THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publuishedl laily (Snday except d durtn the Coleg year, ly THE H.ODE MINEPENEN ASSOCIATION oFIrrC'to Times building N. Main t.. oppotl pol. office. Sbsocripion pic $2.50 pe ye, inarlal: in advance. single Copsien (Ct. sbcrp lion may be' left at the ofice of the D~AL at Stoiletos, at State st. new stand, with an of the editorsorocathorzed soicitors. ('ommniationshould reacl the office b: 7 o'clock p. m. if they ar to appea the non tiay. Addarss all matec intended fo patli 'ation tot the Managing Editor. Al l bsnle caonmunicationashntolai haseat to tiaetusi naraaMaagr. THE U. OF M. DAILY Anti Atborn eh. EDITORS. J..L. Laai, Lit. '5, Managing Edita. F. P. SAittEtR, Lit. ', Asitant. It.COLtEAN, Li. '7, Asitant. A. $. ROCtaWEL, Lit. 90. Asialant. J. A. Lianin, Lit. 96, Athletic Edito. .1. S. ttEARL, Lain'5, Bsines Matage. ------ ,As i tant. Assistant. S. B. Suley, '05. P. I. amintl,'0. I. A. lioneet, 'a. . 1.. Enan,'5. Carrie V. Snith, '6. t. . Iarison, 'Si Minute Thomnpon; 9a7 annea. ItV.rtleetei, Li 'tin H. B. Ganmon,'S All copy mst te at th' office iefore S:3a.Sa ni. of the day of pbiceation. The editats dint hodthemevearespon- sible for the apiniots or tatemettof cores- pondets, appearitag in the DALY. iii tfrelitiatii'la cnlassis anticog-at utltlaiS ii o iti ansspiit. I iotaliit int fle ieii and ulayalyinllliitai'tIa motn axt'al'iii faotaiall ttt ichitol atill proalylit.hatna.seaeral caaaaaaieas for li 'th Wasit laiex t anan. 'lii class ofi' '98liketa'tao f '6 isin it tfair wa o'i malei iitslaf iaaaa'iaai ii I ol ilh IU'nivetrity. Itis inhri ereriluat hnot icailta coma icatiaion ini ltie C'arell Sfitm chiarginig Mihigan tudentl'iitiits w lt u- lair ticatlitititof theiI 'arla iltti witea'in Detrita. Asnotipossnnibc ex easonou tldl bei'founditaorfair ldeSfeat. ometoof I 'aritl' n utastaintatti victory ly tai~ila n outti an rutidit. i'r aaria'c drawtn tviia ial at o theiiirloaltaitulof Coareliall ai!'i'titnl vaaalt.noirela 'fta'i.theia' gate' our rivals Iiral withi tiltalliiniioaffa'rig eigrttattaatin anal aXira'iaai at goaitalnill; tatti rainadlthlicialtsa oal aliset' 'a'fal lshouted'il OAlldone.' ant n inconitaasiitnt hamisaktO l r: "LatafSatrdiayt: Dhtoi, igt touand paplalac nathtit, alt' af threat. eigt ympiatiz.wiii Cor- tll tuatandociea.c tlitle' dray wnl covereadnawit lcd ntlwhititotuitig. Eachitaithat tls littla'bandilof ly.~al supora'ters 'iCeer'd, tI n alcauraga' orS -appilad aiour'mhiatt hy antri'hised froaitll nsie," ai aftr mtricaihi fis stuff. "TheItlns nwhiltokauir atoll toi tlii'stationasn aihisd w iitby ta' tret-boity." Itisintrota thoutA-lilgan stn tsic id aianatO marire ho irill plloyetin froatat lie diar1'"lift tirl l1ats," tlly watoobts nlywihshotstt at ahiiitrcnssenfor aiuri'wno bys, teir laeart awri' too full just iti to think very ititthi if Coeill at all-anti the reason wanity iidial nt o'erwmii Corniell tat'"iia ith lire alumi"i'poon- sibly thia'little lainti of'iil) Natonthat they w area ve'yabt y thelucia e'agrou- o iting their ownt an tea ad onea'nth-l or. Bull aa'eaitotnt bliaee'thlelittle' Inalof aigll'' nita' hissndal. eantret e sure'oif it, andias to li 'mlthetiti'ott boayn" hlaintg oariaall'n ''aits, lMiriti Yisn hot l'a'npolnilea'fia thliiratlea'of at Yntre rioetso nhiilglel oly rtllatia'in v amoant puetrila'. 'I'll(ia'tiilyo insasurpiseda' tthat ('ou'tiill fe'ilnslaurit ai. tnows ntintgtaf hal' ill iratttaia'aata'xa'ept Tliei'closnesseonfi'ilta' ncoa-a'ini t' 'l'ltttikntiniiitgrSatutu' nitl titiaooa. naltila'somewhoa'anlii sapptinitiitgafit'r lii i taaagtiili't gita'eawithi ('aruall aill serve ta telachtieliii' m ata ilot- obtin geniarally na'n'eral wolsomeaaitaeIan soaln. "irtias .Mantiar iBoirdltnw reatlizes. itwatsimoisititinwisa' t allaaaw toach'.and tiirainerl'of at tatta ae anal-a'totnwtit'' latrit inte'seaon tto umire int' uritalc metta'aithlabrlain. (If couotin'it Aann:irilie'v'd'atht.l .r. Stoage o-aauild ake lo a tl'ttiai of lain lotoanuu.nau'ratcan easttanihoa 't h i. bu i utica slmotithanlikely' that ASit'. SittgLopt lainsa'y'a' open'iatnd liolitool by watto'noaw'. Itinsltla'tiat t Slt. Stoag"-'deniesla'sittitignstadied oulr nig- tinlsoat'iiptdtheIiatt ttlin teat, bti tlaham tsosima'elay (' turing tii'egtit'iaame toowoleliinlythiatiit wni athelliontedoal iregutrdlatoati'rlplays. Muailititig that ISit olg lidl not study15'out'laoynsnwaila' illAni Arboar, lo oinvit 'tailliiansfla y the fiollowillg oaf valuable'pinltsn ill rigoard b to IiPe- igtit's 10105'frolaltliar-Siciiou-Cornell ota'.eotad Iwasanable too lell the Chi-. atoi ttin .oli(l iliinitble riln wnhal icprececrh erOiltainltans." IC OR TIIL ETI C are Imade in the immense 'Virtoe fac-f J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. H! ALLMAteo, JACOBS & ALIMAND,, DIEALERiS IN COME AND SEE t'S.,.- tories of unlimitctl facilitico. Victor Th Wshntn lc. Baseball andTi'ennis Goods, Footballs __ and Football Supplies, Gymnasium Sprinting and Sparring Shoes, Boxing Glones, Indian Clubs, D)unmb Bells and -" $. _.. Fxercising Wantds are leaders. Wve 9 L also restring 'Tennis Rac'-els. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. s eLEADINGI SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ad SHORI- '.t a gaSfienthnuilding;n; tahr:tr; SMateasol alctolBitycls tvo n nngod discipline;asuperior work;Iwelt noston. Pl'a~delphi.. Dettroit. taataaai >' reading room; daily lectures, aturoday N Yrk. Chtiagto. Derner.";"i:a1:1 treptions; opentheantirear r Entry- tzao.'< soilitien for planing nhudentts tampo'ito,,; PACIFIC COAST:a Bohi d ronom2to $2i75per eerinoprivatei SannPraneitto. Las Anteles. lPotland. fe t; itan. 'uheeraton rednced to hi.5chy serft _____________________ osatiit ne orCatalogne addres, I ~P CLFARY. Pe. DITSOINMUSIC. 111" ( l00N) OPB.RA\ 1O101. "1Six Love Songs,"I ONE NIGHT ONLY .B at E, TasltonofSxM onday, Dec . oflen' ietlrsileqiiemsclstt Heavy Paper, 75 cents. "COLLEGE SONGS" 'N. S. cvrTe s30,0n 0 0,0 dCloth. Gil t, .0 on. UiIe V Ie IWId 's x M in streIs,. Oe 0,0sl. Heavy Paper, 5O "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Seals 0th aale at Watt's Jewaelry Ounly bockusofitthelna l ishetoOThe Pricesn, - - 35e, 50r and 75ct sons aOf thatleading chegale ii o wn. o ______________________ Heavy Paper, $1.00. aODYAL COLLECTION INSTRUMENTAL GUITAR MUSIC" Big iF~our.L R ou~te Elghty-tano piec't' for uuae gniaaae cent the BEST LONE TO Keat asorcen. A niplendid clctaila onald- annie Covtr. SO Centn. INDIANAPOLIS, Atty booS:senttpoastputadl atipt umof atitat LOUISVILLE, OLIVER DITSON CO., ' and"CINCINNATI. 453-4(63 nWutuigton St., Botnon.ELEGANT loin St.' 'C. h.Diutson & to, ZN ' Through Sleeping C r Accuinhug;'ofds r Stlmob onait to .1.C 22 Years in the Buinss,- =vm lmn BETWEEN Detroit arith t':,ul'iburatt imota hhtiuohoPetoskey, Louisville and if n'amu-hiut utr i~'s ahii a tocoul'.u flIV III ~fllV incinnati. ulitiaitl " abtle' to ll thou' l('Otoana o III 'IIUImJII som nnttu' istaamlu' sighs 1O-1110)a'ia au~lauliou' Stil totasn.'' hi'. ha'! Sit'. Stamg. rotayou wo'iau ouuhaO ratins' ttl) ta and apui'yNs' haO aitihletia-a, ttanvoh nmuattuylt100I(ileutill m uaorer t uoachu yurtt to-me I ut toual veryo-a' lhty. Youthtaint'Shullied-a l are_ uthlatiuoi, Mti. Stig.yuoau 1llam a'ttereda'au youtr' aai ped'sa'tl, 5-Oiathettu'1100iuuigt I'ahillalela. I11thapauort huouituthhn ithuetionh of nhg- attain ('iiao'at piisa-el at pntao'lil uh 'iiiS, na-Silt' Shiohtigautidhanhitt plamyunutha11u0 satoi1)0' ataunhias tn nha Conell, Ohio' ignals Avo'reu'nOtt emntiii, but onal a i a n'ht'ttul itt alutaruatnub: ;thie'snaon-a,uaudthSit othica'lesonsslearneduAvere antichiatt oat-a conidencei 'is to5 badolas timidoity anoS Shout ih in aerybartoulasItimthaootut- toalS ta-aut lu~' uo:a'es 111t05'i'i arily hut lihe asni. 1 . 1)F" SI.CALI-NBASS. - Slt., Boo-. 3.-Canhadhianl Jubile'e sinugers at Al. 1.chur-eht at S 1). ill. Mlon., Bra'. 3.-I'ent. T'homphtsn beu- fore OInlndLeJmaogute oat "'trials ty' Ore daltandtl iattle." Suboribe for theo Daily. ASK boOR TICKETS VIA. M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th afve0. BIG + FOUR + ROUTE., caps an-d GO wi-s E. 0. nlcCOustteu, D.BMATN FOR MEN AND WOMEN., asne laOi, We are prepared to furanish Caps A.G. SPALDING & BROS. auth Gowns of thin highest quality FOOTBALL SUPPLIES, to Universities, Colleges and School Every Glhenuisite for 0ire. throughtout tile United States, at amme. surprisingly low prices. Self ualeas- Spauldiug'n urement forms, coantaining all nec-V 1Official essary itstructions to secure 'per- ~ / Itreleit fectly fitting- garments withoutItrol it visiting the store, will hr forwarded ~ ' Football. upon request. 1 Adopted 189d by VhS ~d ctatercolhegiata' Asnocta- RIBBONS INALL COLLEGE COLORS lo'0 alalgame IICE, nithu inflator, Vii different widths, at uinoderate Spaling'a,;tomphete Football Catalogue prices.entt free. "Spalding's Officiatl Football Gnidea' pricesfoe 0850, edited by W~alter Catnp. containing Strawbridge & Clothierthe nw u lesaud othe~r vlube iform- PHLAELHI. trade-mariaoatnnhat yoouoy is ttanegtaratter PHILADLPHIA. thuat the goodsarei thue beat. Tlue largest exclusively Dry Goods Neaw York. Chicago. M'Iiladelhlia. House in America. TE IN rSSS ?. -A MZiT $2 MT T E + D I Y Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. a N. Stain Strent. Represents Every Departiment ANN ARBOR alf the University. STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Cents' Clothitng('leaned or Dyed. $2.50 PER YEAR. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR..