THE U. OF M. DA1 LY. S elhtiu, ~ F. C. STEBBINS, Photographelr 721 UDIA South Main 4t.. Anna Arlbor. is gelling coupon books goodi SchI s Bookstore!r Formerly with George W~ahr, 19 E. Wash ingtonst. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the tine of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one blork east of Main st. tor o r t5.45..S 3V,50 [ OR ttON0L UOAINITS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Spcital prices o)n all Giroutp N~ork. '24 E. wtiLIASSI STbtEI2 17. _________-DROP IN AND LOOK AT Che.iolanm[ . It, i eto hve TEWIEYEECSR Yil1Anvateuir Work finished. TEWIEY EECSR -____ It has so equal outside of at comiplete gym- nasiunt forexsecising thoroughly all the mus- 0'Caltt nd. get prices and see wurk. rc. It is noiseless, ha'. self-adjusting ce- sistasce of front ' to 6 lbs Indorsed iby the e Fis Fle.leading athlete', of ts' day. All parts. war- Gallery allonFrtlo. ranted for two yearso. Call for cataloatoes. ____________________For sale by R. L. BLOUN'1r, 14 N. Ingalls st., Ass Arbor. -; FLAG PINS $1.50, " _ - ,: O Y~ iellow and Blue But- STEAM LAUNDRY CO. tons 60c.11hGasgl D msi iih $ With U. of X. or the 11g. ls ilDmsi iih year 78c.E.SSEVSangr WM.YI ARNOOLD'S, Jeweler. SOUTH_ FOURTH_________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _oted radthe ()srocr: 11 w.aohisgeton at..Phase No. YAoonsl M. C. at. .'Phone No. l ) :!Y. 1 The fatmous Star &t MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S "1arc now made in al School of Dancing and Delsarte. I 4 LEADING COL: 'Asirasy, 15t. m.,Geolemoo begissers clas. ~Quality superb. M, tiarday, 4 p. m., Lady begisners class. ~ 'fs Pile 'patent. Price Monday, 7:3t p.mi., Advaced Class. (Ladiles' t i) $7; in ine wool tei and ioteioes 1.155 t Tus'day. 7:30 p. mn., ieginners Cilss (Ladles t 4TtL ,og9free. Returnable i1 anod Gintlemriot.~ not found at youri Privsteiasso 3by appointmcnt. % 1 ,lo mientioning college. SCHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST. STAR & CRSEN 1 Slieehan & CO.'S ATT-rrBNTrioI E I :C 311 :L [a( !, i ,rr if i do a. ILA M THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 45 At E, MUMMERY'S, Aits Arbor, Mici. Capitail Stock, $150,00. Suerpluo, 1150.000 Organized undertettienceral Oltohing Low.s 4It f of this State. Rteceives deposoits, toys aiid U II111V sells exchiange o the principal cities of the 0HOL-ID tUniteid States ra.tstocashed apos proper .( LiaI identificatioii.Safcty tdrposit boors to rent. OrFFICioS: Christian Math, Pies.; IV. 0.' Hiarrimait, vice-irce. Chins. . Ilsooe , n ('ashier ; 11. J. Fritz,, Assistaiit Cashier. o cwopnwTHkEittoii liiy E RND AI t TW a ls ot iz i i ti a Ir s i a , i O x f o r dP E F M S storis or t eein.,is Acadeei.s tn it..s- when you fit.fl L 1 1[ L Y The Daly $2.50Oayear. IIALI~r' STO.JEJIH ~jbpes? - 46 S. MAIN STREET. "rescent Bath Robes , MOORE & WETMORE 1 thet LEGE STRIPES r ; 6t ItS. Main st., and State st., cor- ideunderori"ast'- ti et ot William at., have a indlcottn tery, coimplete stock of -ry, $oo. Delivered iUIRSnITYl TEXIT BOOSlui unsatisfactory. If lllIKlY Ii IDIE calera' send to us _flIIIUI II UII indenclosingpricc. ;} l 0 New and Second Hand. .LS CO., Philida., Po. tile--. ~AA.5~W ~ Noae Boots aid other Students' Saoliilo line Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc ,wich [I P E F I.B./\S E they offer at the Lowest Prices. icks chared? By your lamps/filling Call and see us before purchasing. d giving a light the color of the ass? If so, use our R~ed Star Oil, and FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS white light, does not char the wick, TRY THE 1the lamp. Red Star Oil 8c per gal., -a.,74'sinokelessGasoline 8c per gal. ELITE DINING PARLOR A.51 8z OOPA.'Y. _________________________ Cor. State and Liberty asts. EDWARD LEWIS, Prep. Duse tills for sali' at a dissautiti it Boarders Wanted. the Daily office. Messrs Burgan, Damton, Dickson and i'j Z Twenty-fist ooiioal opcinig t HOLAIDACY BOOKS. Ae srs. Sheehan & Co. takec pleasure to ao- rAounnceito the literary and book-lovioug pith- fic that they nave now received at their store 4m StatesGt. all the new books of the season from all the publishers, than enablinig theic stmlmrs to psecinase all their gifts at one faace and at'nwhoesale prices. Remxembee'that we are the only wholesale loaksellers saw in the state. Our large par- s-bk~ases enables on to sell all books at whole- --sale prices, thereby uinderselliiig all excln- ,ilrsiy retail dealers. tiity Seeks in Dainty Blindinags. Ant Calendars for 1001. --Standard aooan in Sets. l~bles--Osford Bible. A Nae'sAnmerican Editioni of Oxford Bibles 4 .n half the rormer prices. Prayers anidHynmnas-New Editlio. A cordial invi'tation is estended ta every- .one torcomnein and see us whether you bny anythoing or nt. FIRST NATIONAL BANE:. OP ANN ARBOR. Organized 1803. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Prefts,o,000s~. Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchanges bought andnsold. Purnish I ettemsof credit. 1-'. BASPiRlres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Russ: Hattie Long, Guitar, Mandolin -and, Banjo, 60 Miller ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. a Watchen, JewelryDianmonds and chattel mortfages an collateral. Diamonds bought ad sold. Watches and Jewelry nicely re- paired. Office at my residence, l3IE. Liberty st. city. Bours: toe11 a. m., 1itol3and 7 o 9 p. m 'J. 0. WATTS. Are you aiinoyed b5 your lamp w. the house with a sickening smoke any moon when seen through a smoked gla thus troubles will vanish. It gives a, emits no odor, and will all burn out of Water White Head Light Oil, 6c per ga 44 South Main Street. E UNIVERSITY NOTES. IProf. :Thompsonideliv'ers today's taow lectires. It. L. i'anu oescit, of btitkcr 'Uni- versity, is teguiest: of J.G(. Wine, Prof. Stainley will be unable to leasd at meeting to practice singing college songs uiitil after the holidays. Prof. Hinsdale will give a written qiz Wednesday at 9 a. in., on the whole of Payne's School Supervision. Prof. Stanley desires that tlie men who are imembers of the Choral Unioii ho present at Frieze hall at 7 o'clock this evening for rehearsal The commoitt(e appoJinrted by the senior law's to draw up a constitution for an annual publication met today and completed their work. There will be a meeting of the senior law's to- morrow' to coiisider the committee. work. The organith le old chapel is being nmoved out of ifs former place and wtill be set in the front of the roonm. A stairway leading to tto dressing room on the second floor will be placed in the small room vacated by the organ. i Clark, 'itt_ electrical engineers, wtill set ttp a street railway motor in the pity- sical laboraxtory shuing the C'hristiias holidays. For the accoltiodatioo of tie' stu- dent patrons the T., A. A. & 1,N. .ty. will run a spleciail tratin for Toledo Thursday at 3 p. tu. Tlits wit give students residing nt: Pittsburgh, Clii- cago and other cities ample opportuni- ty for reaching hiomie at an early date. It is a recognized fact that thle proc- tire court is benefiting t he senior laws to a great degree. This fact has been accepted by the graduate stuidents, and they petitioned the faculty for the privilege~ of taking part in the practice work. The petition was granted and the grauiates will join the seniors in thestork, both enjoy - ably aud profitably . The faculty of Cornell is consideri- ing the advisability of prohibiting in- tercollegiate football games outside of Ithaca, but it Is net probable that any such acticun will be taken. FIRST CLASS TABLE. BANQUETS + A + SPECIALTY. ''ONQ ~123. j X. 8T'A.33Z L, PROPRIETOR. G~H.WILD IVE LEADING TAILOR Hue thQ newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. gW COME AND SXEUS8. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.