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December 08, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-12-08

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N C I A The Reform League. mo0v0 is 1ow 01n. 1and1will bhi p11e10(
till thi-e urse of driiik iiiion - h lsit-
CTime Table liRevised) Nov. 18, 1894. 11I'h 11401111 lioiiliie comitt~iee ilc h sode ie u._h igl
EAST. r i. W ET .5T Thursda(ly igni htil lMe~lillan habll. Lind gofte c nw ilprvt
Mail ad E-----150 Hail ---- (il3l8 3 dewop ,atstlllaeii-lii-ithe iiil Iii
N. Y. Special-.-. 1115 N. Y. Special---m1170uensfo1bcuiuvn
Eastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Lmited. . .3(iiiSdil igain t thi liiquoritill c,1.17ooleisfoiil-oiiigr
A. M. Pacific Ex..-_2 5lirmleid Irunkards, and besides will
Atlantic Ex.---7 47P1 M ainiolilthe students. About; 13 orfthe
I). N. Express.--- 5 40 Western Ex.--irs-2cavea. grea-ti dsiraiiolu-1i ect. I
0. R. Expvvs--11 03 (Chi. Nt. Ex--.--10 25 nom11111rs if 1111 commilitteI (,, orers 0111lgtii aonsiln
0. W.ORGGLES, 11. IW. HIL S, et. l''hefollowing 111pldgis were
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ania Arbor.liavee iplower i.willii 111toiidoI'5o."
__________________________________ drawli so 111liiifor ilisirililiamonllilg thiii
T , A . N RTl'e officers of the li-agile are 100~s-
.,A. . .]1 ~R . studentso: "1will aibstaini thrioghi life
Taking effect Sueday, Aag. 1, 1894. 1(1 leoi ifiideiiilgi- ns ut, Prof. Sle -e; sese sai A s.
Torais lIveryAnn Aibor on Central Stail-lPardoni; treaisurer . t. 1.Fooiii. logo.
ord time. 1 so ill ibstain til-inililite fromlihe
NORTH. SOUTH.Iar mieeltsswill biihldi l111-, frs
7: 18 a. M. 57:15 .an).i use0 iitobaicco." fI iese illd-s will
112:25 p. ni. 11:110 a. n.Thursday o7f eachi moutili.ndlsina1n11e11
4:15 p.ini. 9:00 p. l.ibilistibiuiein ill e1y7 reliloniis So-
Trains run betwteeni Anyi Arbor and IToledo 0 1s l),,iniiiiiig huh :110(1 l sIt lll iOliIO i1 :ntnli
All trainsdal ecptSuliytorouglh ianvas iss flu then 11o11Ilwillsiuul1(teliir.
W. HI.BENNETT G. P. A. Tiiiedo O 0 n.a 000amoniiig the student15 sid fm- ITRCOLGAE
fI~lie Iie olijet of this move is10 TIis rears I iiri:tistrl() h
Time Table, October 7, 1894. for Ilhe loller ho elolOlil of1'ediiea- Ilirs-in rs isical 01.11:1 0011 tol 1a
Leave Ypsilanti from Congresosi., 7100, 9.0t101ano-tesuszsisnfece r
and 11:00a. in.; 1_:45,21:15,51:t.0, 0:4.1:00 ond lo lllgles il:ii.i iiueiefar we s s 10 ailsa1s _'ii '
LaeAim Arbor Junctiiin, 7:30,1:30 :iand11111'iiiilliillr,:1(iieliiI Ile110tlliii7 11i11e11111
11:30 a.inu. ;1:1,2:5,5.310,7157:1'W andil l:Np.in. ~ frlrl-go uno sl i ill n li sni-lo
SUNDAY TIME. it osill havesillfrhrlagewr. wllbiulin lc hui"
Leaive Ypsilanti frons Conres i., 1:"0,11:30, Tlii 5nis iii ineiearest ab:iliii ,11anl d ihise lihoues or :::-u-1101:0will
5:00, 6:310 and1:00 p. m.
Leave- Ann Arbor Junictioii,2:0.,4:10, 5:310,lihe- iattir. and is rni-l o I :iji 111e1aine1 d lior ip iesns N.11: lave5Co-:
7:00 and 9:30 p. in.
Cars run en city time. Pare.:osiglc trip 15 11h1-s5l11111 11iini11ss amiliiong the0111- tribiuteil.4110,0001l.
--niulerond trip tickets 25 cnts.
WM. P. PoAKERSiipt. dits if liossitble. Ifthlis nd1:0 ri 111(1 Alpopla i-istiiliiti.iii atl lwu--ilis
7t _R_ Ii,2:-beacomiiplishedlli 17inayohll. 1111, liii-( o-oueraii oe :-iet7. :a store.0rai1
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING 110Ii liii iorliddiiig liii-,ale i in - 11y- iieb(is of the- 1lil:-r sify fur(h
Corner of State and William sis., t11011.111110 iriiiis lto stiideits ivi1l1 besale utfisuuos 5151010r7 , fi'lis-r,
William t. entrance. rigidly enfioredl.iid ill sailioiinikill)- ilseil's fliriislilli good(11s hirlotliiig.
FLOW ERS, FLOW ERS u-is. cugt linigthe laiuwilb li ei:ouiloe ofliosiiiess fo~rthe ir llsI
Far Ev-erythineg and Everybody. prosecoud. Proft. Seeio.h. l prime1111twoinooiiis if the colliegi- year
~OllS&I&LFlii ( .Teephon s- 1(1: i liilliilllsille 115iiioiiild. to $.1. 137.311. Its iopulair-

[Notices iisertein t is lsiiumn:iiat thlle vie
of v cents per liue. Special rates fiir ioirrr
time, anid extra lines ofurlii-1:ro byyaplyiiO
at the DAILY olbce.t
OI wlAN' t)l'l(ATS)N.
(O11 0irillilof tihe dedicio ol f ithei:
Columlbiani orl au like 7lirlligalllCon1-
trailosill sell roundll tripllikes to Aim
Arbor oniDc. It, ~giiiui o reuri-nlIt-i-.
15, 1f11 11111f1re1:f1111 ound.itll from Il
ill M1ichiigan pintslins a11 I :111151of 1001
sou-u-k. 1i13p1irutof1eye 11:1.tieI.ider
lhlilsi leaise it1'Tlheta. Isi 1:iiii-5, inul
Schooil if lDaning anid lelsarh-, 441
S. Slate si. rs. .511110iie arid Foste-r
os-ill. teachliniiihier Tuesiday eveninig
1lass a beatiul iti1 d:1ificu~llt stage
daiice is 1111e, b-sidbs it (t e-nd lf ii-
Ilerm thfie1(1upil0 islt onlly ablde io
dane al11liehbill riiioindancies, osaltz,
1(o111, twoi stepl, iquairilles, s-ic., but
ha iiione1 beau1ifuil stag- daniieasos-oll
115 thiebiills root"ll dance. Salturdayh
iiioriimg ilaiss outide he daince1s0,
wsaltc, tostep1, etc., aIcerin llltimei is
devoes tepoper wayi 101110001oif statnding,
shreet ecarriage-, recepion, inltroduction
bosws, tli oe riill0117 tioswalk 10011D:-l-
sairliixercisis. ()lie 1111110t10dane
piroperly-. Mondayi7ev-eninlg class, all
the n11001danlees anid 1th German1110
taughil. FIst- stip wa:s iintrodu(edlto
os-ic-ls iago. Nex t:oiiday cloning 1110
Tuxiedo os-ill1lebe:i-,:~ 1 lance taught.

117 is dulti o iiithe-fat thtiti prot111111ts ________
lbs stndunts frti 0111liii- 1 1111 1 iiliRETJBEN H.'KEMPF,
ch-ogs oitlualeis toii 1 iihiic. 11011 tle Royal1ConserItorhy,
At the Grand Opera House. Teacher of Piano, Organ anid Kusica'
I Gomnposition; also the Artof
Mu-riti . . . fool: andb:Mils os rtho:-Teaching.
CA fI I h~bas-i-a bnautifuldhablh t eloirliin Stuio 225. ivison Sht., Anti Aurboiuu 1t
il-iillttsratay anul TteuI-:IliuasisssiinlEANLllSTERflRr CATERER,
... g i. ii--ii a at Ibis Standard7yesteruhay. It is ic- fR1 If ~ l!% uP OVshlip-
0flcetallhl in 10117y5wai-, anil whthribmi iir1s1sc.
le iies-loss-ol110a oineimni fur snunic DIETAS & SCHIANZ,
1 -+- -lilishmcnt, 11s a stoury or all i
frqctyconsists 1position1of itie talent outheto-stiles, it is U.O ". AL
inot knoswingfatr.M.'aeLaetadbsstlso oenadD-
whehebr to at once corn1lletel7 - satlisfacitoiry.MrToie aoomubt yei1111idle
buy a high priced hias a norrent notion of G(lnan dialict mesticeOtoolen. irs lss it sauSnilfirstelass
guo r n ted.oe.mursd i I 1 presingond
instrumentoriotry ey a02 ndl miss Jorbuoe is tin Irish repairuing1neatly doie
,l t bainagood ius colleen. after theiiihcriiniis (11111 48 S. state t . Scondi FloerAnn Arbor
rument by procceslo
of selection among s r 3fn prgtY silo-i
in regard 1o the a o vlc r girl-mmilia w tiiilsooali i SCHOOL OF DANCING.
Sot fwythiat stlil et renmd oilh
_____time,__theterm strtiguwithidloe of idmi-
f'"1 son.Allclsse armuneri hepersonal in-
NOTICES. tuto flpadlis osGate.N
04-flU J0 1D lsoordlof(Oratilas msioiotin u-i- 22 Years in the Bsiness.-
BS dy, 1)1. 7, at0 4lp1ini., 0112.
AUX _1.I1. ()UL:LIOS, Ile-. : CfITYV AN R
bI0Nt\t' I 'ASS.5. AU R
I Classos ii fo nolig still Pc: loglliliiib
THE WOKL~ beginninig Jaii. is, 18,95, oexercises. twice M. X . SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.
BEST INTEWOL t oseoo. 7-mo, $3fur 13 lessoltommlibi e RHN TAL IG
you may pay as much as you please for another nmake pidi in advanc.ve, yiour01W llilue MERH N TALR G
and you soll not obtain as high quality; or you may wsithi a1011pil your f--u- tu Mr. lere- Ianuiugirssing and item I iea
serha ietmeaogchae ihoutnitdieneatly Iy
serhabetm mngccprgos fnlg lins, janior outhe1 gyilliiait. The AUG. SC~iI)NEOVALD, G.E. Washingto
anything that at all approaches them. When you're hours will be 11s follo~s 5 Men, fhins- -
ready to balk over an instrument inspect these magnull- ,NEW
" cent prodimctions of blue largcst musical factory in lime . days iiid Pbiuisilay5 3 p I .Vis iii s Is
svorld, They arc sold by leading dealers everywhlere. (111ys 1(110 lrida7-s, 7 p.m ti. to
Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue costaining Earlrails of 0901leadieg classes); womminm Monica15s andiii\V ii
Tbrsdmys,!, 10Ii)or l1 I.i 1. O CDENTAL
Opposite Union Park :.Aeu n l hria Sinil 01 os.
Chicao Adams Street inUrin(sinicPoe)(11-1" SUNDAYDINRAT5OCCK
Chicago... ~Chicago ..the seconid si-uiestli- sill pee1( ml I INRSA OCOK
~ in in111(on Thulrsday, Dei. 1:11it Studndous adiienusihould mahe this
4:13 p. in., 11n order 1thatkboklu ay i b1oP.thmeirlheaidquarters 55hPi~eii Ypsiilentiand I
decied, ta accrdig totheprefr- ssure them they null fhnd mc, is evr,
dide il lheoni Ii h hBioost cordbily,
Cennce of thie lithjoietly of liii prosp~ective W. H. LEWIS, Prop.
SoleAgets, ~ ~ o~ ~.la'.isDLCKIIOFF. Subscribe for the Daily.

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