ft lvis It xin detls. '1tilte tttnd 'tttlnmitt eatth Ot iot later ittItha a , 89 5. Ttt-CT Ot -Itc E: ,01 1C.-rk xl., I ii It Slt thtret'udentttts. Pennsy152lvailItivet-- 'T. & A. .A. IctthL~af \. F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh, 0i121 oit twl'o sttdotlets, antheIi'nIvthr I-or toeChiristtmas andtilN-s eat-ic et. tass. tA-t. itass. & 'icetA-1ti. sill if ('licttgtt. llliv'ri2f1 if oii- iolidatyscrts of one anitt tte-thiirdl tic. 7~ttise. and Smith- itt7 Mtio-tts., sit tu n-iti'veirity 1 -I .8t~1. ftate for the roundtltrill isillhi'eitatde to fheld ot., ittsburg, itt. ITohedo, _. silOhoStreal points in MlichiganndtttCetntral ED. A. CADJEUIX. ftordtonItnl III lleI. Tr-affic Association territory1. Tieckets rttttt'ltn:vtttr rpTIM 'T'e littoitt itrtaldt tf li-Ott'try to be sold D~ee. 24, 25 andtt"1, 189.1, .tnd Latest Improved Barber Shop. ttttan i-ts-t:-tltt-.(t tttri.lTan Vt. 2,1853 . ist of Batn st ,Ann Arbor. ifhtt;ttlttils.Itgttl i~it' ates of otttt'ftare for round tripllciiREUBEN H.K.EMPF.- I'cttis1lsttltt i'il-iitt. be tmtate for lie fotllossintg itetingo: I totw fite Boyal IConst'rvatory. of Penyla ia: tirttttl-k:. 'rnl. The tantntttalieAinig oftte1-nights Stuttg.attiertmany, itt Ittt-v rstitendits, Ilttclit2, of 'itt, ttf the Girip t.iG(ranid Raidts, Dec. 260 Teather of Piano, Organ and 1iacet, ant I t'ltt-tt. fV ~l',-,.I.l. tN~t;l anidi27, 11po1n presetattiont of tttcthsr- } Compoition; also the Art of . .itert-s-, ttfI Itretti. it 'ittdstil- shut ertificetts iooted 1121-the Ilichi-Std Teach Dviin.Anrbtia . stiltilt-; ticlt-its. i-rs. of Ilat-ti-il,Vitn Kntighuts of Ilie firitp. Tlickets soldSolt-- Stiiiot5 AitAbtI Dee. 21i attl 27, litmitedidletc~tt. 28, N S E ED CATERER ' aitititietiil-. St illitittt. of itit. 'lis I-ceo tiltSAeceptet'Matsonis of Iiiehi- DIETA.S &SCHAN1rZ, pi-oPI1152t ttitfite ~ atat Detroit, Jail. 22, 23 andtl 24. }' .TA L R Lives Pal fou and larvrd tree. Tickets sol Tn. 20 11n122, limnitedtol aet itts tle fFoeg adD- ttst-s Itlt tttrttttlI P rtiri it - rt'turntot later tltn Jait. 25, 10095. letL e ani'i stlssttf i- nd'ie ati AtteGadOeaHWe i. 11 ,NT'i, work -nartttteed. Clettnlnc, r ressing anit? B.tS.heIIGra'i'iOpOra House...repairihigiteatly dotte. I:. i lI~l: \\OOD C.I'.:1" 48 S.State st... Secondilooitr, Ann A rinr. less ttendlll he prductin of22 Yearn to the Boniness;-= ".Doris t'tRobe t 1riut-s plytls -its TEXAS, MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA, seasn. i du to he ripeb atn;,itf Itg~ftieI lll i, nd theexetlittolly TOn 1,W'AB2ASI0 IAILRA. I .CITY LAUNDRY; strog drmati oraniztion wit Inconinectioti 'iitht the Si. 7us 'i'i1iictt shet'itts shurrthuntdttd herstlf, Iron M1ounitain & Southiernt Rtilwvay, M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave tilt' drttmatais undloubtedlyIas-try 1tt00(1'xas & Pacific' Railw'iay,- lteritisi-' ote, is is ainplty attieste-d ill'the Its-01 & threat Nortlteril Railroad, tnd MERCHANT TAILORING tratblotoic-es it rcetivs t '511 'isltit'.Sootlern Pacific VRailwisaykon attis Cleatting, Pessng and Repairing It ssas espct illyIs "ritleti fttr iss theo 'Only 'lrue Southterit Ioule,' ittaA ds~ oe'nau.tflEWaiiby e SIlser and is ptrovinig vtty swtll placed iii service athough ifirst cltiss. C L I R +L U D Y adapiitedS to liet stylI- of icttlp. Is sleeping car and torist sleepilng etit, EXCESTO RON LATNDRYT. (lie opiniois of intanyl that "nDot-is" is. leaving Chicago daily at :10:50 a. in., "ondE'SToe HUnRtOttNd GSnnT aledFM s lt'e Petiperftolinaiilt-t'ivtictoby tlsvia St. Loois to Little 1BocR, Mls'er tiitd teltsered.uat. F ~E ,Pe'