THE U. OF M. DAILY. 2114 A JOLIFICATIIN. T '- 0~~'CON'TINC[EDIFROM FIRST ]PAGE. city this year. We lhavs(iiore to(sd - Pubhlished Daily (Sundays excepted) during lie Cllegeyear iy next y'er11nd1 willIlen say it." THE U. Vf M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, Mainiiger Ltairdi said llieliigaii hads sFi(rlntTimeshbuling N. Mlainst'., opposite noatta it edherlproier'1101p1lace;'('let 11(11; post offlcee.keep it. 'To (10 this.Nvei us.i i ie - Molsriiitioii price E~.80per year, invar-iably belst 01oflupart and(1inteirest. liii 1511n in advance. Sinsgle eopies +3cents. Sohserip- ililsi lb( Iback forearl-ipratiteliS'li lions may Is' lift at th#eoffice of te DILYt , seits ilstli at Stotliet's, at Sttate St. new Stand, withi tny iSeptembisler.., t (rb u oftoemnitons outdorieelicIi oh e ity o r tH redtatecl ifotheueiorstio ntshouldeachsolieiosffice e' ee leti-is atbiyel r o'clocki p. m. if they aee lto alperthe iiest lobgi'spirit beinig buitup11 le idirecedi dlay. Addiress till matter intlendedl for pauli- 1not1 sily' ltoltesuppilort of atleils. cationi to tihe Managin g Editor. All bunsinies cimmusicationscc sold b10 sent to lhe Butsi- 1b11tiitlte lisipportof till I'aleersily niess Mlaager. orgaizattltis. lthe 10111 s..le cu, 1 played ini the lllsellillg, 1s the Cica- go A. A. islays agtainlst arlotmiouthlinil lie afternoon. The milltmen1li tof lIaae-l's lIw schoolis15overt Itt ltheiarlsrt fillits 11st101. Victor Footballs J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. B.ALLMAND. JACOBS & ALIMAND, tELRFLIN f COME ANDi SEE- 4 . THE U. OF M. DAILY, -et.- EDITORS. tee1 0niade of thte Iectmiteriatti ssariitnnair- r1 1.., toiLt'i, ngEditier' t ttiil iltili1jit llb t -o51 1Iit git' tnteid titter itn tiiy othiesitale. it lad- -slssolLi.9, laa e itli every tall1is atin iulittorsaimeia9nse ntI 4/L IF. P. SADERn, Lit. '00, Assistat eeit istleeet to thii .\llil'li". ssoi- k ithi Victoit cyBless. I1. CiOLEMNs, Lit. '9i, Assistaiit. IITOR 1i ICOIC'AE0 i Isthe LEAOING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS asndSHORT- A. P.hROCKWEtLL, Lit. '96, Assitan. ill i11 t11115'1.. T o l~t'tliliiilitt- VSID INTERCOULLEGIATELORfl RO- HAND Itagnificent hnilding; ten teachers; tato~ stietidtite gund dinciptine; sperior wrk et: . . *Lentiw, Lit. 16, Athltic Editttt nil t ieis tet-tive(l wstll O t1 til- CIATION" FOOTBALLS, EACH $4. stpipytt d iu lm l etao.i t-a JS. I PAtit, Lamw'95, Business Ilissi -iee. tisti ceeptiansoo; aintlmesriear Seep-r - - - Assistant. li lse 111till tl cire si-l 1. litici i-toil o ll Th pubic iseuie-csiltd to ispclititieu o- i onat faci(ties fee planing ntudents in positions Assistant._plete__ineof Boasrd and ronm $a ta &2a75 pus u-eeet isprioate -As tailiith illllO. osI'Iiii tfamoilies. Thes eraten reduced ta 55 50 hy seti ITiEtRARY.. Spahitdditin;.Fr Catalogue addressn s. B. Shiley, . il . 5. I tmill,'95. . A liigi'boirelii ~i-tsic11111x i'oi-i-i-ti rtng Goods, Basebalis, Batn, P R. CLEAR.Y. Fees5 II. A. Iancer, '95. E. L. EvtInis, i95. ensB ls aktec C-rrenV. Smith, 'T6. U. B. Hlarrisioni. the ' liglilisi l'Indttil tileil litlliill Tnns alsRakeset. '[H GA),ineTo n'9 1 PMDCL ;Pr. HOUSE E. .nBtettisosi'(7.1 sies. ind '-'e Ihe fli -- a.- 'i - I _____ C.-errel, Lt i98. II'- i. t asitmnoss, 15 hsli i 11sil -iilill OVERMAN WHEEL.JCO., E. NAL S. ito - liliec se t ti t sii o-lt titiil, ells iitiiti Ilaiti'is ofitor -Iis-cltyiles. Friday Eve., Nov. 30th. -lii-- ic ie re'siillil. Onliii' lwlitei 'hN- Bonion, IPhiadelphia, IDetroit. The American Tragedian W ith h~lis is~li'il'the tsilytill sc- i-I-s ill theiteatti eesit eiizai'i l tllltiini e ss-York, Chicago, lDens-er. lod i~li~t~t iiiil lii- ilplt( lt.ind the bf iuj. fir PACNAKEIRC CWIASIO pond plilicit~iol until ctor theSanAFrancisco. Las Anasgeir, aPorlandWA KR% HIE D' tidied in-r . lititiagit .llct- hI"F NTuIIpT opsi i by lis oit-it eleeted ettcpay of Ls hillt's els-loaltloltetti'- tlel.w JI'O IYIUI * ~. lI tin itt'pltsyers ii Boliter's tflis hliicl ii-ilti fltl i h 'ills. >- ani 'T' a tii-r iit ti sit-iltila hyd etso.manticyse ftii c til- ifsi the5ii ili i''ii~ili. i i i ir' "1nx. . co d Ii l 1 IiiIiltcOit y-c ii i i.t ist P I C 13C,50,75 AD 1.0 -11,0th iicjo-ustel oei~n lcst iltil Ii iti stit.. Hevla e.7le t ______________________ is-oli -i s ihi raized w' ililit g-ai-ithyp-Rcisertvet lilitglyoitti-i-ie.anmmrnrnna 11111' lit-h adti beellttt tiiiit s ti-th eis____of___________bLLEUn' tlyrUicsi xuste uia RCE 5 ,5 C 7 CA D$,0 had bee titta1:;1," uried.Big o iFad hm n i;isn'ul,.ro CLEG ONS"Ro ite. retpatthem111. We wsoutld ilyiten-tpllhi The Thcanksgiving Game. F urTe stasndard ettilethtin of to. -eSns Si'e sullitialhion tiltlt ut-tasllei''lOvll,,Uer153000sol.Heavy Paper. 50IBESOT LINE 'TO 1155 f otitsihtililf tit iitlhfIfli(,i'foolhtill li(iult1 tiiiilcents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00.IN A APLS ill t 1w lIh'uteclae'i otibeetisil ifafll-use-i-oI'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS," LOUISVILLE, leg"e spilit:l.hut-u if, thei sithey titeI-ti l-t it iiOnhiih ltlls ly bhcti iotthin hind piilshted. The 1.12 INCNN.I iea11 il(Is111 t M'S~ 'aIIIIIS- ostof ithle leadisngtttlleles fl osn.s Conelis-oi l. ull( tel' et.:ril 1 I y aiwih 'li"; ,Heavy Paper, $1.00. ELEGANT 11-0111little ol.i. 1-er-y linii fihy or- -nipft-Iciy-. Ihis nit ye'It-ot'l',-hit if ROYAL COLLE[TION INSTRUMENTAL GUITAR MUSI Through Sleeping Oars. 1,.tiiatil Ni l heliesppr-d n11 n wl1thaen u (i o:1)N f1BETWEEN 1 1tte bef'lls ( tiirhetis Os t t is i-itfli1e Eighy-to pces f -rpt oi i Itisrmthet ' . . prthittiy lit(lt-estalute i.teiilii' 'sr1et-liestor A sledd o'etilt. lii-nd iPetoskeyr, Louisville and Iliiss-isily. liigid lh'hti ci tsudit som-Coer.50 Cents.Cninai <'tlt itt-N illy-.ill thei- lilel t-h i t-e i1CY~d ltsis' c-ill C-tutu- to hililiiisoiuthlig . taAnyhboken ostpaid o ire ipeteopic. ____________ i-tilitg- itHihi- iwill I l i il- i lli ii- On l-'ithtiy. hDe. 1itc1iiiitt-e liii-he ill.p-OLIVTjPER DITSON' CO. AS FR TCKTSVi deiati l ofltheilt lit it b in li It 1"ii ii li lii' hid liticii i ; '111 Ind Years4G3inatin tontst., Bosto - ius:;lst 'Iit 'bis o stanis itit y ly iii ittititi'nt i rey t tnl Ntoa .I.Do 4n & 4thINaVe finest 'lit si'lt oiti s i nd ill t-i -illugbeithe i-ost liiit Mt-igiw i ghtf'9, C2Yapsi tBs insd --Gow nv4s Ald an -Mtitt ic 0hgan-fls mT horitay i d chf h osieraleI t igul cwill il oly (,I)Iti tihrob o pi deh lilcs h it 1 co1nsitesititcl t; ftgi is ihety oit.i' iiil ltlll ,sytil l ii FORT MEN A N D R EN itsi ownrh p Lu tls s tt t 'it hti'th sh 1,osc hesi tltld iii itt i ' htiltit il ltnsslidn G ow nss oft- thena ehighestco qtiality-o Thereitisf liii. Sli' toollit-tilt-il Ntrilis to thiiressti E sL, C oees Nd 4fhoae. he. 'i'es t 'ihaelis of thn luc t ir so'esiei-itici-oli iiois, Lt'kt' l-'1ort't surpslylo ries el .,s- alinot tild ic- hI sliiniwoluc lir a gi' ouhishtihilii ocl stt ,ear Intllsd say isreto o scr e' theinesitrle tu ynt itsny'of tutu eein ti ningIsy ttince lt-Sep t yfer elyretingp are fnts hontp Ann rbo an th stndet boy ad 1 wih a abndane o maeri visiti Gongtesoftre csilhesforwarded gst'. uortheir heaid.Sll' t weilItly. o-t aw o. -'0-hetl yi~- eI 'luothtoponivreqiest.lgsan col lceitedefepasishsiigt,115eylhav iilit'rsst ieagO iU id oessaSra'insrcige &o scthier- it doesexist ad may' t he ftrecititing theCOIstChicagwill be forcsiwaturd 110 worty' iots in tih tn ici-y oThe wl after te ltdl eto ry hnlreteclsvler od ves'ify g oa o llhgggiiitg. ssrw thelgame'lait gaesttracte HousereunAmeicta oert BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. P. O)t.)ICORICts 5 . B.hMARTIN, P Trafhfi i r. Gen.11.& T. Ant A. G. SPALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIER. Evtey Requicite- foe itt, tGane. S pasalding'n l~ji.- ' official ° 4C5i1 - Intercollegiate - t -Football. s' . Adopied 181 blugthte tontereolieglati' Associta- V.tin, andsumstbe nsetd ini all nutthtsnamea. PRICE.,swithiinfltator, -Er. Spaloun-' s comuple-te Football Cattalague sent free. "Spalding's Offcial Footbail Guide tor 1094,"edited by Is-alter Ciap. containing thn new runits aud other valnahle inforer- ttn ST mall, pelen 10 cents. Spalding-s trade-marksaon whuat younyisthie gusaranutee that the foods urn thinSect. Newt Yorkh. Chiragot. Phiiadielphia. Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3 N. 11ain Street. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS.. Ladles' and Cents' Clothing Cleaned ar Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARIBOR. ,