THE U. OF M. DAILY. f- the -r4h4 11w-garil]it which iii.' Iccoidciit is Webster Society. 'WQMEN'! 'WOMEN" V~~4I.* &L-.R..~. 1(1( 01(tOOit iotolib. toitoctio. The foliowingog itorti will be i-ell- SPCASLEFAL ______ ilb (1he lss of '95 ifocil tat hi'y SPECTRttEi SALEi-(iOFtiALLO th ili G~ileC year, (ty ~ l R.4kJ A a hei loe hal lhci THi.ffM.IDEEDNhilOITIN t liii tftu hetlf d this ('tci iutu. AN1D SLIPPERS 1F ~O 1t F[O~ SSIAIN ood wislh-s. i oh i'oof1.5itsto MicfHigh School Sixtet ; atcl oi s ceriCE: 'itnes buildingN \. (lain 'I., opposit lt tto~ tlti iteS in our t oethibtsweekaufti postflice. llt iy iltofilI.I.Matti iitt SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEM BER 15 11e oiaa i evil-thsbstt] itatioll, "'i' h iDatt froke (Van. l l' ____________ toitociiititi uiice $2.5t peryearinvatarialy 'titulislt a tI")v(i't-llit which is illa c ( ct Iet in tadvetiii. Sitilc copiets:3 cnt. Subscrip- tit'.Vor tt lii'ile ttlnt. W. lii Ja o h li a d if Stioffits, atStfafe sf. Ott 'tand, withli tny (ltoae. ':)>I ls t - tieoiatu,1 itl-(1 o ay'''1(1ii(MntLilliet' Mac Viii- non Abr t lii1icr n.Ii Bitt , m ifte (ledtiftosorathorize ocitosOi,"D k~ 1,Ai" a o-ir Cotmtniciatiiososhoald reach the'offit'e 1)y (tlt Ini htl1 i ltrep in ill lito rc lt- t' itndl dcliatc. "Will theii iii- tlt wat'i 7oclcito p. m. it they iate to apatheflit-it' suoits-a litl f hli uc ietlit ;s w ito tolttolt-tlli ilia lay. Aidrosstll mtterccintendicort bc tait s )- blefca oevlzt inl 5''FZ -:afion the l I agiig Editor. All bustco liiines p (iiillttOaftOc S it t .,il . . S.lDio-lilig11('5 .,. 51. 1 tli- c~ n m n c T H E U . O Fo l . D A Int t o thL B sh. t 'ti i t i i t t l i c sO ' i slt ' oy t t ih l l.e. 1 ' o t o r i i c . c - i i - 1an.. r vatln;if (.M naigEiui. ;'o atuu tIt i il i -i ii lit-2. 1 1.s lt - . toilt-i z;soio Hes.s tiEi Lf...Alittftli. oiti ta 1ti-it i ~i iiiittil-' S t ili' St' ihtit. I itLADN COLO USNS nSDt ;neatest oiaa. Lii.he. r, A ititfolai AntooDt(1 vi ld n-u ,tf])Iit) iiii' os uigo- . SAND. MsgsifAlcetiblilding; inn itai'1e1(1latnc . . iltiit.i'95, MInil ' dit, o r.iui- C, i'l i 1.t e S' tI1]1 i t. ;\l] 1.12)". F i-it l '; ) oo.- h i d e;gn diiii usen uc;si 1 . A L it.Lif.'if, Asistan dtc. nppie eiitgtua;dil in u ve;Stia . .lA. tio 'KWELL itiu'cossisantt. k Ccpn Ihago ' Weste c rn Tip ettN.g ifceptnt budngtheen tcer;lare - -- Assstat,. aelsc~1'ilc, ~l'11a, 1t11'k~t .1 (Itionaltaciliities far pinning student inipouitionns. _______ .ickoiiuill. Niilttil I~tti~i 1 1Bused and eonm 02 inony275 ec seek is pritate Assitfatnt. ''le a- intuwls o, h al a ilies. These raitstrductd to .o by tell- LIli'TERc-ARY.lii'iLftAW.t' ' il luu i-ilii '(titua ( ot- fuicui--ti 1tilt ililt bnarding.Fone Caialogut addres 11. A. Datnoec, '95. E. IL. Evanso, '9. II 1 III. t (Carie V. Smtifh, '96. GiG. it. Itarcison. (1. fiotal tettlil tiatt" iot 1t'eituicotpleitd~i 1 \ I ~ E A F~.E MinnOoie u.httt Gtatntos,'tMDICA . Iit Tol E.I~atlttLi'9 ll13 Gmnin,98 -Is tto l blglut tlthe il-ituis fthe ill ti-Victor FOtballs DETA. -i h, ul iiiranit'n-tt ''i' i1 ill'illWE NESDAY EVENING, DEC. 12. Alt coptynmuftie af t toilofficetiefiuoet8:30. Of tii(' l'aait Stttt1fift1i (((iteazSiutt' l ltutsit o tituui" Ettyitmiy . ii atfi' it tttbitfi.- 00iiilItf Stg o'nlt1 ttu foc buit the f'rt e.ttytita x -'wir'dfa'rot.utt.h1olhoahut'taifutioti The it orsdoi othol- th n1 l s re s t-t'epotloln No'I uiuho llt ht giale orteinoot. s-t- alt litt- of ilgo i- hit-itti ~l 'll, oaf~~u ',:1 tit-il'I t s$.. . it~ui;~ itiI Pec k S, - a3dc, oyid7 c podltaperiginte ALYuhti' los t.ti ivi S tfor to i-h . 'lt'..:t:..:ey talto atit iam a t hitiot' 1 tolA-teruttuteu ithi andtsee 'itt a111i, yeaButbyt- uttiu- 11h u huo-ill -h-liii ii0h. ithstttert o1t1,a1,-ever. SittwfusitecVICTReIN ERCOLEnIA E OR ASSO ytutut'uiiu"--u-egi- t t li' iutloa1(1' Stt l-att-huu iThii o ert.Tan. tu-h ,htbo t i-c b ... tF:..:iit itneeferoni. oeitytCITIO" OOTALL! ACH$4 'I pit-ti' ((tiei it- ('~l 11 ll'c'S ilit optt(iilg uihuy t u l'ii'dflliithetr ip.-og lao-le l legiti' II~tt p y ifhlii'latetiainiitugtuy iii . clfiubu, Spftig'Gtdn, Basball, B tsLtOUI sILLteo alvr ucntito to giti' i ly ittit ens alRces tc n'ICNAI leii'tcfubttiamt'1i(1'n secoodioneteothIare madh of liebePuttaterialynd'fltttt'-iPtIyES-u35et50e andGAaT .1tiare' (ll toitis of (ut' 'lln ttt' a s hue tittlitettSicrftthuntatoyi-hyherhito 'a.E1,[A.. bV EL C u- ' Pellco pse e1. l1 'ohe toLo ittit'ee thletict dclu. ioi.d wit ttybai anthitit Ilito t. am 'ase t hr u h l e i g O r cot'fbicoitigeht ; vl' tui h c 11o , tuctiuhe. 8',11 ruuc. C- ( hiai I TON, FOTA LtiS, EACH i. Peos e , ou s ilen hru't:t' rowdu' hiii' has evert. it2 on'mote ''Ib o it.'IutSo-tiity. ttk]t BESTTtE CLIegeEItnv.' Thranblcisco.qLse A nlspeorcoand-_INDIANAPOLIS _ a lii'on c iliprobale lturo utut. oT--he bi utouiity ilto lihiitilttit S ofTIKES' I clubsih'u aeIn-t oc it g lt lt.andi\1111 tflf..St olo. Sb )l all il tubt i'; m..LOaUISVILLE,- otto'atooh 11111 I 'u-u 10 lug iuto Sfu'-iuSportihtnttGbotdsas-caseBballsFO R +aOUTE Int ufo uu';e.T h (is' 5. 1'. A.houli be FR MO AD O E. F0 Eii~I LtC GA15N T A seedtsthti( 0(toh thlt ttIleticttaistotiatiohn.sBogeconhiti' itgt De. I'. De'troit. frutu'ritii'on tot thu't'uuthof (het'artiule by Sec're'ttaryict ilitthu lat u ut of ltoe 5. '. A. Bhulltint. As a maie of fact(i--i it tiuthhtitigot i itt'c sePi 'hlo wohihcotith aiuofdtheli' moitt eutti- (ite. If istr(ut'il lc lt'iniii omulhiuu- iii of tihi'etckhtf asuorl tby'lihi'futi- iu't'is', lntbtu t f ot geiitittiti5 termstund witohut (he li-tublitterni-. Tlhtoi'wo-it io cautsefor uffa'nou', lum 1h10e (the'frutfirnitiestakeno til', (111( thosemte uthrtapproa'hhgli at Ohei il of ill feelitug. The seioir chits ifttou'iu) ito ithit the, ideuhatf t hut atoteItt'25th nimti- ti't'fidy of Dr. ligi' l's preide"tnyof hIv U'tiv'ersity' tiut under'c(Put ilifitO- sioni desired to leavt-u'btt 1111a--a tkeni of theuir aslutee. Nhuue'if hurtsotl that his it otnly (ho 241t nivtecrsary, but t hismitakesaio tdiffer'ceu'a't ttli(It class. WThey' wishtfito oor(the' priesi- diit:in seiue utanitt anth knot' n ittorte lilting tway. S'With oacht yoart tf 14,1u-hut 800)ace Xtuuboi-ats't. SWe are lprepiaredh fo furnish Capts(Cinttitntttfi Ohtio. _ and (Gowns of fluehigheuf qnality DT ITS N u Tc to Ulniversities, Colleges and Sclhools (-J hrouhoutthe Unifed Staten, at ______________ surprisingly how prices. Self mean- urement forms, containing all nec- "Six Love Songs," estay instructions to secure per- ~feethy fitting garmoents without G e t n By (tnl at twyer.ur tnsia-i ittfsivisiting the store, owill ho forwvardedet n of 'lottte'i ine-it Ilyr. icsittxuhifeite uiottlupon r qutest. ietfhg Heavy Faper, 75 cents. " COLLEGE SONGS" RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS students dariing vacation are cor- difforent widths, at moderate dially invited to make our store their Te stantdard calleefioni at college Sants. prices, headquarters, and inspect our ele- Peer '11h0,00a sald. Heavy Faper, 50 . gant line of College Outfits, Sweat- cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. Strawbrid~ge &X Clothier ers. Foat Ball Goods, Skates, Import. PHILADELPHIA. ed Hose, Canmeras, Golf Clubs, etc.. 'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Thse largest exclusively Dry Goods ec Only b(otk of tie iind publishedi. The House in America. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. songs ifth ie le'tdittg calleges toe wonuen.- h7h9Wbs v. hcg.Il HevS ae,$.o-1"-4 Wbs v. hcgIl OEL COLECION INSTRUMENTAL GUITAR MUS~ tSI," .Tef,5..0"'-'K I3N1'aD lEt R.C GA. 31? T' E 31 Students Recreation Head- Eigty~u-twohpioet tar tie gnitar ram the ~'~-/f'quarters. btett sourees. NAspendid callectiott. land- i ,,,,MARK - Nt M li fef taome Cover. 50 Cents.No3N.MiSte. OLIVER DITSON CO., ON 2 TAM DYE WORKS.. Ladies and Geat' Clothing Cleaned 453-463 IWashington 8ti, Iototn. L or Dyed. C.GH ItSollnik&Co., \N. Y, 1LM ~~3 w. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR.