THE U. OF M. DAILY. 214' .$tur roosm101. 'Ill e tlollyesterdlay WhO Of+ 4 1+ c4. U +"tA entirely without(excuse., there was no __________ ('110e0for su1c1h5eonduc1t 011 theat'111 Publishe ai ly (Sandalysexceptedl) during Of the tlidi'111as t1ere1(110 noprofes- the Colleg-e year, by s01' more pla~llr with the 1laws, gei- JOE 0. 0f M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, orally lhau prof. Kirchnier. 'hie OIE:c'Tioes liuiding N. Main st., opposite malu, 1ll1T'i'.'v. 1111 h ot 1rest011l11he post office. Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in advance. S1ngle copies 3 'ents. Subcrlp- 110ons may ble (ft at the office of the DAILY, at Stolliet's, at State st. new sand, with any of tile editors~ oe authorized Soliceitoes. C'ommunicationls should reach nile office by 7 o'clock p. m. if tihey arc to) appear the let day. A ddress all mattellntended foe publi- cationl ts thle Mlanaging Editor. All blusin~ess comumunicationls soullld bec sent, to tihl 11)10- 11000 Maicager. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ana Arbor, Miich. EDITORS. J. 1L. Longe, Lit. '15, Malnaging Editor. F. I'. SADtElR, Lit. '96, Assistant. Hi. COLEMsN, Lit. '07, Assisant. A. F'. tlotKwrrLI., Lit. li, Assitant. J1. A. LelolY, Lit. 96, Athetic Editor. J1. S. PARLt, Lan 'El, Buasineso Mianager. Assistant. .Assistant. S. B. Shiley,'9"St 1. 1. Iamill,'9. 11. A. D~ancer, '93. E. 1L. Evans, '9i Caerrie V. Smitil, 'ii. G. I. lharrison, '5. Minnie Thompson,'97 MEIOIAI.. E. S. Bartlett, I~i 9"7 . omn,'8 C. 11. Farrell,' Lit '558. B.Gmo, All Copy must be at tile office biefore 8:30 a. m1. of tile day of publicationl. Tile editors dto lnt iold thlemsels'es rspon- sible foe tile opinions or statementlslof corrcs- pondents, appeaeing iu tile DAILY, Michigan is 10 is' colgrlillillell til hilgl fsor tswo years ini suiccssin such 111(1 1)0 Bairdl a111( tislilgel' for her1 footbiall catinils. Oline ritircs froml) the( poisitioni he( 1111 00 suscessfui- Mlichigan football captaini 'vrrefiors' altaindct; theioth011r obtainls one of lt' 151r' highcst hioiiors tiiilllid1Q. rgrlidllltl lI'oslt's t11a1 o'v'('l openeid besftor' a fosotbiall siason. Bothl thiise' 1)en1 Mtich- igan is pro'ud1to 10honor. All pris' toi Elsesslore 1' lprinlt somle airy pr- fsothall, from P'residentl Angell. in- 11( fear1 11115 ath~letics in 11)10uliver- oily will go wrong. T1he' hcarty co opelsrltionl if faculty 1111( std'ents ill freeinig tunisvcrsity sports fromll evr taint of reproach make~ls it li1)icss- sary folr tis ulivetrsity to lie trouibled ahout: "control and11 restrictioli iof 111- lefit's." We hlcar mulch 01) every hand1( of he "esvils of college' athlletics," andisi if is graitifying that, undiler "sisling conditions, Mlichigan 1)0s 110 fears oii 11)1s score, a111 5s 1101 likily to Ihtv' ill tiii fuiturei.t 'T'e ilnsult offeredto 1 Prof. l'icbnsr by3 eet'traiin membe)t~rs (f tile Junior law' lertily atfirniooni c'an1)01 hs' pssid wXithiolt nlotice. All during thl e tc Illere was Such It slilflilig of feet 110 to mak01e it 01111st imlpossble 10 follow'1 thio lectiurel', 11n1d dlring the qu~iz the hiOist' becamue sluch thit Prof. Kireline'r after several times askin~g tile nstu- dents to he quiet, wras comnpelled, to suspend the quiz 01111 leave the~ lee-I 'of, lt'estudtsi a5 re indlignantlf 11n( ready to iliscollrllg' ithefcw 1men1 -w11( lhiiis'lve'0 i1sllciolls by 111eir' (01- duct ithroulghotth111,rear11'-11hey1h1vt .cltclikelb childirenI or slirs trowsdis's. 1111d1itiis high liunel'for 11)e'facltly 111n theair111e goodl 1)1m)1'of 1111' lasw Is'. Prof.'IThompnon's Opinion. P'rof. 'l'hloiopsou 0s1e0 of Mr. Apple- hi's, 'Illo appeal's Dee. 10. 1t, 17 aiid 18, ini1'th Uity clutb course: "Mtr. Ap- jilt'tit't 1 n011'of the' 11001at,A e ns'r- tainling and(1 istrulctivt' speatt'rs 50' Beardsley is Found. Carl1 Be'ardsley. 11)'ellissilig IU. of 31. «-)10 ftoundil esl('rday ill a-011m)11111h1)- lin Cl Ianada, bui slid 10 say- ishopi'- lissly i insane. It is thoulghtihis ib'. rantligel)llnis llhe'r1esu11of ,over-stlld. I 10 nlolt aplace foirpday. till'Nv'ork is 1)110 loin formed ilo ''riI ',lNess'York 110 oc'caion ifor('alii editorialiliWO.' lhis. Subscri'ietfor tile Daily. 1'. O lt"1. CALENDARl. Sat., Dec. S.-Alphas Ntil ilitrry so- ciety ilneets S8 p. In. Sat..Dec. S.-AnnArbor i'tso'iigh Ss'liol A.s. Det'roit hligh School at faii Suti., Dcc. . 1I. St('sr ' ilirs' oii E'oltioni at A1. E. churtch. Sun., tDec. A 1' l arRley lecturi's at Ndewb'erry hall1, subhject, "P'ointsO in a Linle." Sill)., Decc. 1).--A. 11. I'rescotti lects'l~ at tPresbyterianll chutrt'1. c haptl at 4 p. 111. Moni., Det'. 10.-Jamies IKay Apitiells' lectulres at IUnitlu1b1. 31111., 1Dcc. 10).-Laidies' crlniili 8A Tues., Dcc. 11.-Webster society hboltdsfirst pul~bic meeting. Thuirs., Dcc. 13.-Facoilty concert at F~ricee leorial hall. Thures., Dcc. 1.3. -Iunior lit soilt Gtranger's hall. Fcri., Dec. 1-k.-C',1lllltiln 0o'gan1 tdedicated. Sat., tDe. 15.--Mulra tHalsteil1c tulrcs before Stuldenits' L~ecturc Asso- ciation. att University hall. Trues., Dee. 18..-t'rooullictg co11- test, Unliversity 11011. DITSONMUSIC. "1Six Love Songs," Ily Frank. E. Saseyer. Translations sit Sis of iHeinle's finest lyrics in exqullisite mlusical settingn. Heavy Paper, 70 cents, "COLLEGE SONGS" The standard collection of College Songs. Over 1100,005 sold. Heavy Paper, 50 centn; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Only book: of thle kind publishled. The sungs of thin heading colleget for womlen. Heavy Paper, $1.00, ROYAL COLLECTION INSTRUMENTAL CUlTAR MUSIC." Eighlty-twu piees fur tile guitar from the best sonries. A. splendid collectionl. Handi- some Cuver. 50 Cents. Any book snlt postpaid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSON CO., 403-463 IWashington St., Bnstnn. C. II. Ditou & 'Co., N. Y. VICTORATHLETC^GOOD lretdailly demoosltlotil:te irueri- lrilly. Itills beien our aimlt10snake tiletiest, lnd iie have succeeded-so ie are assured by a critical pubic-in maihng, our lie of Baseballs, Bats, Glovs cnd 1Mitts, Tcnnis Blls, Rad.- ets, Nets, Boxig Gloves, IFootballs, etc., the leaders in quality. BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. OVERMAN WHEEL CO.I :Mak.ers ot Victor Bicycles. Bostoln, Piladnlelphia,. Detrnit, NewYoerkl, Chicago, Den~ver. PAC}'IF IOAST: SanlFlallrlsrn, LoslAngeles, Port~landi Caps and Gowns FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the United States, at sulrprisingly tow prices. Self nieas- uremeut forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly fitting garments without visiting the store, will he forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. Thin largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America. R NEW COLLRiF SPECI'AL SALE NI:\S FINE Patent Leather SHOES In Razor, Needle. Yale, Opera, ad Squlare Toes. Widths, A to E. Sale to begin Wednesday, Dec. 5, and continue till Saturday Night, Dec. 8th. JACOBS & ALLMAND, Wfashington St., Washingion Block1 Aso. Arbos, Michigal. In Ike LEADING SCHOOL OF BSINES adOORT" HOND. Magnifintslbuilding; en teher; lare atendance; gnd dicipline; spei osrhr; well supplied reading rom; daily letues; Saurday eveningcreceptionns;openlhe enire yea..Exce- tin l'aciliies fer plaing studens in poslleil) Bodand renom $1 .75 pe week in1 priate Iatilhes.Theseraenredueed Iso $r5oy self- taa,,iing. FoneCaloge address , P R CLARY. Peeo 00001 GRANT) OPERA\ HOUSE. SATURDAY, DEC. 8. Fngatemet of till Jolly Grma DialestComdan J. E. 'TOOLE, aind his ec~cellt Cmnpny pestil thei bautifuil comedy dlam, "KILLARNEY AND THE RHINE" PRICES, - 35c, 50c and 75c. Big Four Route BEST LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, andCINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN _ Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. E. 0. 5IcCOEMICE, .0B. MARTIN, Passenger Traffic Mg. Gen . & T. Agt Cincnnat, Ohio Oh ristmas Greeting 184 Students during vacation are cor- dially invited to make our store their headquarters, and inspect our ele- gant line of College Otfits, Sweat- ers, Foat Ball Goods, Skates, Import' ed Hose, Camleras, Golf Clubs, etc., e tc. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 147-149 Wabash ave., Chicago. Ill. X IN' D 7EfiG'A. RT 75N Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3 N. Man StreeL. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Gents' Cothin Cleaned or Dyed. 3W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR.