THE UT. OF M. lDAILY. -----UHF ---- I F. C. STEBBINS, - THE NEmW CRANDALL TYPEWIE.~aIr o~tr 0 U NT L ,forerly with George Wahr, 19 - B. Washington st. Headquarters for YPSIANTI MICI. verything a Student needs in the Is .-eligc l~~ll li I5cov)lokstS o(l line of Text-Books, Stationery and fur 8fnr 5O SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, Miscellaneous Stock in genera. .~ I________MARTIN SCIHALLER, ev i d nd izid l ssdin i TEGW-ONBOSLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED yoi;i eas lo Iters while in I lisilInti, i a1THnOW-OWdOOSLLR a iu e I bteywill indes, as ever, P . fllAMST)lo' Nst cordiailly, 19 Y,.Washington of., one block _____E._II_____________RI",____. W.TH. LEWIS, Prop. east of Main st. F IC $ 50_ DROP IN AND LOOK AT fle soly lhigh ruii, Malrehol51theEMIL D E S .E.MMEYS >r (l aa>~e ozll ie THE WHITELY EXERCISER, . . UMER'S Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; 1 sIt ls q i tidIe oftiiici, comtplete t Te are>tbotl Changeable Type. i's )t le ofr 1.o1 ls Idorsed 13 by h leadinlg atlllseeoflieeuday. All parsear- lie.) iefernte5lssible in oesNe1v 1rknQof TOOTH POWDIIEIR ' J. S. PEARL, Agenxt, 1netS Isfort\olleas.ars. Call forcalo,1151. lity, Chlicagoind AnnsArblr) IIFort ee c Abc2ih Pisli by R0.1L. BL.,OUNT'r 14 N.4f-;i the city for 25c,~ F._Wasbingtonst.,_An_ Arbor,_'Mich.___ llleet., AseuAsbr. tii lt tateiSt..lCo e d See-u. - [LG PN $10 'r THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK b yumflyai YelwadBu u-STEAM LAUNDRY CO. AnArbr?ich C1a(pitlStock,; 5b0000. if not perfectly satis- aeit S~I) tons 60t. Ihighl G sse anud IDomnetic Finih. oini -1 5 und111e1l te1.e1eral I111)1111 a -s factor" at With U.of M. or the Sels e55 1 1e rr ilpi nt11 111 )1cit)iesIfIlle year 75c. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, I nt(lste. 1 i 1 1 II edupon rope 111111--e 'lSll1II)ITHAINi'X licitils. IetiSelty oiboxles toren. t NEW DRUG STORE. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. IlLerbss, ie-Pine..; 1"Ils.. FL lists), To keep posted, read the (Callier; M_1..F1111, Assistantl Cusi Daily. The Daily $2.50 a year¢ is HALLER'S JE1Y[ LRY NS A L LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS 1V_ ezAF ALO , Make no mistake. IDo you want a lamp? We eaii show 3011.1 giest (lIEI A1-Wlhi-tots 0 ,'lmre Na. 5 variety and give y-on lower prices than any 111)1se in this market. YARDS:Al. Cli.i., 'Rhone Na. 51. An examination of our stock demonstrates that it contains the1 best 46 S. MAIN STREET. MRS._______________ and most improved lamsp made. Thirty-three yeamrs experiene in the MOORE & WETMORE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER IS Lamp ills-ines s 1ewcrthi somethling. Buly of us andI get the benefit of it. Y_ f' S in ilimst., and State vest., c r- School of Dancing and Delsarte. :DEIA z & O0lf:iA..- 'ier of Wlim sl~v I4atluelay, 10 I. Ill., 151lIlemailibegillser.scltLS. 44 South Main Street. complete stock of Salsrel , 4 .sli., Ladylbesilll lass). Absa~crl~n nee I-s(.ide' UNIVERSITY NOTES. lssers. (lllsllsldl11 I~l rS. ll of I[R TH'T H and tiCO.ellsalul 155 (aislii .-., A.k . N. 1. 3 .. 1 11UIIRi Priva~te lessonIsby appollintmen~lt. Pelf. tirilii 5 11ill lel 1)1 to I)rho l si lrl'ls l 15114lli r-I ly N w a dS c n a d HOCFi t. 4, 6 S. STA'TE ST. n