of *ll VOL. V. O. 55. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1.894. PR ICE-TIui;ICFC CETS. THE COLUMBIAN ORGAN. Cornell's Greek Newspaper. ORTHOEPICAL CONTEST. Elaborate Program for the Dedica'- '1 11ac si11 lIo(lerll (arit-kii("0o- Laws and Lits Will Contend for Hon. tory Exercises.-A Large Crowd lili01 -1--Osly isiso,1imlo (1 -M. erain Pronunciation.-Roles Assured for the Event. EfrCvrigteCnet __________ lil'i-s11llllOr l-1'1llill '1lO0. 1in o enigte C net NO GOOD STUDENT Tr ys tio Ie111nttiithotii hoo1(k. Som101' pleithioiughi tryIito0u11 { uictll in'lIjstrumentslitlO1Ii little We Say Buy 1Ihose WIhich Have Tone, 111111 to its 111)o llt11lltZ1' nit, -11 1 tiley twill -0111101 lnli-1111y 1111 c(ll. 111 1111he111"0 l'-ll'1 . '1111 1ro- t1))Ari-- ------ - 11B1c1 Pastoral1 ---------- A. A. Sanlely) A 1111llg' r, "0111.1,"ll-o. olt IV d -i o Bmin(1111 l1l sor------------------ 111011 11011111 '111rminor ("The Stor")-- V1.111a110 1111' 81'111110 1'illlill.G il' 111 711 il'111011 li itel .11111 .10111. 1 1 ;1 11 1 il11ll1'l81Avi ll 1 01'aise([lllYtli1. d i l j ol'i ll "1t 1 lilt' t11i1 1.11 1 , 1 111 1 8 01111(01 lt, It' ' (I 11. ,1111111I I '. lll' . l'' Mxe"c fi eic Journl l u bzt. a il ttlti'iit 11 liill1'0 tit ii1a11-Ot 11-" 111. L 51ot Solul' 11St M i st (;reeks Ithouse wlul vnn retirt l '1'lllfti. '1'11("'tlll ittl ill 011111;1w 1 st I II N S 11-0 lt1110 (11'gllli~l'll bl'll litllv 11i <10 s ) d ltr ncit.1It lll fH N tlt'. 11111' 111101' If lio'lmbi~lt 1111 ''0 ill ill 11 1s 11 110 il t - '\'ill v' C OCOL TE B N - N lli s clltou Ifln t ' i v 1e0. 1111 111 11' 111 1 t ties 11' 111(d 1-1- b o k s it hotl fa1s 11 or ayF OO to E otljlll lnOllletlc o'heAlai is t11111 I,-- tlinte Ry E JOLLY. & CO., StC'., f ATeSt , rd l dtr r oo .\1s Illliildl 1111 111 'lit11e 101'.1 t lil ___________no_________\_____________ i 'Ilit' lli i an I nlil has1110~111111' 1 "1110 11l rate' 10f11a 111'a1e11lll1on-thirdl If Jallrel. .A spil tran11111willlbe run11b110'h111' ., A. A. & A.1L.ro lBly ('ity 111111Sallilt, plooiltill, 00 tieheits 110, soul0ld tese 110011. The sale of ticets round the c111'amp111- its is ill the lh~adsof dl'leo~liio 01-1111 the1'frternities a1111011111 110-,1111z1- -C'loral 101011. Collecting Slang. 'bI 1111members05oe(ProlfesorllScott's 'lasses ill Ehetoric,, 1c0urse1'.70. Ill 'l- t;agelltn collecting a liol iof sltig w0ort1s and tphrases ill u1e1'roundl11 ls ,cam~pus. Each studenttosri-qtired to hland ill as man1y (cr01s asitoible. wtit proper dedonitionslland fro(01110tis ,ollection it 1islhopedlto get thll' roti- pl1e(e vocahulary of college trrvill- .cialianma. The list witll then tie pubt- lished, tegethler withI the sam useiotd Ie years ago at th1111'illtl'itO1 1111 -root tisit woill he 1possible to a1s eertaitt-whlat ('lallgl'0 11110'd 1111111 1p1a1e0111tile words u1se11to 1'xlOri' cetrtain college fancy. 11I-l il 111 o111 l'c'ltlllc of111'lt'Nvl'Ktl lloBeai.01do11 11i10 111111it i''ll 111111 7 11. I ll.d t1)rc lss Iheo lii Rego, h, (11istin to Dte. ttrs f is. dfitinl who1)latlt'0(]oilllO eteot contests I0ill 111c univers1'ities110of ls- 1he' hardetalwato-ill istruc0111'. well' as1011115 aid111c 110es:i 1ru. Thtl111-0 eiothe110 tlllesler, from-ho 111 lawl' ('otllrylit, llol-l I htas heenIlincreasedl hy' (2 s511111'tob1er 1a111 whien a oword tOis isproniouncedir Ill oohie (le legitrltliii 011 lo tIhe judgeO shall 011 state', give Ihie 11r111 ann~otuncedI. T111' increase50 ii11'oo(, llt'etiest contestant. deptartmnlt is 40 and usn1111'meica'l If10a l'(ontestanlt aaltiilsfo1111the departmlelnt 29. T'(lie llsenlt eirtill- julIe's delcisionliIll'shall 1100 111'al- ott-io319 omore thoti thalt of last y1111.111oweli to relpeathitsiipronuialtionl. Northwestern Enthusiastic. (oeteho aig Noolboot-sti-rnU'niversity isver on 4.Eatchi 010011shall lie writenon111a tllhchshoard hbefore'lit itono'11101ed'lllby0 tlllsiaatit' ever the coiigioIebte ooitli thll-contestaint. Michigan. aiid (to 'i,ls'." hloipaper 011111t 5i. Alien t(lief-initioln if at 1ord11it that pla1ce cointaint severl l lr~cil-00111- tcalled'1for it shaltlhbe'01ea(d (01111Well- cerning thelltointest. flans of el'cs- otl-'s tdictionalry'. tug,1toiitestants lire ldiscussedl 11111it (.No 1)ro10erlnames Oshall he gioen. 7 . No oveordo receittly imlported11 01110 t hopled that 011001' toie 111' 111 lli a- foreigni lanlguahge. 01111111b'tiui't. .sent the (college iii the'corlillgttdtbate' Ini111110'hoiiieresting to 11111',tat owill hte chien oeii 0'tliie lilidtO'0,the 11100tilontest 01110011111ttby hiss A. E. 'T'le matter of olecriig it lwoman to Is'r1111110-, a(j1111110li, 11f0llil'oota, palrticiptae illthe contest 11t,.ggl'0li'lh oie o i-lit tiionoliithi' 2tili oerli, Artistic Photos. NEW GALLERY. LARG[ST OPERATING BOOM IN SlATE, NO. 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Micht. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning, tresdsigad Repairinig done neatly ity AUG. SCHOENEWALD, 26,Eo. Wahinagton LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, +48 S. STATE ST. Just Received ,A lamge stock (If ymnasium Clothing __--AT-- WAHR'S UNIVERSITY + BOOKSTORE, NO. 20 S. STATE ST. The cndowed scheolar.-Alin fuiiiiloIf