TH1E U. OF 1I. I)AtEY. Sellu F. C. STEBBINS, TH3E NEW ThIgrs Bokto 72 BEIB[ LiUltIY ElD N A . Washinzton st. Headquarters for YPSILANTI, MIIT. everything; a Student needs in the O11ti l tiin St.. Ann Arlor. Is ,aclin11g toilpoti l)ookS g ood1 line of Text-Books, Stationery and _____ - for " ; for $" 2. 57. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 OCLOK, Miscellan eous Stock in general. $2,50 and[lf1 IlES AIFCTO URATE ~ o~.iN1M1 THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, host codially,19 1. -Va shington st., one hlock l ti. iiint w1all oul 0) lWI F.. 1 iI,. t At , t. 1 1-TRKE. W. H. LEWTIS, Prop. east of Main st. _ ~- -DROP IN "AND LOOK AT A 1sts l \~l i THE WHITELY EXERCISER, MLD ES .MMEYS Call ii U ,get prices and see work. tics. Itl(kutsi 11(lhhlhil elfThe largest bottle4 gisI,, 1f o g.>toA5)b ) ndi e y t ) °I -su.))1, sepxe~ I of TOOTH POWDER 0-atery all on First Floor. rat1ed l, tr vo . el 0l foheata01ltltes. t( ty, llca t An n ssArbor. ________ m__ lei by R. L. BLO0UNT., 14 N. &a)))e Itl in the city for 25c, ' LAGPINS $1.501 l _-BK 0ib0))0 and your money back 0 --AGAiee THE ANN ARBDR SAVINGS BANK-, rtov-nlBn u-SE ML U D YC.A))A)))~) 1) ot 5,1) fntpretysts Wiith U. of M. or the 3 hiig h i(doss andDoestic Finsh. Or) ieo) nub) Oi ),eerilIl 1 .1 w5 fato at o___ f t1s)) t. )0) rive po sit"110)'), ly an year 75c. slseci1- nth rnia iiso h ---A -E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Unit)ed Stbee. )) )1)cashed ))upon)))r)pee W WM.ARNlOLD'S, Jeweler. '48 bb.ltI 1 1'))bRTOO AVENR I, id. ih ),in S~ icItj oit boCS t ren. NEW DRUG STORE. - h i l ten itI n Bac-e)) )))e . : .1) . ,- To keep posted, read the t~ser; il ) 1t), Assstitt, s110 A L K Dily. ' ' ' ' ' 1 ^'' The Daily $2.50 a year. ALH WIH IAI "T RTjR Are yout atttoyed hS your lamp wicks cliared? Bly your 11amp)s)filling STOaP1~ Os-s cm: 11 wI. t) ineszss s t hoe Nss the' house with a sickeniuig smoke atid giving a light the color of tte N. CIt. 1 1, 'lioss5000 ioo when seets throught a smoked glass ? If so,11se ottr Red Star Olil, intl 46 S. MAIN STREET. thtts trouhles will vanish. It gives a white light, does not char thel' wick, emits 110 odor, and wvill all httrn out of the lamp. Rell Statr Oil Sc pee ;al. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S ;Water White Htead Light Oil,(lie per gaL1, 74 smokeless t1.oolhte 8v pe)r gl. MOORE E M R Schout of Dancing and Delsarte. ID.AZN q& CQQ :'_.NY_ I i S. Main st. and State st1,0co1 Saudy,, Gentlesootbeglee erselaso. 44 South Main Street. 1)net'elf Williamu st.,shtve 5 Cur ay,,Lady)ginn~esclss. conmplete stock of Mends y, 7:30 p. i., Adt aned Clies L.adies' UNV R IY N T S I' e le ~''.11)111))1) as (Scetlenen.U IV RSTYN TE . )lo lle at bnj cu anGant lemen).. holds)a. 1 ec ting t1)11)7ait 1 )011. ei: yapitnnllt icnrdlvr oa' a iS CO, I llt S. 11$1)11)0)))). 11 ).kt-nte ltiesbby il clth is ill 111)11ol t ourtlen11)r 11 vIoiIeYs[ T OOK SCOL. 6S SA S .Itles. adlocst e.l nari 1t(- New and Second Hand. Ne es, Setrs 'lietr Iln ee 1)la1wis IillgNete nooks atdsoterecstudents' supplies. ksaunnt irn the 1111t5 ( lay )'s i t . ine Stationery, Sporting Gtts, etc ,w t dYGI Il1)17All hooks ttoen frot te llibraihory ttey offer at the Lowest Pices. TIhl)' 1 )tiil f lt tiel l' tsaS (cl111) Gymnasium Suits, Gymnasium Tights, Gymnasium Shoes, Andi-nll kintds of Atitletie (Ijootis at7 T IDAN CLUBS AND DUMB BELLS FOR INDOOR EXERCISES. FENCING FTOILSAND MASKS. This week call and sec our BARGAINS IN BOOKS .SHEEHAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRMST NATIONAL BANK. OF ASS ARBIOE. Orgasized 1813. Viapital, $100,e00. Surplus and Prfis, $4t0,00. Transacts a general bashing business. oreign exchanges bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BAUSK, Pres. S. IW. CLARKSON, Cashier. Miss Hattie Long,, Guitar, Mandolin 'and. Banjo, 69 Mliiller are., Ann Arbor, Mich. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS, a Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds and chattel nsorligages as collateral. Diamonds bought and sold. Watches and Jewelry nicely re- pairaed. Office at my residence, 33'.dib t terty st- city. tFours; 8tot11a. m.1lto 3and 7te9 J. '.0. WATTS. untltDctl4mst b)1 te111 0)11at 1111' liletritilt's 17. A. IReo. 117 lit, is assistant rash- olesk,'1111d111101tI)'e1111)ace) )oil ie pro- Irslteht"(s wIi etire'I. ieo la lti'First Nationtal tbankteof 1811e1- rI181lilialpaydfobl antdoah, lt. I 50IIi'iettIlIII )stl sos Lucy Textor. 14 lil, is wortkinigttetel10)0 tt Itcll~l fotr aisielser It)'rt''"Itt: I'Mad Sin- ford University. Prot. Trebilod will 11111 ts theJnior lt-w class its elocutioti flot'rectatliiont t 5o'cltck this afternsoont. Ehtmer 1,. Brown, '8tt lii, is it the heatdllof 1110 depsartmetitf pedageogy in tlhe University of Ctiliftoriat. Ther' will he ta teetinsg of ithe freshl- iislsusclass itmorrowv in te chaspe'lai 4 tp. in, Important husiniess is ts bt transsactedl ansd all shltsltn. 'Tie freshmuan hanjo clubhaIts rt- ceti their musoic. Ev-erythinig is nsowo ready and a soeting for practice will iprohahly- ho held this itternoion. "The Religiott of Whittier and Weh- ster," will he considered hy Rev. AMr. Suniderlanittn a Short talk Sunday evenin,,Dec. tp. hefore thio heginning of Mrs. Suniderlantd's lecture upon "Jamnes Matrineau." Theo junior law class will liequizzed next weekonet the last two lectures oii common laoe, pleading and practtice, aisd on the first 25 psages if "Stephien's Pleading." The lessons ois "Atndrews Stephen's Pleading" will cover 11he "Editor's Preface, Authtor's Preface, Anther's Introduction,' and "Develop- ment of Procedure." nlothling, 5Yal), two) titlulsdoOrib attt louclidootie 1and1togoad l ststintg. churlchi is to it)'foutnd on1e!)'of till' tes eqippeit~d lihbtirics anid readinsg roomls in theo'city. IBothi tre entiely feoa11) all ptesonis regtardless of set are)'its- tSnday tafteoontlIs froin2 to +3 o'clock. The senior laws will hold a mleiting in tho~ lass- lccture roots tonsighst at 7:30). lTe sculior laiw tanal 1"To-wit," will hoetdiscusscd, andl the plaliter of punrchlasin~g clases'sanes will1b1' htoughst up hefore tlio Imeeting. A valedic- torianhissitttritiii1111d pi'ophe0t will ho elected. At a mieetihig of thic fre'shmlans fiot- hall tcalls yesterdtay Olsons was elected captain of nett yearstsealm.'PTe tmanager wvill be electetd at the meet- ing today. Every ettort will Iteismtde to have a winnintg teans inttefield next yeai'.'The comnmlittee' 01 yells have sa good supptly on hand to choose fron. ('lass roloes will also lie adopted. The reulaining class officers, orator, ptretthet historian andl poetess will he elected. Call and see us before purchasing. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY THE ELITE DINING PARLOR Cor. State and Liberty sts. EDWARD LEWIS, Prep. Btotrdersi 'fatsod. FIRST CLASS TABLE. BANQUVETS + A + SPECIALTY. _P=0TBOUBJ123. M~. STAZ3LEH, PROPRIIETOR. G. H. WILD JOE LEAD1NG JAILOB Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you ore looking for. Wff"COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main at.