THE U. OF M.L DAILY. Chaliri'ge is atppii'Cnt to ally olle [a ililiarl f f c'1 ~ I1tu Av ith Ed'at('Liia thletics!" aand .asks, ___________ '"loes the e'ditor' of the I llivelsi1 v of Pli ItisI I) iaiy (Sunday ty', pteI(Idiriing AlMichigallIDa ily I liluk that a galme is i iiCtil ca IY('Vi'' played by a igy eastern Ttea in. THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. xviithnti l bing i' alrellly Studied by OrFIIcI-:: 'linies buildling N. Atai n st., opposite teropleis1 -- -- -__ st o-_-.. The I)a ily editor luti1st confetss to funll Sini'tin"nnd'i'1 h' V I h'l':t kiiQowl((ge of, thle tarts anid b('hiefs-s if for Itho 3Mielli liit dlii nil iaiiksg iv- lng day.sIthe I ivtersi I ofIMichigan 110 etserinplayers (cut onep' lnt] ei's Da ily mia kes .11iltn just. tiiist)oi'rliidii- thrtiIiIs Ithit' xdy vnldapplaud.j like ilitirge against i-AIi,. Stang. to 111li It was iiili e east that occurred in' I'te(t Ih~t le ediit( M ~ll,,iis s.. lost un il g laiiie.of the iid als and impartitedtlieiii1 tohis teaiiii. we ae r-illlll tobelive hatit was in iithe east that ad"s111.1d of'110- Wil lie arit icle iay have tVeeii thle ha si y, lice ain('it w detailed to keep thte phly- ill-adlviseil productionuofoll ie of itle orss troill sitiggiiig. By the ''Weekly's' li ent'lltIscillililleli I (f th!Inuti ( hcago tldtt'is ill at 111(1irs after Itle shty, -yet. as linthiniimit ~iliihe1 zeltit tle4ilii itiehaeiai& 'st. What ev "' t1he east (toes is r1gt.1. appeared. AWe must a eceht itioiighiProf. Alonz(o Stagg ;is fromiithle eaisi. regr-etfully, as lie set io'iint of 1110 11.o111Xale, and iii the' east atlny study ' Al idi ga iite'amn.'' (elihnt her's Itactics-anmt sltgone ali-I The above ((libt tst is I i1 e~i linil i g oilier-andl so ( 'bleago tnuder the ii of aii editorial ill tin' last iiitiiibur of tlion of an eastetri atlet(' stitdi;,; fleIi'niiveisity o Ciii ( Wold. .Mielligans tdctics :ti(idtrieas to cripp~lle xvl(hielthle Dailyv. liowe'ver.:'(l xoto her 1(plodayers. The )a ily still uniili a iiis e'lit ring iiino it er('(dlia-c ion ma listie that it is unf; ii' for a 1ii1ian iiiM.i bra wls cannot1(11afford 1to0 pass ill sil- Sta g's posit ionn to .o toi'etroit for; onci(e. Thie I(Diily denies fir'st t ha t its the deliberate purpose ( as thle ;;aiale at ; eliares a ta iiri l. St agg wele 1-0ei h1er C hicago showed) of 5 iiIi C (otri ''iitijtist or unispoirt stuanliike." These plaiys. Anid 1now ollows one(If thle (h' res were Ithat Al r. Stagenma de a imost. cut don1s .a rgtilieiits iliii is 1"e-y very poor etire l'e ite, M ichii,11- ma rhalle produion:m Obetliniigamiie. IthatIh' sern a sitopay 'Then follows aa nlieili. n'r5iI . tti-y mior'e attenti ion t oarlysignals 111i11itatin' gl'itt(eh iti ack oii ir. Stafgg. We general play. that lie I ra -eh'-d lbyhiis are not alwayvs illi a rna withItMr'., Iixiii'oilssiui neti- 811tille ~ St agg's policy. naiii a ys feel per- tectly fieto nsay so when 'we are lnt, st tiy l 1(1 (')0r tpdi ot' -aii nlbut his repuitat ion, happily, is im:t iii tha there bo iis il IbeenI (onlsidI'i'dlel(dis- 1t1t' keeping of I te I ii ivel'sit x oI.Mieli- sa tisfact in inirega i'dI o:i'. St agg iait Dail v. and there is lnthitig that .iii11dItha tlie saw lihe iii1tisb1y hootk 0o'r wouild irallyto hiis support faiir-miiided 1i11011 11101"e 1t11ha N -hen11a ften 1ter'ing ;a ('look wilt Ilie gawine. 1It also statod'tlfairl'id opet niotest inl a1itianly -way, hat1.11 1111 aie wAs' roughl. 'These lit' is stat)] ed in thle back by those that ('harl 'es were ineitlier' 'haust y'" 110t''ill 11:1Vo' be'e'ltviitually vanquishied." advised. ' l lthoug11 t hey were pai 'l- If'Ithis is a dIefenlse of Mr. Stag it. is ally enough the pi'oduieti ol' ite le Vc'x- xv clc oil'. Tihe stabbaing in; editoris. Tin'oIa ily begs to iin l'o'it ill'het'ack episode.;liowever'. is ailmiost: tho Weekly thatI Ithese s atelient s or as dramnatic as Cone(lls "littie hantd ofit c'harges whiidl we set foi'thi iga nlill jsix'' at tin' (Cornell-_Michigali gratle.; cold1( blood. niearily a iitont ii aftei' thle The D aily wotild infIorml tIhe ''Weeklv'" g;a if('. were 1(nd(1still arie to hIn'1be(st tht liith le stat 'iiielits leg"a t'ilig (I lit'il-" (11 0th' kntowledlge'.the seut ili ants (if sat isfaictii withIiAll. stag"at (f'Ch'ca- (tot only the ''teatin'' hut ofi t1he',tit- go Wer''e'ga iel'ed front the editors ofIII dents of'thiii'nI'ilversit y antd t hat- it the''Wee'kly.'' Bttt perhaps tIn' arit j will betise less tor alt'. Stagg Intopose , - - ---___ -- i i I E M f I M A A M N 1 r w (" I M M 1 M M M r r illOats tin' "Weekly" satfely remarttks was ''w'itteii by one of its edlitors,'' aitd if this is tr'te ac'corinilg to th(' ('liicago IPost thn' lDaily Ih int Ietithe Post sax's: ''he studen'lt lxoxly has lnthliiigto do xvil lithe itianagetient iif tiie'paper' NN-(,vWeely ). It is reailly It strictly 1l'iya te laffairl' 11its ItMIine 'is iiiisleadl- a prlopositiont is tiiv('l (is('tlsioi aIt Har lvar'( lookiiig tow'zt'*l imakitng athi- de(gr'('e. 'lhii'11argument is ad Vatn(('( liat t 1his ili('(lti0' is til('(55i 1Wt Io ill- dttce all (lasses (If sItudelits to takei stitticieiit exe'rcise'. The t4l,1a I ('lilllllts of stuidenit s in eighlt of the' leading liivxel'sit 1(5 are fllow~s: II a iva(. 3.293: 1 t nix'r- sity oft Aillilgaln. 2.727, Yal'. 2.37); Univlersilty ofII Peninsylvatnia . 2..'48; Noi'tliwest dii. _. ',2(I8C oltmitta. 1.S16; The '95 Victors are models of strength anti beauty. T1he staunchest light wheels ever bunilt. iotu desire not >omplv gfoodi bicycle, but the 1)(,:;' : then vou want a V itor. Eight stylesi, with almnuA aavn height frame, giving as; are afit as if the wheel wvas Made to, your order. Catalog for the asking. 'Fen cents inl stamp~s secur'es the Victor Pad ('alendar. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Mlakers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. Bloston. New York. Chicago. Dietro~it. Denver. PACIFIC COAST: San Francisco. ILos Angeles. Portland. SPECIAL SALE. TfILE LADIES' SPECIAL. Shoe and Slipper Sale w1ill' Icontiniuiedltill SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 22 Jacobs & Allnzand, Arho, Mi('Iigtl. Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORT- HAND. Magnificent building; ten teachers; large attendance; good discipline; superior work; wel supplied reading room; daiy lectures; Saturday evening recepions; open the entire year. Ecep- tional facilities for placing students in position rBoard anid room ;2 to $2.75 per week in private families. These rates reduced to $s.5o by self- boarding. For Catalogue address T IiFE (]Z\ NI) O1TIR 1 IJOSi THURSDAY, DEC. 20. The I ist iiiglislil'ul Alhieliain Actres, Effie Elisler Assist edl by Fanl h1Westoi, I(Iliillt lroet, a ad Spcialy Selec(- ted (oripaty, represent - DOR0I S. Writtenl expressly for AtssEtll,yioert PRICES, - 35c, 50c, 75 ard $1. Big Four Route BIEST LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and:-CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN_ Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE, E. O. M1CCORMICKi, 1). B. MARTIN. Paissenger Tiaffic Mgr. Gen. P. &; T. Ai. (Inchiitit Ohio. Christmas Greeting ' bb--.. 894 Students during vacation ae cor- dially invited to make our store their headquarters, and inspect our ele- gant line of College Outfits, Sweat- er's, Foat Ball Goods, Skates, Import ed Hose, Cameras, Golf Clubs, etc., e te. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 147-149 Wabash ave., Chicago. Ill. K N M) 3MD T6R C3- A. ?T'M ~N Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3 N. Main Street. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE W ORKS. Ladies' and Gent' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HUtRON ZT., ANN A *6A,. at iluigalit hereafIter' as a mouhel (If athiletic purtity. ''ln' Weekly thien priloceedhs to take ill) Itle chitilgls "0 batiti.." aind sapxs: "Inl thie first phtac'. it is and lxvty hlas bleell t'egard'ed As perf'ectly hegiti- inlatf'in get the sigtnals of:tile oppos- ing t('ailin iiwxhatevet'-way possible.' Of ('otutse if!tis is titue iil'thI'' ai'giliielit is ulseless, foi' it is im11os- stb1l'cfo' thle Dltly 1 to l'('essfultycolli- bat this liightitmor'algrotundxxhii'huthie I,'ekhy takes, butth le Weekly bas - tns to tcidlf('hicagn (slidi not1knlow- Mlichiii an's signtais antd t hitthey lay n1 statetlltis Iwitht 'absoltite assirtnce " Thei'e is little (doublt tile *"Weekly' has ('0li(Et'tle "a ssurancee" in thiis statemuent which probably ('alme' Iromu nl ess ai 11ean1tilttl'r. Stagg hituiseif. Butt the "W'eekly" gives us a poser' when it lays in answer to thi, Daily's charge that Mr. Stagg went to D~etroit: "Tfho tutter t'abttlousneuss (of 10ilu1 A BOOK -Ohl--- College x Songs Is tie most appropriat e thislnas !gif( aill tndergradnuate can naike The New Harvard Song Book. IAlhe nieiew Htarvardt Songs of Itie last fouri yeairs, tilt hisome old fav-orites. 9.2 1)p). Heavy Paper, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS." Inconmparably the miost Ippuar bookt of college songs ever' publlishled. Oyer 3i00,00 sold. Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" T1.he only boel( (If thle hkint l lli~ed. 120 pp. Heavy Paper, $1.00. ISend One of These Volume's Homeo. OLIVER DIT SON CO.,431$*sigo t otn 45F-1C. W1.lsitso& ('o.,B-sto. Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN, We are prepared to fturnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to lU;niversities, Colleges and Schools throughuout the United States, at suirprisingly low prices. Self ineas- urernent forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America. R NEW CO LLA