THE U. OF M. DAILY. /r 7 rr 7 MICHIGAN 6, CHICAGO 4. in the first.t art of the gatme. atit the reformed.01n(1 to' fear of getting les. IGHG R C NT Afrestutitn were 11111lin for oe he is at tile deot a halflor' in a- Time Table (Revsedt'or i1814 OTNE RMFRT U. touhtotown inthe seonothialf. vateiof the depart reftin roip. SAS~ ~ krk ~ 'Te noni kein itthe trillbeisito BUSINESS LOCALS. ,Walland Ea---3~,0 Mai -- 844Itmissedite go. etter got d40011 OlN .Seil 5. .ASeil-73 t aiir ilat ad M rgt Esn. .SEcial--- 13 N. S. Lmited. itllttllll25111 Sll ftg Nottes lseted tn tticotunst t t le 11 A.astePacif-it Ea2. ]:>tol5 th e tl it 111101 11111etloltgilfor aM rhileose ie pcilrte o ogr Ha.lai x - 2 3 ' Sl'lR-ri' Baker, (cliit. t11 timat n etpraline fnsp e dta byrati piiplyinge Atlantic FY - 47 sP. Ia. toho wniiitt.jtts sHutge Nvasitesotexratie lrilsiellyilitl.n l. N. Epress.-.5s 0 Western E---. ''12 l1treC ,oI 'ix. Vile1,1t I.tteili<". Norris at the IALVttYstlcetl G. iR. Express - II1103 Chi. Nt. Ex ---0525 Th i eu:cyused Inmisdspa-i it, W. RtLo tES, B. W. OHAES, IU. O il . tiOtlri. CHICtAGOl. Iteittt5 estltatttttott aLietyst. f. P. &. T. At., Chiclago. Ag., Atn Arbos.eter - ci-tet ed ll-.-- -.. t-llay butr. Y AN TV III)ANt'122 T)A. .& .M.R .Care - telleftgari l ihiltietter md y ie ~nghnn11:r ag ' l;dm.Frfrhril Tra ileffect Sunday Ag. 1,, 189. Smt 0-1er -. -.y 'otoxleox Als otseii CtitalRali Iaenning-e - rigt gard Allell (Cpt.) Cox 1f1ro11wtfcli-'lNot-ist lk - xicke lfve t rtlitotItall ltti'tlildely or ro id~ a 110w rPrce. ighlttcdkli ---- - Ktpegop s 12:25ip. 111 11:30 tt. 0. erbert li-t ali ..-- Nihols I Selltirrt ",st-itt'111 lkI' 1 d .e llitli 4:13'rp. 9000 l 11011I lilren l I d11 goal. t Ill 'frains ran tietieentlAll Arbr rnd Tiledo yrgt .- sy- s11 tttilofr$.tutlI'trtnu . onily. tlmiiiio it '.t - fullicanet_ . - tltio-biree till uiti'il 1as ioteIoffhe1- eiliret.-b a tiuLo ms vil All trailto-dtily ecept Soancy tmtili-Y 'Alle, CIChicagsA.5 5. Eere-lr to.--i'tlflt e tis stI it. . GREENWODl, Aet .11 otd slto. Oiist~ of ill' 11' m .1011 tteiotd ttil't. rl o- W. i. BENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo, . tF. ill. G olAmst.-XtttLi i ttlen . S.t A i'lli tt io ii 11 l l ll i tale bt ardtx tthes Ist. F r ANN ARBOR &_YPSILANTI STc l RtY uaet-Marc ri 0r14dsot: Ynttufor V'illa, Cunt ofthle ,tie gave the tttsres1011' I orTeiontd 1-ly- to wevitn __that the _ e___lneeth carneti llt firs3t'w its pr tilt lltrilI at 5 N. Mainti Time Table, October 7, 1894. Freshmoen 34, G. R. HiEgh School . till' uvutwditenit'tti(of iwinnling Ill- 01.,eclonlor. Lettve Vpilatti rot Cosgress st., 7:00, 0:tt .; 2:5,2:15,:00,71 :45,id9:00IadI h rslni otal etrcosd gmmyunarm as. lta hy I 00 15- n icl ise . 10300 :iit1:0 p. i on.tIl 1il-'~ ' - . Fuie tutna.e'[s t ottit anif ' cot ldOSii 3Leoc.;Aitn Ator Jtititentiot, :1 40 1 2-1:(d J 0 , p hir S sc T hank 520 sgtiii ua- byde-0 se llti gil' titticil Th(is tl ileie' illeitcnenecs. Pie SU:10YTtIdE t:30agp.hmGrandtapids high ehoitettCapitt i aoihul'i:11dlthe th111itter uitreasonablue 1115 tash111aw1111e.1p1 Lev pilnif oCns s t'.ao t to, elvenbyttsc -e.of:44t si iiti y'. it-Er iicu oft'ltltl't ii whoAsCOLLEGE 5:W 630aJ900 .m. -'t'ForJS, sTuAgNtfie0lllSu111teONfUmsih FIRST CLnASSbCSTMT AILio12;04ORING lii'1 hc t-game stut oiek titt,00l they- Atere hratsd Ooeallouse. (MNTLu Set;rudtripticmkot .etncec w- hit- liii Ei t '1colorls. t111(u.xu eatugc til(l i-5-fora rdo tCOlt~ni i ErEsTON1894-9 T. C on ery tatein o siid y Wilsri1111ami-011111sh., ilAtll55tshe t liiGrandii' siiOperEa-T e oo'sCrufreod - 50R. Utivr sitysavt. Cli'5e' utllfoir te "lntg ruu't,"OCT-Jesus an5I i-nity's Ideal. US S& ALLI itt01ji Tel ephosee 1. liii ti 31o01 of liie.' scorigts' 10 11: done i 31' ~ ii ttllo.suthi O .-etrin:-uIs vlG oe 1C1111i1one oftthL- u etttt I v(ti ttt ll~rg N V -Scein _:IsE is are man tracis.inutey 111tn te'lie but it, and Gre. fot the goodiiiof his Iiusl5 utt It' tltuul~ O. if till suryI anl t he' 50C , A Y EA R . 5C . A N U M B ER . - - An'Artistic i ee loe o do. R Dilemmatt it'els l fu it it ~i SCHOOL OF DANCING. Danti' Diisilinet-tOist peere / ite stuttiltut el t c f ue itt put -ti e, he 1 5 t e str t ithx ase f s it t -tt d fortltnI(-. It ot e cuts l 11111 o-ustuttsin. All cttsse tseutudtirsth.prsostltit stractitntfsir.tand Air. ss Grane. N - aterutionstanutitt tlpie - itlo inlieuo- stir tmunt.a O111fistnd 1) I ts Hil ova ' ,frquntly conssts grains Ilet-, tiI''I'cclry; i'the: v 1)1.01e ttegrondiloortitot ynardtt s t.x " totociknig E 111ict itryithest 1m1usf belr stleIcl, IETJBEN HI. KE)VPF, wh , / oiether to at one11 litiguto111 ttol tto i-iti F-i teiryi 1 11 btuy a high prcd Po h oa osraoy /instrumnent or totry th ihe I t liepu-ipoitsw tit i'the pr o- Stutti.aitl Getmaty to obiaagood ton-uil. .5ttties xconttttffhIi- 11130,'> -Teacher of Piano, Organ and Mscal t. tromncthyprocess I. litle(ti' ritl utt;111of it lrgIetltilitliS Composition, also the Art of -of slectton among Techn cheitais oods Now rfI erformrst soni- o n0111'111'is ttn litedtoTaItng in regard o the 11151e tteir 115511 may'-jirlt he i'fie -cs tudil'L2.2S. Divtstont. ,1Anti Abr, Sit I r (is reakt''t il 111 ltherue11 dviii lClT lR RnCATERER, lii tti' gtuiu-t. Tliiislet svitlt *EINlIVERLI LE toWn i s keigilill, idd ttlell olii iMe i road"i. } ~A'U~f' ® U rs'f a~ilt telt'tti.a111111 5t111to1 tubetheubitit CLIR ANR q i tetile ltnlid. cttiwu-t. tue tl; thetni JOEAS I 11105sIIET. / q NB 5 i I JYsttgo11111i11astttIaIililI1111 111delieed A. F. COERT 0Prpt. IA!W biethemI'lusttitil 01150 - vilo 1,1 tt' DIETAS & SCHANZ, nBEST IN THlE WOLD thrby)5misintg paradetsl 1111dtrehatlw tork esarn tee. Cettqtog pessig atd you may pay ac mtuch ac you pease for aotie makodd11th 1111 llei1 'tll-ilutt iltfIBue. 4 . Sta t., sri-tititlStsin, AottArtu. and yost sill rot obtain tosiigh qatiy-, or yoa may IIsilit ittie tutco ineor -cilisle tiit earch a life-time aimong cheaper goods swihoutiniding I