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November 22, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-11-22

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TPeeTle (1v(1d)[Jly .1, 194.
11. 1 lis 4) IA.
N. Y. S0e0i01L -5 10 N. Y. Seicial---705
:asternOE----- 10)25 N. S. Liilod.--- 902
A. AT. Pacific Fx0.0 --1",15
Athlantic' Ix--__ 7 4711:1
1). N. OExpres--5 40 ,1 {sem 1 53 l
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o. I IILIV.'IIA li a
G110 . 1-t0))) 000 iA,,-t, nnAror.i
T., A. A. & N. M. RY.
'1;kn'elctSunday, <hog.)t, 1;
TrislaveAnn Arbiori'on entrl St'0and.
NO 111. (0L0)C{.
1"225p. 111 1 1:30o O i 1.odi'o.
4:15 p. 211. 90)1).11 1.
V.I 1110 1FNFTG , .Toledo111, U.
Time 'Table, October 7, 1894.
and 1111:00 M-4'1'5, 10 15. ):W l :0 101<sod
1:o.111' .0 1 1 .1i,' .>::3, 111) 1111 7 111:01 p. Im,
Leave Ann As 0(11 Il 1 fSlo.:10(4:0, :5:0,
7:0))an1 9:31p. 1 11
Carsruno cityltime.hare: inle tri15
11x{, 1, . .SK:Z u t

At tho Grand Opera House.
' 1 iN110110' 111 i11 101' ( B riot ir's 11 0'
ofi t111' 0'151111111111 111111 111111 1drama11,
''()1n111'ic osiry,'' 1111111)11001by SIani-
0111 1111 11101a1t11I-11111 lii. Oni'i,'i one 1
1111 iii,' 1110w1Iw 1ro liii Iifiend-; ,iii l
1111111, other11 ol 1 t1e0. l i l lra i '.Im. l 1
111' 111111111 ofii '. 1110.ro10 1114,110 III-
r)et;y 01111s_11 lto-st1; w~( ~
onc',1 slili111 tit N r i,111111 .. 'l''1,1'cs 11of
Ilw~ ill- '111'1iiln1ll. is 111111 1c 1 0 lz o
111. 1 1 0 11 II) 10 111 lii ] 1 1 w- o
iC~si1l-dolIslso 1 sl 1111i'i 1
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c5lii ') c o tIII' 01111 10feIilyi
limilic it I'l ii'iri'i, I 11 1110w1~vrizlh
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Ii111ol i'11 117 ;t liii' a11111111mlo i,)'ei ki
'I11sen 15u~ ' of11~17 tt ilt
ci)1111 of11 - ; riii oli ,il ''i ll 111 . 1 1
rail 1 i0 I c en si1si ;ll

Editor T'. ofi'Al. Ililyo ' ' 0 I 1 1I
nioi'oticed Di the ihe iit ,'iinab l 11 cai rl'' 1ond tip111o1 l Ii y p it il oil~~
whih s 11 l pe~ett wh tslu e 11111) toiallI point-,11oil t1e1111 Xiii o\i'lri,

liii)1 t 1 . iIi,' 1 57171tit1111 cl 1oi,'i','
liii i 1 1"oil'.'iii'iii Iwo' )or111 1111
1.1 1Urai,'i','lub w1 i~'~lIill s till;
lii 1111,0 o l'iudy,, ii' ,'' 1',(,1, i ;
S. a i . 1101,\ ', at :i 0,11 n.
veil 'dill iie "'. 11111 -il o ''ol o I 'lli
ln io o ll 11 r11'uli y. o i ie Xi

elil ,, ..7' ,iiiol 170. m1oil Dw
11d lc . . illII nfired(10 roturn
not later1111ni0 o , :.I IL t ll!
or over111)W . 1I11' 1 ' Iimc ,o u
Sto !Itn~ay I NiI 'll i'nl thel~
rom 0.1mh)1 0tr. 117)1. uar1 -
;"Ov Io ave "n,1'I - 01 Iwr " n
t011 51111 ~111117 lwadae
11.1.--Kll') 1111c h)1 ii 1111 0.1,101'iFo
houe 1..72; 0.0.1 t,17 nu o
t~o h b 1111 Iy adoIt iil 011511artof1
the iit . Aply 0tle ,iiirs 111
1111 'N1l 110 i 7oilS0A. It I. N ,

jcI 1011ll1'1ieI'5 sillt
celillicl (
11111 '11e.
Don't forgo-t


oscr' -wiill bei . tri,'1 l .;;.1 0opt1 .ItI 1 13
[h th r i 2 (iii ciii w
to stbscri o for the I I lie _-o(iiiihllilc 111 b lc d i'fr
1\bae oilic''lit Ill c rtllooiael 1to011e (1)1
Fri0ay1110tl 1 n11'. :1.:11 1 i o,oil1e1'i'
1;w l", 11111105111 iio'.oII.loh dIlli iill
.10 1110 1l.01.5'111i101'.

Saturday, ov. 4t *For'i it.1'll:III iloills Ai il~lHA GT FEAIO
Toeeyprhsroih Caps Gowur l o abeh~l( ltte r or ('i ATRR
'1111' .o l I t gaill 01111oth ii'osi hil 20 _AST __RO______ r
I ll nii110 71112 il11or 1 0. o 1110Wo r li art'tl t(4Go'& cailed('ape
Tlevry 1urch1asr ofthe l'lor i1'blillh llllill I ril(11Ne1a(Ii)S i a slisoa11(1iGhctownslt
tice1 st) n5 ndohne- 11. 11'thirdI liowosI to Uiiertsities, Collges 11101driools
' throughout 1111' Unitedl States, at
ist claiss f I'e, hgoodlto retuirn until sulrprisillgly low prices. deli meas-
In any department of our store Saturday we -wiil,1)e0.)d, to IIIb lshtltions on 1110lic ihii. eet oms onanigall nc
,('111111tingpitell c11170lliillineos feetly fittiig garmentIs"owitliout
refund the round trip fare to Detroit. We visit' inges he111or, will Hi' forwarded.
va Toleloi, Soulth i l'1il', J.Ioo'Ioo on reque1111st.
guaanee o lil'lgal I 'ity. (Grand aidsilalod
guaranee to 'bChicagl. '11eeS'ticketsll 11 1' 0.111RIBBONS IN ALL COLLEGE COLORS
oi ll111 011110liuiiiocltrains. differeit sidths, at mnodera to
'1,11 Ina l0'diS' I ellui 0511011 51.11i w.nt11prices.
Save Yoii Fully 30 Per Cent goptkn .sans. Srwrde&Cohe
8certhh lida1I1y boolks, mainif~ces
111111iltilltle 1101110) at 1111' Opera PH LLADELP.H IA.
Thle largest exclusively Dry (Gonds
from Ann Arbor prices. House :fews epIlot. House in Aeia
Haeey3010 'Ihesis neatly tIs ll"'ritten DEAl&SHN
for 3 cr1110 perliunidred 110 1.-) '.1 ld ITAiaCIAZ
GOLDEN EAGLE, f. scn for 7.O . ALR
wate, mder c'nv eient'S Prceswork guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and
90 Woodwaraler,.n oeernt. oeaeoneble..5.ricesrrepairing neatly done.
90 ~oodwrd ve.,Detoit.reaonabe. 1 ltenass' 11v0. l(d 48 S. Statearat.,SecnnxdFlnnr, Ann Arbo.

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