Ti ILLU. OF Al. DAILY. J i MICHIGAN ETA1 Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. P.-,I. I A. M MNail and Ex _-:1 50 Mail ------------ 8 43 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special_-. 7 30 gastern Ex--10 25 N. S. Limited._- - 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ex--12 15 Atlantic Ex.--7 47I.M 1). N. Express---- 5 e0 Western Ex.--21 (3. It. Express --11 03 Chii. Nt. Ex----10 25 G. It.Lx_-a-.- O, . V.RUGG1LES, II. W%. 1AYES, G. P. & TI Ag-t., Chicag~o. Artt Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. X. RY. Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1894. Tiains leave Ann Arbor' on Central Stand- airl time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:18 a. II. *7:15 a. Inl. x'12:25 p. Inl. 11:30 a. In. 4:15 p.mn. 9:00 p.m. 'rains run between A n Arbor and Toledo All trains daily except Sunday. R. S. GREEN WOOD), Agenit W. 1. BENN ETT G. P). A. Toledo O. ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Colngress 5t., 7:00I, 9:00 an ld 11:00 a.mi.:.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 16:45, 9:00 and 10:30 p. in. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30, 9::30 and 11:30.m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30, 715, 7 :30 a lid 11:00 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., I1:30, :3::0,. 5:0), t:30 and 9:00 p. m. Leave Ain Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, :0and 9:30 p.mi. tars run on city time. Far'e: single trip 15 ocents; round trip tickets 25 cents. WTI. F. PARtKER, Supt. WM. RFUZ E FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING 'orn er of State and William sts., William st. entrance. FLOWTERS, FLOWERS I 1' FiEverthingand LEverybody. L09SINS & HALL, florists, 261Teleone i:;Ie Vacation i 1 l At the Grand Opera House. "DIo'ris maide a great li. .' iteeorder. .'he'situations are tliiilling;." -N. Y. lhteraid. "~Miss I lisler and lDoris heatt ily i l ctoiittd.-\. Y. World. adi'anta e:"=N. Y. Eventing Sunt. AAl;tile Grand Opehra Housek. 'l'linrs- dtt 1.00. 2.Irce,3c ((.i", NOTICES. Itt )ibills (for s~tV tl( a (liscountt tI the D~aily olin-c. I lopi')). 1:.,xwiii a1pply 1be4ore 'V'hui's- V..W.V._'C )1.I DAAN. '. Psi IVI loulst. PcsoI '(511 vishiif. li iii-laliorlis to 'Tue ('HAS. 1. lDAVIS, I et 'lriiai l (olt. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices inserted in this column at the rate of 5 cents per line. Special rates for longer time, and extra linies funrnish~ed by applying at the DAILY office.1 111(111 CLASS TAILORING AT 1ii(iE-;-CP' Mr A. h, Rose wxill be at. the Go ok house Dec. _iS, atnd offers s~a'eia1 ini- ,dteieets on)111all'winter ciothitlg. es- pecially on Full Dress Suits. it wx'il paly youtoI see thte line and get pirices. criptioll of car's, etc., or C. S. ?i1A N1'. G-. V. &'1'.... 7t.. r iiit. . i«li F. A. PALM)ERl, Ass,,. 'i.. I*. A.. 201 S. Clark st., K icit ;., AL A COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT, (MONTHLY) SERMONS OF, REV. J, T, SUN~DERLAND., Series of 1894-95_ itrr Alri''tildetiis xxt 1 1''ct) enitt'i I toe Jrononing 'contest «will iillel t-1- day, (Monday) att I p. Ini. in room0 4. It is very impoitant (hat exe-itei raryv c'onte sltntt be preseitt.t '. 01" M. tALEN1)Al. Trues., Detc. 15.-IJ. , k11> >1ml'tleeh t- I ures ,at I itx- ciii) (1n 1 oiia~ss lt'i- rold. TCt's..,1Dec. is-I roniiuiliin con1(1(tes a1t L niversit~y hall. Excursion-t bt'g, .I. . ~i 12.--Concert fotr btnelit {if Atlet'lit' tssociationi at lUniivesity 1ba1l. Tickets. A REMARKABLE ILLUSTRATION Of the Value of an Established i[Please keep in inind tile Toledo, Reputation and One of the N urn- St. Louis & Kansas City It.I., erous items of Expense in The Clover Leaf R~oute, "Fast Acquiring It. Line" for St. Louis, Mo., andthie West and Southwest leaves To- (Extract from ai Columbus, 0)., Newvsllaper). ledo Union Depot at 5 p. in. idle at Dispatcepor't'[rtL' NWis daily, arrives INew Union Station staninlg yestertlay tt the counter of (tile largest in tile world), St. War'd Brothers'tickett (it'a gentle- Louis enrly next morning. itlal caime ill) aitd l purc'htased( so1me CONCINWITH AN RORtcet, to the wxest. Whbile the tickets C UI'1IIUIIUI~ AN ARBOR ein0g fixed thefl'eustomnei Said: atntd Michigan Central linlesat "Tis is the first trip 1-1ave tIakt'nin l BuffetRecliing Chir Cas SeatyFree reineinllcl'thleelast tickt'ts I bgl~tigt Bufet eclnin Chir arsSeas Feeof you ? It was ill 1 SS1. I1 l)1ia'ls(d. anti Vestibuled Sleepers with- fir-e tickets of)1 iou to C hic' t o at $.-$5 out change. tachuit h Iiyour i'rnte that Whli ~ I . KI 1, I gdot 1(1 'hicago I could 511-lure it'lktts SItoint theritilo 0111,1ahani t1 i inatt (general Passenger Agt.,-Toledo, 0. y22 eac(1. Xou sce't n xflit its ias fIuaits G i~vi. L.J I i ~ 111h1d to paiy $2.5 tet for ft'e lickt'ts. lbut you paid tus tIelit lft e'lc 'olit 01 Julst received a sani j)1C lne Lvt' iliade sintce tihtt timie, antd I x.,a bound to kbuy ihent at Wardti'tBothers' of tiv'11na15iu11 Sits. fThese i osbe o o etil i goodS aie iw1~Iiifactiir'etl by the fairth iingIby 1)1 1 te ltst Iris) I made.", Overman W t heel to., makers of been l'('1)itiititith(11tislimili tllots Victor Cycles, which is sufficient of loss of simhilar iautre (during;dt. ~1-S rri'( os(f tlh'ir t'xperil'nce't' ile,11 ,licic guaranditee as to their (Inlailty'. rtings are talked about feain ndwie We Sell them t or less thaLn what an1( t; oi- Ward ,bthei, are ceo YOU have to pay for infleriol' th(buinesoff,I'listoniuf~its ritradr goods. See them before COInL buy. atnd stean nship trnsot'alltonm. anld their ormers for t ickt'ts collit' fronii al- -Al'--'--most ee' ystate in (t'e Tnion. Mi STAEFBL ER'S ICYCLI EMPORIUM, -oe I Sigtpyonl o ut di 11IXW. Washington st. Brothers bef'ore taiking Lr l l'lally xeded Sulbscribe for. the Daily. 1tr11s. LOST.--A ten dollar bill, Tuestdty, Dec. 11. A rewiart i lliibe) givern for SEPT.-The Soul's Cry for Gd. eturn of sainto No. 9 E.i'nhiix-'m' OCT.-Jesus as Humanity's Ideal. ity ave. NOV. -Secterianism: Its Evils, Causes TH-E COTILLTION Of01 GERMAN. and Cure. This dance wxas introdueed in New York about the ,-ear' ISA-. At that 5OC. A YEAR 5C, A NUMBER. inme tine quatdrille was thelftshiioalteh F oin sale .1lt ( tihan, and Stolktt'- danitc, but wits ktnown as the ctiioin.i ED A. CADIEUX. 'To make a tdistiinction it 1101 el thtla t I'iIOI'ITi' O 6T)' iH and this diance, wihmwxas )mowinxl Latest Improved Barber Shop Europe iby the same trante, this wast5 In t' iy. IR. Xasliiigtoi S., Ist door called the ''certiuan (otillion,' gratd-ast of lMaim s., AitnitA rbo. nally tileli-trd cotillion wxas droppted REUBEN HI. KEXPF, (lie daiice ibecomling sitmply "heG'1'o he C 1 1011Ito1yal I onserv ary. mnan." 31r. and -Mrs. floss (;ranger, Stittg mtGeruian iv ill Grainger's Academy, niuth~ lis Teacher of Piano, Organ and Nlsca danlice andi the waltzixa;"'eciaily. Composition; also the Art ofU iT. O M. ~Teachinig. 1! F3.(IlIISTMLAS A'IAC{A lION. Studio 22 S. Division St., Ann Arix~r,Aliet For the TT. of-M. Christenas and Nexx Year holidays irates (f tone anti (llt'- G B. washin third fare, for rotiud trip xiiil be made V I toas. to all pIoits in the C'tntral Traffic PIETAS & SCHANZ, Assoeiatontli'itc i'oy t) students and instructors 1tpii prelnt't'iont ~iof 1prop-IMU.OF'X. TAILOR ' er ortticttcs. ickts oldDvc ''0, Latest and best styles of ForIgand o -- 21 and1(122. 1894 ana11lliitedto'te I itnti'iimestle Woolens. Fist classfit and firstclass- not later' thanIanht 8. 1895O. work guaranteed. Cleaning, pressin and T. &A. A BULE'i'N. Irepairing neatly done. T. &A. . PU LT,: N,48 . State stS.S- . -'toor,AirnArhor. For the Christmias and New Ye-1"ar 22 Years in the Business^ holidays rates (f one anti one-it fartte for the rotte~d tripll vi be tiade to I a all points in 3Michigan0anth(ental CT;AU D Y Traffic Associatiotn territory. Tickets to be sold De. 2, 25 and ;1, 1891, and Jal. 1, 1895, limited to ietlilil not :cier' M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4W Ave. than Jan. 2, 1S96. MERCHANT TALORNG Rates ot one tare for rtoltnd trip xwill Cleaning, Pressing and tetsmircg, be made for thte followxing meetings: done neatly by T.Lhe annual meeting of the knights AUOi. SCIOENEWALP, 36 E. Wasington tf tile Grip t Grand Rapids, Decc. 261 EXCELSIOR + LAUNWDRY ! and 27, upon11 presentationl ofnieniber- 20 LASTIHU RON STREET.. shill certifica tes issuetd by the Mlich- Good Work Guaianbmted. Goods1 caled fox gan Knights oft the Grip. Tickets sold anrd delivered. A. N. COVERT, Prp. Dec. 26 amnd 27. limited to ,Dec. 2S,- 1891. F'or the lttcttiing of the Grand Lotig F'ree anid Accepteti11 sons of _tmchh- "- g n a D e r i J a . 2 2 a n 21Ti c k e t s s o l d Jla n. 2 1 a n d 2 2 , I g n i t e td t o return int later than Jan. 2, 195 D~H4 GR . 11 ENWOOD. 0 . A. \ - ARETIFBU furac chal111Agndi ta t~ CIGARETTE SMOKERS %wtino ill - -' ing to py a it tile more Wltics gin 1110 1ENA'i'-lA leasntt.site xxwit bchrged ot tueaoi in-ary Ii t' ai ariH ,' Airac hetbah ad igt a $. illhamid THIS BRAND supc;Wmhllr lo 5'i. 11 ". state st. The Rihmoond Sirait Eat NI TEXAS, MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. r i~t §I 7 lct I iillo ,liid tgh ti ' r at cs GOLD LEAF TILE WAABASH ItAlLIMAD) groiwnm toi iriti. In conlnectiont lwithl the iSt. ' BEAE:FLMouis,.an b~'.'~ ~tlt, tmat tilhe ie of nt the iauijfactrrs is I Irn Aluntin &SouternRailay, below s oi every ,jg age: Texas S. Pacific Railwa'~y, Illttrnation- al &l';Great Northern Railroad, and t' e GA( ieal(, -I G r Soutiierin Pacific Railwxay, knowits 1tMAC t 71IiV*lt the "Only Titue Southern Rtoute," Las ilaceedlill sri'idea rthrulust ep is hs ls r H R&sleeping car* anitiMouit se , lt' in F leaxing (Chicago tdaiy att 10:51) a. in, _________________________ vi t oi oLtl BcAn-r ER IMC.(ot Springs), Atstin, San ATtuoll I It is well beforte eavig hme v.1-tI Laredo (wh-ere t irect connection is for busines r pea ssre., to decide n~o, hotel and ther ey avid coialion inantte with thirough Seepig car for when 30o1 visit etrot 1,3 (Stl byI, Pleased ItoV),ao ou stop t.t t cll the City of _M\exico),El.1aso 10s "Franklini IIouar4,w cor. IL~twe' Angeles anId Sail Franicisco. This i adBtsSss hr oxw~l1mvu.0 and5 Beatand a lean bed ayt rii'isl irs/~- the only line froit Chicago wxhic'h (canTt ho house has been renovateit'-illit' - --. bottom, awlis mm-w in fuslt ckc+ ,.u,.S L.t offer this excelent service. Call er l'secuitly, write to any ticket agent of 10W-H. 1- bash or connlectinlg lines for printed cas3c..ogu-,X. matter showing timge, rote, raitts, des- eri<. 1."