THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GENTL Time Table (Revised) July 1 184 Alailand Ex ___403 M uill-------S4 NY Special---5 1 N.Y. specal._ lb0 Easters Eu-- 1 I25 N. S. Lomiedbl9 5 AM. aicFads. ho I2i1. Atluntic Eu ... 7 47P.M . N. Epress---- 5l0 WeernEx---15 G. R. Epress ___11 0 Chi. Nt .x--- 10 2s G. R. E _____5 7 lc ILES, A. 1.AEe- GO . '. g,,thicago .t.,AnuAbr FRANKLIN HOUSE DETROIT, MICH It iswellibefore levsng hee wheher fo busnessrpeaueostdeel upn a htel ad therbyavod confusoa. Whe yuuvisi Delrot w would be pleased ao haec you stp at the ad "'Franiklin Haue," c. Laned and Bate St., whore you wilhavea god mealiand aclean bed at moderate rates. The huse has beta reevated from tp to bottom, and issow in fist-lasi condition. Repetuly, H. H. JAMES. Manis, 35. Lodgings, 50. Pr Lay, 150. 'TIE + DAILY Represents Every Deprtnileit of the Univeisty $2.50 PER YEAR. HANGSTERFE, CATERER, A A/EW LINK CUFF Big Four Route lEST LI\F 7.' INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BET IVEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. E. . llcCt)Ri1ICf, 1D. I. IARTIN. Poe sg e Ts-'atH lter.Ge-nst. lP. 7.Agi. SrRM ARE THE BEST. j CIGARETTE SMOKERS who acsill- leg 1o py alitle imoe th-a the price ehareel lee iheeorinaryScae Cgrettes, wilihnd THIS BRAND suprior toall ohers. The Richmond Straight Cut No, I CIGAn.rrITES sre mue Sem the brghtst, mstsl eliato in utvr. ael highest cool GOLD LEAF grown ino3Virgina. BEWARE OF IMTATIONS, adservee that he ue oS he masnfacureras below is n every pscage. C & x G- .so59M" s1nTOAsaCOtCo DIHRANCNI ooeeeseoND%)tPINIA HON. THOMAS A. BOGLE. NOTICES. Mr. A. E. Rose, trseprsnting thi Golden Eagle Clothsing Co., of Detroit, A Brief History of the Head of the FOOTISALL. will be at No. 30 1+. IHuroc el., (Ian- Practice Court. The clssOfootball gamsosiill bc dsallosformler otansd)sdur ing Cishectire Hon. ~ ~ ea o teplayed curly this ycari. Masnagerson ek 01111.Bgeha o h , . . ek Oct. I- 1-it a cup lice of Hoc. Tsoisse A. oglecaptains arc urged to get thsour meni the nobbiest full and winter gooso for prfactice coesrt in thse faw depasrtmset, out at on1c. tec~tliCu~.Aleiltt o is osie of the promlinent laswsyers of (iAthlES BTAIRID, Mugr. tcrnpiutiiig the ipurchsase of inter this city-.fMr. Bogle 10 still a younig 510510. suitings or isackinitoshcs shiosilsdsee manO.lisaviig been bornsiniiOhio,in I sall be ini roo12, T. 11. cvery Mr. Roea1t one. Te hue ls.o afull IS52. He ~aftcrad oe oIa-atrcooiitiseeck froms 2 to 4, foe linec of reasdy madie ciltiing Aiiicli coin 185. le atcrard nevcdto uss heicpiurpose of ceonutatieon. The be scen st the sasie ilae. r. Hose sue, and was sueirntensdsnt of tlse ccorsecs will be givec as announicedin hsaeeds to thse issftcnivesity shols of Marion, that state, fssr six Itse caleindar. A. A. STANLE+,Y. trade fere pashst six yeas and al- years. Ie wisalso crety s upierisn- LATIN I. 3ways55givei ls tsestscfstiofactioc iii tesodeist of pubtlic'iinstrssetioniorfeetssse A splecil setiess inii Ltiss, CouseeI1fit, styls'ansipsiee. Stsents ansiotli - yessrs. Mr. Bog-Ic eon ai nameocfor for stsisirits S311 11ha-c iasd Course I, eo s 11131viedi Issilspes-t issotocik, 1111(1111-crequSired to 1-ead Lisy issteasd wheterI-they dsiere is) suy o1' iot. lsilsclf15 1 techrat~ 310 015'ofof Cicerss, will mseet Mondsay, Wede- Forsec, 5a -eysuesssrior Blanjo st a tile mloht 1promlinsent euaorss inIiKlls- lily 5111d1'riday, at 2 o'clock,' ill1011room 11ev11'S' i's .iiiiSS sas. H~is lonug experience isi te'aching 20. 1t. A. StNT)IIS. Ff111 prc. eo 1.Milr,3US W5ill be ssf tilegreatestvaue to)ii n 11 31IICtAN HO51RY. Subscribe o' 1tIls'Doily whle you1 sre hs wo-Irksthis year. Coueirse 1imsyosbe elected asa to 30fitius, $2.20 ser coliege s-ear. Mlr. Bogle isa a nsof tinesis' rary11a. Cs-utaion C ourls 10211re i The Daily hsss bienla lsrgecd ansdis elcio101,beinlg agradueissseof ths'te s 5Illi~t~lioturs 2to 3 us ro 1)11111ppa Hlsl. at 11000esditiotn, bsut te subscription Law155departmen'ht of tile V. stf M. iseor________-___price rensaiss the sam11e, $2.30 per col- (,!g(-lt ysears ise was eingagedl ill lIsfl-tice U. OF Mi. CALENDAR. lege year. inK~115a5O, wh 3eheA-s it H a- Privalte lescosis inlaniIgualges. 1-.° 35llee Ile ssssil~i Wesd..Ott.-.Websstsr literalso- hocdslsr, A. -I*., 2t Forsst site. 35 torssey tor foor ycars. IHe hit essrds siehy;, first sessioi 1la1w3buiilsdinitlWsanted-Tw~o hustlers frsothse Mcl- 11101eel tssthis city, whlere lie Isas besen 7:301 p. m" eicaldepairtmeenstto solecit for Ohio pesletieig lis professions. WhIle hes'S, Thsrs. eve., Oet. 4.-Fleet tsoeulty tDaily. le has m~ade 111111 friieds. 711(1 hass C'onc-et. l'riezeSe Slelhooial hail. Tostsuiseisis fromiltohe School of beetnreceoginized as onhdeof th1ablest: IFi., (Oct i.--Adeijh c literary so- Music 1waited,1hto solicit Dsaily sesh- Mien1lat the bsi'. Ie is byliatire cisdy mee'ts i ld01tqisartero. scriptiells inlth115scheloos. adate t th pofssin f eaci 1- ri. es-s- c., t-.:,.-Receeptionsat New- The Dailly haiss alreadyf- imoresubt- hitas, obinsedprofesion f eetolig.beriyHlli. scribers sisnosig ithe eo-edis tihan evecr l15,ehhboc silsIi hi xse Ill, Oct. I.-' artsihy s. itiesigaisi beforein ius history. Co-edo, stil- 15511's a5 lrhctiehler, unlder bolsts tiioiAed1-atAt talet1iedl. scritbe, 3you1 sre repesenelld111nthe- cess'1(111C0111101 1710fis-Ise tlS- Ssat., O(t. O.-Alse Nos liteerury so-hstd ceesilm.akiie him especisally f11t1e(1feeo c sity mee5ts 151 roosm l, it 7:30 p . mI. Three freason. s wily yo1 shosl~d hae, tise positlsis -il etsleis Sts fill. 'Ms. lion., (Oci. S.--ilst isseof 'In- iu110dotiour lundry3 weds: 3. We are Esghe hots-lds ho mhakse ilh iei s hl:i lid-l. iresponsiblc if alnyirtiiclessled lost aind thehihes snseprctial an wllwillrepch~se samei. 2. We siillrectutrn. us hges enet~sdheiT siiwil BUSINESS LOCALS. your icons wilds peosoilsed. s;. 1211- do all ini iis power to aid 110h'ose who fornily g(o01d sorks. Wagnecr & Co., 21 comh ulerOl ' hlis in hstruction5. [Nothides isnseredsIill this 0co)lumn)1iStie at , 1153en~tsr isoin. Speial Iraot es oroni S.r1Stesils st., reresentoing Toedto 1ahti- (it-. , ndetraslines ftceislisI Sey applyig hey Co. 11 Cornell's Prospects. :a1 the DILYo (liest _________ ~if 3yo1 sissels I igas, s.boss'tllhelus. Dtiou01wsanstlboard1es? If so, III- islell l istsvr 1560 15111(htlhl hoe 1;.(0 ()1",ILING is thehsiel. ic, etie ill hocDsaily. 1-1 sic foostbasillIs-am. anhdstill makiswesrS- Don't fillget to seubscribe for tile Stuicdnts, sans all newi coers, re- endeavo-(r to retreve t ie sluisi isiifDsaily. memdlber thie old nieis standil, 22 N. iastet ar5. Nesicll andoli-lee he11- If you wsish to hiai-e youir roomsresnt- itii ltot iisgNs oh, - ed, advertise thncinii the Daily. 1-7 Cincihosiiansd Toledo papsiers. Thcsi- cocli-hts. Newell Itwats Ill ntis sttlRe 1"dnses ev hi Tseo hlsties ciaon cimasike goos.dshh maonetei for folur yeares 1a1nd 111ispicdho-s th(10rders, caiu2n S.,)goodemoneyeolhly's.t2-7 soliciting subserihtiono forle i Ic .ofoe tbus - "Allh tAmleica" te-am Ifoe three -ears. M. Daily. Call at thc o11icc its Times 35))o :ineS' 1ties, ivery (-he'll), Firneshe Traoininlgwis ebegoinswih ileight mIn lbocks. batlh. 3.> 01re0st15ve. I ;) thse first sseek-: ilSepltemiber, sndhilia1I)'My113 yourc gyhhhlhasitilhioutfits of She- Noble's SI-er Clothinhg tfotise sells the inlhum ehaus heels iicreasing eve-c11,1 Il,'the ooellerhd, they csarryChic best $,.00 tDerby is the city-. 1-12. sitice. Inithoclhne. Ioiellli5 csolh andh segs 111best tinle. A 5splend~id inse of Lsce, Chienille,, oIf :siowsing a good lgamhhe,but)s t noJ15or r3-ctr 1111 iwaned t lhleyadSl utisa at act .30 stessarsd. Call at Dails offie atid - l"s.14 7:15c1i rIse shlisid10~ thiseveing tf Thc Dauily' is the 0113-lyldsstspopcr ill lere°_ss cr asotentoi.g a( AtAnni Arborsevotecd exclusii-ely to the Offer to Music Lovers. Squisihisp 5ih1idat lerns at iMsartin nvriy II1e'. I-ol e dne'xt itoweeks ie" iill Braillard's Mucsical 3W01111for Otto- I lS -th t51tagioiti f5Lshowsosu30t hc'larest hid best hinses; iser contains bcsiciesthioeusuaol large fc, 711 t. iOi 'si~Il (llI i ti 1s. of Siis ot $12.00. Othlers wiltlhrge amlhounlt of readhing matter, 'Dainhg yonu t3.50 1an1115$t.00 foe the saen Fairies," by ('. Bohmu; "The LtisWANTEDtihing. y N()-EI. ,'S S'.sAibCLOTIIING tGrceting," isy C. L. Keck.; 'Mly IDe-hr Studenots to ocupy three 'unefornishsed IIOULSICI. 1-1 rms lin ai 1csonviensi't andci desiraeble ,1-t Little S li111nthec Moon" isaltz, 11-y i TilheofIhbest-. 311i-ct e1111e'ytinig55155a0s gives Aiit Osiens, andsi"Fares-ll, haul-sh- thh1 as 11'sngl sa assie.I bhis ;1e00tes ssilisfsoction. The 11010c 0)1, ice, ~~~~~~is hLrg's'nouhis to accohhmodecate twib iog 535Oi hsihil o si bt ('ib.I;G0,asarc thec best eand is aloine isortll $2. ThecAWoelci is 51.5031) n.cstn oeta ifro rns tur yearnth15tetosherscoffer to 11101 o n wtr rc 5c ah o r hm this monthithe Worl iiier offetoed$i.2.) fssr tue thre'oomlsh. sall at'so. Wabntt & to., 'iTailors, swiltbc' mnonhs on receittof 23 centsin ) -tfuns-.tewsshinogis ecsare-outeingChicrifaiy stamphus. This isill incltidec Ihe beoulti- tLeav-e, your oircers for U. of lI. Deitylictshi ih3reofrugfrfoi foil Christisan sd New Yoe's holicday ct Stotleto scws stand, generaellswet isa1.111-13 iumsbcrs, ancitile focur issue's swill coil- for daily aiid iseesly paesesanidi The Daily- isill psrint fesli accounts of tin oboist 20 ieices of riesi'sob, be- miontly imagazoines. Give nieca ll 011 toothbOil gameshhis1110fail. sidco a large amiou~nt of interestinig isforecplaciiig your ordcrs. 2-7 1Just receisved, a nesw lot of desks and nshesical readinig.'No nmusic lov-cr Wsaited- A 110d5ietm heisigiht, 111111 t issbhkliassiat Martin u Slter's, wiell shioulci fail to laccept tthis lib~ralsiffc'r. i' 3lounlgIsI afioi'light seorts 511 1' ' - Iedohrsistussects' ulse. Address The S. Braihsoeo's Costs Co., bay afternoons11. Csill at onccc 1.4 N. W'--lh -'s & Co's U. of -'1. Collar.. Chicago. Ingaills st., 7 to to. l ) Do you iseor it? 1-i1