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November 21, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-11-21

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y Inland League At the Grand Opera House of ((01118nt. alIl11'eil11008tie et a
MIGHT IANCENgL(121'obfal tdatlbih1881'. Ai.Chpn
11181. 11S"'1ilel(,'I.l)aTa01 (11001011 tas111o11'll ('8., ' l'(e latoe l and ro1 e ho 1(1110 Cee (v elecnd 018ltr le II ('a.
N. Y. Spo ile ..-5 1 N. 0 1 1101111 'I - 8) ,A11res 1v s:utn o , tih rt 11'ha llc t i
IOarserlxJ .. .1225 N.48 limitedl. 10 73> Ill1a 11118 '780 7 1'. . ; (sm d l ((((f 1 rAA(1cei 1 - 1157r rt s' 1 onvention1111 al8 (11( 181(71. (1(1 - -1(1'(( --((111 --(.
Ali c ~Px1'1c78lW"tIM;lbe... 111 111(88fhll 11(18Il)Miss'1Annal 111 Tllcj BUSINE S LOCA LS.
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Soengetsr~ ~asoiaio 811to(1111tothheccta, Tthe art ecuieyDyGos
S c ,. Iet e s 811 e lol g d hDail~llI fo. Hl' e in Aeri ic a . c

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