THE U. OiF M. DAILY. i known 'ind lasseil i (.Is(0t ((5 i'll Applebee as an Orator. JA, of f IR~4 iu. (svst aoe lPrieon, Pl'itiisyl- ';i' 'itossi tilt) ________I ta i' Id Ale, '11141o 1 iit lt'111 fo -''5. . At1lPbet,'s su(ccss in uraseio P'ubilsh.ed lsilly .sundalya 'excepte d d isa n o il: will) Ilaitaril. Iti i tri (l i e i' ls 1(1 0((1 1(1 njl ''' t he C'so'gsnyear', Sy crowds and holdiii 1111t henll 11)15 11)flli i [U( . N91 I IEN SSwl TOw i w olv i) ts de111ws, hutthe irt fot.111 hour 'rol::.l aIm . ic eally c al-able 'Id ca) Ie s(d\p i'd only ______;_'ies ____ .Jlins.,apo i ll 1(,. ai'll i till ofte 111 sel 1 po111 t(I'l' a 1 . uponl' ill(', theory- of -re_______________________________________ w ic i ll' 51 1 1 11 te )c1)1D ' iii' ~i ti ll a li'iiu ..0 ) i y a il lii'1)111 ' i alis a le. win al iiiiiic d''i s . 111(111- I-- - - - - _1 " M "(.C LE N A tosm yb let at 1h offie'of the I(he ly itl o lxeitHE r U. OF M. d s~ILY Io~s i.tball1 l°.('i.-i ltait 1 )n4 ip si) Cm nrtosshud,eoachta thic'by i '((liii-'1).till o'I c lith , . i .5, la1'agiog,1)),1 tllInxI 0 01111.11,DLit. t. Asaisi 'lllareniale ii (lie itntoanse Selet lae cly A de .o.all u tt.'ltteA fr ubi c1 . ' ,ao lofh I ai a ilitti ad ( it' l il1e( I ma t l ro'otm 1 i t teal'1 iii I el Fo ttl op le, ( mnslt voinAs olio sshud h '(l(t(1i4Bssi ne s l v r 'aet . t.. li i. I. -Elect i eee'f "i' e it I S s i ln a d S a r n S osQi x n T H E 1U. lO Ft yM".1' D A I L Y , . f o -1 1 ( s t, e 1 1. 1;ro 'muAtm.AI Ita Ilan ib Ilel's ((ni EDIORS A. liii))w~oi~tonmeti) om - ('ei ' i L it.9, Aistn St ., 1 . I.- lpi'. lilt' er Io-'saIreemadsin te i arenseaVitr. aWe ill iti O' Ltiiiit t a97, A sss Nd c e snt ee's ; l. it. tI 'us sii lo resof l mi1 tedis altial. V c 1 A.5. oteW I:t~iLt.'bAss n. .I. S.l'________a___uness\'i't' esivs. yDt 'oittIii t ct'ltuti'1.'11 an' Sail.. l Supieas , y naim atol' -al '-i ttiti.,ieAst eu a(aeeia . leez]oull aa I tle 'tit SPECIAL, SALE Patent Leather SHOES Itt Rhzot, Needle, "ale, Opelrt, and Squnare lasTos. Widths, A to 10. Sale to itegiti Wednesday. Des. 5, antI contiltmet ill Saturday Night. Dec. 8th. JACOBS & ALLMAND, 551" rlI "Io~ S. V~hto I ltloc.A i m As ths LEASING SCHOOL OF BUSSINESSaeilSH'lR( SAND. Magnificsst bailding; tea teachesa; large attedase; good diseipliae;superaior werk; w sappliedrading rasa; daily lsctars; Saturdayi eningeeptieon s; lsthesntireyear. Excep-. ionlyailities lar placing studesis insitaun;;. famailes. Thesssets sedaed t ia 5oby lyf-1 boarding. For Catlouesaddrs~'s P_ R.CLFARY, Pres SATURDAY, DEC. 8. J r i-Errei O a.ol OL>E, all a (I c. Ittill ecoa' ctio coll -oII a 5 l' m at tall sal julD'cast11i -1 itii't''aset'i5( 1I le c sill l 'in ill ('( ol' 11' 'I ~r tt5. l'se i r(st'p blc l i iacl ((s it Illctoic las \\illIm oub Il 1oul(1 'I'll u s t ae . :;-0 ('1 1 t L ii ' e t it ia'i'tmade. tt(((is Ii i'Stan;10 y rie ''ile lc _;..11ir I! il t to p rimtilt'lills lest-litit liis '.'ahit(its (tel otltel. canilesand att1articles' a-.deditate d (lit'e (Ill((i'ld Wit is i o Iw 1 t tel- cil ol is a's'llxe.1 aiilo (1ii(111es ('(rtai a rto ligt at Sixf Lovel Songs I liiae('si5'. sone li'ilttuuti (ills Iy "lalit 1'. (i1(l. '(5eatioha 'et oral ilttoreaililtnas HI~evy .- Ppr. 75 cents (um-ti'eiftiI'lte'(ult ,'(dit in aaali. lit' o 51'tli i'5' ;1(011 lt ll p (tilt' c is I COLLEG SONG tha; il( wo lel of that: it~i ( l rtis o fl. He vy aeritl-, < h 00t S it it ( 11( i 'l ) l ui 1( 1 s S e l d y o e t s C o t . ii , , 1 . 0 0 . , 1: 0 0 i 1itc ' I r a ail eti lin e iii' i e a ' t i t "f o i' ' C I oL L E G E N S O G R S is lit' liii()Itolil 1(1(1 ((itit 7,1 lilaees ill((ely' batik ill (ha l1 enal1-"'i1isitrat. Tue tillsil lii ra nea liitliel oh~ls 1 ' sngs i his ;tadlig ertleosaforis laisit l11lt' '111. a 'I'l eIt'ly I l icN-Se e I. tiint lts ytl. lia'staia l (wla' it h riii)l ic l H{U OLCIN ISRU [TL514 UI Stll'tis 1 ellataiy ila'aul s ti'. s AleS-o j 'et tl it lsSee she ailhi rtmlie it ci ( 110' 1ia'Il lll c l t1 iit'l15 t st scor r. Aspe id ol eiia. It a- ke ol 15 11110 s utld' l la' re (.'l Ith if liev '1'liere arcAity tool.l setit yiaalpaill itt(, 1rccSig. Lo1eAirigr. 1(111' ritysoml'Iie bil 'lia~iit ns, 111 LI E ISO N O il]A. I lll IlletierL'ale tes. p Iolthe' ofl 415'45fi ns at lr c nexNi ste m sa l lintol lou' longtef tore the t tle ea r - l1y Sadad ollec inosCl-i sN i Caps and (gown-s {ad c ccle ~ (h )l ~r~ iiiilf FOR MEN AND WOMEN. KILLARNEY AND THE RHINE, Watre lrepaired t (alas S CasPRCS - 35, 50eand 75ce tutu Gourts of (lie highlesht ality * to Utnliversities, ('ollege., aiid SchoiosBig Four Jiute thogotteUie tts trprisinigly lows prices. Self lilts (Irellelit forlm, conitainsing all lnre- 13F1 1 I essary inistructiosto1 securs per- fectly ftting garmoents withoutIIDAAOI, visiting thes store, wtill ba' forwarded LOUISVILLE, uon~ requeset. ___and'.CINCINNATI. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS ELEGAN T tdiferent widths, at moilderate Tro hSleigC s prices.Thog SleigCr Strawbridge & Clothier IltTNVEtN PS-A LADELHIA. Petoskey, Louisville and Te largest excliusively Dry (oossu Cincinnati. Hlouse in America. a- - BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. / F 0 'ItOti'I In i I)1. I ii SlTI"N T,' iD CincinatiO lM< 0 E1Y 'Christm1as Greeting y 1A894. Students dulrinig' varation are cor- dially invited to msake our store thaeii headquarters, and inspect onr she- 10MON GA T.; gant line of College Outfits, Sweat- ~rRAu" AE TE BE'F. edl Hose, Cameras, Golf Clubs, etc.. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whllarae will-. .G PLDN RS lng 10 pay ah a sstte lrutau lie price A G.S LIN &BR . charged lasrIlls ordinarr trade Cigarettes, will find IRIS GRAND superior to all olteri. 147-149 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. The Richmond Straight Cut No, I KzN ,EF G A 0M CIGAIZErTIES Students Recreation Head- nrc made fron tesbrghtestl, moaael eicatequ res in flavor, and highestcot GOLD LEAFqures graws in Virginia. No. 3 N. Slain Stress. SEWAGE OF IMITATIONS. and obser5ve ANNl ARBOR that the nithe ilmIanuflacturersas SE MD EW R S belowr is n seeryryiaekae.SE MD E W R S if $ #- ~£Ladies' anP Gents' Clothing Cleaned rgt E+telF4MRIC TS5 aISR o er Dyed. Q RAC'Q,-iW sdeeeD V R5GN1A 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR.