THE U. OF M. DAILY. CRANDALL TYPEWRITER F .SEBIS H EW Sh~ ~ Ooso~ RKHAKI %LAOH~~MAN AlEFormerly with George WVahr, 19 B. Washington st. Headquarters for YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a Student needs in the a >L Is sollitig coupon 1hooks good1 line 'of Text-Books, Stationery and a1.for tl for $2. 50. SUNDAYDINRAT5OCCK Miscellaneons Stock in general. a ' MARTIN SCHALLER, CP( Stu~~~~bidensanid citizfeshIIYsd amieitisE-. W -O N BO K ELR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED thihadqterasjbwh~ie 'siatio.atdITHDONOW BOKELR -as Y rdit1y9E. FWashington s1., one block . 1 hE. wtlItLA I. Wtm:-y.X. H. LEWIS, Prop. east of Main st. IP F TOLiFI O. DROP IN AND LOOK AT E I RP, ~ A .MMEYS 'iile osty High trade - Cahil.,on e E I RESitA.E.UMEYS ,aktslati e malPrc. T E W IE Y E E CS R ThSimple; Durable; Writing in Sight; It hsnto euasituiasidi of ta cophet y~raet Ai mn" ntnl ntin o eriir hru i .y mu- hd as ac aei -desi f e~t ct-sgTtiasaaidgestlbottlse Alignment; Instantly cresa. It i5sniselsit as self-aidje-tiii e - Changeable Type. si-ta-eao oNtofuse ebtIndrse d by tien0 le aditigs-ateeafthte-day. All parts war- Be- st rnes sibalina ErapeNt-a Yark v of TOOTH POWDER J. S. PEARL, Agent, rested frtoyarcityo caaores iy iicr iAn ro;$ For1e by R. I, BLOUNT 4lIN. z nthe ctyfor25 i We-alietenst., AttiAbeboilb Ingaillsst ,AA bor G4S. bt,ttct t asteme and se 11. FLAG PINS $1.50. A-'c- ? BO TEANABR AIG AK~ and your money backP Yetwad$leBt STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Ass iAtrbatrMltittttGapt Stack, X50tta. if not perfectly satis- o tons 60c. iHigh (1lssa nd etI sttoic rs ttOrgisictt ednert itsne eeralteBanin- W fatr With U. of M. or the o is tte . l -t t Iveis tteptst, by rl 0 iss ea i tt ti n te aric tpalit--, at the year 75c.J E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Unit-ti States. itraftsa saeditupitsprotper WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. Hian, _t. vt-- as.; hrs . t - I-TA ttP cttRt VN N rtetcOttia f Past. VYk NE RU TOE _______________ To keep posted, read the Cesier; At. J. tI ie, Assistntesthier Daily. The Daily $2.50 ayear. HL[BS + E[R ORDERtftYOtiRItGOAL, ittA NOVELTY IN TO.ZI 1M_ ST'AEIBLLI.. Lbis:A. t. R., tItine N.1 -s Uth Robes! 3' 46 S.MAIN STREET. MR.ANEWR OTRSiLEADING COLLEGE STRIPES t ems G S Mattn at., and State st., stir- School of Danctng and Delsarte. fQua lity -eli dccit tenuder ourtzr -- nier of William at., havea turaypi i t si,(etiet s a .4tloer s lIs 1its rice, i iucoti s y, complete stock of Sty a p.ii ., Lad tie iii tlit s lassi i7 $ in in lteaol terry,-fto. IDelivered Ald i ,,n0r .nis i, .A vacd ias{Ifes it te y iiad~iiii itiis td fae.Return-uble if unsatisfastory. \ lIfiIfliiiT-I ffflt Tuay 73 t p in.,i ite-ines ( lis (Iadles nttfoid atyuda erl sa', sendlton-.s- U IMIP~I ITH l f80U96 Prvte(t letimi i S. .t mit ntoingcollcgc atttlcio-.iugprtc. _ 1 SCHOte lo.4s bponn. SAT S. itAS 1CISETMtsCt itsl.,P.NwadScn ad iti il i pttis ~-Noi teioos ead ttier Students' Supplies N wSy~ oSweaters LAMPS ! LAM1 PS !"fthyofe LAMLwetPrice~ste. S. Make no..-ista-ke. Do yau-wantma ann seeWeusanssore puucnastng. Gymnasium Suits, Gymnasium Tights, Gymnasium Shoes, Antisill kinds, of Athltic Goods sit SHEEHAN'S INDIAN CLUBS AND DUMB BELLS FOR INDOOR EXERCISES. FENCING FOIS1,5AMI) ASKS8. This «vook call aend sac ot-r BARGAINS IN BOOKS SHEEHAN & COSY Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OP ANN ARBOR. Organized 1i6t. tlatpital, $100,0tt. Surpius and Profita, $40,000. 'tasats a gemneralt besstng tiusinss. P oe;excaniges bougghtadsld. Farnish letteas at credit. 1'. BACK, Prest. 5. W. CLAIRSON, Cashier. Miss Hattie Long,~ Guitar, Mandolin -and, Banjo, t9OMltler eve., Ann Arbor. Mich. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS. n Nea ilies, Jewelry, Diamonds and ethattel meat,,lips as collateral. Diamontds bought and soid. Watcmhes masd Jewelry nicely re- paireti. Office at may resitlence, 33 E. Liberty st.cilyv. 1heorst.Oetia, m.,lto 3 ndito9 J. C. WATTS. vtriety and give yon lower prices thatt any house itt this moarket. An examination of or stock detntstrates thtat it contaitis the best FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS and nmost improved letup mi-ade. Thirty-three years experience itt the TRY THE Lamp Business is wacrthi somtnig. Buy of us antd get the benefit of it. ELT DING PRO DE.1,'1q& OM PAI. _ LT DN- PRO 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES., bits. 'Alil-ll illo l ttitatimat suctioni titits ljatgut- sill ftc entetalneud 1y mbts. bmtlv-ilt- Iiltft rliisdiy eting, Ittie. G Profit. lTueb-loodtileitatvis tity liii lastat-, Ohmi, -it-ce-it- sill divuer tt sersits of li-tturssoil Teai-Ott-trat-s' .it tihi Ohio Wash-el it Uive-rsity. facuilty 5111nd it- inltt-rs tof the aother med~ical ecissesa. A sariedi antd imter. etttilprottgram1-11 lts bteletntptrt5115l, til tia get-nel gaoodltlne-is isiteeteil. liii-juiottr met-illaslt swill haol ihi-ialiltil tielss Soiatl, Tuesaty eventiiglie.4. it Nit-ke's Bsi. llautu tnitatiton"slatestbelntsten-t aoit ltthe ({_aentilt Stituicilit: TYtle 12. O tic- vardl 4; Broswni-20, Dartmtht 4; Btut- Ier 5S, IWabashl0;Ob lerlinifit Petit. State Cal. 4; Adeltert 40, Kaenyan 0; C hicag o 80, Northsvestern I) ; Lehigit 11, Lafaiyebt- S . IAt atin toiiliofiitilt t-xc-eutivott-l Car. Mtats and Liberty ala. EDWARID LEWIS, Pratt. Bostaders bWaeted. TH1E I aigmicilCorner Washington at., atid 1 in i sit's ei- ePati iss li-ft tth t i ait siill nat itlay agsaintt bitt iis;tti Rates $2 ancd $3. W-tttit, li ithe tflin tar-lthfits 'FtNEONW:123. Wlmtnis eaonsideredtia ti-t-ito c 1. T8E3LEFL tit tilyt- witowttks. £ PROPRIETOR- I A Series of Lectures. Prof. Meeitinilies atnatiticed tiaue- i-s at spieciallechttries anl utbjtets titt tsoeretby he- t-regtultar-instrutcttors. Ttheit tre totli-be s-i bit- I- . A. Baker, at Dletroit, Butterfield,. itt Granid a-i idls, beloci-it Barboatur, Judtige Chtampi- lint, Prof. Kirchiner, Protf. Bogle antl Prof. Maechamu. Prof. Mecliani siill also cisea aseriesaofi-asv lec-ture- an "Damaes" fto the senior- lass-s at i1. it. every mooning. 0-. H. WILD IVE L[ADIN GIAILOB Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens amid largest etock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. AWCOXE AND. SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main: st.