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December 04, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-12-04

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IG I 'N I L Hare and Hound Constitution. shall be to 1011e geeral clargie of th BUSINESS LOCALS.
t C TO NIEN ~ LClub runs and races, to lake charge
TieTal (eisdiNvi1,184 At -TPile namie ofthis orgaisa-of teta 1 i'relelt otss [Notices insered in this clumna at ihe rte
Tim Tate ~evned No. i, 104 ie arn~ iilsrcokgilo oiien~of acents per line. Special rais for longer
FAS. WEST- tion shll be itie Uiivtrsity sit!Bii- tSd to iicrf'orill Such oiler uisin time, and etra linet frnsen by applying
and.Es- .50.Soi.8I41 ilaul btre 01111 hotindtcl. at the DAILY soficel
Malad x 35 Ma il---_ 8 3are a itsi Ninha sby liii iuls o the STUDEN TS, lave yu scenIlhee's
N. Y. Special....0 15 N. Y. Special_- 7 .0 Art -'rue purpiose of thils organi- chase. wnlo lssl fSnc aiu
Eastern Es- 15 .S 25 N. S. Linited925wno dipa of oues ams
A. iM. Pacific Es. --12 5Ctloni shall te t s'll c oss cOS Sc. (i. -t sall be in' iuty of tie i slstlsl ulo
Atlantic Es 7 47 P .°poorps i el hmete
I. NExpeess.-.50 40Wesen E... 12 5coutriy runingili bly hldling coitsls lieutenant to assist his'catin ti llthe loirsiltel osir lllillltl'l. Alsii fa ens
G. It. Espeess --11 5 ('i. N. Es.---10 2. amtog its lesietirs andil'withther llaagelli'it of rtns liIacos tandiltoanilla iils
G.REs.. 57rialargo
0.1I. TVItoOL, i . V. SlAYES istittios. act as cpi in the abl is ence o'fll Sh1t Seilma will T nili 1 doz l~. etbieit
. P. & T. At., Chicago. At., Ann Arbor At.3,Sec. 1.-The oefictes f le olcr it~e u 22 ~ii lrsii
T. A..A..& N. M. Y. cluisb shllte a ipresident, T' i irsi Sec. 7.-fTeexiiitivi' iiiiiiiilt'i' For I et. -Beautful roo s xilli
~Xa LI. iL. J~ det tl scretary, Itreasurr, citiltiil 1110s111111dicie supiiith le miehoiilof tio1i- good tbis' bartSat[le lD. ford rsi-
T kig effectSunday lAg. 1, Cetra 4 iueat
trins leave AiiiiAkr oiinreitai siiilitlil.iutg 1)11e cotsts, Slxi ti 117.lii itle, ilce. fil Washieaw ti-e.
wri ime. Sect2.-The firgoiltg2Ofificrs ,hll idecidec iill lii-eoseos, so ltothe SteyorTisltty-yioiti
7:10 a. m. .15 a.n, be elictedl by- talot at lii firt iic:t- rcuinglllo f rizes arrange tor 11ter- for 3 cels ier hudreiat11t\. Bain
172205 p. ni 11 0 a. a. i117of i ithe iubill eiliclcs~i y11. tolegiat t eiss 1a1d1ilttki',iatny[ir- St., secniloo100.
4:15 p. Os. 9:0p. m e.;.I xctv mnite
'Trans en between Ann Aebor asid Tledo Scd.AliX'iiit ~llttti ilscs TO-ilt-limay le ioessiry. This ROOM,:-Onfei'nillcit furnlisheds
llt.cossig flii ii aiiiin 1110 iiltis' sl.it te harg of liii suit, firace hea t, iot ianc cold
. ., otesiii00, A0. nttwo oiler otoniles, sshl e aitedli't iaebilimaltlters f tliii'uilaiti ishilllwater, w .liiiilG P . Tldo . aer oetl collwelles.Priciies
by. 10fENT,0 ilte presidenut. idecide uonlltl thaliitte's WWII'-,ti t(itreasonablt. 51t Wtshielcn av lvip 1
ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI ST RY r.4. Si. . -Thti-diestf theepedtrofcumnyisnvld. FrRi.-Toutsofomswh
p_____[rtsideSall iiilte [to clli 11111 un-ide T'hei'thairmlanl f tliii' cittlt.' Shalll funace110a11 ill boti roois,. at 1-
Time Table, October 7, 1894. oier business ieetisgs itt the lubt, hand inito le ltbitwitten0 ilii eort anaid Stf
Letive ptlaiti from lCon ress si, 7:00,1t:0 and1peformtsic hersut's- litsi's t tletut 11biisiiiess neetl ls..fci ii i
isa1l0hat a. n.;12:5, 2:15, 5:t0, 6:45, 9:00 and 11 stivovr upn ha iiru.
1111011. tilli'tiat.A COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT
Leevc Attn Aeor Juntiotntt1,.230.9:30 1nd11 Sec. 2.-Thutsties of thet i 0 clis Art. 1, Set-1Anyo stut1in thei
11;'0 a. s. ;: 11, 2:45 , : , in Itantllh 00 l p.msi.
SUNDAY TIMhE. iseit shal be to tat as tlltlit15t5 of Uilversity cii high shoohl y blett te (MONTHLY)
tetise Ysslltlfrost Conlgress t., i:;lt, :, the extcutiveoto tniliitt'. tiand actt isiautmeibers hi ayigth.l e pa :'ireid'S SERMONS OF.REV. J. T SUNERLAN,
i:0, 6:02 d9:uid p.ii . hi-i
Leave Atn Abor Juncttion, 2:0, 4:00, :30, the presiet'sltauce is tiii' ibseice ces. Series of 184-95.
7:00ands 1:0. in. tf 1.-t ofuicer. Se. 2- 'liii'nllduehts f Owlub-111
taaron stcity time Pare- sitgle trip)S
ells ruind tip tickets 2 cintsse 3-ihe idities f it' Scettcy Shahl to'a25c--ntl.SEPT-The Soul's Cry for God.
1 l Su tii e ol--ir'iilstfte'ts et'.1 i ictl lttilitliiiOCT-Jesus an Humanity's Ideal.
TW7M_ R_ FTJI.5_ !, iess neetilgs if the cll)btandi to keep't to cotest fer aly[rize offere byI NOV.-Secterianism:t Its Evils, Causes
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING tte rewardts of the clu aa'ind rthetcs. the d-u uttlidehoes behen tid11(. aud Cure.
Cseller of State and TWillian ts.-, Sei' 1-I 'the iutilestf thetrl-iasurer Art. 7.-Te ostitutuion or by'-Maco
Witiamt at. entrane shl etic 1eceive t'anth collect dues, 0of this -ub 1s11ayhl lllltliietlor Ictl- 50C* A YEAR. 5C A UBER
F LOWERS F'I.10''EP11S] eep thit -hclubimoeys, 11111 pay ouiit pletehy reiseduponhiilia 0 itcotwho-i i 5iCtut k . Ans NUMB~ER,
hoe Everything and Eveyoty hitSinti oitorder sloututiIy lt' ile liussoftthemetmbrs prlcsull, noti
]BUSINS & HALL Florists on s. erst slt d Sc.5.Thedte bI ati ti eegtingloat heuoftov 00and nboe ~ R A ~ R
of liii inteudedretiutcelon 1111d amlendi- SCHOOL r DANCING
- ulsellme titeig hpostdt titleast oetiwe'0111 Cihisses 111w5open.11Pptils recivesda tit n
110 1lliorsity 1,b1adilptubluishedlin lltine, the tern Startinslg with 1date f admi-
sin All chtases tesundi the pesinal fi-
tie'T. of 121 Daily. stetioits. and Mrs. Ross Granger. Ni
stirs toimonot. (Office anidh Dan cing Haltltoni
All rus htSd ces otuftthscub sit iiihe'erondfoor, ISMtyntrhSt
' An ar1+i "ticbe codutedh uder thIles1111fthelii H K M
y An A rtiticNtional (Coss tCoun~try Asi~tion.OD
- I all assTwhei tect iltutin 510 tetttyaltConeeraly,
Dil. em mTiia auid by-aoos ef this clbi1re.not Ix Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical
t.! picit hio rules oflointIf loiti.021 Composition; also the A of
b sall be folowed Teaching.
rThl e ebers lpresent at aITmetittStdoe22 S. Division St., Anti AboMihe.
*frequcntly consists 11112 calei by te tpresdnt oie laISy ... CATERER,
tn ot kn000ing inl tdolucs haliltc'i Slstt it 111101 ItoO AVG T~ ER % .ahig
thether to at once i ton St.~
bu hy a high piced
/ nstrument,o otry NOTICES EXCELSIOR 4 LAUNDRY!
/ / to otia goed in' 20 EAST HURON STEET
isrumentbyprocess NWEISTitSOIETY COTiST.i5 Good W'oua~rtnted. IGods cated for
o f selection among Thei: Webster society contest fior and deivere.l A. F COERTT Prop
~~ d cap goods Now crepresnativinii to ito-socety d IEA &SHA Z
egard 111111 Toill it-ucurtiediatetlylafter hio
.....-olitttys Itseiitndlig toitaleh 17.01'F X. TA ILOS
--'~ huaht i tis otest atuni' cttl tt Latest and best otyles f5 aoitguniad tie
haitin th lei' saus-sitho sUndehr- mestewTosens lst ci s i tndirstt class
su~ h s sin- *iuitt wi nx ~dasa'oork guaranteed. Ceansng, pesing aid
K t-.2 v-nisot! lilensdawing for tpositions 4.eggStats t..Seond FlousrAnnAlin.
+d t" il i rn sdei hli 'Ius ctioIoibttce' as ---
o Alff t te lc.Te nmtc a iselootctlit ihthe.lo ig quateito to he 1 .de -e
'h ResolveZdrhs-' Tht ~a board of atitoitriTRAD
B lIl fO L .nmnwihpwrtotyalts'tlyou nmay pay s much as yost pleas for anthr make iuponh apltuiationl of itle-cpatutey, altr-
and you sill not obtain s highs quaityT, or you may cations betoveectoutbineculabor'tictundI;S 0 1 N
search a life-ine among cheaper goods owithout finding us ,ch~iits-s. ANWLN LF
anything that at all approaches them Whun yo're1it-sIAOA, __________________
ready to talk oser an intrment ispect these uagnu -IL AAI\ ----
cent productieuns of the lartest nusical factory in the "* iSAAtt SOSERt,
woold'They ae sold by eading dealers everywuher. - CIommittee.s FRANKLIN
Beautiful Souvenir Caalofue cotaining partraits sf AO leading'tl'ill'itfrheststIttultHO S
atists, iree upon appiationl Ia listminufac5111r1.___e___n__ratf__________________ti___f
___________________ thesiYi-kes OtevlototofutCIhiucag~o DETROIT, MICH
(""" U.''l,.., nioersity hitis)l(,(,it let 111111the bildli- Ttuis elbfee 1aing hoe, oheul i
FACTORY ~SALESROOMS foteebusis sicrpeaure, in decide upn a
I/7..A§.A'1 Wabash Aeu and lugsowill teltihyfr iil'tuhotclluSeht hotel and theebytvaod cofusion
OpoieUno akWhen yu vishaltoi0100would b
OpseUnoPakAdams Street 2, t<ut) "Fas ll have ounr'sto LaceheIol
Chicago... ' ~Chicago... __________ la 4.klisi',ou sep otLire od§
('AN YOU DANCtE? uueal and aca edeat o crte a c iu
Noov is fle 011110to jointhe ctassa a t Toh~us sn cie n cu;te 'esa ri -111t
bottomsadisstsi l .- i=... ... ..
Granger's Acadenmy. For further In -! I e lfl
- oruiafin all at thio acadeumy or pro- Staia . . i.- .
Sole Agents, I"* j he ~ bor O. a cure circular at musuic stores. Office at Pr 1Dy S. ,7%^
acadeumy, ground foor, 0SIaynoard Sts. .,.

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