of Anil A'or.. ZT. No. 46. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1894. PRICE,--'r III{II ', CEIN I'4. Vox.. V. No. 46. UNIVERSITY OF MtCUTGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1894. PIiI('l.1-PiIRI'H'1 CENtS. THE GYMNASIUM 4 About Comnpeted.--Hours for Clas- ses Have Been Fixed.--Will Open Tomorrow. 111, "lliiliisillil willxx iii I xiicxix1 &"i '411"'' ixss worki. 'II six' xix x:L fix' tfill el i( ' i'irxixxiixx t1 lor I - w ill. lix'iii' ll n "l( ' \ x lso l x i t'l il llxIx xx ' liixiliii' lilill'.helii iii i l01)i lx'b'liiii' xx S ppy.i'll ] it- xis fixollixix'm. \'iixir'li-;, lwihi i llxx 11:1 1, i11; xm oii -:15x xxx i ll l If ' xxxiliut, rolx ' xx ' , h en w'l'x 'llsxii Ilei xxxi t fol.'il''xixxx xx' i.l51 w.li i ll THE NOVEMBER NUMBER Of the Inlander Out Friday-Of More Thxan Usual Excellence. l'w o ('liw ltill,"r ciiixxi l i-l c x i le-inii 'li xxx' " tril, . 1'w l.t oi "xiiil i~ix , blii' II . ,xxiii ii li ixixly t'il' illixc'?lxC~ii' t + ixi'i ' xi l liii'.ta~ t tedh lll b1'1 nk 1h\w jS iiiiix' ill. Iloxxi'. II- Ii 'xx"Ei'arlyfx' .li ii'xx ixici; xxin i ''- I i,~r t i'li'lxxxi xxi ll lxi'- Ii 'lxxii lx. lxxiii. '.Opi~xnins" Iii'SC.xi..'K. ''iii' llis (i ' i l .xix.'' xl' l';x'xxxi'litci ax. in aic eix'' ni ' xiii ix' xxi'i iix nxx' j (fler ixixhaiesxx. A xi. " lx x i x'liiiiCo 'xilin '''tio"b wc il 'xxssxi's 1 ax Keilis an R lp W l)tiliixi. ii i '95 LAWS vs. H-IGH SCHOOL. NO GOOD STUDENT '95 Laws Win by a Score of 10-0.- Both Tearos Weakened. But Flayed Snappy Ball. T ito 'ilxi'r lxxxis 1111iii ih .'xi (flxxx 1xiiiiiixxii x('xxl's 13'xt.d'tii pxx t11 l'i'six'i'ixil'. x lx' iii'iii'i ' la hn i lxi '1 score ofx xx 1ll-(1. Iliii' xxi xiii 111-xxxl;4t 1iii xi:s xxiiil ii' v liii xxixx'ixi ni' t-wxoxxx'xx 'lx lt law xxxs . 1,111i (.1xtiri lxii . iiii. ii' 'ixis fll li x i r Lii' liliixi1 . lxxi ' 'x'x'111, ' I'xi xi i of x ii xii lii' ii' iiii'11:11'i' ixixx'lxx li ix'iiii l 'xxxxx eI in xxtxixililix Li' xx1i' 1 l ih 1111('ii Tlciii'hh'txpilii cxxiii iligix Ili0hl'} a ix'fx'xxsix'x' igixixi'111(1xxi : ]to N ix lxx xwxs thebal lx .tii iixiiit'i'i'iiiii' xxxthexliii's' y xxxii. . l'ixx''x' xxii xi'i'ylithelix' ixii 'iixi I lyiixg(?11111 iixixiig'li' xii si' lily xxI i 0 ly'i' fsi. Ixxx'xix'x 1 xx xix x' lxx i1'1\s kickedxi xoi'' a: t e lxx' l iioxiof 11wii' gxiii' xxil'11 lxxx 1 ii xx'x'ix clxxxiii xxxi li ii'lg'h schl xiii's 1171 lie.xixi_-lScolxi xixix'xiix''xthex lxii ii 'x1x.11tcn i- cs. llxxi lxx>;i (,ii. xxxi 1 lix liii' ixix'ix'x lxx lBil toHwliii' scol'x'iiixi yardiiilioxx'ix''x'thiii'lxii Some ieplep'thouiigi try'toIl se ?.111"it'ix l iiii 'iiiixl n s uili little W1e Sal 8uy ]hose Which Have Tla, 51 South Main st. BUY FINE FOOTW ER -AT BEAL'S SHOE ,STORE OpllCourtilouseMi) 5t If ix youxat to ct axtixnc lxiof CHOCOLATE BOIN-BONS Gheap; Hot or Coid Lunches Either I Night or Day go to R. E. JOLLY & CO, State Si: REUBEN H. KEM4PF, ixix le'xs ofic cixts xxiil lxx it, xx .x ad .t(- Si' e l r 's plays'. iglili l sxixi1x' I lxiixs xxxi lxxix lii. '1'c Frxmx I lxxx/Rixyax lxxons'rvar yxx' i.txtigxxct. lie rixixixi Dt .1.'t~' i 'l~crel I. Stuidioi 22 S. iiiortix St. Axixm Arbor:,'iixcii liii class wiork. It is exxxiii xli xxx x' i'iic' owxlx' lcx' In liihei's'colxx lixlftheiiilawxxx'i 'ixix'MERCHANT TAILORING Ciieaisiin 'xxsixfaneiingx 'xvxr. thatxthlii'wo'rk'L of Ii i'''l'ssei''i d '0iiliy s eter . ,x''"ix'xx I3 . (). c iii l)(. lxeiiill fro l i xi th xx' lxxxhe iHigh slxxxii donixneatly ixy il" ixart i clasiii ici ix l lxiii l ow edxii mosx texce'llen'ixi xxixxxix'x'. xOil i Pci- hhi chool x eal ixx''x'x' ;oaxi byix xi li lii.. O I CO A E wherverthi doe no, iterfre ith- - alld QinliIva puhed vertheTUTTLE'S, lxxe use oit lhxilxi' byihex' l~liii'x lxxi- Thanksgiving Trip. Hg'Sco'";gollixne'forxa x x 1re) + +48 S. STATE ST. oier, dxi =ix nniixsi lassi wor:xxiii . , x lxlxxdlxx xi x xfix xx +1 ozl a The I xix'x'x'iiiy flici'andxi1.11licichlianbs - thex drills iihxduxxbxh bellls, xxwxxxdx(Licked. ~__ ___ xli'., it ixililib e''ixssaryx' hati theriii T' xanksgixixxg x'xxx'xixxx Tlxxy xxwil i 'xxxhiliul xiiDuNixINGx Theteas ine il) s fllos: SCHOOL OF .b orDANCINGh rct rue fSyORLW.PSIIN IG COL gxiefoxurxmconcxrtsx'il xxin s xix ll oxxio T cal Ctsse iii Oiextix tup il ut e ofe d itxall xipll-leitts enuut xxii___x_'x'cxlii' \u xx lxiiixxi liw i e i ' ih 'iga . 171 lx c e Reeves-------xci -left taxkl--------- xitci r i on.xxxii All classesx are'undxier thx e ixer xnaxill-ii ofth linbstructom beixng ixe'rdmxl xilx' 'Mcliay ------left 'grard-------- tt rst xruction ox f Mr. axnd xlis. RossxGraxuger. Nix xxiid datex of ceixcemtsxxill lix is fllwt>x B r ---------ixcntri r stairs xtxxxxxxxxxi. Oticue andDninixxxlghallxxn "These 'il- ill xiiecxpy' lxxi 12i or 15Poi'gouxdxfloor, t.i Suxy ixrd xi. Albxoix, 'O'dlxlsai'. \ox' '28; Battx le, tiichi ------ rigi ____________________-----____Jones_ muinuxiesiof thue clas~s: hxoiur. "'ixmxxxxil Aihiexuuix---------.. igxt tacixie --. -Axuuix Ixi bei ~loclasses Stray ei btCreL, Thuxrxsdayxi'-, ox. 2 ); Itxxixxxxxx'xui, Sisbuixry---...xixli end--------Ruchmsoxnd OO S '' xFidaxyIxixix. ,?t; xanii Jxxxsoxx . 'Iilll'- ll ....----..----.-xxqu rer.....------ barshalW H S B O S O thue gy'mnaxxsiumx xil iux openiiforx'bixthsxiCawfor----------lefhi l f - --i ---Brow day, Ilux. I1. theixix .......... rgixtixxf........... Sic mcxx f'ruixi to fx h. 'Tcl lxii'xiiii'girx- rrihi i Si howalxtr-..---.-- fal luxack ------------ Turner e ofe.iic un xx i As to uifonitxs, tihcmu xcilxxbxix ieclbfilie ,l ecpins11Rferee, Parkeir; umapire, It. ihixirhand Wxffrdicun nIl xxiithue placesi visitexidiuon lthisi l-x.lixuexmaixFox. University Text-Books, requliremxents ximeSuit anyxiy Diuli- Tile Batli CreeLkipaipert promxisicthe Interesting Lectures. Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical ihuo suit mix e xxcd.'lix e oityi xxcrmixwded ihouse at that iplaceadSintfcBos must tbS 'wiioot hinls emrxxni, anxd ' xii voer iepam'- Aiiy it'rcstinxgcoxuxeof lec'resadceniicBox'ier 'e il ls eWe boy axid sell secood-handi ibooks. ib ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gvnar-e rdiniary cnvnaxs-topl tenis lis 5miilx i'lii iimoxcu. isSbig givex by Misin xlx'y at liie Matheimatical Jnstrumients arid ceptionexdd ___by ___the ______ ixixix ixxu xx cilub.ilxi Drafting Supplies at special ______________homesofoif e o tefaultladesrates. 'le offer Or. Fiiitzerald'llii post ux pr it- Bring Your Songs. on~ Tuesdalxy xafte'rnatoli siat-Iio'clxxxi. Best Linen Paper at 20C Per Lb. Ru-ersgs t coduc, et.xooryldh ixiseisx'oitexlfe'ndofrk BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. one whio heidisxx ticket is sxxupsedilto Str oesoudbing hisidoll xifofiathorsxwho havie wr-ittenxfor x'iuix _____________ act in a gentilemxanly Iilanner, xxnd the Daiiy -iwithie footiball sonixgs t c l ndixxn gvnas t Ar. 0LEAETr axnyone whoisdoes inot xwilScaxdeprix'ed ltxelimeting in thxe chxape lis aftr- Nobim's school of elcioin Detrl~'oit. 4+ WAIFHMAN'S llLAt FOUNTIN PEN. ++ of theouse of the gyoxo. sioni. Thxeixoon. Let fifty Iixin 'who is goinxg lx'ieletrohia'mf n iu regulatioi a s beecin xuade, aind xwiiiDetroit Satorday- altend Iltihieiinig Stocktoni, was ;giveix at 'irs, iris- TWOsW'ORES. cx I~ O EODPG. and help sweHllithevolume of soundi.,roll's'esterdaxy aternoonunivPsitoo eksiore, IDowa Taxi , E"OiT \ 'E O SEON PGE.oi aeSti.k pp. -Caurt Bossa.