Ijc jtkI, id AT. Wai ii. VOL. V. No. 58. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1894. PRICE-THREE (CENTS. i i A SHAKESPEAREAN TREAT. Cornell's Varsity Medals. LAUDATIONS OF CRITICS. NO GOOD STUDENT James Kay Applebee's Instructive The( atletic counil les idoe ery They Pronounce the Columbian Lecture on the Moor of Venice much alreadyy to systemaize athletic.; Organ a Masterpiece.-Opin- Ty i er thitbos at Unity Club Last Evening. lere and the results of hei bsin s ions of the Foremost Artists. Somne people thloughl try to use 01r i. lames; K. Applels.' e h e likepolicy will beomie M0oe (andI Imor ''h1 e an'''sal e itti,toGi for 10111211isieillstumenltIs Wih little i'nedili'ctur1erciudiliulllopeti' ,frappanto.as timle goes oni 'thr'is ,li(.eatery e cles'raab" nen nilne Shalkesieai'e, deliv('r'('thI lirjst o' his 1roWs-ulr coisideatioit lanimwil,}ireiv tot10 e wo avei thec ateNeSyByhoeWih avTm cones of foulilcluri's aitith' I 'ltl'must sleet with everyon's approval. in ca ii2nd i'liiatioamnisll suSye y1htehath a Tn (lob last evenfing. Nmii mitisaauiag TtIs practically ecuen eieil to lhavetithe and for e 'eorve'tteat; wil'We sell that kind. Ihe very inlementorotvatlii' e. lee- hereai'i''~fte ilve0il}' ath 11lti'exeed expeetations. I'Voro. lelseyvf/ae b tare ioar found1the liii' *111lioots1.11 edal ihieh shall e a1 ceritiate of lavecs today for (ratio lrapids. Ihere will filld-an11e(o0011n01toistimollial to(it "ails liemhcrslimfinsomeii'ine- Leillcidleuii sciptioniil iin iailee 51 SouthMan t. Mr. _'imilhe's reputation :11(1 ailit. collegaiti' tami. I1wil cvi i'iitil t ithat ciy. S''IJD IEIN7S I ,m bi llje'(t1 oftce tie cc as 01ftiioizeian111 wil1have se10't1(m(ans rccet isue of ilii'l. i uetro .lime13 ''ltbIllc'' 1n1(1it is safe to10say 111a1 of indicaing of 1h(10' 1101' 1amt owhaItPruss emonais ibh'follonli geeritiisms --FIE -wervone pms-nt 11115 illed wuith itteaamsto'e1man11as11)10 l1a e'oer (f te' oran by soat of tiihe st ne aeti-c iiii' in this "tro1teal"" lvy. and1(1or hocw mnyyers. htis,.knowa rganists of iihe worlil: FOOTWEAR Mr1. Apllili is ,a very atuie sieak,.thre' wiii he at general meidial. 11I1d ''treat pratsorhams torn buestuwed 'AT andool i histe ndeiiig of :'o mauny tc- has or somt'hing elsi' iill liteiaddedilupol thei'ogani. ls pt' ly by fthse i luetiiiis wih whiii'lheIs' llnsllti'uliis sutcessic-ely 11as 11a. 1 in'ian comesilt em-who playei uploniit atl'e.vorlu's fair, iwords. lhe shom'eid limsi'l i t' , ler'of one Or anothier 'llisit- tei11n. Alex (Ilinant. organist Lglise deIilI bonistleu loni imlist. lHe oeul is 'To'Idis will e occut bIill(i' nalicir- 'Trinite,t'aris Fiancei'proubalylthet adites'swciih a fiw' girtl iiti'iiliii" sit' anudthe(,imedalas ciii he tagilfy iori'imost organiis t fbae ccuntliepr- BEAU.JS SHOE STORE Cort rm'iarks. soughttiii. 'The'iesigui is nowin illg nituli'it ii"a10nisrumen'it oifhet' O111. tort os'.]Hlaii S. ",,isci'i'iiis ioilis.alirtt vichi-i repar'id bht' i tilttei'i'and11lie' re,- ist orir." C larei'eiidd',Iheiull-cit I yoti want to get a fine hx of men ta blk linitithink-, le si.is ~ t tl)sut itttheir de'tlibti Ind (111it(-,-knowicn omgaisi ofI'ihi'ago, s:itc CHC11TE RBON BON talke intlthink aboutaltlb 'teal cc orlu:tigatills'will lit'acaitedl wt ihit'loi],s been hiiai'idl'btaiiideti'o't lIhus'- H C L I UN UN :Indthe harater creted y :eniu est 'lc, cmici reognies tat:it i :sus frm Cheapart Hote gore.Cold; HLunchesdLun Eitherhe ir;t' s stret'1)(1ndlutcrlllnatuiral 1te'I'i55111'talso thtt hert' sh'oldil, lt cuuu ritictaly ispctc byit lit' iiili- Night or Day go to is true as15 ti' haclt er'i'iof('iattult to'eposessiuo"l"tirlths' uommlals M lsialllt'.it is co'tly ttf 'raik aluoiong C()ito RAN ALIll'o Naltletu noti' Risiingon. 'lit' tilt' shall gici'et'right t clf.r te i'C'c'gti meaa t lici i ol r .,t Io'1callibeiorlino liii it oifte cati' oittiiiii'shitll b, rn- t vbilc' limo iechniical sanit 11iA rtistic Phioto s. Theo-thiti'rIis sillustriouis. reatliber. tti'iiill hlii ore Thomas anud the I i illill litc N'E'W' GALLERY. rcilis of gi'lils lieu' 1'eigiioi'l mas Senior Lit Heting. cciii ihive extiitiiilit heardi Iit o'I x wo111 ist knocc'i. s 111(a ndlhn'nu''the' - hi''lay nut iiit. mtli'iit iiig liiihatLAGEST OP[RAING ROOM IN STATE woirl ;st as ito iing lbigs. .At1thit' mu'etingt oh'1t1lt' stnilltlt mclsc it is lio ti comp1ilellitet'nipelfIt r OIthemillii cos a m111111'tt thpuet yste'i'iayt' Ittt'Ifltttlw delii' oainsitulmenI t tic hkid in w0.11 1. ttant noblestchrac~'10te'r. II' cas 1i1'iiu't'.regardinilg liii'lilase of i b mmitttof' lint it: i i5 agea~t aiisiiin ftr 'thu IiNO. 15 WASH INGTON BLOCK, gentle,imotdest itnelsimiitmem- piusessiig tresideunt Aiigell'as c i-hhhhlin otm'h.lt-a nitdtheiun iicesil. is ltii-t An.Abrcl. ;apairently',ll gooiidmqutaliti's. hEvc'r'-'wcilituliibyufr 111 huums fltill, ccwhili'thu elefl ' trotliiit, Thing lookedt hight andt favcale h'fume ihas hit-miabotimng tiunderthueulttiiurnnAiiiArbor auiiuhrbotgotstate CH'1IRthO'cInST-Dic .. 01 u, hornely )wthr. N.iKfesc rsouiif ioonmsnowisat tiimi. 0'hat then ccas lthu-feti Iilhs that iths cwas teatuh11 1111i-r5111'x cliii havi' sum liealil' tsuscrbe- frn hhmoe buli.WatcrsBunlIonlas, InsgrowinigNalsandmuall dflieshtof u'hai'mctei' whlic-hicaitsu'uleis dowcnifaill%"of t'irusideu'it Aogll1's ihcu11nrf11-init at- taki'getpreitniul'posxs'siig, tp. fee011cc ou etedse S 1cut .t 5.x Ahm. Apleceinow110cc'iu,iu duemhtohum ofice.'Iii su-hi fitting ucnuiimuno l. 1111 .article miuuttte anit critialshicny f liie'plimit. Arangmnts ccwe' also madeituou' otn otiiiutiuhat1111 iuilhiith hhlil-. lt hiHi OT 'I ITJITOHWS frequently ilttstratiniig his rem'iirikhs byselectthue'cutestanuts fum te iii' ounuii- miniuchalleinges auhdmili iiontrugiuitFRSit. IN 11O' wcul clion 1111d c-ill rndmeredmread-inh dg ontest. ''cc'nt min rti o te the' land." LO'WNEYS CHOCOLATES ags illustiating hus ideuas. ccith itmmvciecc Si'cet'yut he cliii'iiittt'm, funr int- - JUTRC' VDA of miiscc'eig t'tichtiestihon. '1 li hmii-t-cottest to behue ldilas soonuami Beneit Concert. .++ TUTTLE'S, coanclusioni cc-as thiuht Oc'ntel'lho possible, cchenuithe ici'beshtlt-ilncill 'T1iu". of . h. (11111dIBanjomctus :4+ .ST T T lacked ccas cilthetent strenugthmtim hiol hi'eiappoitditfumetheinl. wiccill gic'e conirt frtebnfto stt i at nlxwf' oo.teahei soitime atthu hanuh it J ust PRceived lumhat fath ii itscc-tt' huttue.Law Orthoepists'. liiutbteasomtonttncu-st "Shahospeare isite to niturinh'lmin. 11.12,ltu.'lis ciiilhum liii Woman 10has mirel'faith thain hau. The seniorn and junihor laccs hitie mul' happernceuiio'fmthelubs fi ii htsA lge 'stck of Tfhere lie unore'religions omenilt'hatiin chosen theii' contstatnts him rep're'e'ti'ity- urin th-lulii'a11, altthue tei- eligiotis mci. A faithless ccomani is thio laccs iii the prnounctin'ig cotehst iaiiiinenlt will probablyhit yie'dma It higi' thereforecccone than aiti thihmss Ihiuhl. cc'hiei mccthis Dec. I5. 'lie sucios su1i11fumethe ftund mit11ii' aihihut s. IiI1l~l '~~~ ~~~~~ iehiecorathebestwofr(o' imtihee.' Mi an t'o,,,'eessr Kuertis, (dilThis ma's gusicalthctubsire ui ti-i Cotin 'elihe toea ccesta-or oiiianther. lt'ois:Ltonetntsearc rMese tliig ovueii , ti Ti yule's tiutiseattntions ich'u' 11n010 oftet iveii'''tooum iftthan11111loo (Garnie, Mills tecke11a111Westocsr. tprof. Stanety lias gicn thiwutics --'A- -AT--int-h" 'Tio juniior' lmeambes mini'Mssrs. beu'n condutcice'ur mi iiiili ihhow~ithu'ut Martin.(rosbyhat.Iyho , tDeli, Niutlit-ini i tiec-mor. 'ickets huor'thum'enti- ' 'flier e e'neaiely 10,0x01)studeints' iwrSueAdroHny amntacownslend ayh lI~~stoii antI Daisnontd ruemadimn..h lasuieitlalnutitf a'nmccberiofsale' ale11t'ic. Catpt. Knlipe, of tiii'I nic-umsil 0-if(Id ututidmtln'i'ib''oftualti' placpacticing mtaiy aare utt-uilimhni ofassue-ahtimum' 11mm'l(,tGli' n11111 ""NIVER +ITYnuBOOKST R P'ennsyc'vania, ccill whaha'cil ttheu lrets tli-i N U~I success. cubs. ret A. C., of Brooklyn, next season, _________ and is suggesteth for captain. I lo' tin' WtITELEV EPXEIhI I-s te thettWt'l'E~i FYEE~~tlNO. 20 S. STATE ST.