THE U. 01F M. DAILY. ~( f ~ pdirection. Ireat'((01 iDS arli ot t made 4f oftuf P lt-U.'in adad-,iind it would be vso lunch _________to) ask the Palladium ifraternlities 1o Pi'oiioed Daly (Sundays 'seepled) drin iug give 111)all their liiirile"I's Otlii(l v tlie Co110gb yere, by while it is ler fectly jiroot t1h11t1ther1e THEU[,VOf MINDEPENDENT ASSOIAION, Slouiilldi b 001s00ovliwho asses 0oiii' ofrr in es biuiding N. slain st., opposilte elg'jly0'115'lsrlg1 whoii 0sho1(uldihive iijo lo-j'L-;. of PRONOUNCING CONTEST. CIIN TINILTEI) FROM FIRST PAGE. of' Miss O(ils, Miss Malartkey pro- I SPECIAL SALE. iTiF t DIFoSi FtECIAL Subsciption ie'i$e2.50 per year, inviably i iiadvaince. coiies. 31(ents. Susl)- (lon may lie left at (lie oa Se of (lie DAILY, 7 o'cock p. m. if tiiey are 1to a pperteinest5 da~y. A ddresa llmatter in iiteiiiedilforpualdi- caionii to tlie Maa~iii Editor. All buinoiess 4-ommunicatiiaoslihouild be(i( o the(ii'I1oo- l-ss:latoigei'. THE U. OF M. DAILY. O Asn Arbor, iliel. EDITORS. J.L. Liiiu., iLit. '9:5, AIliinlrditor'.j F. P. SADLERa, Lit. '9, Aossian. 11. COLiEMAN, LiL '57, Assistant. A. F. ROuCKWiLLit, 1. 1)50, Assistant. .1. A. Leuo, Lit. 16, Athletic Editor. .l.. Ss. itR, [as '9(5, Buinless Manager, -- Assistant. ii. A. iiliscee, '9(5. E. L. Evoans,'950. (Carrie V. Siaitlu, 'ii. (a. iB. iiareisoa. '51. Minnie Thompon,'97 MEDICAe.. E. S. iBartlett, Lii '97. C:. It. Farrell,'.'Ois Il. i3. tGammuon, '98. All copy muaslt'eat thieioielbefore' 8:30a. m. of (lie uay of publicaitioni. ''lie editors do noot ioldlthemiselvtes'.eoIli- sile foer(lie opiisoiistoatement of t eiees- pondents, apperninlth(le DAIiLY. c ultie, an i>cii (]ue iEt112. The i'.tc.t 1 i I remalllins 11101 IhI' Iidladittmifraterni- lies hate i, al pr 0(1(1 ini l ietra should reruog'iie that11h111 iii' :' .1 'j(w I- Ilhy it the fralerilili( s ;-,11 ineb 1in train liriween indeipundent s :il leo- leriils Aomild coninusovwihioutlail 1111es10 hgtheir ivitations(15 hi e 11- ('se'hosts. 11n1 we Jloeve for 11h1s reatl liwho 111ome((11' 1( 11(010s soldlli~ risk 1111' (xprimieinlt1a11d0101111uldioket their lprejudlice(li vIli-il weecuncurl ,;;must bo lothls foe (his (once.1'(((1(1 (oe one' af (le nett 11(11. Notice to Special Lits. I1 Y l r I i t z 1. t t 111 10(1(11ectly 16 od. hiailb L ..JI ~ a~v~ihr's She stoodiblolld(hier after 11w aplaus-hld ceaised (hi' SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 22 dliree su~rvivor's of 111h 1(e law i~lsi 0 115 _______ i11((Iiel il 11o01ore for 1111ss globut J1113acobs & . ~ n 00,i01i(leo St., Washuu..(oi Olol An. lee, 15, wa(0s 10c('00f111 (((1 0.11 (l 0 .'Atbo0 , It'icigug i Afte h (laws11100quit 5 111lii ' li. R -- ver priesentedlllt'e 1hoo1s. Ii r('sp11i01 schoo fr1 2 *'io'shrt, b0utMgn eerybeldigclever~lms Speech. ldts.tE=flddiIeipis 2lsaperiser 0 . i_;_ eel 111, (11 rom i +'elll (111101111 Ilke 11 e 'adlg em;dal lcet; r ea hbod (ad oaam NlalNo. a pee if0(ri0110(i.1( schol (111for lg 11' lto 121years.ull- sthe LADINGTHes OsLes FSedtdINES0and bySfOil- ('ornll's usica chihs wil tak a 1101 rairo dai e c res; aura t1100 P N. CLFARY. Pres. -------IlE]; RANI) OPERTA hOUSE:. _ :r:r ,' z., THURSDAY, DEC. 20. .. . . .. . . .. . . ,..~Effie Elliler LI ml.r~t oa Ililsitliaioue I c a W.1 .9ii._ :, tndSpially 15lectd ComIpanly rleisett ,N fCuiE5" DO R'f 1,I S. x'tte epressyforl Ohss FlislerbylRoberil VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS Dritiet. PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75f and $1. are doily denst lintheliu superi- ority. Itli hasonourl trimtosmae (lilst at ((('((-e lIha Ielsucje Big5oFour Route w0 arelassed by a( citical public--is Bgmkn oulnefBabl lsBa, (loves aiid 'Alilts, Tennis 01.15, Rack1- BEST [1INE'1TO els, Nets, Boxi(( Ohloes, P(otbaIlls, INDIANAPOLIS, etc. th(le loaders11(11q1alily. O I V L E BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. LOUISVILE, AT OVERMAN WHEEL CO. ELEGANT MkrofViceyricles. Thog Fostn. idlpshia. Detroit,Thog Sleeping Caxs" New forls, Chicalgo, Donver. BETWEEN i'.il'IC'I COA.ST:'1 Petoskey, Louisville and i'eilnFrislco. Li(Anogeles, Pestles. 1 (f e o a..eo+ .Al oile'cit stimenis sro .il '(Ir'u l (is Ilullrd not 7:15 tonight:. satlisfact'ion1111y'all 111(ste 11h o ae souf.record beforel 111' lolilaNs. . If (his is For011 ly! la l 51111' 11(01' n00 10lit~irca(ifd11(' s for a1i( deg1100' 1111S. l tions -relitioil attohe1same0time1afdl- 01'I('1' Iihil~t~l i 5-olul o'ii'e new'ilg Jaist ifese(llill(lhie o' tsl'e you '('llll'i'1111 lhsl('elil~ls(If(((11 hl 1t ' li ot'r lil uy his ' tuuuIhud iinailt toI111nrt ol his 1i(((1an111111 t'11. 'g ' 5lt1 ; un.5111 j.ll ~5ulh I I____________ upn.h eallf tins Tely'1leh-i,20. lih ilgI h."igll G. ('oie ASK FOR TICKETS VIA 1111 of tl iiimoe froto o l(11 1 O imers (11(11 10; (oilli.1.(f1' . Caps and Gowns BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. AN-ill einibe hhs' (1 11' I 0lil'se (I iu' toslar'la fairer1't('tfan1111 he1 student1(lI'il i me P .l',Hariii"4.FOR MEN AND WOMEN. EF 0 'lMcCORluICK, (5n 0 tiATIN, Iasag -Tr r lg. tes.nI'f. T. 0 toi do llimself justice. Itlalsoul (1Pasengr(TrffijM A OC KWe Iare prepared to Ifurnish Caps ('CineintOio.11011111 111hat1 I.ure' thorough71 101111011dgesf -o-andl Gowns of (lie highest quality lie subljectha11111heretooeNill0111 to Universities, Colleges and Schools (''ll~I''l 1 s~lil is elilil11111 C olliege ,, clQ throughout the UnitedS maesat-'~ ' requied to stad inexamiatio. 7ssrprisingly low prices. Selfmes urement forms, containing all ne ''1u' lallail'ina frateurnit~tiesaetouu Is thut lmost alpz optI(ate hristmas isuft essary instructions to secure per-Aik <(n un11derra11(1uat e 15n51ahet fectly fitting garments oithont e oiigs'ituluatedo tlb alil (I lhI'' als- llk'i li 'glll u'(hllThe New Harvard Song Book.visiting flhe store, will be forwarded the hvetaenil rgad t tei uonreuet.1894 hiA(1(1' iithe uew 111a 11rd5011.s of thu lust fou " tria hopve. ,sehinijgst and istend- s till010 aer, 1.o.RIBBONS IN AL LfOLEGE CLORSlA Students during vacationo are cor- ii'-exlnos'eieu w~ thi~h~st11111((1(1 eav Paer 1 0 L ~ dially in'vited fo make our store thei 1i to1h1e i illi tut''' DEESNS different widths, at mnoderate headquarters, and inspect our ele- S1prices. gant line of College Outfits, Sweat- frateriiiehs 1and1indepeodeull-. 11(5 Iaeompahubly the suest pouarhootu:uuu (f Srw rd~ ltirers, Feat Ball Goods, Skates, Import' hzave. by' ilovitilng (on-f'alhaliiltzll 1.1 college songs everipulihed. (vee'00.00Srwrde ltired Hose, Canmeras, Golf Clubs, etc., sold. PIAEPI. ec ternities ad i1ildupl'Iadells ,, to lriot Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth. Gilt, PIAEPI. ec $1.00. The largest exclusively Dry GodA.G SPLIG&BO- blzs as en aklona11117step (ooed {IHouse in America.odsAG.PLDN &BRS breaking llOl (li~te barriiers tb 'looeen GOLLEGE SONGS FOR. GIRLS." 147149 Wabash ave., Chicago. Ill. otttltt 1111 snssil. 1 hlul 1 is1111 e on((ly 110111 (f (lie tkid hpalhishedu. IK 'D E ~ 'A $I i toeta zy hou' ls.-hius fultleld. Heavy Paper, $1.00. Students Recreation Head- lilri 1110 11'1117quarters.. Vuhiih'lneitherli'tlle i1111'elllu'dt~5 nrls ilepofTnpp f t Rm.Us' n 1 Lb~ ltid t~t0K Ky.3N Mi tet nn fae c pefeelly satisfiedl un~til thiey alreu'repro- 1/ 1.ANON. ARBO'R sernted oil thle hI op eehlIlittls ey bs'' LIV R DITSGN CO., 1' 0 E jtJ SE MD EW R S craunet failIs1to eeoihze!aiid appll- 4153-4d3 'W ahingto e os tonadis o Ded'.eluo leoe A NEW LINK CUIFF Is~e elfl the l 05stell jto3sttaken ilathus C01101 etrn Riti, N51 _ _ 3W.-'U3 ,8T,A=E A Q