Ijc Ul. Of } - I { J" It { J VOi-. V. No. 4. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, M.ONDAY, NOVEMltiBER 6, 1894. IP RIc'E-Ti4Rth CITS. __ - SOUVENIR NUBR CORNELL HUMBLED AT LAST, on 11.1_10011 '0111011'1 I50 xyards -then lnhngin ob okh ll 40y0110 111 1w0 mlinuts t er and F1111 1 (e1101 'oi11g arun '1011the end(0 s. Dyr anid tloonings- ton Ithrou~gh ine an'i illacarroy- rashes. '0(111 111., s1ip''1010d111il (1111011 got lie hall 1111 holding. With lion 20 ya rds 'iroundilthe ec d 11'aoosig, Dyer 'ana1litrbuck ' gainsIllroligh the lieCorn011011got lack t10h1110 .1 11110l 111010 5b0o11111 111a1d1(ot11111 11all.1 T1rhcit 1w11t1. 1y11d lironti tackle, il111a1 ti, 1111'1'adde110 atil111 111101011 111 1111111Dyer 1udbt1111hoe (; ya'1111 'Villmi.gained a1yart~hrough 013 miutes.1111lomingson kjno, 1"al. core 6).t00 ie1 the10g long icot u111en1t1111i1sm11bhrit ll bonlds,.1s thec Crowd ralized h had ithilgan hid11111 onily ocored, 1)ut1hid score1d hfirstiiind Sentecr got Cornl',; 0kick-offlon oa 1:,U il 1yards llllln.Fretollet1hroukgh bheline111 111113,'Vilia 11111110 a 1111 f10, aid 1111 11111 001 bcked ithi a1111 loll the bail,1D3cr gettinig it.Th umpire gav iIt 1to1Coriiill,11(oweve0, Ttoisoig iaivaniceI'ltheiba11110 0yards on thelid ('111tlin Coirnll hid to1 p1unt. ball andl luiiiou"(("101111it 1111 'Iiclil- 1in 1111' 1111 dsitobult Mtichii"'niifblght hi'iiil and11gainswiereoshort aidiil oo-. tildii tickled twice for 110 gaiin, 'ind'Corne'11rea'iled ltha't it 0000 1n00 or n0000.tA A'ell executed criss-cr011; 11113 scnt Beacham do(1wn11the fhed 2.5 3ads D110 e13(1tackling igm two(001 a01011 0o lrom AMcigin ' ' goailia'oil wags t TimeI2 1 i1iilui1es 111Dyer 111aildlo kick -°,oao. Scor' 64. .e In lthe rini1lin11. I 1ii11ie'of11t111 tr hall, neither sintoredi li iloiigli Cor- it h1e11 stirteditniiwoithi dete'rmination 11nd( never0 by loia ndlitriiii, got thell'l1 u' to MSichigan'ii 5yars. 10001ve .afterIthit got a cli'iiicc to tinik of ai tytouchdown. iBlooiningstoil kicked-off fIl to thie 5 3'ards inhu De '1 1'r tirouighil tothe ball hack 1;-ioyr 11.iitili 1 11n1 1y9Prce mould altow no" '11110,11101 asBeachlamiwa00110 .roidt he riii 11''ght Itend for 10 yards, 1101111 1(1111((11this The Score Michigan 12, Cornell 4, Does Not Tell the Tale. But Thai NO GOOD STUDENT hyo to eniwoithotttbooko. Some people thiogh try to us musicalistruents oith littlo We~ Say Buy Ihose Which Have Toer WeX1sell tht kindi. 51 South M~ain at. STUDENTS! BUY FINE FOOTWEAR -AT_-- BEAL'S SHOE--STORE If you want to gt a ine box of CHOCOLATE BON-BONS Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either Night or Day go to R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St. REUBEN H. KEMPF, 1101in(le Rolylil tsralol 111 Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical Composition; also the Art of Teaching. Sudo 22 S.DivisiinS.,Ain Arlor, lic. MERCHANT TAILORING! Cleaning Pesigad Reairiig done neatly Iy 'ALL.. SCHOENIIWALI, 26( E. Vashnges LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES OUST0RECEIVEDA + TUTTLE'S, + 48 S. STATE ST. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING. Glse lioxe.11w 11p011 115101'receivei at anyi 1 isle, the1term t.rtingiwithi iate iif ad i- 11111. Al laeslar ie under (le peional ii- 1 truction1i of Mtr. and Airo.,IlRos Granger. N 11(11011o0monts.Office Ond Dacng Hal oi, tthe ground fleor,06Maynrst. WAV'SBOOKSIORE ! t We.offer discount on all s University Text-Books, t Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical I and Scientific Books. IWe buy aind sell second-hand books. I IfMatbernatica Instruments and Drafting Supp lies atspecial d rates. We offer Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c n SOLE AGENTS F101 n + WTMNS IDEAL FONTIN PEN ++-. I Unierlt Boostore, Mwe Town, on S tat. OP.'enurtose. Cornell Outplayed.-Team Work Did It.-Bal; in Cornell's Territory Most of the Time. Exciting Scenes After the Game. G loria!' Victori'll It o'os a limne lay fill foolthall. 'lii At hias's'i'i'e 'Ialootballi toallsuch1111110was10chlea' aiidtbracing, 1a1d11 o ais o'hao,' dre'ameid of. Michilgan's Ifootlhill giouinfd 0as ismoothil 1ut1 no e'1ev011his 11et4 01(1 defeated. 0e0, out- 111oiift 110 slier. 'The ioual 111111 p1led'it ev'er'y1101111the 1best lid Obi' of conlches111111dragoowere 111cr, 111sft'viuintd team 1Cornieill ever0pt and01 1the stands we0(010filled, buit 113'ft oni the footballfild.Ahil t111111o '-thoe:greaitiest number -were0(10 lilc Saiturldaiy 11(w iearly- 1,40111 tildoito iDetr'oit:,coinfident thatlihe ganme woulidlbe ("11100 lutl lew'1xpecting' a ('101003' The 11rst 1train'1001iel ini Dei troit a little 1before1 12,,in 1,01001ti1 iets f ormedortinto line'iiiil imarched1 lip the niddle of l enclon iand 5A ood- wartd avenues, moking tho 110irrig Wi1th cheers 'intlsonlgs. 'Ilicowid en- (10100'ry t00,10sto loll. 2:31)011(1' aicrolidl (f 11ar13' 40110 at the D. A. C. grounfds. If wos anoisy crowvd and it grew ore0 and 10ore so all the afternoon, for never lifter the gamie began did Cornell seer tohlav'e a1goodIchanic to owin. Beforc the tefams camle out, Coriiell's knell w(an rung woith thne new' football songs; but after the gn(,1begcan, the yelling never ceasedlono' enouigh foran songs to be introduc'ed. againist tile irioe 'it tile silliiii'. lie irshot fiw'minutes1101settledoll gilli1l,'0. ho. Sihilnlist' playe'r' tosoc(ilthoe'roOpponenlts aside 1a1111 01110 iltoht down 1 tiche itd. (011nellhlayei ai desperiate'gamel'after \Itiohigat i muditl(.thirtitouchli~ldowin, hut thie can thiank..gootdl fortunie, almost o A T ILl T t t Ci S totnhntoniat all. with 'a' )0"yardslrun. Inthelb niiat Iii time secondthalf , _51 igan1's s011 dowi, Sillat'o inkleoi''io twisted aiif 11iol'113' ls fdechdd11111 dear', a1nd11rontto1ok11. hio tOa-C orne1011trief the 1111e' hut lher' "'ins (1111'toliort aiii rher owi nimles 1100ll thaot lb01'0'i'li ed a score of 13, or at least 12L,in thisIN1 tclilg'ii got (ti'hl1onihet 1 0Warts. Mleiconmibaoks Otichocilthie line ouf ihalf. The boastell Cornell ititerfer- enee oas- broken titiat (wil, ant :Mich- Senter woent aroundilltt'e indtleadily,13 nl's line staniof ilhr('gmale i' puitttinig(lie tbtllio ichgalon s 5t S ne dine yido.ttere (Cornell '01 it on a finm shun ('all.blo andiad otgaitd 'ords -\lici hiJust ftr 2:30 thieo'i liil 1 ul xtwoilwainsill 1111'00110' 1-4A i pea reit and1promptly hliedt tp, Corihell Mlim iii I tvor oinning the tos11111 takiig the 001. - It owas in anxios though jtihilanr ;goal and wind. Blooiinslon'' Idkik olt struel WAarn er andlIt nuger fell 'oNT a EIW)o TIRD P) 1AGOE