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____ _.
MIHI A rP(A4 DIETAS & SCHANZ, WARD BROTHERS, 7iSped oin ecent ears bythoe sat
Time Table (Revised) July 71A8 7U".OF"M. TAILORLS ro neWito-hatteerhs been inaeohrithe ex-
EAST. P.M EST. M, aetancetstlso Foreign aotd Do- chckaBr ke s rge of tickets for tho~se wishing to"
Mai LaetadbetsyeSf oeg ' r k r Ex.._ 405Mail ---- 43mestie Woolens. Firstcas~s fit andlfirsteclass Tic eth's1llge,111111 routes. I osmyh
N. Y. Sipecial-_510 N. Y.Special _- o7 wo F lskguaran teed. oleanin, lreSSiI andS
Eastern Ex .. _105 1 N. °Linited.- _ z repairing neatly dooc. 272N.1-1igh St.,Clilntonl ]lock, 1111e(1e1m(1 by7railway rotspani'S esut
A. M.Pacific Ex--12 15 48 S. State st.. SeoFoorElel, Ann arbor.. 0Columibuls, 01o10aIwaysit aloss to the traivrlerwheit
Atlantic Es.-. 7I47i>1 .t .181;_hie.t hs 111( te
1)N.Espres -- 540 western Ex---1 :3 CATERERprl sd 'iea hsofc h
0. It. Ex press --11 05 (".li.Nt. I 5 2i HANGS5TERFER 1I.E. 'r ~iiIf" you woo o11kiiow hloss'l osaeiseller m1111110 poit01
o.1. Iuo-"s HW. 110A(E1, tinist" this lfim 01111 oflferforts ofiteriest, Pasour11addl~res5 ls olurli-t. tir
0. 11. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ant. Ann Alrbor.cirectly appea0'linlg to yo11r'p1r1se a111 ftllol-e re'flrences.
' " tl-("tllati- o iofotablle mode111s of tia-Al 1 le 1111' 10 85
T.".A ~ Y sit -at loss cost tai 5 -ol'rllly lnll-1,\ AH lt IltOT1I 15117.
faking el1'eot Sonday, Ang. 1 1194, ;l(i lplti iC115ls' 1.tillsllhse
.Trcl ie. 1 i rirohtiiISsilTRADE- A scoe e ars ago110'1 tle foiiiolotill 0-i2 N.high st.. 'lClolrnils, 0.
:8NORITH. I 5otT11. of tile prese'nt busnsll as 55laidi. It;- --- _
*~MARfK negottons1011 tis,' 1 we11 11(1115 lfor
E:18 a. ns.1,7Ea. rn- - -i I,0(111 il ifssSi~'tr
=12:25 p. inI11:301te ocpidbu e01urefe
* roisrn betwenAss Arbor aiSIToledo t(i 'sr -tillgitslsrsNll=b1/' II, --5
All trains daily except Sundasy. me & , A!ii(thlods oft ickletl thio s ee ri t Ill ale .1 lii 1Priclon ll i5-ll eachliIh' 11-
R01 INsli. S. GREENWOIO I),Agent litle ow101-li -1111 liss lppreciated. ls 'l 51 i , s Ol 11 0151
1.4d'hi~s lpatrons5 considerable10 5s111s,-1111 atI BUSINESS LOCALS.
C h ora U n io S eri s, th sain tim inak enouh to eli I n- loa,"rssserlellin thislumnIO likie rase-
'rt itn1111 fIo his t111111' oblel andl'' o111 51cellts per 1i111 Spec1iallats for1longer
tecnicl nowede wre eynd hetime,01111 extralin11115furnisheod by aiPJE
2llia lo l'~ ir roi i at tbe DIL ot iifll
1894-L1895. comprehens5111is f teargotil'1iIl ravilier. STUDEtNTS-0 1 IIN
ionservaiveisi l''u10son lseemedto 1111 1th1ilni'il10-'lki 110110
tha-itthere Imilst Ibe 511s'o11etiin(no rsshirts fte l'h~loays.IDo you.
1111111'r01t110 o-1111111 ali ng. 1111"- '111' -wish liie Best I)ress hsir t ion Iie11100--
1d1 i s t rell'i -ize s do m1111' l'(llr o eifIso, il ti 110 i1l11t15 dill oti Mr..
The followino' IS tlhelist of atttatitonls fottthel.s'elies of 1I ) 1 5 -r: : tdytha-t tileltiriikrr-igr 15il Ns-.1 1111tDtotsl '"eint fw-
I mos etibi-si-i 1111 lollllltl'l 1111 li i 1105)-Sirtil 1 -ho 51ill hi It the'.
I. ' November 19, 1894. Theodore Thomas' Orchestra. CoofoAmdicntshowevlr, l' re1i11 lll tol where'5he -.illbe leaiii 0 o 11111 any2-
accepit 'a trans1parent'tth,101111 Illl of the pailtronls Illthes10ofut. 1Daily
S~eidlas westernnlftractts h1111l0lsi fnledll. In 1211100 (f the if 1 it'e1one Gilt o Ii its IlitIpock01s.
111111ill17y w~ ish oIsure apoert lit-
eonfertannlotunced[ forn'Novesui' 1 2,. Theodoroe Thomnas' Orches- 't'he'r'eSar eletii'rsiiiisi111h111'n111110 inugshint.Shire tiro super'100ioroints.
tr'lihas15been engliged to0(r ive the opeilig cotilceit of the serieiistitifu -tly iiap 1111'ciat lieof ii) 111'.n11e11atitIl iisfr
not foiheiltailld1 ;ir 117eiothe.
Nos-eubor 19. I tit-o'tllolt"e a-itof t theI' i-itl"'B.i. 111
II. January 11, 1896. Piano Recital by Alberto Jonas. Thosi' whoilc-onteimpi-O'latemaingt'- (iii lfo iril st.trstMit.
jtt-ner ate prone 111 sleda oth tCok lneNv._
III. February 1. Choral Union Concert. Choral Union As- deal o0 time, 11101not 'a lit 0:' 11011 0y ST'IDNTS it you d(ilsirei' it-
70107ng;fot ot' -ailrodmI il '- t to ll' Ta 'b le B ar 2fo 11t) I11r:-i- isi ryI'-
sisted by Mrs. Ginevra Johnson-Bishop, Chicago, allolher makginquirlliells ihilit rates, 10.S.Ina115P-
Soprano; Mr. Gardner S. Lamson (University School chiedusles, classesdoetc.roitiwhichlt uOTtuesd-tyOlt. 211, Alr-.A. 11. ltose.
toake 11ip111tinitlllet'ry (It tiehpro- representng 1110 toldetnEagle Cloth--
of Music), Bass; and a Full Orchestra, posed toll) Oftn,alas' ill tilabIrtite lg Co.,00fDetroit, w"ill hr tthIe Cook
1a11 expbendituire' ress-ts illy 1in 1co Hiots is t ha111 legan57i1t lt i t of s 11h11 ..
IV. March 8. Song Recital by Mr. and Mrs. Max Heinrich. ftuson outd doubt. In Eutrojie hta-loft 1witter 'gools for stilts, ss-rroats amid
ers emiploy estietstr s-m two have tllliutoshies. t ilitipay 70o1 to iin-
Ssent all thtett lists iii the butsiness of slpelt til1111 of sailllls, foir Mr. Itost-
SECONID MIAY PEST'V L. 1Otaveling.l oethe icke~otbtok'' hiss a'shit g-in thacbestot tsatisfac-
mste014 ithasplants the cossiiet, and tionl and11av00 11e:1-. olIt. stuidenhs
V. Friday Eeig a -ypoyCnet tis stnmpler tand costs ntito orotor hutnldreds o sllhars. Ilotiit fsi o.
Evnig My .-yshuyCncrh0 m latters to h hiill' 1111totoorrows.
ou~tr crtrespsondentSti ae ini 10007
VI. Saturday Afternoon, May .-Orchestral Matinee. 1100ct!oOi Uic tts n
fuittsii us11aitly ithtliChc v-roy latest
VII. Saturday Evening, May .-Grand Choral Concert. quttio nstof r01aites all oser thle coonl-
try.- Knoss-in" of crrencit 1111(1ostttit-
It is impossihle to givls the exasct dates tif thte Festivail, anti tlatedl reduc~tionl s i i attmeir osrer
such infot'matioti must 1)e reservetd tuntil lafter Januaity 1st. 'tet'haniitillSraiil'od o' mpan'lties ,
thetirlmethlodhs precluding ttt heleey
Thla Boston Festival Orchestra will algainh take paIt.TIhe adoption o0 tbeso trequctit reduictios.
soloists swil1 be tif the highest tank andi every eftlillh1be SBy1110n1115flotr0t nerltconntotion
itade to make 1t10 Seco~ndiAnntta-lMay iFestivatl .atdistinct ad-1wtth ill hla'ce't'f 00yli mptlhortanlice in
the Un111011eScae'ii ane tit 110o0t 911-
vance over tile first. Bl'ioz' m~oniumhental 0w01rI, "710hen en~et for pa-trlons to scenihfur relat-
Damnation of Fauostwsill lie given at the closing octerht. 155r01es itorlfrien shpepay thoirtfares
fr10m11any17p1110000fIte coutryt'. Thtts
fetature is t gieat advraistage aud is
(dally u~sed. This miethosd is euaully
qsuicklilndhsatfe as thtat of senlding
Associate Membership Tickets, admitting tts entire seriesi iioney for traivelintg expienses of dis-
(including Festival), $2.50. Thle price for single tickets wsill he 10 tn rins ytlOf)ho xpes
. Tile amlounlts sasedh by' itese- special
for numbers I, III, V, VII; At) cents for numbers Il and IV. 'rickets rates toe consiuderably arger titan
May be obtained at Calkins' Drug Store, State st., Moore & Wt etmnore's wvould he suppose~d.
I~ookt Womenhandtlchildirentmay toav-el
Bostore, Ann Arbor Organ Co.'s, Office of the University School of from MIaine to California, frotti_ Minut-
Music, Ann Arbor; Normal Conservatory and Rogers' Drug Store, solo to Florida, as safely ao they can
Ypsilanti.. The price of tickets for the May Festival will be $ 2.050. ride in a street echr from thih respect-
hve homes to the shopping districts,
Pries desiring to order tickets by nmail will please address (including and ' we assure them a comfortable
P.Oorder) A A. Stanley, University School of Music. The enror joune y anld immunity from anxiety.
mnoos expense di the series mke it imperative that'a largeLaisp onzthnsieflys
athl asmuch as the men..
hebr of tickets should be soil..'o snig a11 the utcilities de-
Thlero is rootito ah flmre- os-110'ii
tlls Saturday eveninla hss -it Grang-
er's Academyi7. Thits ciluss is for ads-
vancted pupiils sily,- andsl ftorIs Ohi(-
aidvanitaiges' of01 It) 05 tilitCandiil--
strutionois mbthiied. 'ircutlar's lit
tiutsic sissies or hllltilh I.thecc Ii ly-
PARt OFH'IOhUSi- 't)OI" N" '.
'Thu, hiser flosioh f ho lesirishle,
huouse sOt2 SMonroe s't.,lcorneri'of
Tlwyer', fuilly furished.l Ni'onvont
to shc Sivs-oty11n111uinttess Dart of
the iity. Apiply to
AkNDIREW10'. JOOS)' 'tI'7/.
Monlo1 It',-C*ty.°
l'Tl;iIshlls81J 110)1 SLI'T)OJRNTJ.
rTo ldesirabule hosts l''at '? Moirose
st., cornerorfi Thayero'rtr rlelt fur-
isitll't thioimighly,-cnvienl~tly io-
csated both 110 ho SUnivsity atid buti
111000 portions of the cit1. Apply tos
211 Monroe st., City..
tDnehbills on Detroit andthYpsilan-i-'
hotels. Also a few I.lanodry tickets.
V~or further particulars call at1 Daily
office between7and bp. m.
Special atteton given to kodak and.
amateur work at 72-'S. 'Man st.