IT t V''yELTIDX Glee Club Prizes. teitmliWaSs otplyed iono the first anld BUSINESS LOCALS.
1Vj~~CIIIG:~~~LN U)W~~~i\~~ 015mostoffte allesivas ptilyetl ittheir [Ntesierdintieouosateiat
Time Table (Revised) Nov 18 184 1fhre AdeleriICollege Glee Clubtettt . [ofcecs per seline. inSp -mlteriy.ti helatrfre
territorwihngty, i o t elc onstime, and xtra linesufrnised by applying
P M. . M.''t ils Ikied ttthe hall off the fst at the IAtLT nice.J
Mili and Ex -130 mail - 58431 satid toomtII e atl oteriog to college TIIANKiStIV ING 1AATIO.
N. Y. Special... 5 to N. Y. Specil 730half1111(1Sooncarried. the tall over ToMcia eies tiea rl
Eastern Exs---10 25 N. S. Limite. 9 2 oo Tit MictiraitCeisrtlaRditrobd slit
A.M.Paifc xtheir opponet'~(-s goal lise. i-lst Nov. 27 andtt 28 sell to stdets so
0. N.Epes..g 0 WseF -enerosity (fst ss rietit to oter a rize
1.lni R.anicExess ...i40 'hi. Wst.nEx ---P M 2for h .Wstr ol failed santdsisitii.r Wanil t ancertificateoftmemberhip routtd telp
1----. 525 tof x20 for tile btalorigitnaliver"ses
o.W u~r ssf...cE,5 able to score iaiitt.althttighfithe fls tickets at o 1111dotetird, lowiest
ut ljsit, i 1 tyy tto ts ato1stmusic ass .slettert frtcahfrgo ortr ni
(7. P. & . At., Cicago. Agt., Aim AsboresCame ithinitetesw'yrstelaof tekingliteltaf-,gostorunsot
(Cllege sogs such p rizeopeto all. Dc. fl, to all sttios ote ticMihi-
T. , A...A...& N. M. REY. iaidtverse, toastatblit- sstitreof aohrtuhonintes dhl'ganCetntral andelittlargitnis-o
Taii fetSsdy sg 54 Alllit t life. echracteristiceo[sitie- for 1e-ezie,. Iradfield Thorsp (d I1111 conecting poit-;fetsSnaAg 1 r9.I ;ott Cottietingglines
Taisleave Ann AstbosraosCetra tn-treid tie'best idssyliug fotitl'its, via Toledoi, South Ieid,. Jakso.
I OTH tit.sof'atttlt.ntllmltt.jtti whilt' Qtittt. I 'vws-ford. i .g Md ichigawsi City, ( randtl Raidssa atn
7:18 a. i. '7:11a. it. tsrsenior o rstedtpett v tml lmds sca a l Aihidstt.hst, t ttg. fo ts hi caosls ikes wl ego
q2:25 p. et 11;30a,5.m. Mtitt tlI ls sa wsl ' is-hcg. Ths ikt ilte~ t
4:1t).m. 5:00 p.In. aslate. atilets'. fr trnltor ts tcial. It Ott tll exept limitedi tl t.
easty. titsesptciAslAyldesirsssdhatsttotrsc esshalltThettamtstplayldsin trata slush lfwr.Call sll see Seliaitwhts-tiyontlwatt
.A11 rainssdaily except Snsday. Iis g lsItil' i 's-vi r gos p725. Shsisi n.
It. S. GIREENWOtOD, Agentt be tcompttosdl swhith stuts tblcomthe i
seuhnrrsled Hv . It. 1IENNETT,G1. P. A., Told, O0 ptitic tsntgttf ,ttli'lrtttt S titg:'toftheits-tltt-els amllllttsltlt ltt tv-yottr ITestetrly tyglt-tstitttl
as tfolloss: Not':, (97 lit 15 9S.t)$It-I; or e ne ts per thundsredtiti 5 N. )lasin
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. 5A-stcrlllIft-erveTs- ttvtsity. T'hotsest. ,~l~- t t 1,tttsttndttftt.
t elses ate litited'to 52) linesand t stttt
Time Table, October 7, 1894. '95 1sS I.,Ihih tttschoo tl;Nv. It,.5a(1.1OSl.
]:eavei3psiasnti from CostgressAt-s., 7:(1, :00 b eevd b h o mt i f lit 1. '97lit 0 N t. 201) laIs 70.hghl Aln1open Ilfstetd sitsvr sats- i th
attd 1:00. i.; 12:41, , l:54, (00 stnd tefore Dec.s-. t 194. Sll VesIs-aittsol 0; Nov. 26, '6 ,'90 .-155- 0 Dik "egrvdi tlts ac, t ~l.Isive
teas- n Arbeor .Jtunttionst.7:30. 9:W( 'sndt sol tltititsl s t--t lt- (1se-lif e tropety A to-rnd Op rhHun. intithiissat qe i tt ached- . ii
SUINDAY 3TIME. sof ttstthe sr. 'IlT-e etlltllttit'ttltt
Leasse Spastitifront tsssgs'sss .".1:30,3:;X), -sitlitti1.
3: 00,6:30 tid ((001p. i.t(ee tsttslsi -istcompoed of s' slsoof te fits'olowsintttg list mstetts upthe st -
leave Attn Abor TJasstiot, 2:1K,0) a-st30, .tttt-tItilelss-tt At - - - its o Rtt ing11 f it saets' at. filit tRO ttS. -(Jilt Is-y itrtishsl
7:111 15109:301 pi. A eb mColg-auly l om '-s itfrae5'~t ot a d cl
ICas rensinllcity tinse. I-ases-s ingle trip 1I5 .opeilaIhoutse toiights. Ills' esat f te- stilts-.rond, vaer oer o l iss 1(1111P rcesi
I' . W is stn-t. Astsltsri I slt-os, tI cl-aiss sssss-stniis' stes btv"0s sis-tally cssottsstss-. ,t Vt ,sitetttv avel. p-(t
'\tlLkt[R_ FUS2 DEii'and.E , etisrItsigtgsdlEurspeanlt sttiststllsltg on tieFori-Ifstt. 'ftsites5f roos th sstl
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING oflt'e.stronslctgsatsttivsts'tis Ilt t sfiitreo Lte'sftit botht ests ils, stI-1
JuitorueLitn Champions. tsstssItiselss..itsssriws ftytliS.
Co'nrfs ttate and Wilinmsts, : okdhssesn__mnerlw___1Is*tl' t
Wiliamm t. entrantt a ae r-nefcl,5)ta.r- . .A i lCF
it ut ifs weIls s' t heis ass-i's ilt littI 1''1t''tl't- - (it) t-g ''. . A. . tI' A- tfN
FLOWERS, FLOWVERS itt it -ss fotb(sll eltttsliouldill I r utaror is o sf stisiississts witt tw e'- Foe the I%. tf 1. Tantksgisving il-
Fo Eerthngan Eerboysatlestfr (his s'11tuo'sls'rt : 'tatiionllc The., A. A. R&.N. 11. will rtiake
toeEsettiin sndEvryyiy a3t ttists I, sdo'fosti(11g 1 it' 5551(5. 1' 'ists litug t it (,it' tlites,'' t 'st. rtles sf ote,'ftitl ew---Iusit-si fil- oth0et
COUSINS & HALLs Fltitt5 T leist'gu. its' s3 i ssss''s it ''l' s I-' ''1ss 7Y sllg It'-tii. I t.isttit git ts 11 5-il i 3iitgt
'tF stlintg I et51't'.' I s'siiss. titti tt 511tipoits t511 el- illssofoustr
sthital ttit't t 'iatitAsoiation, tittd siltualst Ilibs
"''tlt-Stsstti." Ctt.11rte sof oe ae fo'tit tie l d trittfoI
"Tille 'Ftilts'I ts".- 'so.lartey of.0 oro retit om 1011 nntiiAtttr
An A tisic"'h'-lfestts-" 'ias. ttedaft(Ass 14tssto t'Iieutgo, ticetts to ttbe ti ssol Ny'S
~ til LkE~~Ll~.(55 t itmten of theit- ed'lflISitas-s.) oly, lifitedto tu-rnIMotdal,- Itt-
"Pa lsych-e lt Nt)utI'ssMlirrort."'' 'l Si . lRegulaiV sctitnti ckeiets Swil til -
-, lem maiflallui. s otdot. 27 andsl-2, liitedth st i'su i
-4!''Romteos'ss lst.ttii t ' issot. nott ltet u It i' v :;,18015 , t llst -
4 " '1 77)."T'tisss densaholsditg sirtiercertiicais .
"'hIai'o1sri s isa t s-tis f ttt-" ean.5151 12 (5 I,-fJf..NWO(01), gs.
freq'uenty consists "I'slill T'hill-stilel' e1"51-. 'fla .- ilrst
wheter t o a ice COLLEGE TOWN PULPIT.
/ '"'/ buty 1it ih picted "'fc lt art-us" Slits--s-i'
- itstrumtnt ortoicy "Ito lltrnttlitls tof Fam'stiitttli-ti" (M~ONTHLY
( 5 - toobtati a good i lidsn. (heora sttustdItpttttst SERMONS OF-REV. J T, SUNDERLAND
srometaly process
of selection asmong "'fit-ttgtis" -minet. Sref19.5
scap goods. Nosy "'tsef L io tisstr.~Liss. Ili-ssi
ii srdt leiiefttrs' SEPT-The Soul's Cry for God.
..:".Ibshety." 'isst. OCT-Jeans an Humanity's Ideal.
-~ -'Yilstt' ~issbt.iiitii't s-it I itNOV.-Snctnrianisnmu Its Evi, Cannon
"-____ etre)ad Cur.
r h ,~ n o h ~ a tustllt-tlsithtsa7sssbittte r~r5OCA YEAR. 5C A NUMBER.
U r *** ts ton, bst itatlthe1115 liiNi-st i.' ItlI rsl,- st 5teeius.ntl tts-'
( A~t his idel, t. stslille isuimit CATERER,
A I1JOSAllItVtslktt Wills fsts, 55155twilt git HANGSTERFERl .us tg
m r lK L.IC, 1r hesrelsts-sotrty uil-s ''ifl - l has tu
~ I R I~L ~ ilimtid' protltifstu s s fi i lls-cEXCELSIOR*+ LAUNDRY!?
* E5T IN THlE WORLb sptselibsindowmevtul-is. AnSilm'itgabe oESTut'O SRET
altotth tl.ltn ascGod SWrsklsGu sslelutes. Gtostatl- e1ud (tr
youtma)' pay as tuichlasg you le ase for anotherliaike studemmt, 11(and lsstl su ff(sand delieretd. A. 1'. COVERTopg0'sj.
mnd yost siltnot obtain gs high quaity, or you may ttircsiislil (f it ost 11iitttrotl s es--v DITA &SC.A
earcli a life-time atiaog cheaoper goods witliout finding hits art i alreadyt3' 'ttttsisit-. 1st r its 7EA CA Z
anythintahlat at all approaclies thema.When you're
ready- to talk over ao tnstrouent instpect thaese Itagnifi- mtri~ttrty, - Isasl sssisis fs 5 profountdtsQ.u OF ZM. 'Z ILOLS
rent iproducionssofliheittrgest mtoiast Ifactor3- in ilie " thought t nigiissit Cae of' de istatl
Thoed. 'I ar e setold tby leadin.g dteles everywthare. 'J t stsIsstttnftfltl'eutit. m-landoot b-snt s'ls c>Fi gn t antdesol-s
Beautiul Suveir Catalngue coninlling potraits oat1 (50 leading oi'debatb le:pint itilt' hisfti toryof ok goaatenetd.Cleimg,.pessgis
artist, ree, iupan Itpliatas1sion t s. ath i ati es. tltrepairs mttl~t tntt 1to15-, 4 5S at t oni ti Anism
not gist-ti eslit-it ;tIistglt. is t'retit-
FATOY ~ ~ 5' %% SALESROOMS ttcloti5f(t'Its 'vi is tl' s oiiI'*
pposite Union ParkiagsAvoeueait tstse tsvt1antdl-ssrsfts
Chicago... ' Chicag... intetrprtationm.~TRD
Stillmntwsiltumahltt1 soz. cabfinet-R/
pictures for $2.50 unti Crlstuas.®
TFor eit.-Beautiful rooms aili 0d'L
SOLe Agent, - bot' Q egar good table oard at the Dr. Ford res- a A NEW LINK CL'Fe
oece, 14 Wasnttettwasyie