THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN, 14; OBERLIN, 6. WON ALL HEARTS. (i'. rI\LtD FROM FIRST PAGE. (tINTINUlE) FROM FIRST PAE. ed ionetr. Mlieligall hell sted- wing of the ainmy. and the sl'relliie' Iublislhedltaly (Sudays exceped) durngit,)ilrushed511('l slilti liniti (10wnitie at Appoitaa, were gien with a the Clleg year, by-e THE . O M.INDEEN BT SSOCATI f eld. On the 13yargds line, ('onley feein' anithos 0) talvel his TUE . I M~INUEENUNI SSO~AII~ ws injredtlalit Ioriees wnt in OFFIE: T 'imes building N. M1alt, t.Oppiesite tDygert aswent liratlililfor 10 yards and alliteilce'almstito ters. iiost offii. Bioningidnil will ttrughlthefie laulrels ctined boin nren n lns itu prie, 2.50 pe yeari itarially for a todown. 'Tiit Iis'10lilt('. sotitleri brows. Mond~e. Bariow, inadve.'iSingllitlldes Il'n is. Sllsrie linnning tol failed goal. lHanllokhookusher, ale ( lellan and iltils nay be let at si' ounlilaof 1heiDAILY, lill's anle was vsty}' sierly rat rl ived' iit atiellt'':It t111and at Staiel s, at State s. neel sttind, si lb aiy itr eneled in te last line up ti thiei af (le etoirs or'athoai'ieid seii'itr. o' tineIariotiexe-onfeerae. Comnaiuniatian.sbold reach te aflce by iPluikily lyedthe lii' fel outl. ill 7o'locka p. m. i they are t appear (Ieee sixtie remininig toi aintes Miebligan day. A ddress all materieteniieid tr iitili- irsad gtten te ball froma the kik-off atian tot the lalaagitig Editr.All buissa iiltelt' C~'rl il.Stci messamunleati. - sbiiOierlin 4,tillctattii4. ie.i T E U. OF 1M. DAILY, ntheltsecll.alMieli nl 1 i. kd Cuingbe10eeaiiil tall' 51 ilgai ainhed EDITORSIltigtt _mt, de iiai a~ s~5 F. P. Snlu, ~Lit. 'I, Asistn.iii antl]oug's 1111111t. wassitlei.i byi4t. H. CtLEAN, Lit. litAsssat. ltoiitigstiti, ieliitingttglig' ilt ./ 5 i A. F.'liOCKwessLt, alAssistantf,- .I. S. paits, Lt. ',RAtlicEdito. bl nthe' ysi'tasrdlie. Fitsuiigais S. EARLw'9,Buins anaer t 'klewegesiNvti'teiifui rishont ig ais VICTOR TLETIC GOODS Assistant iii Suigt.ligr~od t tid 2iyard --, Assistant. mildsVillaytoo01the tilt toetnstipot S. B. Siey,'Il F t iuni i itit tihe oal. ltititl'il5 iwlt5then iy i sI i tt oi 11. A . laner, '5. E. I..Fets,'9St. eat ven tsr 'iiit7%>inutes No tte estttdl we ae sceceedeil-sit Carie V. Sith, 'iii. i13I. 96eia, 5. ga ih~nS bril(.w ra~rd ciia bi- Mtinnie Tlompsan,'i7 MEDt~ICL: i ll iliti .Iteh itei sirdby t ciiclpulc-i E. S. Brtlett it at'97.maigorlnofBsblRt, C. erell, Lit'3. 11. B. taninin,'91s. looiintllgstiit t m'i'l tekikotmETL'--- wihau11. t i'ce ter, iiand Haddnii' oeabut"ills Teni iaeils, Rats- _______ (I, its tNielts siTginneia Ftalla, ______________-________________gt ill liiibill. Moigithentiithadil etthtetile aers iqulitiy All etopy must le t l'theoice lere tS0. toiptit to O lii s (ii ilitAn BUY VICTOR ATHLETIC GOODS. i. oh the day iof pudtlitin. offisiie gvsthttmtilit ya11 its I iii Tbe editosd oitttintl themslves resin- tiltSVillt rt-,' Obelin liicliiaindut OVERMAN WHEEL CO. ible Inr theaidpitnista teeuntsofl iolr -- Young putediti. IBtihtsilts xhulg ittei i trRce nondents, appariitg ini te RAILs. lAtlsafterliiifgilt Sui'iiB'iitclesr. ---- - -- --- --lson, t hiila elpit . D trit, Itsiotuldlrequiire lithleturginig frItr'ithettbluffitkitkis.tthl'i1igavet Nw IYork, (Chiago,. (Dear. Obltin lihi'btltuforout-silt'Obe- PCIFC CAS- 1111111 asbokn lll ]II tgg E-Fal'lsrlctio,L-uAgetr. t'ortiaul 01ity hai. aewshiot gtint5tidS25 t'trd hby A cadenm ic IVM usic 'uoou'hes]hutt Sit' blthott itihigal's 'lT' gatme'Siturtdity, th'lhii tl h oah htois tiui'hoiis t htiis ihtif.11 SNS9 duios n h fsthaf a nl 11 taiibrktuilttrifratel oa. COLLEGE SONGS. secondilall that couillii' iesirieid. All Mirhigan etarriedth ie ballthe tr -15 tlost popular tlee cotlletieer pb - lihed. Oee 00,0 sole]t. Heavy Paper, te unidtutlwe tll tutu stilt e 'ii'S'yrds tett Yontg broe'uttiite riss- 500cent; Cloth, Gilt, $1.00. itigly sit.e'liiicitory. s tiii',titri' s n h al a asdbc to mike 20 yards hss. lloomningsoit "New Harvard Song-Books." shtows'wsnioi'asyonealitdtltSbeirlint tutntetito ceterim,Youtng titking fair SInludig al the ieest iHarard lsongs muae atpuctiky, thughtilolsing ight. catehinatidkirking t25 yaris hut. Heavy Paper. $1.00. Thie sappy hplayingb ito ttuilu m n Ut DAergt ttie all 1a1111returnedit f 'lLEGE SONGSFOR GIRLS.'' tie seond hatlfShowsstheirixilli'ntt titimfine dingttasi' 5yan.Mcignigaied ttirogtheA snt'sheladn clegsfo1omn limitnmatpe fr tie(ortll "ttH 'uaine tihi HtgiittStrtgm u ev atigpi estims$1.e0s0or.nmi 1 0 hu~~~lie, btlt Sagg sats'habiuigind i HayPpe,$.0 tits mihis'.A tiitr 551 D rie turli'shat tlthe 'll atut. Boot's Album of Songs." a iosi siirs tsiti ('i'ii'h ti~i'' ii'i tlaciitihiat St Iuim. tid iygut urA netscoletilonm of ie 1jrival oms, iy ganme' titht Pennusyliruamt, Stiturday turned it 10 yards.Sitsa thelbroe the autuhor of "ieru'u a Ialt to Etm11g ts'il tlaeu ti iiithu ver Frunt t hrouglh tine ht, adtiotssing alul 'ck 'titrles," whiht isicelude. $1.00. lei of, rn 1 yads or tochdwn. Any book set postpaid oi reeipt of pre. oF footbatlrcollege,,. 'liii' ttide ts tr fu;o 1 't'nfratseiot.Snidhfoi buletis of lbee oali and iTameu, l2 miiutes. Goal. Seie 146. tsteumiientl msc generally 1rei ite ultgrultuittteduip l~oi Suithtbroke til tOberi',l1ct-,of teir gs'uleimatly co'duituuIlring lt'tiltSith~e rema~iinilg lit''e miute OLIV~ER DITSON' CO., gmsiiey. Evry~ maimseuiedt o bt' ilt Michigan tre Oeri's lhne tin pierss. 453-43 Wahigon St., Bostn. hms best behtavior,1a1n1dte isiting Sagg gate Oterliti another' 1) Yrs 0o1. ti tton omi&t., N. V teamtiwas,5 deighlted wait its recephtin. fr off-side, bhotheitui n Ut twas blroket J. . Ditsoo & t., Phila. tillaid Seter Villa,Iiehar'; atd Thlese utusn swil gutIhim'1a1d15tSll of IHenniger beganl takingtmgheiml al "' '~ F 'IID teir fair treamenR~tt aidtic tihiganl dotn the hield. tOnly tie call of She FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING attlmten aid itetlb tuensill revented atoter touhdotn sn.1 t rner of State and tWiliam su gain te reputationa of bin not only ball wsanoa Oberlin's s yards line W~ilim t. ettanee gentleenet, but of rettrning good for' swhuui the whitle bless. Fintl soer L WES'-ER Mihgn1.OelnG evil. tee Everything and Everybody OJaMl .....P...SleTIeNd . Setee I OSIS &HALLF illh26 to.aUniversity ae. Cole--- ---- _eftend ---------- Sener OUSNS Ol~ii elepo ell. That tornell Bantjou attdi Mandotlinl Fuver (Cat.--.left take-a-e----------Villa cutb baa 21 pieces. - ogrnd...........hleft guard..-----------fCare EXCELSIOR f LAUNDRY! MclMurray ...-....-center.-----..-..._. Smith The oldl gynasnilnatutHSartard is Streate ..------rgt guard .._-.enningee 20 EAST HURON STEET tengfitted op1e as rarkhtop for tie Fitek .'------rgt tke... Ru1ddelt God SWork Guaranteed. God aled fr Mterrim ------- right end_..--.--.--..- price and delivered. A. F. OVET, Prp. mtehanical departmttnt of he LOw- Randelph -----qartee...... Ferbert rence cientiic schol.Sotman -.---left half .F---- iharda 22 Years in the Business~ reae cetii cho.Cowley-.---right half.-----Dygert A depatch 6'0l11 Priiacetcu, 1. J., Young .ac..fal back....- wlomingten says (lat Dr. James _MCoah, ex-prei- man, Richard, l~llomlgton Villa. Rel1ooth-A ND Y dent of Princeton, is dyring. Dr. AMc-rotsjud..owley, Sastlkne oarheest. nm Cosh s moe 33yE as Yle Eeferee-Gage, Iarvard Cah s ew8 yar od.Lnman, Cook, Pesnylvani. ' X. X. SEADOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. J. T. JACOBiS. CGR1AS. 11. ALLMAN. JACOBS & ALLMAND, DEALER.ES IN + . SHOES.+ + C c N E A > SETh e W a s h in g to n B lo c k . Is ble LEADING SHOOL OF BUSIESS ad 5505- H55. tMagniieint kuilding; ten tacees;;laugs atedance; god discplie;;tipeicreacr;; -eil suplied reading eoom; doulyietueSauda rutningirecreptuons; penikheeieyear.lcehcp- tioalfaciliie oe placing stdeta mnpnsittoe:, Bordad reom 52to $2.75 pe went in pivteo lailer Tkesneaten edced to I' 5a y tll- bosiding For Cataloger addeett "P R. CFPY. Pes. 'HE GRANT) OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGIAT ONLT TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 20 iliur uo diimthliliestComedyiutama, The Charity Ball Direction of Gstave Frohman. A Complete Prodction, Special Scen- ery anod Calcium Effects. PRICES, - 35C, 5C, 75C AND $100. Big Four Route BEST LNE T0 INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOE TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. . . 5ieCOE1IC, ID. . IARTIN, Passenger Traffic 51gt Gen. 11' & T Aft miiueititi, Olints A. G. SPALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. Every Reusite for hu Gtme. 'Spauldings -0Intercoleit / ~- I Football. - '= Adopted 189d4ty te _., t.-'terohegiate Assoc- tiou atd mut be ued iall matb aies. P'RICE, wit inlator, F5. Spalding's compete Football Ctogue ent free Spldin's Officil Football Guide foe 1894, edited by Walter Camp, containing the new tles atd other valuable inform- slo, by mail, price 10 cents. Spading's trademariaott what you buy is teguaranter that the goods are the best. - Newr York. Chiago. Philadelphi. is TJ ER Inri 2 sA L I'EaN- Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. a N. Sain Stree. ANN ARBOR STEAX DYE WORKS. Ladies' and ents' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON 'ST., MARABOR.