T1lE U. OF M. l)AILY. BITE F. THE ~ chalIrs Bookstore! P~ AI M~IiDMMIFormerly with G eorge Walir, 19 H~i l IA8U11 L VRUDIMVI1 E . Washinton of. Headquarters for - "~"'Y1'SJLANTI, RIICh, everything a Student tteedls in the I -irClti l llj tilli l tool s iniline of Text-Books, Stationery atic for ,,,, for $?.:>O. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK. Milscellaneous Stock in general. /ieiiit tii' inilti MARTIN SCHALLER, { p S~~~ATISFACTION GUTARANTEED thir en ici ha'tr', s llis Sit rliii I t lTHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, -- Set tstli lie19 h W asltingtoii f.,one bloick Fi". b11,lI II l S 11,] 11". ( W. H. LE'WISt, Prop. east of Mlain sf. DROP IN ANDN LOOK AT E I RF, j AE TM1EYS lir tsldt1F<,oistautty i~ .THE WHITELY EXERCISER ,wtjIs\i~hIik~l~ Telretbtl Simsple; D nrable; Writing in Sight; t. ie',noes iii t ts if opt yt i - ] y-i tQThe argestboItl Permanent Alignment. Instantlyt ticieis.itit Changeable Type. nitttt'etotfotof6 Ibet Indorse([121bye ioI 1c'di. ltili tsthe', r,y.ile li r111'Wen- lBes t rcfet',e'e'st--ille ii Europe .te w ri.' Oof TOOTH POW~DER I J. S. PEARL, Agent, liianted ortw ear' s.C l rc ole s.t City,Ci'bici, retati i AletA.bor Fortt o -,. t l \ist it t ic by R . L . B L O N T, 14 N. W in th e c ity fo r 2 5 c , 0 FLAG PSS $1a 50,' N THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK I n your money back t ~ L 1 I ~ ~ I SEMLU DY00 iAbr iCi1. 1Stc a 1r(0. fndtpretysts Yellow antI Bile Bt-STE! LA NDRYpQ.r ~1 t0 Bif ot prfetly ati tonse00 . iligI. tio,, an Doet icini shtit. -- I du drh ci7 t tr~n a sF,,.. ,. . ,.,,,.._,,...1factorv at- ' With~ U. of X~. or the yenr 75e. WM. ARNOL D' S, Jeweler. Itt~ 14tt t WWt inuton ti hne \ob MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. stnleiy, I0:1. tt.,ientleemlllheii)ititieetlass. Ots loe, 4 }). t.,Lybulyietiniiee i e'a,. Mondaesy, 7:301 p. n)., Ads mtit i s (1., ltiie' P'rivate eoleiti. by 1111111lntieu 1. SCHOOL, 46 S. STATE ST. N StyIes iiSWellters {Gymnasium Suits, Gymnasium Tights, Gymnasium Shoes, A1!nil k inds of Athletic Goods t SHEEH.AN'S INDIAN CLUBS AND DUMB BELLS FDR INDDOR EXERCISES, E. S. SERVISS, Manager, FOU1-ir CilRTil A\'uNUt'I. To keep posted, read the Daily. 'o 1i t t l iii'i Tei xh Dare ilyt$e E 5 deposits, Inn 5 and 1 "iI ',f , I, F, I % I iWVVViIT WV A NOVEOTY IN f r Thefitmous Stalr& CresceentBathkRobes are nosy ma~de in ll the QLEADING COLLEGE STRIPES Ott I by superb. '.Made utnder nitr 'Post Pile"lpaten~t. Price, infine cottnnterry, $;ittfOne bwool terry, $is. Delivered x,6Cfree. Retunabille if utisatisfaietory. If t ot fond at your deaslers', senil to us STAR CRESCENT HILiS CO., 1itliuda., Pit. piwp c t ililoftie I m iii ,:V. D. I NEW DRUG STORE. >50 a year. ¢ lli' t1 -II ALLER'S JLYY[LIIT 460S. MAIN STREET. fis MOORE & WETMORE * 0% 6 M. Aain of', anid Stale st., cori- tne of illiamn st., haos ta Ocomplteestoek cit LAMPS ! LAMPS! LAMPS!1 Make rko mistake, Do you wvant a lamp'? We eon sows you a great variety and give you lower priceso than any house in this market, An examination of our stock demonstrates that it cositains the best atid imost improved lamlp made. Thirty-three years experience itt the Lamp Business is wvrrths something. Buy of no and get thle benefit of it. IIDIE3AN 8& aQO'NT 44 South Main Street. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. tGriffin bswil lettrito 11111 tins eviry ttletil T flkogingt . Stepheln IEugenil McMtahion, '191 labs, is tio-t itracioons at Algona, lowbli. FENC~ING FOILS AND) MASKS. Ms. del out.bvill nnlertsin 2.iiie lThi first setion oftifelii 91 bob'e- ss were re tquired lto 1hand11illOiriNot1111 hooksl bon htlsidtsli'lYesterdaylor 'ini- sl~elltinlty Ptrcf. IClitlin. hs'veryttnty shiuldl hietr liss Ititne Ntbterryy ball Friday truYing . Chie is ont' of Ilie leatders tif fhe day ill soncialseitleimeint woirkn. ITe officials ehosoen fur thice-Harvardh- Yale, gamte aret:IReferee, iDavicd Royvl This week call and soecuns BARGAINS IN BOOKS hers if flie AWitinons I elilntlotir- rowbb'ebeilig;. A section oitthelI-i oitns Lcasgue bill bei rtttrtlintilillltrlnbv eteinitg New and Second Hand. Note nooks anilotlier Students' Supplies line Stattiotiety, Sortitig Goods, etcwhc lter otter at the Lotwest Price. Call and see us before purchasing. FOR FIRST CLASS DEALS jTRY THES ELITE DINING PARLOR Cor. State and Liberty sts. EWwARDto awS, I rti.. Biorders bWanted. Corner Washington ot., attd Ashley st. Rates $2 and $3, 'P 10ml ZBI123_ PRIOPRIETOR. G. HI. W ILD IDE LEAOING TAILOR Has the newest Fail and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get Roy selec- lion you are looking for. SW-COME AND SEE US. 2 E, 'Washington st., near Main st. f~l ixettivehtuuri ittil (tt- ri, of Nibs York; tittiii, .Alex. 51sf- foitl, nitPrintctoni; linettsa, Mr. SHEEHAN & CO*~~~ toricail associaticn itblll libe, a tittet- eei nli StPictntas Wholesale and Retail Booksellers igh-dy o Rtt p i. Prtte, tif Amhelrst. Dr. Boviard 1.1ay- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. The mneetincgtif tse'9'1 its callededndoth SPrctntam OF ANN ARBOR, ycesterday did st britig out a qtuorumt, Pati ati ftc rset n Organised 1003. MNof it wbell kitobsw nflayer. Ct~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~n pio,1pSrlsai i~. throbabily nsonebbill lie held nw. An infoiiil rception to bDishop 'tiutluexacn agtruthsig H5te5 iss 1i. Rnisa fidley, Pth. B., '91, oni0uhuges Sought and sold. FurnishFoeothDritdcs.wa intters of credit. has the chair of history ini the Iobbttwa i h leri icob~ P. h3ACiH, tres, . S. . LARKSON, Csier. recently tacirded by the energeltic Slae Ns-ila oriso. i CtS~r httlo.Catholic ostucdents of11th'.lUniversity. Miss Hattie' Long, Iowa.Tehl a ttoa' col a TEACIIOrR f 1. 11. Stisb'yci, at groiltutte of She . Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, atfly dcrtd prpit 695MSlter use', Ann Arbor, Mick. PUiversioif Kanasttt, visiteil the lawb ioeuly ieottd atsoet ____________________________________ siusic bwas rentcerech by ste orechestra, school yeserdalty wbithlansin itenstion of PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS, nsrngend a large crobvd of young people On bWatches, Jewelry, Diamonds und chatteilsvas present. The Bishop expiressed mortgages as cullateral. Diamonds buught 'Will Neumannt, formerly '94 lit, and and uold. Watches and Jewelry nicely re- himself as highly pleased with Itle paired. Office at my residence, 33 R. aibertybshto is nosy in business at Rosmeo, of., city. lHoses:S no 11ta. in., 1Iou3Saudi u ha7 ee pndntafwdass tireception. p. M.hseespnigaf«daswt J. C. WATTS. his parents in Slits city. Subscribe for the Daily.