THE U. OF M. -DAILY. Sellman F. C. STEBBINS, TH3E NEW ShIIrs B kto! Photographer oi 72RIAI[ LIN~YA C IDENTAL Shle' r 1U1HMNFormerly with George Wahr, 19 72 ' CCB. Washington st. Headquarters for YPSILANTI, MICH. everythiog a Student needs in the (00th Main St:.,AiAn:rhor. Jislylling coupon hooks gonol____ line of Text-Books, Stationery and ________ -for $13 for $2.50. SUNDAY DIN~NERS AT 5 O'CLOCK,. Hiscellan eons Stunk in general. rn,5 10 r flfl7 ITSMARTIN SCRALLER, PAtu[Td(enots and citizen.s ll ms disk TEeOW TWOBOKELE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IteiX aurteas whie1inYpsianti an'TH DONTW BOKELR $25 ~U'J~ U~wiinu )l~toedoll, I19E. Washington st., one block (111 t lIll101.s r. il l (03t) 11 cork. 14 E. tiWlI l.AM STOIiE'I. . H. LEWTIS, Prop. east of Main st. -'-_ - DROP IN AND LOOK ATEMLDES fAE.UMR'S } lAinalc.11(1Wbest11. o (1 ~eTHE WHITELY EXERCISER EILDRFuT- AIEllMMRYS o irAnatti 1'rl f___ le_-T- tcmaaIt)has )o ec ul e 0 e f as a']op 1IfIi1p VlI(fl1Ue1 The largest bottle Call= nd get prices and see wok. itn ffo o(5 I , Indorsedu 1by0 the0 tleaig tltes of the dry. All parts war'- Bethefelree o ssile ire Ferope, New oo k e. of TOOTH POW1DER m Gallery all on First Floor. ranted for two year.CO. (i for cataogues. lily, ('hicato and Ass Artor. " __ _ __ _ Frsoe YR LnLU Tt4Nhe city for 25ce,l~ )))0 .15~a Ilnot~ee $GPIS1.50. +3 T 1 _ and your money back . ; x LA --IN THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK S Yellow and Blue But- STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Ann Aoc)h.llCapital Stoc, 450,000. if not perfectly satis- o tonsf60e. Suplu)1 0,000). 'With U. OflM0)Orthe - ~ i 111iust an. ~of s ae.tlecedepoilt, buy anat year_ of ge onCr tle ie . citiesof th yr e~ as tepsoo1oie.of0) :A r 7 . S. SERVISS, Manager, United Stllates. lDrafsed))p. polep l ver' P WM.________________ Jeweler._______2___ 017_______ FO__R_____ AVENUE._____ identification________________d__posit ____bo __es __rent. ______ ___NEW ___DRUG ___STORE. _ WM. RNOD'S Jewler 31 1)11ThFOUTH VENE t~; 0. t ~hrra Il,'))ros.; NEW.DUG.STORE To keep posted, read the Casiler;). lJ.Iritz, As.)is)antcL1i I V I sA IMI I Q Daily. The Daily $2.50 a year. +II K' ~I~IID 01111E11YO)IR COAL. 1) Ormc . 11 W.Aaehin sgt.t.'Ihone NC. 8 Yr~muoo: 11. C. 5. 1t., 'Phene No. 31. MIRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTERS School of Dancing and Delsarte. Satrday, 0am, Gentleman e gioce se i.. Saturdaoy, 4p. m., Ladly niie sclas.. -Monasx1y, 730 p. m., Advarwed Class (Ladies' "Tresday, 7:30 p. ni., h-e-. leersss (Ladies tPrivatecles.sonbyoapointment. SCHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST. ,NwStyIs in Sweaters Gymnasium Suits, Gymnasium Tights, Gymnasium Shoes, Anld all kinds of Athletic Goods at SHEESHAN \IS JINDIAN CLUBS AND DUMB BELLS FDR INDDDR EXERCISES. VENCING FOILS AND MASKS. This wreek call and see our B3ARGAINS IN BOOKS SHEEHAN & CO,, "Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Vapital, $100,000. Surplus ad Profits, $40,000. Transacts agenerall banking business. iforeigs exchanges bought and sold. Farnish getterefdrcedit. 10.'9SAVE, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Miss Hattie Long, G~uitar, Mandolin and. Banjo, 'B iller ave., Ana Arbor, Mich. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS, nWatches, Jewelry, Diamonds ad chattel mortgages as collateral. Diamonds bought and sold. Watches ad Jewelry nicely re. ipaired. O)ffice at muy residence, B3E. Liberty St. city. Hours: 8 tol11a. m.,1 tu 3and 7tu 9 J. ' ATTS. A NOVELTY IN s B-ath Robes! The famous Star & Crcscent Bath Robes arc now moade ill all the LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES 1( .s Quality supcrb. Made undcr our "Fas.t _ Plc"'patcent. Prie, infineccotton tcrry,~ $7; 10 focewool tcrry, $IO. Dclivered .hI a frcc. Returnable if unsatisfactory. If 1. -i not found at your dcalcrs', scnd to us menacitioning collcgc andcnnclosing price. .l\l STARD & CRiESCENT MILES CO., Philada., Pa. YA_- .. .A1TENTIO r1N!TPLEA SE. Are you annoyed b3 your laop ovicks chlared? By youir1limps filling the house with a sickening smoke and giving a light tile color of the moon when seen through a simoked glass? If so, use our Red Star Oil, and thus troubles will vanoishl. It gives a white light, does loot char tile wick, emuits no odor, and will all burnl out of the lamp. Red Star Oil 8c per gal., WVater White Head LigttOil, c per gal., 74° smokeless Gasolinle 8c per gal. D7EA.1 & COMVPANYT 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The lectunre(If Prof. 11)11)1 iIoday wvill be givenl illthe lIcoe. 1'oo)1)1of lbw phiysical lalboraltory. 1101)1 t inleeting in (lhe ciapol Inext F'ridlay aifte'rnoonl at 4 1)11)ock. T1110f1rst sophomore cil liof ;110 seaison will be giveni tOnllgli t. 10 len1- er's hail. Admission 5110)1en5. An examnination of canldidate's fore thel&Fresllnian Glee Clii i:lliii to' 11)1 tomlorrow ufternooll. Tenl~lors I'csde- sired especially. The Kansas cliii)co)urt has been1 orgai~ized with J. C. o. j)dge, and J. A. lRosen clerk. Thle court inleets ev-ery Fridlay n11g11 at 7 o'eluck ill room 11. Theore was no meeting; of '15 foot. ball (cam yesterday, as anouneedl, to eleeL r aptaini and nmanager fur next year. One will be held n~extI'Thurs- lay in room 9, at 4 p. in. The football teamlI will elect a clip- tailn for '195 ill rooioi 9, of till.wain hall, Friday evening, at r o'clock. Everyone whlo has played in a hiat ch game this season is entitled to a v-ote. Wed., Det'. 5.--- Sollhoe glasooeC)- cial at (Grangers 11111. Well., Del.'. -Pro'f. J. 0. 111)11l1)- liares in thle School of Rtuse 500100s(on "PhysiclBasis oflusic," ill 111 phlysical lalboratory alt 4 p. inI. Fri., thee. 7.-Electioni of 'Varsity football capltain, iomi11. Fi., Dec. 7.-Exeenlil e board Cf oratoritllassoiciationl lmeelt in 111113124 at 4 p. iu. Sat., Dee. S. -Aillia NoLilitteriry so- eiety mieets 5S1p. in. Sun., Dec. J.-Dr. Mlarleley lectures at Newberiry11a11, subject. "P0o111s in a Line." Sun0., Dec. .-A. B. Prescott lectuires at Presbyterian church. Toes., Dee. 11.-Webster soeiety holds first public ineeting. !Thlurs., Dec. 23.-Faculty conicert at Friezo Meumorial hall. Thurs., Dec. 131.--..umor lit social at Granger's Ihall. Frt., Dec. 14I.-Columobiani organl dedicated. Sat., Dec. 15.-Muratt Halsted lec- tures before Studenits' Lecture Asso- ciation. Toes., Dec. 1.-Prononicing con- test, University hail. Fri., Dec. 21.-Chiristimas vacation begins. 1IIILLL11bd 4JLVILLIII sTO:.,: 46 5. MAIN STREET.- MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Mlain st., and State st., coer- nier of Williami st., glave' 1 complete stock of New and Second Hand. Note Books asd other Studen~ts' Supplies F'ine Stationery, Sportisg Goads, et1,whc they offer it the Lowest lPrices. Call anod see us before purchasing. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY 11010 ELITE DINING PARLOR Con. State and.Liberty sts. ED5WARD LEWIS, Prep. Bloadrsatd.o TIDE Aomricao ovse FIRST CLASS TABLE. BANQUVETS + A + SPECIALTY. 'PONE 123. WL. STA3E3LR~, PEOPRIETOR. G. HT. WILD IVE [[ADING TAILOB Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. "WCOME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.