TiHE U. OIL 11. DAILY'. PublishedIailly (Sundays excepte)drn theCollege year-, by THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, O1551(5.l'imes lbuildinlg \. Main'5t:.,nopponsite Susrpin rie $250per Iyear, inr -nia bly ill advncens. ingi ssojliCSslicer. .rrscr inn- may bIn-lsf1 nt tie otlieesOfth )lY nt Stlletl, at Slate st. newn:stand, nub ny of the ditors or authorized s-nlirios Comnctosshold readIthenonibe by o'clbloc . .lf they are toIappear thenext - day. A ddresss ail natti 5ntelndedfor publi- ca ion bbth l annnigbEdior. Allbusns THE U. OF M. DAILY, Ann Arborn\ilIr. EDITORS. .1. L. Iloiof Lit. '915, Managing Eitor F. I'. S~rLE, Llit.l'96, Assistnt. 11. CLEMAllN, Lii. '917, Assitnt A. 1b. RCiinaansa,,Lit. 19, Asitnt. .1. A. Lianos, Lit.. lii, AtletliciEd~ior. .1. S. PE'An., Law '5, f loinrss Mlnlsla. - Assistant. -Assisnnl. Si. I. Shiley, 9b). F. Bi. l m l,' . It. ..(noses . lbS. 4F. L. PFsnns, . Cal-rin V. Smith, '9"i. . . Ilari ,' Mfinnie Thonmlson,'llf onnoinL. old Ile died not holed111 hisii liciVIly. 'iii 111' I (nlt l a s e hal o Msid. 1 ini0i1-all" th letlilile l itse lf.w ib'11 .11i sot ii xpca NvSeetionsi a h ll\(r.''l poor Irll. SIoil 111 pIltform1 il\\',IIn 11bt 11 i-;e liii i lls i Il M ill th ill iaMet111.11 111and11reIll b'llslhim11 11.1( aI i Ill ill Iltl 1511libut ill 1\\-11 1111 tlllwillll s l i oll writ Wl ill licillii- lsoi (~tIncf Mbbiilll- lii 'wa 1rete ilA11i sili inexora~lble and i i- 1111ofthegnalli tol il Nil i 11155 3llthat llheNaim 1111 ly111 lu111author111orlfan esoterII ic raise olil but 11.",oii and of a 1111 ll ohol II III V III1 ill, Adnis I olIIcglaliIand thes IIito o the nSfa l t h bllb rii l fl ac i n-lii asI'lly enoe rtielwiif WOMEN ! WOMEN ! SPECIAL SALE OF ALL LADIES' SHOES AND SLIPPERS in11o111 st1111 tis Iweek 1un11 SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 15, Jacobs & A11nmand, LAIGSCHOOL OF BUSINESS adS{R '0 5 aificlbent buildlin;te e ers larg I rcgo d disipline; lslper(ior work; nw6 reain roomlllnn; dilylecturn1 5...l110 ic tes rpaning studnsIo poitin :, FIV and room1182Stoin2.75 P1net ee1illPr1v11e M ; z ln s T es rt s reued tIo Sn V1by el P R. CLEARY. Pres 111101i= s. 11 1nl'55511 ll bls. llWl couldsbis-or 1(1111110 111115 MONDAY DEC 17th. _____________________ of____ acr l egllls iu i hi smV 1111lon-115their III HOMOPAHIC fAsbsIaunI~~hoiaamnlIevenlt,- nll theli fi111111Il Ii II 111 111 (p1 11 ---l-ldslli.artIVloll" \\,i11 01111,1IdImiiIlrll'. At oym n ea;teofcebfr :01 u h c1 11iu I\' le ll 1t 111d(1 11,I- m.1f1he(1y1f5ublcaio. mpor r illry of ti r 5 i ra1l te 111(11111bII Sib Aa SI lInI.in M ciu lty s Iheleitlolrlsdonthld thI se111 lvesl11i1(1- 11111511111 Inllil f1111 01011ill l11,I1- anV isit.ltprifceteglcn sib11f(11 h( l ol l nI' l1111 1ili111111 15111 (olittls 111 nlsn 1117 io11 ll I i' II Illen not 11111 ebt pleasure i oe 1leriveul C1 PRICES,1, 35e, e n de pondents, appeIaring inril.tlhelegILY.lIbyltatNetihlhe laristiant finsts Misontrutei_--ourril Rout1ealo wiiereli. fa1 n 'i 1 llllwa l ot lillits i llAtyplantiI51the uorid, te \iuln 1.ilili 11 d 1111111 lllliill llibcgll 111w -il1ha]. Goo.Cil 11.te ttle IIIl(I l , 11F Ilolnl tcht lllb irly111 Snlsly ( ltrth anll d i i rI illiilIS. 11111(ThelKngEof iyynle.,IrankAPOLI, Aa 1 oe1 a ti f5IV t111111 ' 111 111 ilil iing Sjlllt,11 ]15111i. f11ili 11-Tr11Simbululhdose 185 -aalglOEI SieLBllLE t, ,Illhr sshe ali r51 I c prici ng Idii i llil-Il 5.1111 Soll f tlhhrillllllii s s i e ailt feVi oDretiebI an CI CIN ATI ronte~~~~tants ' leg111- 111 s lixh l edII I _111- at ucks of rll-liilbtellla nen o eo .W sn r Ill rll I illislf isill exel ent:1leI ( i 111dlhl ra h(1 1,i t- a dy uwl x ein etege t iandi Illoli 0111-IIIVb iilel l dub t if flllllsslll 1111ed ther 710 ad s p l i nre toybelIdiiid iniP IC S I3 e,5e.- 7 c lesrcienosde~bebnttF o frnderedtheironce iocun ii5I7 as mheel nug. t n0 h ou h ~e pi gu r Inim11ml~lliiSuuisllllS11 lnuoles 1 lacardil il111(1 in ii 11111- Sritl argest nd B i.g IIFTte laltripartite11colp.actii 55115 sos u lit ll- ln n te wolte Vco lemptilllui 111 f-Il -ll -~liedl id s muchllil 1 II lland cll- hA jsty1ared hetilet B SLItNE T wlls retrif11. bseba~iulliilail- llii ~ .-suffdith alIli~slngeialiwillubsale reupnrqes.dIgutn CINSIAg the -ns~. re of J theeae Sreluredtofurish(up Iininl UObi itliud Iwill is,,iol. elioIoIulefngfllow1111 thhc~ d 000115Makrs oftoBicyles andAthetcqualis.T r u h S e p n a s a.t yea~r.dl tiynig S hsild-il i ti 1111os f a ie. 1uill 11(C)15 t- on i erite Cork.sge ca god.eiTWoin hell together thusii IiVI t s clisItlll ii poitcthereoll( rnot the1 AIFnICeCOA ST ate PeC h rs tmL U1~ as d nan lii(1 I 1111115 lliliil i 1 ll ~ Oi ege~ O l ~ Snrncisco.Los prees. PSelndShea ntirenlellt forms, eatrtnizinggbuallonee it thelieeing. 1ilI1iI5111had1 lsilught H ra.-rd Solizng ntbookloonrea lsta d S BI O R R U E l~i~if(55i1111 - (ilzl10 with ei se xengs(Ify1 ( ()i ) fl-i iThen Ilec uelfle..ilI li Ii Viiiournl-all Heavy Paper, $100 l' T.A~t is -urt lastad bfoe he:; LdiffO O \ e erntpsvidtofatniserap sdiiiy ivted t taOeoursoe. hi A. Sad ayr7 (nihtlwil l idi COLLEGEtP UnatvelineiofCColieegetltndnScSweat iii ieStil iisll IrIblb<1 iSnii bill- IC oIlIiegeI 11 (ist Ilongl I fs trroug dg t e & Clo Stths ir eFatalGosSaei pr dcns. il~ly 115 SI fll 11i11155 d~, sins sms nlisisi iyi- 001.0 pi l low pies . edHone, CaeraIs , ol lus ec hisare ssrly. I-Strolclos s 1nulou i s urur"CLLEE ONGfFO.mGRLS'con1ta19iWbanlgve.aClienec-i Isiil ITh1e i l llltls 1'1 it lays i s hemostnly 11111of lie (1)b11in ,ii is~iI essary instructions to ,secureI' per an unil ill hist Insi luclnrfectVyifiHeavy Papert$100ithoutudetectinHad its1l1 oni- a ______of_____________visitngthstor0 wilquartersrde in 11c1 i ll luinglii so 111'"l Theii NeI HarvofrTL Song55B1ok. upone.raqN.Main tree Alulo theul 15nneilwIHarvardifa ol IOSosofmte s four 1AN ABO prosiot , butl.Mr mullsticonfes liiStin O LV rlE DfaoITSON=£3C.,RBON 0 LCLEGECOO SStueAMs d YEngvaWtorKS.or oft dle liry. IGret lIll ionatio oflls n ll h0eadurterandlGn 'tninsegtou ele- a Ie n ty1hfllll fteirlu COLL-EGE3 S OWahNGrS t., linpriAes.IK U F rll n line ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gn strisieCodesi5511f, lt .ColnlegInN.e-- . U O ut.,sANN ARB - r r