THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publilshed tally (Sundays excepted) during the Coliege year, by TUE HU OF M. INUEPENUENI ASSOCIATION, OFFICE: Trimes tbuilding N. Malet st., opposite post office. Sabseription prise $2.50 per year, invariabily an advance. Siagie copies 3 'ents. Subsrip- lions may be left at the offic'e of tie DAILY, at Stoffiet's, at State st. new stad, with any of the editors or authtorized sodicitors. t'ommunications shouid reach thetoffice' by 7 o'clock p. m. if they are' to appear tht at't day. Address all matter inteaded for paubli- c'ation to the Managiag Editor. All business c'ommunications shsousld tb ett to ihse host- tess Manag;er. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Act: Arbor, Aic'h. EDITORS. Jt. L. LOtRt,, Lit. '9,:tsManaging Editor. F. P. SutttEtt, Lit. '96, Assistattt. Hi. COLEMAN, Lit. 'li7, Assistant. A. F. RlOCKWELLe, Lit. '9il, Assistant. J. A. LEitsts, Lit. 1, Athietiic Editoir. J. S. PEAttt, Law '10, Business Mattager. Assistant. Assistant. S. B. Shiley, '90 . . illamill, '9i Ri. A. Dancer, '95. E. L. Evans, '95. Carrie V. Smith, '16. G. iB. Ilarrisan, '1. Minnie Thompson,'9i2 MEDICAL.. E. S. iBartlett, it"'97 T Latin Dissertations. Tue followiig dissertationistwill bo d seii1i coturst' 3iia Latin tSis senics- tsr. 'Tiie imethioidof studtying Romni .lrehiil'oog~y antd lifi', introduced ix years ago by P rof. Kelsey, taktes She tile of text-biotk stork oii lichesub- jet. ''his hart tof t'e work is voluti- tary', biut is taike'nie'ery ye'ar ibs' a gototi itt'rt'ragt' of tie leaitss: SEC. L,-MR. MEADsER. 1. tRomati louil y anid lomnt'Lift'. Mfits Tertia A. F'arniswortht.'Ntis. 20. 2. 'ilii'Lanti(Questiotn in Ancient Itatly. Mr. Artiitr St. Stmithi. Die. 4. 3. Tfhe 'i'irade's ini Ancient. Romei. Mr. .. SB eacs. Dir. . (Otis. tDe. 1i. 5 ttRisani Am iiitsin'ns . .Silsl'P'srl MteDonal.hDes'. 12. it.hIdebtednless iif tleiii oman t'lt'- ilintini ttt'e (iek. te.Stentry W. Berl. Dic. 14. s. 'fin' ioilllMonticary Systilt. Mr I. Frill S. Atwsootd. Dee. 1.8. let Boise.SDe. 51. 9.Histotry of Sthey lomlintiLa'w'to the 'T'imet of Itistinilan. Mrtt. StNs'P. Sleidnisn. .fail. 8. 10. IHistotry intlIiifltuenceoif ltie RtomniLasw Stincn'Jstinian. Stiss Illihi 'snS'aiki'titirgi-. Jtil. 8. 112.Gos'ernmtient oftif eiiiC(ity tif iRola'nd'rither liii Sitii. S Ws. SS. 1I lich. a.1011.)I. Iolondt. Jan. S. 13.11.11 isiti E tit'iiiit. SIliss Glrstce . ilisonaniBotoksstiltS'Thirt'Pttbli- csatioti. .hiss tsGetre asa' e. .:l1. 1-5.lPractice o f SMetdiie AsiMste li'otomins. it'.tCharlit 1. IMar- Ni. 11010til Archii'tctr':'--Originl. Alaterils 'snittOtdlrs. lS.It'. 111111A. 1AtotitiJat. N. 1VS. 1Rom11 i lypistils. Silts S.'lic1 I i Captain Arthunr Knipe, of the Penn. sylsania footbatll Scans swill sot retitri t college inext year. A bill lisabhens introduned'tiinSt'e Albmaisileislte 1toiproiitithCie tplay inof msatch Gamies tif fototbal in Shat state. 1, J. T. JACOBS. CHAS.11. ALLSIANIIt JACOBS & AILMAN 1SFEAL ES IS~ COME AND SEE LUS..- . The Washington Block. isF t --AING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ted 155111- igaificenthbuildien teairchers; arte tsaa ,n~; od disotpl'nserieorswork;sel it~r dlreadingeaaom; daily leosares; Saturday i .. «reptios;open theetire year Excep- inc..iitisties tee placing students in positio bc ni d ridoom $2toa$2.5 per eek einprivate Al .sese rate redcedttyohy self- ,o: r t; Fr Catalogue addressn P R. CtFA.Y. Pr es. This space is reserved, for the Grand Opera House. VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS aedaily demons'ttratintheirCurnpeti- tirity. lthsbeot uroatimtotakis tetest,atnd tie havee saeeeeded-sit so are asssured by a critical public-itn maigorlite of Basebtalls, Batts, Gloves atid Mitts, Tennis Balls, Rackl- ets, Nets, nBoxtig Gloves, Footbialls, etc., lihi leadtrs in quality. BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. SMaSkets of Victor Bicycles. jBoston. Philaderlphisa. Detroit, Nrew York, Chirao, Der.r L sni'rtanrlarn, Lnn Angeles, Portland DITSON MUSIC. All copy toast tie at the oiffiee before'8:30 ia. m.of tht day of publication. The rditors dii tot hold thermselve's respon- sible for the opiniotns or statepsetitssif corrers- poadeats, apprariag itt the DIL~sY. tilt'nsames at olii'i'. 'Iii' itiseise ofttnre'se'rv'edsesit lik- dissatitsfac'itin inl regard'ltSt'e pr~i' tif admuissioto ilitl(' ii'stol's' exer- tines. Aibsollsr is iii Clie'itaiehsoifall, mole csall tcertatinlySitS Suat sun)1tfoit such ill occassioni. '''i'v, t'i'fVietory of 0111 fititblli 1 ottittle. C-iii. 22. ('11111 tiit' C'rne'll liss adlitil iost 19. Rhie iiitheSioleh'_to. 52Irs ,xlisio' SPsttersoti. ail. 23. slulni.lTht's'Dslls' hasi geit' iiil ii 1ein'5 li' ,11'itRoui'Se. il I 'hecr seset'al inistaniessis ittBufflo it Isisa s tillssatithoulls. it'. S'illiss l'iilii' ledtholt ierisisslit l oegstiiiesttt hesTlii' ' 30. ' liTeSurisvsials tif :Ancet: lot 'tttlttsistttiof outr sialmni is it isis- tostitFife its Monhirn Italy. .Siss E.- Soul as geast sas tatof tother usiise- tis''terCerslitris. Sebt. 5. sities-it his biei only lstient sin(1 > tt~ola S1o4too