~IJ II o , i. ia In VOL. V. NO. 53. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1894. PJIICE-THIIEE CENTS. DECEMBER S. C. A. BULLETIN. Christian Association and tne Fraternities"-Reviews of Lectures. '11e18. ('.. . fltlietilifor ftrl'rnhi)r is out and rontains muchlimatter i11(1'- 'sting to tihosoec 'ltged(linthetit'r1o- mootioti oft ('llisthlian work at tihe loi- Ie erity". h hiss .111e Addamss, ttliv('t'l(i (It NewNberry hait, Nov. 2"). is clttIr'fttly .,rl s etar'ttty of the astocOiationl.ill soitill (and(1thll'Fltetrnitie'sItt- pealto (frlter'itynmen to tale l-('-tor zrtiiie is wvrittl II ttiti till disireill eltsitrI'. nor is it Ntrittl inthtil'spirit torMilLt'to ther,.bl i. tisaflotte11t piriois. fivtn r1meslpo Juniartor Medicarnlocdiai.Th Congratulations From Oberlin. '11e0followitg extracts from11 II littt'r ftrotttOterlin's foottll tuitag er tt Dr. Nancrotie, I~nrl'oili'tiof the tboard of totrol, ntre' 'rtittlytrly ,rattify- stt'.'igiltforwltt'i lttusiness5 litoimlger. titll. tils t.ii'ttoo eret ;tielo Ill Ill tl Wisconsin Still Whimpering. NOflffl0flSTUDEflNT C 'lrliitllti fttrnisiw l o's rttcidelil' Tiys to learn withotut books. l.ttlltsitlg ro i ,in. lltill'1i (I' (f Iottr Sttiie peote thittgh try to use tefeat f(IC(ortell: ' muttsiclliistruimets i. little "Wo u dersand 1,11A~ic114;11 'on- itinotone. sidrsa .111ewih is(o1si1 l(-~s W Say Buy Those WIhich Have Tone, s i-lto womleitii'.ti'ft tall'' FOWA i i, tt'T'h ejurv medica tlot s rrieliV(ts If ikll'll. Thllltoit iiaifcrofwtiti frless.Ate roilerwfstpettstil eco-s ratettta111101'tfaisterfettstyareettf t oDrtAi'. ttttchagettoprdfor. Ithnjoy tttd Stofl'.1D. R(alilll111 Dr. DV..Yuhnothpatote faut notH.aH.Suitdencaina f aliangmen otas,('tnl eliliof thtie (lssing tAfterthef.reshtni't sttheitis Amenralyhoserefthefacubytptosent11 ktew 1Dr1A'11. fVartugh aad fetO(('il trof. o nd igotey. 4 .Catblland, and wasoryttha'ettiCalear01dtle tytef tiefooall gamcetitdbtoewhoe Ito made preptarltions to go to tDetroit. tHe told Mrs. Altigontery tbltflito wotldtinot retu~rnbttd itd 10notisy what hoc intended to do. Biear'dsley was a mtemtber of theo S. C. A., aIntl iad, toldl a lnumber of htis fritends tat li' intendetd takitng unoiission work Iin large city. It is thtoughlt tat lheInto t;one to Sonte city with1 this inttionlll. C. Brewer, foil back on lbs Harvard eleven, boo beeo elected ('aptinlof the team for '95l. isaytlti i llli te (1(tlortt . A-ligeve Wtitl ltoit Wily a iis t. in t Alieitiat ls st low, A111 tplydt w e t't tstrivatttil-sholis. s b'Il (lttvi torI -ittll te scoel 6Awi Wo f ouq attoge atie oxo "Is (1 llalli iths to be('((i l-.a .('i(i oi l i s nIoItviclti for t l vthr e s1111aille li CO LA t teamIfI "'fill'orerlSI genemal y '(1 ih11iI(1o(11' it-'sP llr t'e tt0 ho'si ll ''ie11ll'i'a l toi I (itobeN A L stn ,ttd;;..t r-v'rhel try g aitiClarnteow ie lii;Artstic hotos for trtbl l y Obli. M tign liol' sn \lyiI htIci-Op or osM i t Ilayretasurd '-at;N lls he sctuds .. "Ii 1ett Alicga ra;111'l«i tile 11(- INEouwanttg a fieRbo'.o ta oF)rlonc t ing Conte t ( olilutlor e11 a eno (sO lit watsd t ratedst5 i rlt((tlll('illg sof-ttrilsilr fl.tter agit e kt t Wll hy H CltE O -B N "'Theteistil t ae liio be 11 thikel'fr t'has t:tthti i'lttlc ll t oitet, A llt, . lb W S ING N BL C thi. 1111 tl'r~ttti ht1 21 l0th~l'ilst f-Imti lsi 1tll'I livee ,.s imyat h ta-ago e ap; n-lt rbo r, Mucel i the tt intretihey 'hiolI'dtint l u an"'tery ttoftl' 'tlltlli ura M R H N A L R N dihtoe Daiy goy andl'for 1111'irmt itisst'11 tl elttvilt'lt tiltst ~l y d ga l'fllit itto f ilth IA ('oit tI. AGheO EN W L1 6E.lolig '1111 ltlelOerl~iinrteam ottttl at t hiltf istioftthellllseas o tt f1' ii , (V.i ttde LO'.E Y'SLL CHCO LSateS I ioito )C'Il, i eat' i - he .1 tito Col- is t eonsi linldesota 111(1 ti l ''. itt to t ) A tAT1 irtneotte (ou on of ur h i fll' tofI.y Pof~. It o bjec iont llb'ut:wlig weil~r. A yo t'rlithe(VIIg ve t4le atno as11( t1111 r1001 ileiw el 'orditatie of 8 5 T T T eir trille ourstIl lhlihiltthe hte, st. ostesdfa i 'i-~Jts ~ ie rAt rono oncit ng C' onel s. ball set d W le 1(10 1110t- gal'mtllAllill- entest i lltelac'ett i 1' il Il i os tttt it a e llOe . Olvt W ill 0 5 W SH N T N B O K al Lakw' Nvlies ll ittd ain itst l ftir __and _otller _colleAglarge stokeo judto sbenef of it (eraral parsota- i Joi use nor Ar t. s 1ci lai Pesn n earn ila sttritesofsleanlboloksaslt loevs:s. Iaon wstrntemsuPobbl Alpha Nu Frogram. 'ithe fotlooting progralll will hi' gitven by the Alha Nttliterart'socieet Stt- urtday evotlilg: Delamtltaiont,.tiF1. Wasont; 'xtemphioranelouls speeei. 1E. Block; mtttic; debate: Rlesolvedthtat thte 1100teection form~s aIuinlltg 110111 in the ipolitical history otf tiot tnitedl Siates, aff., 1E. C. LinlelyX1. (heisnier; eteg., 11. A. Dancer, 33. S. Hintkley; Inusie; critic's report. ','eI'numberlll'of tickets o ilbht'sold flor gel's De. 132 11110eenlliitied ill aI), ill tordetr thtat those Ipresot imayl ble sha~retheiii'ncttomfortabtle crnush (ticht 1111 bee'tta featuret' of mI~~a'y pre'cedihng soct'ials. Notice is now(5 gitven in order As faill as itossile ireft'eltencti iibe given to ituniors. 'Tth' ticketstart' at- ready going fatst. Gymnasium uothing --AT-- WAHR2'S UNIVERSITY :BOOKSTORE, NO, 20 S. STATE ST.