IIIITU. OFAM. DILY. MICHIGAN GLNiT 1G4 licoc Table IRevised)ll '0 ,154 EAS0. 1v . 47 V. Y. Secia1-__515 N.YN" pecsiad --7:10) Eastern Ex-----1025 N.S. LimcitedI. --70 A.At. Pac'ific E07o 7 - 1:21 Atlan~tic Ex .--- 7 47 1.b ). N. Exp:ess ---5 0 0 WesternEx--- 212 (i. 1R. Express -- 1t00 (Chi. N .':----102 (). NV Ruca" I'E 00. 11 l.1 S T., A. A. & N. M. RY. 1' S e 0 f 'i1 . At tho Grand Opera House. Mililot t i- (Illot for o- l)rttiio Thiel iollor, (11), (50c. We me to have the rcate t of 1411 Sleep Un ParRei ci clladr 1'rr 1 draillatic successes. 'I'sle I rooll _I. 'n l.l>, voice of nlcdinln coiupYi s, l()<. 1landicnp.'' The Mot of Ill,, play is list ruinent nl ollo of intense ilitcrc'st, .111(1 so (.oil- I I U11 ill fizt) 11 It1111 tit1'tleted as to 11h':lsc the ll as"s, nti , , , I'. . . 50 ( conlcdv and pathos are c(l11nll - t)Ic1)(1 "llystery \4-nchw - v111,( r:ll)ricc. cd, gild team ;111(1 Init --hter olter11ate 10c undo=r ill( 11lnna,--oll ent of Ir. _ llbro "I1Iec°tric Storili cI)tis, late 8,1111s ,t hover ic;- GoelAcle-'", o!* Aut -ustus Piton*, Ill, P1vs" Co.: ILc:?1' stockh id, , late NOTICES. of tlic, Boston )I11ticltill ,Itclcl Co.. and 1liss Adcloide i Ltr Altcll. Int I lcadill- j I.111I1(irtaltl 11 (till;. of c -lltivo support or 'I'llonl is Inc cilc. 1)oard of C)rntol ical Issoclttlrlu F i- The scellic cfff ("t, nre th(I iliost r nl- (toy, Dec. f. it k I). ill,. room 2 i. istic" evr). Nvftnrr-(Id on n11.v stn ;'r. "l. lI. t)t_.IItI. I'rc:. Ic :rcr;f)cctiv~ REUBEN H.KEMPF.s Teacher of Piano, 0rgan and Xo 51 0 Composition) also the Art of Teaching. HANOSTERFER CTn Ed DIETAS & SCIPANZ, U.0osF e 3w0. w M,o work nir~nlr~. tIc: sili :: i, o1 11 "11 tie.th SrEABOiaT, No.th 4t o N.tave. iot l 1217110a3erte ,r~ .1 1 CRAN ALL 1 -. ti 11, 145- TYPE WIER.N "t i' t ;7nl, t tie i1iJ.ti11 1x 10 he;1411(fl, t A's yw rd t i rumpn~~~rrv5scFen :tt n c~m rnr 22 Years z :0;;I: c 7.s77'° BUSINESS LOCALS. 'ifI10 b0 9' )i:::: l.:::)o: ic1e:s ::::o:'dly::11 d:: iisple; Ourable,; Writing in Sight. ni10AIMI011,1-1401''7 Permanent Aligol cot, Instantly Od::l 4 I::s I" :::Il1'l::::. Chanogcabl ' Type. ' ' . 1)1' 00tit. Mrs O (1' J. S P"ARL, Agent, frequntly 5c)1nsiss1ls' 1 )lll''1li l)1".5'EXCELSIOR + L.AUIN'DR"Y bi y 0ot k n o IN%-:i ng1)1: 1)11Te )c111 'and.')) :11 111 t;1:i rii 11o1 c I vel F ILM aka - 7 . 0s . BEST IN lElWsK> ('')'Nf. 1 1 :1:-ull 0: t lc 1 11113)s s> " )'Itll01to1101)1t10 i :)' n-::i #nls i ~' 0I ye(ab:y -I~ll .s y: envfr a oo~r1:00l edI: to1 the' proper 11:' o fls II:':: '1 11cr ', t l1:,0 i 'L R rZt an1e siln:t011: shgl : jlly) or e ,m y ti ll ':;11)5 Illole i'(cl:-:. 0 . 11:: ilo -t I o i >NAtIO A ! (carob lifcthee amonpehownpvrtocolb oslIaendfiding * t11:1 :11 in') go: lo. DI TTION.,- anthngIbtllal a petlssIlemtWo1yar re dY to :l xo n I:or nc t I:Ict lcc :a nl-l'lllonlI 1 ill 111111::' 1 bcto:-::li::t 016ono sf1:. i:ord ''lr :r cld l'Icdi c:Ics c rysi o. 110'' 011 I'oi 501.rne0 I">:itt).II English,,:< 'I~li eo AvillAS thasio11iheiliiles FA TRaSL SOO S * 'I:'1 f):ll::os i7 :I:'you ' :sc ll ':lIai::- O yoit on ayPrk uc a ouplas fr ahebakenueanoto)1:1)' ills::ll:Ile11:1: ls51:11en1: eit ilex ' : Lbrryio11 1 Ad o ilnt bana ih qult:o o a Stret 1:10' o11)10 :1 louci. ':loitln 00. .l::iRicr of 1:0 1 search a::life-t1111111n, cheaper.4goo2s11;thoutOfendinat StandardAhor a'nle llat o l'lsai. 11 1:lII S. wS.3151017.roior: -..) anythi1; thatsat-all5a.proaches them. When'you're2; ovrtoCovel ir. clel:. ::) Ie'~. picturelsfor.5 mt) .,ntil ' Christmas. A 1 Dols etn o110:of S woelAge T ey abe sold5 by l'eadingc dealers everywhere.bs I or ie D iy