THlELU. OF 11f. DAILY. RTR F. C. STEBBINS, THEi.l NEW ShI~s 8oso~ CANDALL TYPE fl'!I fEIIAI _E II91 H. A i,,omerly with George Wahr,i -, fELI~DLC MUUUI1IY....Washinton at. Headquarters for '~ B -.llm (01)01 YSJLNTI MIH. verythingr a Student needs in the IS,. b~ ctjollJok1s good line of Text-Books, Stationery aodfo'$3or2.0 eA~ . fo ~8 or $~ho. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 'CLDCK, Miscellaneous Stork in general. -moo riilMARTIN SCHALLER, j' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED tei h cu 2rswilei Zsla ti ndITHE DOWN-TOWN BODKSELLER, .1lot cordally,1 191a'. Washington et., one block 41E.NVl~~lO) i112TWX. H. LEWIS, Prop. east of Main at. RIC TUE $5O' DROP IN AND LOOK AT I EMI"I¢ cal hgtrd.AahnonheMLDRFA..MU EYS ___ t oe a tasnbe ic-THE WHITELY EXERCISER, MI DEF-.-. UMER-, Sim pie; Dorable; Writing in Sight; t a oeulotieo opee-m h uifr-ecsn~hrtihylte ~ ih t' ac lUT elretbtl P nent Alignment; Instantly dc ]lis.trItulsisVanoiselessThlarest ottl Chaongeable Type. sciwt ee eof ftn1 Nto 65l1bsIndored'bySte o T OT P W E to leadin,:ableto s o the dy. Allpar ewr st.i- enc,eosib-e iiinREropec,'Newi o0 o'T OTiP WD R J. S. PEARL, Agent, rne ortt- yas al o to, ' loiree. (ity,(Chcaoeanod AnnArbor;i For sa~le byR: L.BLOUNT ,14 n. --in the city for 25c 11 ii,ito t., Ann Arbor, Mich. leaiii.. i t Abo. 4'S.ta-M . Comecandiecee u. -= LAG PINS $1.50, l " Roz THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK anld yourflmoney back -~ Y/Ylo n leBt STEAM LAUNDRY CO. Ain At noit 'slut 5>cipital stocik, ooo,0w if not perfectly satis- tons O~c.11 H i lss ad tDoesnt)i ini s. Ortdiduii tee rl Bn in- awsat {With U. of M. 0r the ,els 1c aie nstheinipali))icities of te year 75c. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, UnotedStaes. IDrafts cadii~tt prope) r Sii - t-- '''i-- r t S)TI1It F URTI. AVENUEI. oiii t itse]tri Nsty depackt lie.:. D. t e NEW DRUG STORE. WM.___ARNOLD'S,____Jeweler.____ I___ traiti-1tierest It F leet , o To keep posted, read the Cahe l .ii J. 1-Itt,, Asiatsi r . IDaily. The Daily $2.50 a year. ILAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS' A E3S, [ER t 1W.WzO'tti-tont' ''titte'No.8 N 1 Ctn . N Itl. It., 'hon e Noi. 5. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S 'School of Dancing and Delsarte. Matorday, 4it. ii., Lady lit-itliers cris.. )onit7,30:tep. to., Atnarced Ctine {Lidies' antS Got renew. 'T'uesday, 7::i0 p. Im., I-lio c tinei Clas Iulle and itt oine. Private le,-n:ey.aptipniten t. SCHOOL.0U 46 S. SrA'TrBSTr. ewStyIes iii Sweaters Gymnasium Suits, Gymnasium Tights, Gymnasium Shoes, And a'l kinds of Atilletic Goods tt HEESHAN 'S 1NDIAN CLUBS AND DUMB BELLS FOR INDOOR EXERCISES, FENCING. FOILS AND MASKS. This waeek call and see our BARGAINS IN BOOKS SHEEHAN & CO, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1813. 'Ospital, $100,000. Surplus ad Profits, $40,05. transacts a general banhing business. Fo~'reigu exchanges Soughtad sold. Furnish setters of-credit. P. IlAiCl, Pros. S. 'W'. CLARKSON, Cashier. Miss Hattie Long,, g*uitar, Mandolin and Banjo, 69 MSiller ave., Ass Arbor, ile. PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS, -Os Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds ad chattel )mortgages as collateral. Diamondu bought and sold. Wsatches ad Jewelry nicely re- paired. Office at my residence, B3E. ibterty sh..ecity. Ilours: 8Stoli11a. ,lto'Sand 7to 9 J. C. WATTS. Make tio snistake. Do you want a lamp~? We can show you a great variety anod give 'son lower prices than any house ill this market. An exanmination of oar stock detnonstrates that it contains tlic best and most itmproved latup made. Thirty-three yeatrs experienice ill the TLamp Business is wvorthi something. Boyytof us and get the benefit of it. 46 S. MAIN STREET. MOORE & WETMORE GS. Mail) st., and State st., cttr- ner of William at., hatve a complete stock of :DE-A :N & OOIIPA.N Y_ 44 South Main Street. . I UNIVERSITY NOTES. Theilt's-mof i'17 willgite t soiahl at. (lirk AV. A. Spill, of theii clll couit,.hats rcceived'tt(elicois'o(fjudge Swan's "'t'reatise" fitor t' 'ti f tile tlenlbers of She corelt. ill the chlapt'e otl ty tt It-11.ilit. -Busilnesrelaliug 1(to(lth 'llaps tand gowns will be trlansactedl. (Owing fto(lie refutali of WNrinkle to atllow'usthe 110advance ashieis of (bets Thlanksgivinig numbelttr, welare' tilable in give (lie contlents ill today's istue. Mr. Hail's classes wsill finish Tri- gonlomletry anti will havt' in exatinil- ation Tuesday of nlext week. They will takt' up Smithi's Agtetra 011 (le ftollo'sing Saturday. Tile seventhi Iannual mleeting of the Amnerican Econoninic Association of Columbia College will be held in New York, Dec. 26 to 29. Professor 1I. C. Adams wsill read a paper on "The Theory of Public Expenditure." Tile following reports can be found at She desk in tile law library: 44 Michi., 2 Calmp., t66 Mich., 53 Ark., 57 Ind., 75 Mich., 31 N. E., 16 Ind., 14 Mich., 14 Cox Criti. Cases, 20 Mich., 0' Qush., 4 Wall., 3 Cushi., 58 Mich., 43 Wis., 161 Ill., 6 Easst. The junior law's 'sill be quizced next week 01n (le latev of hlusband and wife, including lectures 5 to 8, and a review' of the previous lecetures. Tile sections 'sill be heard by Instructor Smith as follow-s: Sec. 2 at 8 o'clock 1.OF N._CALENDAR. (JNIVIERSIIY J[TE B ooks inll n 1101League netrirs. New and Second Hand. 1"ri., Nov.23.-flettiig of te(lic'11 t)FneotoRek'sanad othler Students' Supplies- ti's- board if the Oratorical a'eioeiat- Iline Stationery, Sporting Gootds, etc, wic till, roomll24, at 4 p. ii. OTey offer at the ILowest Pices. Fri., Notv .-3 Meting of ht-re) cl n e sbfr ucaig llegite debate contllliiee ill rooim11, __Call__and__seeus__before__purchasing.__ law- deltartmient, at 3:30 p. ii. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS F~ri., Nov. 23.-Mhiss Jasi.v Otlni'.TRdY THE letues NeberyBal. ELITE IIG PARLOR F~ri., Nto'. 23.-Junior law lenleetifi. to eleek rem~ain~ing officers, 7:15 -- or.tae si ibrt ss Fri., No's. 23--Ilare and B Iottids Cr.SaendLbtys. r «i fr , (3n ~ i.11 orl EDWARD LEWIS, Prop. I-ri., Nov. 23.-Chiampiotiship initer'- class football galile, '96. lits vs. 'It'sT L1' la'ss, Athletic hield, 13:30 p. 01.1 Fri., Nov. 23.-Dr. Markley itefore Engineering society oio "Logarithmns," A I roomi 9, enlginleerinig building. Jf)~ll f Fri., No's. 23.-Mliss Jane Addattie, 4m i n Hotise on "Social Settlements," Ne'sberry haill, 7:30 pi. no- Sat., Nov. 241.-U. of -A. vs. Cornell~ Corner Washington at., slnd at Detroit. Ashley st. Sat., Nov. 24.-Grasduate Clubt meets at U. M. Cooley's. Rates $2 and $3. Sat, Noy. 24.-Janles Clemuenit. An- brose, oil "The Fool in P'olitics" at K.t E. chisreci, S p. 10. 'FHO : 123. Sun., Nov. 2.-Prof. E. F:' Johnson will address S. C. A., New-berry ball, X. STB3E3LEFR, 9:15 a. in. Mlon., Nov. 2(i-S(iiior Tits nieet in PROPRIETOR. chapel at 4 01. n._________________ TusNov. 27.-Tlianksgivsin srecess' G. H .{ Y JIEiD The 'ill football teamlI's'ill go So IF fLI Granil Rapids Wednesday might w herT E L~ I h J IO they 'sill ptlay (lie high school team Thanksgiving. Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolesadlretsokith Souvenir score cards were published ns Vanolrgest4-t"V oon-th , 1 and Sec. 3 at 11; Tuesday, Sec. 4 at 8, Sec°. 5 at 9, sod Sec. 1 at 11. I for the Peiinsylvania-Cornell game in ci tion o anenyec you are looking for. the shape of a football, containing 7O pages, 'sithi pictures of all She promi- WDMCOME AND SEE Ulf. nent teamus. 2 E. Washington st., near Ma a St.