THE U. OF M. DAILY.. %mmAsst. Prof. Reed's Lecture. Edwin Bemetnt. .Ian. 24. (t~ra~tu S.The Life of'tie Early ('hristianls fore the' S1ud1(nt"0of the Sc1h0o)1of :lai. '25:. IWsl Da (ily (Sundays c00 (('(((Oll (001) :Muic)yestel-day afternoon at41)0on the College year, by Prof. Truebloodl on Applebee. THEOU. Of M.INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION "'l'lo P11ysi1al1Basis0of Mosie.-" The _____ Oi'reer '(hoes builing N. 111(1 st., opposite lec(ture1'-woo one of tlhe series of sp)eial _":ill wIho) leardl Mr. Appleheros post 0off')'. leictiiri's offerieid in thee orri(,utnoi of Shakesloaruean leetures are'unqualtli- SPECIAL SALE!B NItE'NO '(SIINI Patent Leather SHOES In Razor, Needle, Yale, Opera, aitd Square Tfoes. Widths, A to E'. Susc~ription11)-lee $2.500per year), (1l011i11 111 fit aidvance. Sngle copies 3 cents.. Oibl0'e11- at Stoililet's, at State st. nea' staO, witih ally of thle editoes o uhrzdslc(os 2 o'clockIp. (m.11f they ae on'appear heoetnst clay. Address till ma(tter'0int endledlfoe, (0001' ('tto)1)till'ManeagingfEditior. All bine~llss (ess:1.1soger.I THE U. OF M. DAILY. At))))Artor,(lie. Su EDITORS. .1. L.. Lot ,Lt'0' Alss'e'ie" Editor. P.1.SDELit. '96,Asisisn: It.)COEMAN, Lit) 97, Assit A. F. ROCKWLsonLt.l 'IllAssistanitl J..A. I Isi I 1) 6,Atleeic Editor. S.11. A.iey 11195 .lail II.A.eDaner, 95. th L.1 i s '95 M11 no'Ilboslpsons'9i 0100)~.. ESlBartet 1')) 17)1 t.Gamo1'~s that ilstituion and(11(',sas (1)'is'er)')1inl it in their Itiito)'(f till' fre1shness Sale to begin Wednesday, Dec. 5, and (1h' leture ')011otll ill'th 1 1)1 ' t) ta 1()1 il orllf its clai'act'eiza~tiliosland continue till Saturday Night, Dec. 8th. unitory.I.'vsohfll-y ilil~stratned1)b' to llllll)'us0(If tie' nitlilgO illilsira live 'l)'lllli.f110la. JACOBS & ALLMAND, ______________ 'l'st5' We'0'stLhlsgbol libel.A>:. In 115 intlllllltol-y n'ill liks thi - sI '' Aerbor, 1tiohgan. Stuhscribe for thle Daily. 1)1151' 1'xp~lined'( tine 1nec')ssariy 1rlatlion)_________________________________ If all tsoundlol motion111. ''1-bi is to5 ('1 11) tlol~t If" s(ho1110'st'it)raltillls V ct r I7ootbP allsJ Slno 101re capale 1f101)10in"owlse)'ar.11 111)')')' i)s)'of two')thin'dsfrm l11110) and inI that11it 1colls 0ii of 'r)'11111.ll' it ioll1111 -it 'Olte Otlilel)(lyhisoul1s (10los s 1 6cess 1( 110(10.10)ll)l0(i1 t~l 1)C,~~e'7 (~ ESN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and StORT H10N5 Magnificet building;lte)oteaer; 1arge (111. AS till ' shoao 11(0 5p'e )) 1151 w ' 1t. ool ltneo; geod disciplinsuperi() or otk; 15v1 I 't_ G .""e"'. -s'l piiedorading roeom; daity lecesoSaurday j itt"1.ea e tlt 1)1('11 11st's Ally tiotl tl is( .,',; " .1.'r:os;fliees; epes recption; lope ith e ntir o.ear. 011ep i1 ))''lr bc)111 '1).Fiyal1111 sn c0(0lt eso placint students. iii poitin: 111iel' \"e lpoduces' sr011e;;lli v r .(10roeo $2 te 10.75 1p1r week in)1private ii l''i are l '1))' 1 of,)till Ihes)t1mat)eil l) (I l ' regeo)"a1 - -0 .Theso rates reduoed te 5.50 by sell Ill liitheey ball 15isIl ifaol sall)) .as Sent P R. ClEARY. Pees. -. onnd~. VICTOR "INTERCOLLEGIATE OR "ASSO- 'HOE F,(IRANO) (011ER.\ 111OSEF DENTA L. ___________________ 1)'.l IoII 011(10.f11 01 11110 11)11.1 CIATION" FOOTBALLS, EACH $4, T 'R 'A f'f nll. of till' lily of1 pu1111c1atio). The editors o not hold _ hemse_ vos espo-- 111170 1)r5-n1t)11 l-11 111 il 11.'. 1 -( 0' Tibe foillhes 1111ionsolttillieelwslscoslll- terootmsacntlsal .0 ll)lli lil(l11i 1appear1l'')ing inII (1A)L1.11i)1(115 111111110 1)11 e 1 111',i AI 171111nn 1'f Sporting Goods, Baseballs, Bats,a Tennis Balls, Rackets, etc. OVERMAN WHEEL CO., Otilrseof V'coBicles.~l Boeston, Pliladlphia, (Detrit1. \NssYork, Chilcago, (esser. .J .BE. PO O LE_, "KILLARNEY AND THE RHINE" iseirlr OAST)0'. PRICES, - 35c, 5Dc and 75e. 'San IFranrlsco. L1n ug Is, iCortland DITSONMUSIC. Big Four Route BEST LINE 'I'l "Six Love Songs," INDIANAPOLIS, Ity hral:. Fw.dSer. r. '7 lslailoSix l5 LOUISVILLE, stts s. Heavy Paper, TO cents. ad--ICNAI 'COLLEGE SONGS,"ELE'GANT o Colle,- SOns.Through Sleeping Cars' Over1 001100 sold.1 Heavy Paper, 50 BEtTWEtEN cents; Cloth, Gilt, $1.00..1 "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS" Cincinnati. sonnO oIf fileeedloocolle-es filwens~~ll. AS K FOR '.ICKETS VIA IHeavy Paper, $1.00. 80A CLECIN NTRMNTLGUTR UIC"BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. E. O7. ICCOI2SICIO.a 1). (B. SAIITIN. Fi-liy-tope o r te guitarfrom es tssenno')Traffic,1n. Ge1,5 1 T. Agt so 11oer 0 Cents._______________ An ytool:set 5pst )idonrecip o110ce OLIVER DITSON CO, h itoIa 4331-463 Washington SI., ((1st11. Caps ito &(o. . .G reeting casand Gowns-184 1)11-01 ani iIleo'eolegiatle l'lnill)'0l0izl Prof. Irneblood, litils)' wok 111) dleservsunmeasured praise500150for 1111'de'- pa~rtmen~lt w1hic1h 1 iehs cireaited')l )11so Th110sixty-first aiD(110ersa175'of 0110 Psi U'psilon fraternity wvas celebrated to New York city reeently. SECTION [V-Mn. DRAtoE. I. Booman 11)1111. Mils bele Ib' ')- lk. Dlee. 7. 2'. loman 1B1o)1s. Sr. ('nfl I'. brig- halo. Dee. 14. SL. Htubbard. Tan. 20. -L Intdebtedneess 1)1f1Roman115Civiliza-' 11011 to thoe Grek. Sr. 1EA1. 11. M7eeker. Jan. 11. 5. History of lloinolm Law' Sinee tile Tinie of Jus1tiniani. SMr. I. (I. llolyes. Jail. 17. 6. Scuipture 10 the IloiinnPteriod. Miss Marie Zimmerman. Jao. IS. 7. 1101100 10 the Middle Age. S r. FOR MEN AND WOMEN. 'We are prepared to furnish Caps and Gowns of the highest quality to Universities, Colleges and Schools throughout the Uotted States, at surprisingly low prices. Self (meas- urement forms, containing all nec- essary instructions to secure per- fectly itling garments without visiting the store, will be forwarded upon request. RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS different widths, at moderate prices. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. The largest exclusively Dry Goods House in America. Students during vacationi are cor- dially invited to inake our store their headquarters, and inspect our ele- gant line of College Outfits, Sweat- ers, Foat Ball Goods, Skates, Import- ed Hose, Cameras, Golf Cluhs, etc.. etc. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 147-149 Wahash ave., Chicago, Ill. kSM In-j sD R a-.a aT s Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3ON. Slain Street. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS.- Ladies' and Cents' Clothing ('leased or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ,ARBOR.-