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December 04, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-12-04

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, . faun.

VOL.. V. NO. 052.



For the Organ Oedioation.-Gov
Rich will be Present.-Elab-
orate Programs.
The gentletmenti ho lhavet tie'exer-
cises of the deiciation of the gret'Cl
organ in charge liase beeni srorkiilg
indutriouisly (durinig the vacation, aod
nearly ill the fletessitty prelimniary
atrlantgemoets 1h1ve b1ee1 comipleted.
A ioeetiilg of reptte 5enttiie citizens
of Detroit ~vas h1ld1i1 thetiarlorstof
the Rusosell Ihouse'in that (it- atir
lily, at whirli President 5Angell. itt
gento Ieanand itlt artlad Profi.
K elsey- rep~resenltedt the Unlivesity.
Comtltitees were tlltttiztteto 11provideI
for the sale of tickets il Dtritltand(
fromthtucite. Tile 'Ni 11p11o11ablt
trilllie tproyidtetdfor t11m1by1hiltoeil
ctntlittt't*. At ithis teIti tgll. r.

Prof. Thompson's Lecture.
The fifth number of t1ty sc ries of
lectures given. by the Inl.md League,
was delivemd last cvcning Prof.
Il. Af. Thompson. 'I'lw subject was
"Trial by Ordeal and Ba.ttcl.'' 'I'll(,
;SIlbject hatter proved instru(°ti e 111d
of -boat interest, being gir(,il in tllt>
professor's pleasing manner. The in-
to.flioil was to make the trial itself of
interest without speaking of its his-
tory. Fite centuries ago, w1w,11 this
method of proving one's innwonee or
guilt. whicll ,N.as determitwd by what
the .w(.11sod did and not by Ow facts
«'as ill vo=gmne, the people SCI1):!l'-
s4itious and ignorant. of ally- iuetllod
of .111vostigition. 't'hey solv(q-1 the
irtltll of falsity of a charge ill their
O«Vn wa1', Which was througli the, ili-
t:erposition of God, whom t1wy be-
liewed caused all things it) happen.
This trial Avas universal and ("onsisted
of ordeals, fire, hot and cold mater.
Thoy Arere abolished ill the thirteenth

Buffalo Alumni Celebrated.
PTofollowing-frtottithte ittftulo tEx-
altlumni ofth tat cilytt'tteivet'tiltCortt-
uitl victory':
of t 'llt'o'sity ttf iichiillt 5115
hettleg'l l tttint t oo1i1 ittl1111 11 the
lllltto lA.s1 t nt. T h14 '.11til tt I It
fl' th'otr tthsof erit-ttt" ottth'ersati-
biollttttanto ieltt iiiscity. Eety
til.l Arbor ctoci tois m'ttjtchstetl to tt

lrys to lIc lt thuttltttbook.
Some people though try to use
mustlicall intrumtlletnts Nith little
oP zI tonbe.
We Say Buy Those Which Have Taoe
AYe soltihit kitnd.
51 South Main st.
Opp. Court Itouse, Mall St.
If you went to get a fine box of
Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either
Night or Dlay go to
R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St.
Go to RA NI):'1LL forl
Artistic Photos.

colitilry. Trial by battcl was intr )-
i duced into Ell;,-land in 1061; by "il

nlitit I

IlleelIlly; Nv(C c: .11104.C* li(_ ck-

Ticetsalit ofticdets w i i t' lpused itt tie tIt'tat dotly tt pif licltetoitiIttt
raidl 011 it etn s..Aobot in at lir i ditire tdieritotti'tltgo 'reailipritti
$25 nts illotbe made' 'io ithe11 1tu' ertitn rpeofeliuotyt.llts
detsfoand ss ciens. ' o t I ont 'l pofssr tavetttiutede'srip-ii
chttirmagtodtheI tc omittee'iti hi 1 cltt tttmtio.o ue lastotutof"tial biitotdteal
ghe eers-pethiseats. 1h817 a e nd ateltralsbyotthtpteliminails
Siceats icantbendesertoibexthsetia at attltscttemonyii1f1thiithe appttelttfecool-
Cyiwicte drttgso thitUniattsity motto. deth, tueiterosstet'fiete r t'he
doay'-astsim 'tst he ilyetitifotrotteill we im.arSoei sa
seriescae th ie sci foltlowtts:I-tmi'?;dcagthipel'shlrni-
frsonsettMlticktwofr $t5ot umet for nolit fohlowrdedati g wciiiciththill'-
the5 titldtotittim$2t;itit) fr ile.flckoti-ttcitvet ecore sotaneslhfrthut.,
dayefr$teo f$,onnhts~e.orlt2sdA conttetss aiterectelay to frte
gen'eraltaisesion feticofI lx' llbse thnetebrtateotatd thsutinmes t'
ticl~'e hs h oga p not i oI- ftriBardsTelsagep2peawsmthe oiny
chae reerve seas. 1hilad featrilebateardaseyaie-
Shetsrogrsetoedthetcst >. s t calsed isitten19bytoe hs ofieriru
ho kis' elabsoreoiistadteot at o foms. timUierostyvore\neveruaed
atthuetnnArbrread'anooced o sa. inthe1lihti eetatte hmgth ii
Richhastons eito btndsecoamd e Whnereg sde ardsletfoysuta
delier an dedicaeory dpriesca earta ehslf ietties
the hrdferthcoandoitieichar" of-totFe rs fo lhric.
dayaftrnon, ixt seies usd ru otntoinseachewforeltiv'se to omeur
tieet saero ick -etsetc.yoishtseof t e oineitgstulcdet attisUiei tlIl
Prof.Therseiayclandint.en; Otlbma brstiElkhrty tiro e.t.at-litecitl) Ctr
ballcloe at.5C. tevesItridy. E. Bipeardedyfrtagtere,2leaingtitheculy
ott ehaf o tie cllzns;Pro A ofhisyomreaoutas. Betris tletfull
cuisebid alies eotieotibhis mtced Ituit
b eryelaboathUerIty. tnqnrytofro t nieretts-of 1*1ichcan
thsetiors ladycassniiingeturaovs.fahlsrtohe hdeetnytttegdingthetcivil
ichthbe- exnimned toursday. an eginrig eatmentfrse.a

Pa-rkeIr, 0,'. .11 ttHtkins. the(11R. A.
I'lutt ttt ip; NV I.-tltoiiI,.1ll. lttl-
tutcy 1,. C. Fi1thtDe. E. Siturh, thet' Httt.


Artsdale,' 91; Dr.tie. I-Loit op, tie. t_'.
C. 'Fedcriuk, (,,. 1.ttutd, 11. I1.a- IN'EW G .ALLER.Y.
'92; lie Johnson, 't;)tier.Cook., 'W~;LA [SOPRT OMINSTE
C all F'r-tzlu-ut 't91; Dir.Ituis lsetut,
lie Wm. It Grtuyes, A, . F;1anthutsatiNO, 15 WASHINGTON BLOCK,
R. tHeard, 11'. It Dipti. '7b; llr
I~odtar, ii 1. riI' I KAtd' ' Ann Arbor, Mich.
,eru, 'h9t; Mr. Gurntty, D1.). -1.uirtiti, MERCHANT TAILORING!
lie. IFitutolli . - S. einsahc, '15 ; It. Cleaning.,tPressing and Repairingt
done seatly hy
(C. Halrmo--er, '75; tim. Vi. It. G(tovtes. AUGO. SCSSOENEWALrt, 26,E. Wa shigtont
. J . Purdty, '94; Dr. Itetuedmo t i'T7. OT' iZu l"T 1o mis
Fencing Classes, FREoiL INE of
Classsooill ftencing ssill bu' ottaized.tJUST RECEIViEDAT
at thue gitillisittoi iegiotmitig Jim1 (S. +TUTTLE'S,
The classes still mteet tswict+ a stettk lms,1 48 S. STATE ST.
foullouts: 3SiTue1ttsdtayslimit I'huts-
daysit, hi lit .; ttwo tclasses tuonVi thtmu' .J ust FR eceiv'ed


datyo anti tridatys, 71). in.; tlaits,itoll-
dayaidmlWednetsdayis, II a. ii.; 'Ttes-
datys atid Thiurstduys at someto'tiur to
'Thme fee is $1 for 15 ltessons. Thiooe
twhotiswisht to join time cltsses anrerie-
qulesttedttolimaimd lttetontuismand lily
thet fee to Mri e.rkc'tins, Jantitor omfthue gmai.
Clicago Univsitylifootball tcamt
is platnniitg a trillttu the Puaciiic coaist
durttintuIhitholidayis to ltlay time Le-
laid Staitford, jr. Uttitersitiy team tt
Palo Alto. Tte.memerst''of t1111tetm
wtill be given free transorttiumoto'e
tilt Southiern Patific Rilissii.

A lsege stock of
Gymnasium Cothing

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