THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~II ~ ~~--~- Don 0 saiiway b'caual' aou have't' gI+-Of4j1'i' (La t*s.+ theiSong1,0,51ou1will 1b'ell'roviddwith ______the1111110r0011e 1111111111. TilS71''111tei Published 1Dai1y (Sundays exceptedi) 11 ira 11 cr0011 ill the history of lt'e1'lll51'Oity 1111' i~llll'gtywill (.11.o svill 1111' 101111 1to1)Detroit Salt- THE U. Of M, INEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, urdlay. 1and(1the footllll 117ng 111 70 OFFrICE: ''imoes1buildling N. hale St., oprposite post office. a Ion;;W07 I oWIII'110ll'llrtellilli,' and( inspiringll7tilol 11. 1 (11'oneout 111d1 1rill Subseti11i110pri2.511 1101yearl, inll-arialbly tionsa may be 'left a~t 11he1)ffi1e1ofthll' iAILY' At the Grand Opera House. at Stoleit's, at State st.Inewest~ad, 1withl 111any___ 71 h o'clkar. .Iif aey ar-ie to appell1a.h ett~i aeitwt n r sral 11ay. A ddr so11all attcr111ntendedlfar 1publi1- THE U. OF M~. DAILY, .Tuesda11y itill 11at1111 (raond Opierai Ann Arbor, 11111. JtHose wila ei ally0111111selecltedli 111- EDITORS. 115 11 ito 'ierpretit. It tosOSafe to1 P. P. 0001001, Lit. '1, Assisat. . A. f.elloa, Lit. l96, Atileie Editor. .1. 5 S.'EARLb, Law '9Os, Business anaager. , 17li edfioi'till' 0l'l'lt~il. Assistant. LITIRAR.t(LAll " 1111he iBoaery'" 1111 sensatliolll II. A. Ltnreor,'15. E. 1.. Fv'zs '95. Carrie V. Smith, '11. I. iIlrals10 5ilclMiar tai111 cgi Minsie Thomsipos,'15 aMEDIA.t All 00117ell, Li l ' lttl 11 1' a rr 0150 .I 51. TI, of tle 10711111011111t1br.ea1k11.t111 rcotnid forb' veliy of llirl The editlors o dnolt Ilaolthemslesereapo-as- d111fouslrilh 11110all occu lHtill' 0111- ailie for lt'e oiiosorl stOCatelments of correa- Ol lc ight foIl~llig. , _____ - pparng n he'DIL.liTe actioen of "''the11BIoawery.~1111' Msass MYeeting toamorrow.. sensa01tional 1a11d conic Ilraina. 1iy It. J. T. JACOBS. CHIAS. H. ALLMAND. JACOBS & ALIMAND, DELERX ilS la +.SHOET-iS. ++ COME AN ID.SEI- l0S. -Q The Washington Block. THE VICTOR TRADE MARK ianallbsl~olutaantee If quality. It isnel-Ir 001111111l lly btlie110b~at Victor Athle-tic 1G11111 ant:elwith Victor lBicyi'les. andal11r Ocosolag moreppolalreerylday. Foil linle oflBasebiall, Tennis, loot- ball, tGymnaiumland111Athltic Slup- pleas. Seand fllrl~l alllgaeo111Victor.Otlildric OVttERM;AN WHtr ieL.CO s1111erLEADING SCHOOL OF HUSINESS and SHORT- HANDc 11C oMaiylIo 55 lgoificentbuilding; ten teaceer10;lalge Boston. Philadelp1i,1 Det1rt. at011 01 or'- food discpline;superior work; a-ell Ne Nra-orkc, Chirago. ne. 1)111111 g rlaIindaroom; daily letores; Saturday ving::receptionsa; openothletrsie ar cel'- SanIraailro,LoAgls. Portlandl 00.1.1d droao 2Ho Ia$0.75 pe rel:is private 3'.on2 <^. Thertes mrerdced to i5o byself- -____------ loaid'J Foe Catalogoe address P R. CIFPPY. Pres. Academic Music ThEr GRAND OPERA HOUSE ________ONE NIGHT ONLY "COLLGE SOGS."TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 20 Mloat poplalr cllege cllectionl 0001 11011 III scan1111cilic'a Comedly Itrasla, tilhed. Over 300tt00 aldl. Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. The Charity Ball. "New arvad Sog-Boks." Direction of Gustave Frohosan. Heavy Paper, $1.00. -A Comnplete Production, Special Seen- ill regard11 to till' 1111171'of lilt.'Il 1101. 111111 11115 f 111'h111101' 11111xvill C astaltan a gi 2111'.loffololtall N5e-il-l ever dhsiredilbut it isthe ill' 7l'll'' he alloewedlloillaliy. 001111l11110 '_-11 p- 11011 the 1)111.1'1ac''c'pt0sechllogc of rtho Calgto lloolll'nd1111s ipe oialyI arhowemt li w11 llitlit vll llcte tilt sieedto5111011yi110offelean. Nl01c Tlae litrlai' ene111 lligeollcities t heoengatraettiii of thelihig Chcora10 l lifoilgllo..1to thie ho no.pre n an to irleeting tmorrowllat4 1our- nofrted. lhielscc of le sons detkgio.stasued0 anI'lle oheat lenwth teir pubaicappiectheschel placoutsidhePakefth a lstits The congoteouhstoawereaprine ofrit- dray'iosaoidsturhaliy'sodily.s rn aforedthan one Cbrng teinraon alongs ofnde letyueighubohave it. N. Stephensl, iprodiucedlllby i Manalgers 0111111 111711. 111111'i10swiftiness,. ill- dell. NOTICES. 'bill' tradte l'u111wsal110llimot ath residence of .Ju11g1' T. ..'ooley, 711 S. State 01., Slit.. Nov. 24, at 7:30 pI.1in. Jndge Cooley still sp1ea1k.oil'Ciom- piilsory' Arhiti'atioii." A c~rdbil ins- i- 111111n1is hreby e' xite'ed to all sill- deiits itll' graduilatel schooll,,toill l professo~rsan11111instrucltoles, an111o ill 1 laidies of ltie faculty. '97 FOOTBALL. FUND. A01ll toseosho haieisi' scribedi t1 a10 Isishi toi 1a11for te tieatl'liil'as1 01101111s possile. Isoill bhiniiiliii miain hail to receives-'ubscriptiionsa t tile following hiours: 'iTeday at 3 an111 -; Wedinesday at 19, andtlPridayl at 3. iRICHARD W. HAV\WKINS, Mall. Itt- Foothall Teamli U. OF ?1I. CALENDAR. Tot's., Nos-. 20.-P95 las s-t. 111711 schiool, inter-class foothall. Wed., Nos'. 21.-Mlass mneeting ini tciapel for pralctice of sonigs. Wdied., Nov. 21.-Freshiman social at Granger's hall, S p. In. Thiurs., Nov'. 22.-Phlilosophlical club maeets in rooii 21. 'Thurs., Nov. 22.-Rlegenats sleet. Thurs., Nov. 29.-Univ. of tChigo ve. U. of M., Chicago. Fri., Nov. 27.-Itaherlein ('oncert Co. in Inland League series. Sat, Nov. 24.-U. of 11. vs. Cornlell at Detroit. Sat., Nov. '24-Graduate (Clubin ibbes at T. M. Cooley's. Tues., Nov. 27.-Tlianksgiving recess: begins. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." iAs 00u1ng ilOthe'leading collegesfrotom1011 . Heavy Paper, $1.00. "Boot's Album of Songs." 'A newacolletion of 11i11-lyricaongs11,. by 1110 1101110r(f "lbeie'la a lthl toIililng tChalrles," 0011111 1isl inle. $1.00. Ally 001111 sent postpaid on1 receipt of preice. 00110foe bulletiasof t1111ew(Iral.iianld instrumlentlmuic. OLIVER DITSON CO., 413-403 Wahingtes Ht.,Boston. C. I.ODitsone< 1., NO Y Il.E. D1ts0n1S, C.Pila. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING (11n00 of State and SWilliam ts. Wildlim steltrane. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Fo0r Everyinig and Everybody. COUSINS & HULL, flrists, 26 Sc, lijruslf{ a. EXCELSIOR '+ LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST HIURON STREET. Good Wvork Guaranteed. Goods cailed for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years an the Busines4M -. CITY LAUNDRY, X. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, Time Table, October 7, 1894. LeaveoYVsolanti from Congress at., 7:00, 9:00 1000 1100a. m.; a2:45,2:15,51:00, 0:41, 5:00 anid 150.10 p. M. Leave Ass Arbor Junetionl, 7:'0,9-.30 and- 11:30oa. m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30,75.:0anda11:00p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Cogress t, 1:30.5:10, 5:00, 6:0osd 5:00 p. a. Leave Ann Arbor Jonction, 2:00, 4:005:3at 7:00 sod 9:30 p. m. Cars ron en city lime. Fare: single trip as cents; rouod trip ticeess2H cents. Wam. F. PAssmos, Sdpt. .The Daily only $2.50 for the college year. ery and Calcium Effects. PRICES, 35C, 50C, 75C AND $1,00. Big Four ]Route 5BES5T LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. E. 0. ic~CORMICE, D. B. MARTIN. Passenger Traffic Mtgr. Ges. P. & T. Agi. Cincnai, .Ohio. A. *G. SPALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. Every IRequisite for 1110 Game. - ~ Spaulding's - I Intercollegiate ~ A oo Football. - ;Adopted 1894 by the t 'ion, and most be uoed Ia all match games. PRICE, with infiator, 00. Spailg's complete Football Catalogue s.ent free. $Spaldin 's Official Football Guide for 1894",edited by Walter Camp, coscaining the new rules and other valuable informa- lion, by mail, prie ao eents. Spaldiog's trade-mark on what you buy is thieguarantee that the goods are the best. NrwaYourS Chicago. Philadelphia. K= XT61 3D B) E0C-.A vT E 1 Students Recreation Head quarters. No. 3 N. Slain Street. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE I&WORKS, Ladies' sod Gents' Clothiag Cleaned or Dyed:... 3 W. HURON ST., JSN ARBOR.