THEEIT. OF Al.-DI)LY. 72 F. C. STEBBINS, II L 751 D~~~l~ lALR V~iY $01 5 fist 52 d $25 F0 E 0 0/s I [TS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED tw it lices w! :III (ii itijt Wik. (u'hoeai} > Gid Oct -hoe:- it havie ( votir lt A tciii Wor fi(i.;1kI all;,uad get prices ~nd se cwork. Goalicy all on First Floor. LAGPINS -150 y c otiv nd lue Bt- tons 6r. 'Wtl J. of 111. or tle Jyear 75c. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. MRS AN IE WARD FOSTER'S' School o Dancig ad Delsarte SCHO Ql i"6 S.STATE ST. MJSyIes i we aters Gym-nSium Suits, Gymnasum Tights, Gymnasum Shoes, And l llkind-, of Atletic Good t SHEEHAN S INDIAN CLUBS AND DUMB BELLS FR INDOOR EXERCISES lIVIN\G 1"0l1S5AN) MASKS. -Tsenek call and sceotor IBARGAIKS IN BOOKS SHEEHAN &CO.9 Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. -OF ANN ARBOR. ,Orgaized 163. ;apital. PSS;Of>. gurpls and Prfits, $00. Transats a general banking business. Ereigs erhaugro bought and sld. urnish letters of credit. V. tACi, Pres. S. W. CLAREiSON, Cashier. MIYiss Hattie Long, GJJCta, Mandolin ,and. Banjo, 6in iller ae., Anna Arbor Micih. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS, aWatches Jewelry, Diamonds and chatel nmntgages s collaeral. Damond bought and sold. Watces and Jewery nicy re- are.Office at my esidence, 33 E. Liberty a. ety_ ours: Sinoi11 a. i., ttoii nd to 9 §L JJ. C. WATTS. ia i i i i i i i I 6 T 4 E m 1 a DROP ZIN AND LOOK AT I THE WHITELY EXERCISER E MIL REFS Tthr n ~ u(1otrd ficoimipl ete I --1I ( I. e U11: ft-, lltsle 1° 1,11 oto f-: cl i l" i 2I-.: 1 tide .~trFR. ]L. SLOUNT. 14 N. (,te::: :i n: ii 5:::: , ii)Avhrt:::.1t . sa sLc . i :1 STEA. LAUNDRY CO. ;THE AN1 BL l SAVINGS BANKj A tAro iih. ( ilri ti I (,{O oifso ai llncicir lii li. 't: t re-,d lis: I icy :1,:: E.S. SLERifIlSS, Manager, sciii exI ier:o:il Owi e- iI'i:: imciti iiof1th TOt~ il -stcs t11 O1t ti :.1r:0 :1 shd 19 -i i r I : To keep posted, read the iI tt'ci11 1t1 J1 U)t. i:)-0 -i Daily. The Daily $2.50 a year. N / Thie f::mos ctar& Ciecenct Bath RoecsI tI arceco itiade in all this1; 7 l LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES Quaiticprb. 1Matic undelr our 0fact 1Pilc patrot. Prie, in fine ctoeryiti $7oi finic wool terry, $io. IDelivered i 9frcc.Returnaible if usttatisfaictory. if oIfudatyu\daes' ed ou ' _ca~yz itio id at corgead clsingmi to c STAu & CRESCENT MILiS CO., Fhiiad., 1. y1 Aie yoiiannloyed bhi yourii amp wcxiks clir:ic By ycentr iiips fillinte thii house will: a oickeiiiigsmoke and gis toga lictit thie coiiostofthle moen wihens seen thsrough a siioked glass? If so, sortiede Star Oil1, a1:1 tius tronbles will vaiiish. It gives a white light , lees tnit char the wick, emnits io odor, and w-ill all burnout of the lamipl. lied Stiar Oil bc per gal., Water Whtitc Head Light Oil, tic per gal., ;-I sioeless. Gasoiline Ste per gal. 44 Sooth Maiin Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. iii: Seior I':lis il tt i wi(1,1:i ic i1 E.C (i a, il ilit, l~1 -u18huec01 tk1li schafIer'_s 8imkstore liorineily with George W-aite,lit E. iWaslinfcton et. Headqnaiteis foi everything a Studeontiieeds in the line of Text-Books, Stationery tid, Mlisrellaites Stock iin general. MARTIN SOHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 10 E. Washoington st., oue block east of Maiin si. S A. E, MUMMERY'S, o [LE S DJEAlR j46 5. MAIN STREET. MOORE :& WETMORE 6i S. Ilaiiu st., and Slotecit., :.i- tiretofyWiliainost., liaue It New and Second Hand. Notc Biookst and OtihereStudents, esuppi:s mine Statisory, iortin1 o dset-., hi:,ch tliieoee::I 0.t he iLowest irices. Call and see us hefore purchasing. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS toT'soEi ELITE DINING PARLOR I(or. Slate aiod Libeity sfi. EJDWARD LI WIS, 0 iip Bad rsjnted. Dr. Micciu :ci-oeew-o ha ri il ~aDV for some tuleutiit si-iod Prof. 1 oc toit-.ccli i. Piif hlielrlcorsd-ii:.c: on- clsi elitti i fchiitt', has io:i-lted is toi bei-the iini te li.'rri Di-iia',sto:1,1- 0 -al-ctu:re- befo~re- tiee::i toliii-ui FIRST CLASS TABLE. sorlority iiousi-s iiilliie iIty. .A 'rilie freSfoiaii tiass iil:llta~liv '1D ejc o UM~l.Iotil IJs BNULETS. + A+SPECIALTY. i-icnislr 1150 sis lech-l Iie Sii iiion hullil.slidl iridgy o f last ccnai :-k Prel hugh- comusn re co-u 1 '50NKO50-m123. linllryin ankitiucs-lstificathii:ict Ice ci: lck-I by the (Ciristmnas iai01i011. tri-- i-cc li11 l-illii101 TherAuielicoulttiItoiiBit:xits lirethrt as anocncel t1riia~-iligt. ioe everyting Acciii rec-~meinee todaby. ccill ice probaboly-be n lore mtinifs T11 Harvarld etltOoguei ccill ptcb- PROPROITOR- of thiecsocieiy before tilelhelidaly,. lbl lllia bt.lll.Llii.l luict Pi-of. Truiebloodl ccill ga o IDoule- inoet sheets shioccill uatiinda~nc-e:of -* U.WI].11i sc ai-, Ohio, this ceels cshi-re- lie in 1.07 at teflt -:e- per::1.12 of whin~i oni: of thelf judges on liii-oruaforica rlt rmteitt f1 s ia h coniest ill tile Ohifi Weslyo V _wolc-uivrsii pnbeci rir-00 [H LAflIN TAILOB sil~-.studenis. teE~vrl clleo ii The I. of Ile1111tilOlis Has the newest Fall and Winter ciii give as conicrt iii Detroit nxt Woolens uiid largest sleek in the chitrchi is to hiace a glee rclbvliicli Sattirday eve-ninlg, af Strasslsrg hail, city. You can gel any selec- ccill visit theic ieigliboiig towons old For thie tast cc-elkllt hie e clii i: ls lion you are looking for. gice concerts. An exainiatioin for been practicing siider thce dircion f lA W COME AND SEE US. mlnberslipt will be hield at th-elihirchl Prof. Stanley, whlo has wrtteii soime froin 7 to 'S this ev-euing. new sogs for tieioi. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.