THE U. OF M. DAILY. 34111'Wade1(1ld 'atierstll. Fifty ('ouides Pres. Angell's Mother Dead. SPECIAL SACS.. _________ >2I~221fMrs. tAtle Aiigell. 1lootll('iotf t I 'iiN sFIA In' Collegelleat',ta (l (" f ie ollccss by ths the .'lhe ervisiols tfiIlIt''fllleivinogroColS-1 1Y7E S TU t: M I1D1'Dr(AS'ITOH itilt'. ett 1 . tirtI.Sgm; t 1.0 II1, i iti'l' 11IiI nRazor, needle, Yale, Opera, and OFIE:' e~nSbilding N. tfin t ., oppitote dnor' StiI. frnarrllnt r.'.111Toes.Ph,~e r. Im ma :5 i m Tos Widths, A to 1E. toot ofliee. 1.firs. Angel int1er-ene if) ,('era t_____________ l"ts11s inp ek' e 5g(,2.itl nt' you', ioitvrithiy Psi Isiltll. ('lInit'lln;L C. I. AMeadt. tattnd lthe fuin'eal. Sale to hegitn Wednesday, Dec. 5, arid 'e s nlejt 'i Pi istd 01, . ll ls. Anieetsidetlt Ann . rh A contittlietil' Studay Night, Dec. 1111 - 1(left a1tin's itte Of 11V t Ie' LtiY, hails 1Epsiln. forsolve111'ti11e. Int d11 1 nany friends a t tolit t's, at StaIte 4t. new stand, with any; JACOBS & ALLMAND, ofthe (ditors. or aott oloet solihitor . Arnvii'ee --tn1:. IC. lits net. At- .1a1llon tale itii(ns 10lfr(' t Co m1iai>sshoudld5'01' t the'otihe Iby lila I D e ill ehiritoli R.Ii. l ne. Aitr hoso S ~slncto lbl o inoclc . .it they ore tinanear tn th lietilt v la 111eo lit Ar-thuri-It. 'Ill-ee. A 11,'115.1 et tioltlto it( 'tt foe poiditir. 'l.t'ibws Psi.,What Prof. Delmmon Thinks of Me'r '. ' i ' tie' ttnsngigl'Aiitor.WAu tleskin,,, 100".1 , ootmnlt itt tiloulle ltt 11s- Ii'''titl ll'llll1 5. IIls o.Applebee. ns l1 nte Iteta 1111111 It i. t'lllil'lllll . 1'.S itli.______ EUI 1t ih'b. A Ladies' Evening. tll' 111l11. t'lI.I'll ll11 11111 A11 or f0It 'I 1.1+0. 1. . o11;t5. E.'95 . l Anin Editor. 'i 1114 h' nttl 11111 ~ Altl' t''gl' hO ie pl d llt'e allslitts 01' I lily tlt('111,a dI tishe IEAINGSCHOOL OF BUSINESS anod tiORT- J. .A. .011115', lit. It6, Atltits.Edtttr. 1,4. Shorlt tlks wil C it e'itby Mrts.' 0001 Magnifieilding; ite necr; large I. Pllull., La'95, lBtsiness 's n Ii. .0411, Aes\.. . le-tll tI -i-.illll (11t1ottl'llilll'tbl lilt'Ill. ettendtnce; goad discipline; Suerilt ororl:'e .1 igl,_rJ .-\a .1( upidraigro ;diylcue;S toda --- As stlalt. e" re eptdios pt; hellyencine e hrltl p- Alts. ls' tonest'tttlt'y. -All's. A.e ll ilotttp 111oti tIlcllt i 11 et 111able 11411 totI.oocliln;avsihailo 50 Le Assistant,.t,1 oua cititici tor plaoing studento in postilon. . - '.500.i. oes. These rates reduced tin t5oby'ehrsll S. 1. Sltey, '9t3. 1'.1. -itil9i. 111 ll 'lii. , A n geil''l l n k iilg t lb111 l1call ot Ils reCaianle a ddress I. A. ilaicloe '. E 1. 1L. 5Eans, '9a 11R11CiFOPY. Pest t.'urrie V. Smith, '9ti. IG. 11. i ln511 t'''1 11'11 it lrsn '), 'b t\o i i( i 'ttwo et si'5 illi, tat, ______P___R._______________________ innilie 'IA lilpsotitlill lrDIiliol.. ellilyr'. still so:1 1k i tl) pierlsonll 1('X ____________________________T_ t'. RartIlretl, iit 55 I I RI \ \: 1 IE R_\1 lOLESV _____________ HOMEOPATH_____ IC"--______ le1111tstii tIl tltlli 't'art, 111 inthe 1p11-1M ON D~AY, ./. (yt 1 T illttlt il ttitlialt11.ili i i'tttll '.nesofllor il l- I