2. Miss G. B. Shaltz. 2 suites, 3 sngie, coal or wood stoves, lighted, bath, $1.50, 75c. Packard St. 38. Mrs. McGilvray. Front suite, steam heat, lighted, bath,"$4.00. 42. Mrs. Lucy Bassett. 1 large front suite, coal stove, well and cistern water, $2.00. 45. Mrs. J. Klein. 2 front parlors, 1 front suite, furnace, city and cistern water, $4.50, $3.50. 52. Mrs. G. M. McCormick. 2 front suites, fur- nace, bath, city and cistern water, $3.00. Board, $2.50. North State St. 23. SIrs. E. S. Stuart. 3 single, 1 suite, 2 ;un- furnished, $1.50, $2.00. Unfurnished rooms, $5.00 per month. 24. Mrs. E. J. Knowlton. 1 suite, furnace, city and cistern water, $4.00. Ladies only. 27. Mrs. A. Kearney. 1 large single room, 2 front suites, lighted, furnace, bath, hot and cold water, $1.75, $3.00, 13.50. Gentlemen only. 30. E. R. White. 2 single front rooms with out- side entrance, 2 suites, coal stove, artesian well water, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00. 32. Mrs. S. Tibbals. Front parlor, 2 bedrooms, coal stoves, ladies preferred. 36. Mrs. M. Seery. 2 suites, 1 front suite and alcove, furnace, city and cistern water, ele- gantly furnished, $3.25. South State St. 14. Mrs. M. E. Bill. 1 suite, furnace, bath, hot and cold water, electric light, $4.50. 88. Miss Wing. 1 front suite, steam heat, city and cistern water. 108. Two single, 2 suites, $2.00, $3.00, 3.50. All modern improvements in house. North Thayer St. 5. Mrs. A. Brown. 1 suite, furnace, electric light or gas, hot and cold water in room, $5.00. 19. Miss Loughlan. Parlor and triple bed room, 1st floor, single, 2 suites, 2nd floor, coal stove, filtered water, $2.00, $2.50, $4.00. 21. Mrs. Mary O'Keefe. 1 suite, 1st floor, coal stove, city and cistern water, $2.00. South Thayer St. 1. Mrs. J. Harker. 3 front suites, furnace, city and cistern water, $1.00, $4.00. 9. Mrs. A. B. Edwards. 2 suites, 1st floor 2 suites on 2nd floor, heated, lighted, board if desired, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. 10. Mrs. Isaac Nobles. 2 suites, furnace, bath, hot and cold water. Terms reasonable. Board if desired. Ladies only, for rooms. 12J. Mrs. g. W. Bennett. 1 single front room, furnace heat, lighted. 13. Mrs. C. Kingsley. 3 suites, furnace heat, bath, closet, hot and cold water, $2.00 to $4.00. Ladies preferred. 14. Mrs. H. N. Chute. Very pleasant front suite, city and cistern water. Ladies only. 33. Mrs. E. Mathewson. Front suite, 1st floor, 2 unfurnished, base burner, $4.00, $1.00. 37. M. W. Allen. 1 front suite, furnace, city and cistern water. No smoking. 39. Mrs. Parsons. 1large single room, well fur. nished, coal or wood stove, $1.00. Thompson St. 3. Mrs. L. M. Canfield. Front suite, furnace, bath, water closet, city and cistern water. 26. Mrs. J. A. King. 1 suite, coal stove, city and cistern water, $2.50. 36. Mrs. J. G. Palmer, 1 single, 1 suite, coal stoves, city and cistern water, $1.00, $2.25. Board $3.00. traec, ss. 39. Eliza Moore. Front suite, 1st floor; 2 suites, 2d floor, city and cistern water, $3.00, $2.00, $1.50. 40. Mrs. H. Richards. 2 suites, coal stove, city and cistern water, $2.25, $2.50. 41. Mrs. James Kearns. 2 front suites, coal stoves, city and cistern water, $3.50, $3.00, 44. Mrs. J. Smith. 1 front suite, 2 single, coal stoves, city and cistern water, $3.00, $1.75, $1.00. South Twelfth St. 33. Mrs. R. E. Phelps. Front suite, base burner, city and cistern water. No smoking, $3.00. 37. Mrs. M. A. Hicks. Front suite, 1st floor; 3 suites, 2d floor; base burners, $3.00, $2.00. 44. One suite, city and cistern water, furnace, $2.50. 48. Mrs. C. Cotant. 1 front suite, coal stoves, city and cistern water, $2.00. East University Ave. 9. Mrs. J. M. Meacher. 3 suites, furnace heat, bath. Prices reasonable. 11. Lucy J. Decker. 1 suite, 1st floor, 2 suites, 2nd floor, 2 single, $4.00, $2.00, $1.00. 19. Mary Miller. 1 single room, 1st floor, stove, cistern water, $1.50. 27. Mrs. H. A. Liebig. 1 front suite, city and cistern water, $2.50. 49. 2 front suites, furnace, bath, electric light, gas, city and cistern water. 102. Mrs. Frank Feiner. 1 suite, coal stove, well and cistern water, $1.50. 106. %W. A. Morse. Irfront suite, coal stove, well and cistern water, $1s.50 North University Ave. 33. Mrs. Patton Taylor. 1 suite, suitable for four, back parlor, filtered water, $3.00, $2.00. South University Ave. 49. Mrs. A. Burg. Front parlor, 2 front suites, 3 unfurnished, hot and cold water, bath, $4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50. Volland St. 16. Mrs. W. Richmond. 1 suite, coal stove, city, spring and cistern water. 19. Mrs. C. Dett. 2 suites, coal stoves, cistern and well water, $1.00, $1.25. East Washington St. 42. Mrs. J. S. Henderson. 2 large rooms, 2 small rooms with closets, unfurnished, coal stoves. 53. Mrs. A. E. Newman. 3 single rooms, 2d floor; 1 front room and 2 suites on lst floor, all heated, city and cistern water, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00. 56. Mrs. D. DePue. 2 single rooms, furnace heat, hot and cold water, bath, $2.00. 85. Mrs. Hartman. 3 suites, 2d floor; 1 suite, lot floor; double front parlors, furnace, bath, city aud cisteru water, $3.00 to $4.50. 47. Mrs. W. A. Harriman. 1 large single room, heated. Lady from School of Music pre- ferred. Use of piano. 54. Mrs. Anna Hosner. 2 single, 2 front suites, heated, lighted, $1.00, $1.25, $2.75, $3.00. Board $2.50. Willard St. 19. Mrs. W. A. Carpenter. 3 suites, furnace, bath, hot and cold water, finely furnished, $3.00. Wilmot St. 7. S. R. Thornton. 2 large single, oil and wood stoves, city and cistern water, $1.25, $2.00. 9. One large front suite, 1 side suite, 1 single, furnace, city and cistern water, 11 blks from Campus, $1.75, $2.50, $2.75. 15. Mrs. Anna Taylor. 3 single rooms, furnace, city and cistern water, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50. AND a TYPEWRITING AT THE STENOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. SPECIAL CLASSES ORGANIZED TO ACCOMMODATE UNIVERSITY sTU- DENT'S, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT S AND OTHERS wHO ARE UNABLE TO JOIN OUR REGULAR CLASSES. STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME AND ARE GIVEN SPECIAL RATES. :i CALL AT ONCE AND ARRANGE FOR THE COURSE. NIGHT SESSIONS DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. Shool of Shorthand, 20 SOUTH STATE STREET. (THIRD FLOOR, FRONT.) COPYING ON THE O R AT RATES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST OUR WORK IS DONE BY AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPIER. W Gtip1 WfQP Rt 66 I6t al ion. WE KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. AGENTS FOR THE TYPEWRITER. (?oo 1 of 8ort a d, 20 SOUTH STATE STREET. (Third Floor, Front.)