THlE U. OF M. 1l)AILY. Se han, F. 0. STEBBINS,I Photographer LIJWYMN 14 72 CIBE 1UWVA SouthAlin t., Aim11Arbor. 1 .telling coupon hoo~irk fgod . g ______ -for $,> for $ ?. 50. $2 NEii 00[P1 ~4ET8 SATISFACTION CIVARANTEEDOD ~ii l tt..W i( 1(roupt W~tok. '2 . t l ,I t I EE . DROP IN AND LOOK AT SchaIIer's Dookstore Formerly with George Wahr, l19 E. Washington st. Headqnarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, l9, E. Wrashington st., one block east of Main st. ae ltlo W v't l 1, L HE WIEY EXRIE THE ANNARBOR SAVINGS BANK >6 A. E.MUMMERY'S, !. om-Amate r Wor. t1115 1(C . A n Arbr, Mih. to pit at St ock, $50,000. - --- _I t o ellim t i o f ;ltoo. mpleot teogym- f it. t lt loeee t1:50 t,00 y. te II rallr- rte tprices and see work. :Iles. tt I ti oise .Im slftlaeojus ti r e o ti tte. tec riv o its:ti'otb ity0s and uis i air-thtititof tthed.. ttltots" tttMi tt tote.ats cotted uonopitier U ULIURI W, fIz lery all on First Floor. ittiti I itwot Itt, (O ttO. C o ct 10 tttttoct t.ider'tc tt tie SCofety dpitt o est o et. ____________ ot itt t by R. I..BLOUNI T, 14 N. tttttttt. totttt t hc t i tlot,k toti.. W ) 'O - , . Olsttet ;11t.1. o-to., Ass.isttt io .t t F'>,LAG PINS $1.501 _1RN ,T E 0R oErESr Yellow and Bloc But- STEAM LAUNDRY 00.i ____tonsL60c.INDS_ VI or he M-1 'I~ti nd t~ c i___ 1 W altz Oxford, ' With U. of Ml t .,os the ____ year 75c. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, heicnwc cetaisbigt hW WM. RNOD'S Jeele. Ot it~tT~tti)'RTInd N lancellot vet.r-.t i t becunt 1) NEW DRUG STORE. To keep posted, read the .i hen ytt it Dly. The Daily $2.50 a year. HALRS¢.FPR thus troubles wsill vantishl. It gives a white light, does trot ectar hitwctk, eritso ro odor, atid will tll hbtrntr of tite tarot, id Stat' oil 8eie r gal., MOORE & W~ETMORE School of Dancing and DfO5aTER' . re Wi.Iti i't ile1c ot. 16ritl Stisltet 10gr. tilin st., and StateSt., ecor- Desate iEA. I C0& OQIMIA..N Y.: iterof IWilliatm St., taco a _taatia yI 1 tc titt,ttttt tl e tttb~ tinet..ttt-.. 44 Sooth Main Street. corplte stock o1 lts ( 1tt Il,rn. I hitit t bA i tt ti t y l~t s r(eottt:tI t.IeI. t ttt~UNIVERSITY NOTES. I Prof. Hinsdalo.Q SCa~HOOL., 46 S. STATE ST. oale thi iotit. dly )oii.w itlttttt " 0(i t 'l o 0t New and Second Hand. j I iottill wisto t titit tiiritn'. i t oittof t1n;, y lootf I Itoiii t ls. T!ttte Note IBookts and etherStudenits'tSupplites reit'ert',oryOotisgGoods, ett whc S) ee'an & t Ilea) AityN i. sittiraesi o f tOItlt'tttttt'Ott O -t he ity otter it; the Loesct Prieso. .'leit oirei)tit footittit t cit htt asto lows: tttott y-tt i irstttnnalttpt l5 tto ttdtateam tph trpt ittae. ht o ~ttti l) Call and see us before purchasing. 11010 t I dlegt trio .totsottt ntst erti toot hitt i le b il tilt in i eiTR H B3 00 1' ProfbiTtruebiloodtttt I ol l uit ti-ca ti ittit ,sad nile ttootot tto it it ELITE DINING PARLOR )t=r.ttOthee'nt o . tLe lea100r00 tto ttan - ti tiktopet~tttt itttt o ))"Til tlettodtil; tttti mthtios tttrematerof ci .1ts- Coo. State and Liberty sto. trutlaS totttie liteooryy orri toot-olinb-l,)cat it. . iot i tto t Itor t tsolt ED-WARD LEMVIS, 'olr. doc Mhakhiey lire nriseocectivted to te le Cttri itti it 00tol sttBltoaoriodttttttoiWatittd. 7 F Statestt ill thio new ttookis of tie soitittti Zni~ r i~v:t)'r. ~ts ekn«Ii r: o rel :jctee all the atiiicro, titus ettabling ttheirtuttttt ittertdeiolrohns 21it1'outhit. As >itithtetr ittot pi'tttttt otlttitto t i '1i'217r tosteotrrto purchase illthettt giftslit o ttttte . idare :art at wolueslrc eo Earametber thottewe aoe thetonttly teholesole IDr. Lotmbatrttlwill glo tie clttss it #ust ksellersrrttwtinth te state. Our laope pur-, a.h:tlenbeutso ttsell all tookts at pwiole,- Ihysoltogy atwttenltt(1t1ti7,oi rtidavr - tale prices., tterebty tndersolitg atltexcirt- tttil "eopiratitttr: olstely retail teaters.May istr'1,11)yel at10 Aol. (alenrdarsi fo 185.5 " i"(toey rfterntoontr otiletttls tttandard Bookts iloiogtt ftit bes-Oxford little. AkN ew Ameriest Editiontofttfordttot letitt e nir textrecetiotr o tt theCotttl - t. hat! thre former prices. Utrtotr socittl clutbAwill bithllatOte A, Scooro.iridyIntvittrtiont is ectendedttt every- _lttt i Mtsit Itiitit tttiet; ,,et eomeeintandtoeus. whether you hey Jaitt11t tOxgy I; or tot. Dtr. Em ilaer, rmedic o2 tf Cirica- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. g o watttnthe city lato volt to attcend OF ANN ARBSOR. tti5tthe rn letdicaiiont iitd i clot: od Organized 1503. t="apttal-$;0,000. Surplus and Prefits,$s0,ot0. friettds. Transatst. a general bankigbr.tusisess. iThe itrospec ot cnil rtr IOrelgnexechasges bought ad sufd. Furnishihtottt0oao ' storsferedit. ical cotntest is flatterintg. Mfore itersonts V': BACH, 71res. -S. W. CLARKOSON, Cashier. wl oipt iaiio eee at Kiss lIlathie Long,, tire alretady at work ott their orationso U .ar, Mandolin and. j, At tire iext tieeting of the hoard of 69 iller ave., Ann Arbor, Bich. control, after tire Chiristmoas recess, te tolatter of tihe faculty prizes ror gen- FEn uIIL PROPERTY LOANSoal excellence in athletics wviii he de- sa Watches, Jewelry, tiamnds asd chattel ie.Ithsa ad bndcdd easrgages asocollateral. DiamnduSbought cdd thsaraybendcdl mud sold. Watches ad Jewelry nicely re-ththee ilbeworzsofivr 'rled. Office at mty residence, B3E. Liberty harhr ilb w oie fsle ciy or:,Sso1 .m,1to' n o9clips, 000 for superiority in indoor _J. '. WATTS. work and our itt outdoor work. vw of husnin auro, 2) hs (talm opr iPn In m i tpurptooetitndl(1) ottrhit rrttsr o tfac stlttlhthittg iris tttuirtose.Astothtil choice o etf ritts, hitexeluttdlt l{-pys- ictil elemrenrt atit addressted Ihimseltf to lire tritn, ttnlerldinrg tp this faot f t constat;ttetiotn to lte lirt sile ttnly tof mttis othehirghettritttht etvetr tprtd to hutmattnrnature. tle titttet to usse of scientific or theologicatrlutts, and Iris order of oWork wtio t irst tiere o- getrxeraliot if ft'e intrlift and theiit its reformantittn. "Jeoss ookesd uponr Ihumsanta ture from nt r optitmistic Ipoitof view.' lit saw great possitbilitiestir utt, Ihence his sacerifices on iteir bsehalf.,lie ntadle tire will itecediter, tand strove only to martke mrertgootd,trot itel- lectutal." Franklin and Marshall College is itt deavoring to raise $500,000 to be u~sed for new buildings and endonen'. I-IIu ui i i uuu FIRST CLASS TABLE. BANQUETS + A + SPECIALTY. 'HtEONltlE123. M. ST.AZ3LER, PROPRItETOR. G . 11. WILD 1O[ LEAOING TAILOR Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in thle city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. S£NCOME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main at.