"THE U. OF M. DAILY. T HEF. 0. STEBBINS, CRANDALL TYPEWRITER T~ Y - 4BELIABL[[ gULVOHIYMAN ! "-:a M i, s selingcoupon o 1oks goodl r !vfor $3 for $2.50. 'rite oady Ihigh (Grade Mach1i.n n the :iltrkeonldiat a l~ra sneice.'lt' Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; "Permanent Alignment; Instantly (Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, .53 WE \ a ciroe st., AnArbor, Mlirt FLAG PINS $1.50. - Yellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of X5. or the year 75c. '-M. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. KALI ORDlERI YOUR COAL OF M_ ST2JAhE,, OFICE: 1i1 W.Wanhiegtensti 'Phone No.8e YAnRDS: M. C. R.1R., 'Ph'lone No. 51. UR& ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S 'School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saray M . , ebbeman beginners class. O9aturday, 4)). in., body lbeginrs rclass. .Xmdnra 7:300 p. no., Adranocd Cless (Ladles' an eotleoe'e) 'Tuesday, 7:310 p. a., lBeginnero Class (Lodies and GOcilemro). Private lesos by oppoitent. 'SCHOOL. 46 S. STrATE ST. BOOKS. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, -atctrt prices at the STATE STREET. Bargains in Stationery dad Note Books. Special reductions this week ora K. & Es Drawing Instruments. We have the bpest. ~PALDING'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING anid Sporting Goods for the new igymnasiqm. Come and see us. We are the largest dealers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN &CD1, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. 'V..plta. li0t00. Surplus ad Profits, X40,00. '.Transacts a general hashing business. Foreign exchangeo nought andasold. Furnish letters of credit. P.11ACL, Fran, S, W.-CLARIISON, Cashier. Vi Ss Hattie Long, gluitar, Mandolin and Banjo, 89 Miller ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. PERSONAL PROPERTY L'OANS. Qnr Watches, Jewelry, Diamondsad chattel mortgages an collateral. Diamonds bought and sold. Watches and Jewelry nicely re- paired. Office at any residence, 13ME.SLierty iA,..,clty. Roars: 8tol11a. a., 1 to3land 7Pio , . J. C.WATTS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED '241 E. WI:.IA1M STREET. DROP IN AND LOOK AT THE WHITELY EXERCISER. Iti has. ooequal outside of a complrte gym- nosicrnfor rxercising Ihoroughlyallbthetmus- rc. It is noiseless, hoo self-.adjusting re- sistanceroffromc 2 tot65lbs IEndorsd by the laing atletes rfccthe lacy. All p1-smar-5 rantedlrd't'w100years. 0C1l1 for catalogues. For s111e by R. L. BLU JNT. 14 N. Ingalls s1., Anno Arbor. A45 vN" ARBHOR STEAM LAUNDRY 00. 11igh Glen'. andDomesc inishun E.S. SERVISS, Manager, '231 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. To keep posted, read the Daily. DOC-CIDENTAL YPSILANTI, MICH. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK. btuents and ritizensould011 mabe this thrir hradqunarters iwhile 1n Yplsilan1ti, 11011I asureithemethey1w111 fine 1,11s ever, Mlost cordially, W. H. LEWIS, Prop. ~MIL DREFS, nest referenres possible in Europe, New Yorb City, Chicago anmd Ann Arbori 64i S. State st. Coane anid see us. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Annm Arbor, Mlichm. Capital Storb, 6$00,000' Surplus, 0150,000. Organizoed undthle Genieral Banbing Laws of tisi Stair te.Rciesdieposits, buys anid sell'. rsrbliligron the Frincripalrities ofthit Unied States. Drafts cashed upn op'per idetiication. Safety drpccoit boxesc to root. OrrICERS: ChiristianMi iack,'Prs.: WV.ID. Hamrrimnilm, Vire-Pres.; OCias. E. liscoc, Cashier; A1. .Foiltz, Assistanit Cashier. The Daily $2.50 a year. s cyi ,' i, t ' ( 7 \ 1k f i ,\ 1 ' r "a qF N t z3 r'" S7 IY y i a' A NOVELTY IN Bathi Robes !~ Thc famious Stars Crcscentflath Robees are now mnade in all the LEADING COLLEGE STRIPES Quality superbi. Made under our "Fast' Fur"le pateint. Price, in fine cotton terry, $7y; in fine wool lorry, ,$io. Dclivered free. Returnable if unsatisfactory. If1 not found at your dealers', send to us~ mntnioning college andcenclosing price. STAR & CRESCENT MILLS CO., Phluads., Pa. S TT't TTT tT^ i t M , 1 r 1 N 7 IL a N 0 A A-A A a p A m 0 -_ -m-A ICIA-01-a-m-ok ok - - - - --- LAMPS ! LAMPS!' LAMPS ! sdaller's Bodstore Formerly with George Wahr, IS E. Washington St. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Micellaneous Stunts in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E'. Washington st., one block east of Main st. ~i A. E. MUMMERY'S, S The largest bottle of TOOTH POWDER in the city for 25c,anyorony a if not perfectly sati- a g factory at w - NEW DRUG} STORE. HA[LEAS + J[W[LRY STO:EZE2 46 S. MAIN STREET. MOORE & WETMORE 6' S. Main St., and State st., cor- ncr of William st., have a complete stock of UNIVEBSIJY I[XI BOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Books and oier Stdents' Spplis Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , which tey oier at the Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY THE ELITE DINING PARLOR Cr. State and Liberty sts. EDWARD LEWIS, Prp. Boardera Wanted T'HE meficaD Douse Corner Washington St., ad Ashley t. Rates $2 and $3. JF'210TTE123. X. BTAZ3LEP., PROPRIETOR. 0-. H. 'WILD) [VE [EADNG JAILOB Elns the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest 'stock in the city. You Can get any sele- tion ydu are lookingfor. 9W'OM AND SEE US. 1E. 'OPsh igton,,t, near Main St. Make no mistake. Do you want a lamp? We can show you a great variety and give you lower prices thau any honse in this market. An examination of our stock demonstrates that it contains the best and must improved lamp made. Thirty-three years experience in the Lamp Business is wcrth something. Buy of us and get the benefit of it. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Thiere' will he a nmass eieting SWed- neoday or Thursday of this week for the practice of liar football songs. Rlobert J. Burdette, who was schled- uledi to appear before the S. L. A. Dec. 4, has been obliged to postponer is lecture till sonieliner in February. The first niunber in the Choral Union series will be giv'en Ibis even- log at University hail, the at- traction bring the 'Theodore Thomas' orchestra. The Hlaberlein Concert Co. will nlot appear before the Inlandi League this evening at the Church of Christ, the concert having been postponed until next Friday night. Arrangements have hbei Completed whereby Corneil will meet tie Hen- ley crew, the fastest in England, next July. The race will be one mile and 550 yards in length, and heals will be rowed on three successive days. Cor- nell winhed to meet Oxford, hut Ox- ford would not make terms until Cor- nell had defeated Yale, and Yale will not row Cornell The Cornell crew will leave for England early in June. Hare and Hound. Saturday mnorninug 14 hiotunids follow~s- eid the hiaree around town for a half- hiotires run. Tue hares swon andti iL first three hounds to finisii were Heor- ton, Bates and Thomais. The start *was from the old traliing quarters uinder the maedical builing andi the tbreak was left oni Volland st. The hounds had some eliffleuilty in finding floe break, and wvere 1it) minutes be- haind the hares. t U. of M. CALENDAR. ' Mon., Nov. 19-First number in Choral Union series by Theodore CThomas' orchestra at S p. m. Wed., Nov. 21L-Freshman social Re EGranger's hail, S p. m. Thurs., Nov. 29.-Univ. of Cii'eago vs, U. of M., Chicago. Fri., Nov. 28.-Haberlein Concert Co. in Inland Leabrue series. Sat., Nov. 24.-U. of 1M. vs. Cornell at Detroit. Tues., Nov. 27.-Tllanksgiving recess begins. In the last six mnonthls eight books, have been issued by .professors, at :alc, and lix moore will be Issued soon.