y Inland League At the Grand Opera House of ((01118nt. alIl11'eil11008tie et a
MIGHT IANCENgL(121'obfal tdatlbih1881'. Ai.Chpn
11181. 11S"'1ilel(,'I.l)aTa01 (11001011 tas111o11'll ('8., ' l'(e latoe l and ro1 e ho 1(1110 Cee (v elecnd 018ltr le II ('a.
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a 5 'I' oand ol1be11(11yllls8oEXCELSIORandLAUNDRY
mtsde i Oen.. Frstcla, tt til r re lss vciy u sellbl dstr i1ill1o8 Y (i( tae. ake Ifrml.' litle 1\ . o 1.'i
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c n r is icidoe'I f (narl1in 1hi irt:.17:ie 'e ep 1, tl \i)i I .l. ow j rice. Slf 1180
t1081181t :1 11s, olltfilltill{ 11.1
Beaullal Spveni Caeaoree esoosiog eel rils o 08 tntin
811118,llee 113811retuetl1101a1llid t 111t1o1rnl85of:181 1: l11111011. .1. i.I711(1(1774, 888111 illtO s1ti ToO o Iteure per
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ipnositekUniongPark-Adams Stred poRIB on of lCLt lE
Chiobaaioa..ooChcg..718. (1'1((11)11 1 '( L I' lle111111'1
stum nty roes l(17', 8811 1 '1 11) vio ll is1(1111 l "( 1 _)n0 biffe rnt idtl ,l l t Y 10d8 0
of sleci"namo1180(1eide (I f S(u1''0," 011Al. tCOOLleN-,l ot11A0n prcwi s n r ic es
zcwaY chapgods NwI.Otae 1 11 hthe N, 1,0 1110101'p1(811. Sr~bi e&Cohe
Soengetsr~ ~asoiaio 811to(1111tothheccta, Tthe art ecuieyDyGos
S c ,. Iet e s 811 e lol g d hDail~llI fo. Hl' e in Aeri ic a . c