IUUUIII 1)1 IuDWIU. East Ann St. 47. Mrs. J. W. Crippen. 1 suite of 4 rms, 2 suites of 3 rms, furnished or unfurnished. Cellar and storage rooms, furnace, water in rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. 82. Mrs. A. D. Covert. Boarders wanted at $2.50 per week. p Catherine St. 40. H. Gusmer. 2 front suites, heated, $2.25, $2.50. East Catherine St. 44. Mrs. G. Hangsterfer. 1 front suite, fur- nace, lighted, city and cistern water, $4.00. 57. Sarah Bromwich. 1 single, 2 suites, coal stove, city and cistern water, $1.00 and $2.00. Board, $2.50. 61. Mrs. E. C. Rogers. 1 single, 2 side suites, 2 front suites, furnace, cistern and city water, $1.25, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. 63. Mrs. O. H. Nordman. 3 large single rooms, lighted, furnace, city and cistern water, 2nd house west of hospital, W. side, $1.75, $.2.00. 82. Mrs. Wm. Jacobus. 1 single, 2 suites, fur- nace, well water, next hospital, $2.00, $2.50. 83. Mrs. E. Jacobus. Front suite, lighted, coal stove, city and cistern water, $2.00. 92. Mrs. Maggie Bell. Front suite, 2 unfur- nished, coal or wood stove, $1.00. Church St. 18. Mrs. Alice Taft. 2 suites, furnace, hot and cold water. Both lighted, $4.50 and 55.00. 20. Mrs. Julia S. Taylor. 1 suite, furnace, city and cistern water, $3.50. Gentlemen pree ferred. 27. Mrs. H. A. Nichols. 2 suites, 1 single, fur- nace, city and cistern water. Prices rea- sonable. 29. E. A. Colby. 2 suites, coal stove, city and cistern water. Gentlemen preferred, $2.00. 35. Mrs. N. J. Tubbs. Front parlor. 1st floor, 2 front suites, heated, both hot and cold water. 36. Mrs. J. P. Hutchinson. 1 side suite, 3 front suites, furnace. city and cistern water, 2.50 to $4.00. 38. Mrs. F. A. Carson. 2 fine suites, city and cistern water, furnace. Well cared for. $2.50 and $3.00. 39. Mrs. L. Henry. 1 suite, first floor; 1 suite, 2d floor, furnace, city and cistern water. Gentlemen preferred. North Division St. 6. Kate J. Kimball. Single rooms and suites, steam heat, lighted, hot and cold water, bath, $1.00 to $6.00. 36. Mrs. Will Finnegan. 1 front suite, double front parlors, well and cistern water, heated, $2.00 and $3.00. South Division St. 6. Mrs. J. A. Wessinger. 2 single, 1 suite, city and cistern water, bath, 01.00, $2.00, $3.00. 25. Mrs. S. T. Ryan. 1 single, 2 suites, city and cistern water, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25. 35. Mrs. Chas. N. Ream. 1 single, 1 suite, 1 double parlor, $1.50, $2.50, $4.00. 37. Mrs. F. M. Richardson. Suite of 3 hand- some parlors, 1st floor, furnace, hot and cold water, bath. Prices reasonable. 51. Mrs. Win. B. Everest. 1 suite, 1st floor, coal stove, filtered water, $2.25. 53. Mrs. M. R. Worrall. 4 suites, coal stoves, city and cistern water. Prices reasonable. 54. Mrs. J. E. Beach. 1 single, 1 suite, coal stove, city and soft water. Ladies only. 56. M. E. Sturgis. 2 fine suites, furnace, lighted, city and cistern water. Low prices. 58. G. E. Sutherland. 2 suites, furnace, city and cistern water, $3.00, $3.50. Elm St. 3. Mrs. B. Barker. 1 front suite, furnace, city and cistern water; two blocks from Campus. $2.50. North Fifth Ave. 12; Mrs. Kate Gerstner. 1 single; 2 suites, city and cistern water, furnace heat. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. 18. C. S. Elmer. 2 suites, cistern and well wa- ter, coal stoves. 28. S. VanOrden. 1 large room, 1 uite, coal or wood stove, city and cistern water, $1.50. 36. Joseph Martin. 2 desirable rooms, coal or wood stoves, cistern and well water. Prices on application. 22. 1 Single room, heated by furnace, folding bed, nicely furnishsed, south exposure, lady preferred, $1.50. 28. Mrs. E. B. Thompson. 2 front suites, fur- nace, hot and cold water, bath, 4.00, $4.50. 30. Mrs. S. Fletcher. 2 front suites, coal stoves; 1 unfurnished suite, 1.50, $2.00. 36. Mrs. L. L. Ilenion. 1 front suite, coal stove, city and cistern water, $2.50. 38. Mrs. H. W. Doty. 1 large single room, fur- nace heat. 39. Mrs. J. A. Pitkin. 3 suites, furnace, bath, hot and cold water, water clost, city, well and cistern water. Prices on application. 42. Mrs. C. M. Stone I nsuit, parlor and bed rom, coal stove, front and south exposure. Boarding if desired. 47. Mrs. F. J. Lewis. Front parlor, 3 singl, 1 suite, furnace, city and cistern water, 02.50, $2.00, 01.75. 54. Mrs. E. Wagner. 1 front suite, coal stove, city and cistern water, $1.75. 58. Mrs. C. Reiyor. 2 single front suites, f urnace, wel amd cistern water; linely furnuihed, $2.00, $2.50, ,$400. 60. Mrs. L. W. laske. DobleIarlre, col stove, well and cisteri water, s1.00. 68. Mrs. Emima Seeger. Froit parlor, foldig he, coal stove, city and cisten water, 0.135. Forest Ave. 2. Mrs. M. V. Torrans. 1 single, fodig ee, 1 suite, furnace, lighted, city and cistern water, 2.00, 0.50. 6. Mrs. WilliamieiWhitiaker. 3 single, 1 suite, front paeror, furnaeie, ity ad ciseree waeter, $1.0,r1.75, $2.00, 14.00.. 17. Mrs. Kt.lF tsuite, heate, city aned cistern swater, 07.70. 21. Mrs. A. D. Salisbury. 2 single, 2 front pear- lors, 1ele, eresece, city and lciteren seeter, 0s2.00, 07. .00. 35. A. E. Foite. 1 suite, I single front parlor, st floor, 2 suites, 2edfloor, fureace, ges, bath. South Fourtli Ave. 22. Mrs. G. F. Gwiner. 1 single, I suite, coal stoves, well and cistern water, '1.50, $2.50. 28. Mrs. G. W. Cropsey. 1 single, I suite, rooms, fureace, city and cistern water, $2.00 and sO. 2. Fanny itawkins. I single, 2 front suites, coal or wood stoves, city or cistern cmitr, 01.75, 02.00, 8250. 38. Mrs. O. Dieterle. 2 suites, front,f urnace, bath, hot and cold water, 01.00, $1.50. 51. SIrs 1,. Ionder. 1 suite, front, 1st floor, coal stove, well and cistern water, e.25. 52. Mrs. M. P. .arris. 2 single, 2 suites, bath, city and cistern water, Stean heat, $7.50 and $4.00. 64. Pose Cummings. I suitc, coal or woodl stove, liltered water, $2.50. 65. Cornelia F. Ierr. I single, I suite, furnace heat, city and cistern water, 01.25, $5.25. 75. Mrs. Enoch Dieterle. 2 front sit-es, f urnace heat, well andc istern water, $2.50, $1.00. 75. Carrie Baur. 1 front suite, large closet, coal stove, weli and cistern water, .2.00. 76. Mrs. Geo. Alleendinger. 2 single rooms, 1suite, coel soves, cistern and well water, $1.50 and $2.00. Geddes Ave. 13. Mrs. Kate Parsons. 3 single rooms, furnace, city and cistern water. 17. E. S. inckley, I suite, 1st floor, 2 sites, 2nd floor, coal stove, city and cistern water, 1 single, $2.50, $200, 75. 19. Susan Seltzer. 1 front suite, base burner, city and cistern water, $2.00. 21. Mrs. A. J. Kitson. 2 front suites, furnace, city and cistern water, 3.00. 24. Mrs. S. Proctor. 2 single, 2 front suites, coal stoves, city and cistern water, $1.25 and $2.00. 27 Mrs.. E. Kitson. Front suite, 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping, city and cis- tern water, $2.25, $2.50. Hanover Square (Opposite Park). 21. Mrs. M. B. Murphy. 2 suites, coal stoves, city and cistern water, prices reasonable. East Huron St. 47. Mrs. D. Cramer. 1 suite, coal stove, city and cistern water, lighted, $4.00. 56. Mrs. L. W. Root. 1 single, 1 suite, coal stoves-cared for, filtered water, $2.00, $3.00. 69. Mrs. J. S. Nowland. 1 single, 1 suite, city and cistern water, $1.00 $2.00. 83. Mrs. Susan Brown. 2 suites, furnace, hot and cold water, bath, $4.00. Ladies pre- ferred. 87. Mrs. F. Ashley. 3 suites, coal stove, filtered water, 01.50, 02.50, $3.00. Board, $2.50. 95. Mrs. L. M. Foley. 1 single, 1 front suite, coal stove, city end cistern water. 103. Mrs. S. Oswald. 3 single rooms, 2 suites, heated by hot water, hot and cold water in rooms, water closet and bath rooms, $2.00, to $4.00. Ladies preferred. Board if desired. 106. Mrs. J. N. Lewis. 1 suite, furnace and grates, both hot and cold water. South JIgalls St. 15. Mrs. L. Moore. 3 suites, 2nd floor, furnace, city and cistern water, $2.50, $2.00, $2.00. 10. Mrs. Win. Merithesw. 1 suite, 1st floor, 2 suites, cd floor, 1 single, furnace, $3.50, $3.00, $1.010. 20. Mrs. M. L. Ticknor. 1 single, 3 suites, double parlors, furnace, bath, hot and cold water, gas, if desired, $1.75 to $6.00. 31. E. Wiren. 3 suites, furnace, hot and cold bath, city and cstern water, $3.50, $3.00. 72. Dirs. D. A. enny. 2 front suites, double parlors and bed rooms, 1st floor, coal stoves, city and cistern water, bath. 371. Mrs. S. E. Sheldon. Front suite, furnace. city, cistern and well water. Prices reason- aile. East Kigsley St. 32. W. F. McGee. 1 front suite, 1 side suite electric light or gas, bath, furnace, hot and cold water, $3.00, $3.50. 40. Mrs. Schumacher. 1 single, I suite, furnace heat, bath room, hot and cold water, $1.75, $3.00. 53. Mrs. Phoebe O'iley Double parlors, 1st floor, 1 single, 2 suites, 2nd floor, coal stoves, well and cistern water, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. 39. Mhrs. Parsons. 1 large single room, well fur. nished, coal or wood stove, $1.00. Lawrence St. 3. Lizzie Clancy. 1 single, 1 suite, steam heat, bath, city and cistiern water, finely furnished, $2.00 a nd 3.50. 5. lr-. slascon. 1 front suite of 3 rooms, city and cistern water, coal stove, $2.50. 11. F. E. Chapin. 1 large suite, coal stove, city and cistern water, 81.50. 13. hargaret Kearney. 1 large suite, coal stove, well and cistern water, $2.00. 15. Ir. G. I. Alexander. 1 large front suite, coal stove, city and cistern water, $1.50. 31. Clara E. lsurnett. 2 double parlors, heated, filtered water, $4.00. East Liberty St. 34. Mrs. A. A. Terry. 2 front suites, 1st floor; 1 suite, S rooms, 1 front suite, 2d floor; heated, city and cistern water. 43. S1rs. D1. L. While. 2 front suites, coal stove, filtered water, $2.00, 3.00. 41. Mrs. C. A. Cordley. 1 single, 2 suites, hot and cold water, bath, furnace heat and grates, 82.50, 03.00 05.00. 48. Mrs. Sophia Booth. 5 suites, furnace, hot ain col water, bath, water closets, $3.50, 81.O, ,$1.50, ,$5.00. Madison St. 22. Mrs. C. Boylan. I suite, coal stove, well and cistern water, $1.75. North Main Sit. 69. Mrs. C. . Green. 2 front suites, coal stove, well and cistern water, 01.25. South Maim St. 89. K. M. Cowan. Front parlor, 2 suites, city, well and cistern water. 95. Mrs. E. Scars. 1 single, base burner, city and cistern water, 01.00. 104. E. S. Cushman. 1 front parlor, 1 single, city and cistern water, $2.00, $1.50. 114. Mrs. Kate Schneider. 4 single rooms, cis- tern and well water. coal or wood stoves, 02.00, 01.50. Maynard St. 25. Mrs. J. Meal. 2 parlors, 1st floor, 2 suites, 2nd floor, city and cistern water, $4.00, $2.25. Ladies preferred. East Monroe St. 37. Mis Beasley. 2 suites, furnace heat, city and cistern water. 38. Mrs. M. E. McNoah. 2 suites, 1 single, fur- nace, bath, hot and cold water.